131 research outputs found

    Focused ion beam milling of brass for microinjection mould fabrication

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    In this paper focused ion beam (FIB) milling (sputtering) is demonstrated for the fabrication of brass microinjection moulding inserts which have been previously conventionally milled. It is found that FIB milling of the α phase of the material results in much smoother final surfaces than the β phase. An annealing procedure for minimizing the effects of differential sputtering has also been performed. Further with the help of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and White Light Interferometry (WLI) measurements the FIB milling yield for 70-30 cartridge brass is determined and analysed. Finally, FIB milling of 5µm square trenches with a flat bottom surface is demonstrated

    The Role of Vascular Resection in Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

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    Currently, porto‐mesenteric vein resection is a standard procedure at high‐volume pancreatic centers. Experience in vascular surgery is indispensable for a modern pancreatic surgeon. Nowadays, only arterial resections still are a controversial issue. Nevertheless, attempts at resection involving reconstruction of the main arteries such as the coeliac axis, hepatic artery, and superior mesenteric artery (SMA) have been reported, although in small case series. An overview of the historical and contemporary methods for surgical management of superior mesenteric/portal vein involvement as well as arterial involvement by pancreatic cancer is presented. We compare the data from the literature with our data based on the examination and long‐term follow‐up of more than 300 radical pancreatic resections. Seventy‐two of the presented patients underwent pancreatic resection with simultaneous vascular resection—SMPV in 65 cases (44 with resection of the portal vein, 15 with resection of the superior mesenteric vein, 6 with resection of the porto‐mesenterial confluence), arterial in 2 and partial resections of IVC in 5 cases. Combined vascular resections were done in three cases. Both groups PVR and PR showed similarly close results in complication rates, mortality, and morbidity. Three and 5 years survival rates were 42 and 38% in PD group and 28 and 19% in the PVR group. The vascular resection must be performed only upon carefully selected patients with data for presence of resectable tumors or tumors with borderline resectability from the preoperative imaging studies. The prompt management of pancreatic cancer with vascular involvement should involve multidisciplinary consultation in high‐volume centers

    Apparent beam size definition of focused ion beams based on scanning electron microscopy images of nanodots

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    In this paper the new term apparent beam size of Focused Ion Beam (FIB) is introduced and an original method of its evaluation is demonstrated. Traditional methods of measuring the beam size, like the knife edge method, provide information about the quality of the beam itself but practically they do not give information on the FIB sputtering resolution. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the material dependant interaction of the beam with the specimen and the gas precursor in the vacuum chamber. The apparent beam size can be regarded as the smallest possible dot that FIB can sputter in a given specimen. The method of evaluating it, developed in this paper, is based on the analysis of a series of scanning electron images of FIB produced nanodots. Results show that the apparent beam size can be up to 5 times larger than the actual physical size of the beam and it is significantly influenced by the presence of gas precursor. It is also demonstrated that the apparent beam size can be used as a reference value for optimisation of the beam step during raster scanning

    Focused ion beam milling of brass for microinjection mould fabrication

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    In this paper focused ion beam (FIB) milling (sputtering) is demonstrated for the fabrication of brass microinjection moulding inserts which have been previously conventionally milled. It is found that FIB milling of the α phase of the material results in much smoother final surfaces than the β phase. An annealing procedure for minimizing the effects of differential sputtering has also been performed. Further with the help of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and White Light Interferometry (WLI) measurements the FIB milling yield for 70-30 cartridge brass is determined and analysed. Finally, FIB milling of 5µm square trenches with a flat bottom surface is demonstrated


