2,022 research outputs found

    QCD-Thermodynamics using 5-dim Gravity

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    We calculate the critical temperature and free energy of the gluon plasma using the dilaton potential arXiv:0911.0627[hep-ph] in the gravity theory of AdS/QCD. The finite temperature observables are calculated in two ways: first, from the Page-Hawking computation of the free energy, and secondly using the Bekenstein-Hawking proportionality of the entropy with the area of the horizon. Renormalization is well defined, because the T=0 theory has asymptotic freedom. We further investigate the change of the critical temperature with the number of flavours induced by the change of the running coupling constant in the quenched theory. The finite temperature behaviour of the speed of sound, spatial string tension and vacuum expectation value of the Polyakov loop follow from the corresponding string theory in AdS_5.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figure

    Cavity solitons in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers

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    We investigate a control of the motion of localized structures of light by means of delay feedback in the transverse section of a broad area nonlinear optical system. The delayed feedback is found to induce a spontaneous motion of a solitary localized structure that is stationary and stable in the absence of feedback. We focus our analysis on an experimentally relevant system namely the Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser (VCSEL). In the absence of the delay feedback we present experimental evidence of stationary localized structures in a 80 μ\mum aperture VCSEL. The spontaneous formation of localized structures takes place above the lasing threshold and under optical injection. Then, we consider the effect of the time-delayed optical feedback and investigate analytically the role of the phase of the feedback and the carrier lifetime on the self-mobility properties of the localized structures. We show that these two parameters affect strongly the space time dynamics of two-dimensional localized structures. We derive an analytical formula for the threshold associated with drift instability of localized structures and a normal form equation describing the slow time evolution of the speed of the moving structure.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Direct observation of mode-coupling instability in two-dimensional plasma crystals

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    Dedicated experiments on melting of 2D plasma crystals were carried out. The melting was always accompanied by spontaneous growth of the particle kinetic energy, suggesting a universal plasma-driven mechanism underlying the process. By measuring three principal dust-lattice (DL) wave modes simultaneously, it is unambiguously demonstrated that the melting occurs due to the resonance coupling between two of the DL modes. The variation of the wave modes with the experimental conditions, including the emergence of the resonant (hybrid) branch, reveals exceptionally good agreement with the theory of mode-coupling instability.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Delayed feedback control of self-mobile cavity solitons in a wide-aperture laser with a saturable absorber

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    We investigate the spatiotemporal dynamics of cavity solitons in a broad area vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser with saturable absorption subjected to time-delayed optical feedback. Using a combination of analytical, numerical and path continuation methods we analyze the bifurcation structure of stationary and moving cavity solitons and identify two different types of traveling localized solutions, corresponding to slow and fast motion. We show that the delay impacts both stationary and moving solutions either causing drifting and wiggling dynamics of initially stationary cavity solitons or leading to stabilization of intrinsically moving solutions. Finally, we demonstrate that the fast cavity solitons can be associated with a lateral mode-locking regime in a broad-area laser with a single longitudinal mode

    Boundary Shape and Casimir Energy

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    Casimir energy changes are investigated for geometries obtained by small but arbitrary deformations of a given geometry for which the vacuum energy is already known for the massless scalar field. As a specific case, deformation of a spherical shell is studied. From the deformation of the sphere we show that the Casimir energy is a decreasing function of the surface to volume ratio. The decreasing rate is higher for less smooth deformations.Comment: 12 page

    Radiometric force in dusty plasmas

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    A radiofrequency glow discharge plasma, which is polluted with a certain number of dusty grains, is studied. In addition to various dusty plasma phenomena, several specific colloidal effects should be considered. We focus on radiometric forces, which are caused by inhomogeneous temperature distribution. Aside from thermophoresis, the role of temperature distribution in dusty plasmas is an open question. It is shown that inhomogeneous heating of the grain by ion flows results in a new photophoresis like force, which is specific for dusty discharges. This radiometric force can be observable under conditions of recent microgravity experiments.Comment: 4 pages, amsmat

    Twist Deformation of the rank one Lie Superalgebra

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    The Drinfeld twist is applyed to deforme the rank one orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra osp(12)osp(1|2). The twist element is the same as for the sl(2)sl(2) Lie algebra due to the embedding of the sl(2)sl(2) into the superalgebra osp(12)osp(1|2). The R-matrix has the direct sum structure in the irreducible representations of osp(12)osp(1|2). The dual quantum group is defined using the FRT-formalism. It includes the Jordanian quantum group SLξ(2)SL_\xi(2) as subalgebra and Grassmann generators as well.Comment: LaTeX, 9 page

    Five-Loop Vacuum Energy Beta Function in phi^4 Theory with O(N)-Symmetric and Cubic Interactions

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    The beta function of the vacuum energy density is analytically computed at the five-loop level in O(N)-symmetric phi^4 theory, using dimensional regularization in conjunction with the MSbar scheme. The result for the case of a cubic anisotropy is also given. It is pointed out how to also obtain the beta function of the coupling and the gamma function of the mass from vacuum graphs. This method may be easier than traditional approaches.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX; "note added" fixe

    Environments for Magnetic Field Amplification by Cosmic Rays

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    We consider a recently discovered class of instabilities, driven by cosmic ray streaming, in a variety of environments. We show that although these instabilities have been discussed primarily in the context of supernova driven interstellar shocks, they can also operate in the intergalactic medium and in galaxies with weak magnetic fields, where, as a strong source of helical magnetic fluctuations, they could contribute to the overall evolution of the magnetic field. Within the Milky Way, these instabilities are strongest in warm ionized gas, and appear to be weak in hot, low density gas unless the injection efficiency of cosmic rays is very high.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures; Accepted to Ap