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Artroplastia de revizie reprezintă tratamentul chirurgical al complicațiilor endoprotezării primare, cu scopul de a reduce durerea și a restabili funcția. Din datele literaturii indicațiile pentru revizia șoldului sunt: degradare aseptică (55%), instabilitate (15%), infecție (8%), fracturi periprotetice (6%) și altele. Scop. Prezentarea abordării chirurgicale în infecția periprotetică de șold al unui caz din cadrul Spitalului Clinic de Traumatologie și Ortopedie. Materiale și metode. Pacientului de 57 de ani, cu necroza aseptica de cap femural pe dreapta, i s-a efectuat artroplastie totală necimentată care ulterior s-a complicat septic. Artroplastie de revizie în 2 etape este metoda de tratament al complicațiilor septice, acceptată și utilizată pe larg de specialiștii din domeniu. Utilizarea unui spacer „hibrid” are efect antimicrobian local, menține lungimea membrului și anumite mișcări, ce are impact pozitiv la recuperarea ulterioară. Rezultate. La o lună postoperator a fost aplicată metoda DAIR (debridare, antibioticoterapie și reținerea implantului). La 3 luni postoperator au reapărut semnele de infecție, s-a efectuat prima etapă de revizie cu înlăturarea protezei primare și aplicarea unui spacer artizanal „hibrid” cu ciment osos încărcat cu antibiotice. La 6 luni postoperator s-a efectuat etapa a doua, artroplastie de revizie cu proteză cimentată. Concluzii. Artroplastia de revizie în două etape rămâne standardul de aur pentru infecțiile periprotetice. În pofida posibilităților ortopedice avansate în managementul infecției periprotetice fiecare artroplastie de revizie este o provocare pentru chirurgul ortoped și necesită o abordare multidisciplinară și complexă.Background. Revision arthroplasty is the surgical treatment of the primary endoprosthesis complications, in order to reduce pain and restore function. From the literature data, the indications for hip revision are: aseptic loosening (55%), instability (15%), infection (8%), periprosthetic fractures (6%) and others. Purpose. Presentation of the surgical approach in the periprosthetic hip infection of a case from the Clinical Hospital of Traumatology and Orthopedics. Methods and materials. A 57-year-old patient with aseptic necrosis of the right femoral head underwent total non-cement arthroplasty followed by septic complication. 2-stage revision arthroplasty is the method of septic complications treatment, accepted and widely used by specialists. The use of a „hybrid” spacer has a local antimicrobial effect, maintains limb length and certain movements, which has a positive impact on subsequent recovery. Results. At one month postoperatively, the DAIR method (debridement, antibiotic therapy, and implant retention) was applied. At 3 months postoperatively, the signs of infection reappeared, the first stage of revision was performed with the removal of the primary prosthesis and the application of a „hybrid” artisanal spacer with antibiotic-loaded bone cement. At 6 months postoperatively performed the second stage, revision arthroplasty with cemented prosthesis. Conclusion. Two-stage revision arthroplasty remains the gold standard for periprosthetic infections. Despite the advanced orthopedic possibilities in the management of periprosthetic infection, each revision arthroplasty is a challenge for the orthopedic surgeon and requires a multidisciplinary and complex approach

    Abordare chirurgicală în infecția periprotetică de șold. Caz clinic

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    Background. Revision arthroplasty is the surgical treatment of the primary endoprosthesis complications, in order to reduce pain and restore function. From the literature data, the indications for hip revision are: aseptic loosening (55%), instability (15%), infection (8%), periprosthetic fractures (6%) and others. Purpose. Presentation of the surgical approach in the periprosthetic hip infection of a case from the Clinical Hospital of Traumatology and Orthopedics. Methods and materials. A 57-year-old patient with aseptic necrosis of the right femoral head underwent total non-cement arthroplasty followed by septic complication. 2-stage revision arthroplasty is the method of septic complications treatment, accepted and widely used by specialists. The use of a „hybrid” spacer has a local antimicrobial effect, maintains limb length and certain movements, which has a positive impact on subsequent recovery. Results. At one month postoperatively, the DAIR method (debridement, antibiotic therapy, and implant retention) was applied. At 3 months postoperatively, the signs of infection reappeared, the first stage of revision was performed with the removal of the primary prosthesis and the application of a „hybrid” artisanal spacer with antibiotic-loaded bone cement. At 6 months postoperatively performed the second stage, revision arthroplasty with cemented prosthesis. Conclusion. Two-stage revision arthroplasty remains the gold standard for periprosthetic infections. Despite the advanced orthopedic possibilities in the management of periprosthetic infection, each revision arthroplasty is a challenge for the orthopedic surgeon and requires a multidisciplinary and complex approach.Background. Revision arthroplasty is the surgical treatment of the primary endoprosthesis complications, in order to reduce pain and restore function. From the literature data, the indications for hip revision are: aseptic loosening (55%), instability (15%), infection (8%), periprosthetic fractures (6%) and others. Purpose. Presentation of the surgical approach in the periprosthetic hip infection of a case from the Clinical Hospital of Traumatology and Orthopedics. Methods and materials. A 57-year-old patient with aseptic necrosis of the right femoral head underwent total non-cement arthroplasty followed by septic complication. 2-stage revision arthroplasty is the method of septic complications treatment, accepted and widely used by specialists. The use of a „hybrid” spacer has a local antimicrobial effect, maintains limb length and certain movements, which has a positive impact on subsequent recovery. Results. At one month postoperatively, the DAIR method (debridement, antibiotic therapy, and implant retention) was applied. At 3 months postoperatively, the signs of infection reappeared, the first stage of revision was performed with the removal of the primary prosthesis and the application of a „hybrid” artisanal spacer with antibiotic-loaded bone cement. At 6 months postoperatively performed the second stage, revision arthroplasty with cemented prosthesis. Conclusion. Two-stage revision arthroplasty remains the gold standard for periprosthetic infections. Despite the advanced orthopedic possibilities in the management of periprosthetic infection, each revision arthroplasty is a challenge for the orthopedic surgeon and requires a multidisciplinary and complex approach


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     Предметом дослідження в статті є режими роботи авіаційного двигуна ТВ3-117 та методи їх контролю і діагностики. Мета роботи – розробка методів контролю і діагностики технічного стану авіаційного двигуна ТВ3-117 на основі нейромережевих технологій у режимі реального часу. В статті вирішуються наступні завдання: обґрунтування передумов застосування нейронних мереж у задачі контролю і діагностики технічного стану авіаційного двигуна ТВ3-117, побудова узагальненої нейронної мережі та вибір алгоритму її навчання, розв’язок задачі контролю параметрів технічного стану авіаційного двигуна ТВ3-117 із застосуванням нейронних мереж. Використовуються такі методи: методи теорії ймовірностей і математичної статистики, методи нейроінформатики, методи теорії інформаційних систем та обробки даних. Отримано наступні результати: Обґрунтовано доцільність застосування нейронних мереж у задачі контролю і діагностики технічного стану авіаційного двигуна ТВ3-117. Обґрунтовано доцільність розробки нейронних мереж на базі на базі нейрорегулятора NN Predictive Controller. Обґрунтовано доцільність застосування градієнтного методу навчання нейронних мереж, а також розроблено метод навчання нейрорегулятора на основі нейромодулятора із застосуванням методу зворотного поширення помилки. Отримано розв’язок задачі контролю параметрів технічного стану авіаційного двигуна ТВ3-117, який підтверджує доцільність застосування нейронних мереж у задачі контролю і діагностики технічного стану авіаційного двигуна ТВ3-117. Висновки: Застосування нейромережевих технологій э ефективним при розв’язку широкого кола погано формалізованих задач, однією з яких є задача контролю технічного стану авіаційного двигуна ТВ3-117. Перевагою нейронних мереж при їх застосуванні у задачах контролю і діагностики технічного стану авіаційного двигуна ТВ3-117 є можливість роботи з малими навчальними вибірками, призначенням м’яких допусків, використанням досвіду експертів для оцінки технічного стану авіаційного двигуна ТВ3-117, що є важливим в умовах неповноти інформації.Ключові слова: авіаційний двигун, нейронна мережа, технічний стан, контроль і діагностикаThe subject of the study in the article is the modes of operation of the aircraft engine TV3-117 and methods of their control and diagnostics.  The purpose of the work is to develop methods of control and diagnostics of the technical condition of the aircraft engine TV3-117 on the basis of neural network technologies in real time.  The following tasks are solved: substantiation of the preconditions of the use of neural networks in the task of control and diagnostics of the technical condition of the aircraft engine TV3-117, construction of the generalized neural network and the choice of the algorithm for its training, the solution of the task of controlling the parameters of the technical condition of the aircraft engine TV3-117 with the use of neural networks.  The following methods are used: methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics, methods of neuroinformatics, methods of the theory of information systems and data processing.  The following results were obtained: The feasibility of using neural networks in the task of controlling and diagnosing the technical condition of the aircraft engine TV3-117 was substantiated.  The expediency of developing neural networks based on the NN Predictive Controller. The expediency of using the gradient method of teaching neural networks is substantiated, as well as the method of training a neuro-regulator based on a neuro-modulator with the use of the method of reverse error propagation.  The expediency of using the gradient method of teaching neural networks is substantiated, as well as the method of training a neuro-regulator based on a neuro-modulator with the use of the method of reverse error propagation. The solution of the task of controlling the parameters of the technical condition of the aircraft engine ТВ3-117, which confirms the expediency of using neural networks in the task of control and diagnostics of the technical condition of the aircraft engine TV3-117, is obtained. Conclusions: The application of neural network technologies is effective in solving a wide range of poorly formalized tasks, one of which is the task of controlling the technical condition of the aircraft engine TV3-117. The advantage of neural networks in their application in the tasks of control and diagnostics of the technical condition of the aircraft engine TV3-117 is the possibility of working with small training samples, the appointment of soft tolerances, using the experience of experts to assess the technical condition of the aircraft engine TV3-117, which is important in the condition’s information incompleteness.Keywords: engine, neural network, technical condition, control and diagnosi

    Allografting of acetabular defects as an alternative method in hip revision arthroplasties

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    „Nicolae Testemitanu" State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Chisinau Republic of Moldova, Medpark International Hospital, Chisinau Republic of Moldova, Clinical hospital of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Chisinau Republic of Moldova, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, Ziua internațională a științei pentru pace și dezvoltareIntroduction. Meta-analysis of studies shows that approximately 1/3 of patients with instability of acetabular components after primary hip arthroplasty have huge acetabular defects. The prevalence of hip revision arthroplasty is 7-18%. Purpose. To determine the possibilities and effectiveness of restoring acetabular bone defects using allogeneic bone material in hip revision arthroplasty Material and methods. A descriptive study was performed in the period 2017-2020 on a group of 72 patients (79 hips) admitted to Department no. 8 within the Clinical hospital of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Patients underwent radiolographic examination and computed tomography. Results. Acetabular defects were distributed according to the W. G. Paprosky classification (fig. 1). Depending on the degree of defect, the patients were distributed as follows: type 1 - 15 (18,9%), type 2 - 41 (51.8%) and type 3 - 23 (29,1%). It should be noted that according to the Paprosky classification, good results were obtained in the treatment with allografts in all the types, notwithstanding the more advanced defects in the type 2 and 3. Conclusions. Our patients showed good allogenic bone ingrowth in relation to the acetabular bed and good bone restructuring and incorporation in relation to the implant. Neither mechanical failure of implants nor graft rejection were recorded These results suggest that despite the degree of acetabular bone deficit, we can obtain good results, even in type 3, having at hand the technical possibility of bone plasty and the revision implant

    Tratamentul chirurgical al gonartrozei: protocol clinic naţional PCN-382

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    Acest protocol a fost elaborat de grupul de lucru al Ministerului Sănătății, Muncii și Protecţiei Sociale al Republicii Moldova (MSMPS RM), constituit din specialiştii IMSP SCTO și Catedrei ortopedie și traumatologie a USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”. PCN este elaborat în conformitate cu ghidurile internaţionale actuale privind Tratamentul Chirurgical al Gonartrozei (TCG) şi va servi drept bază pentru elaborarea protocoalelor instituţionale. La recomandarea MSMPS, pentru monitorizarea protocoalelor instituţionale pot fi folosite formulare suplimentare, care nu sunt incluse în protocolul clinic naţional