218 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Formation Process of Hazardous and Harmful Production Factors When Cutting a Stone for Construction Works

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    Stone cutting for construction work is carried out by disk diamond wheels the rotation speed of which, and, consequently, the cutting speed is 35-50 m/s. In view of the high intensity of the cutting process and intensive microchip formation, the process of stone cutting is accompanied by considerable dust formation, which can be both harmful and dangerous in the work.The greatest danger is represented by dust particles, which dimensions are 5 μm or less. These particles have the greatest pathogenic effect on the respiratory system of the human body. In addition, the settling time of these particles is measured in hours. Thus, even after the termination of work, the risk of dust exposure to the human body remains. Insignificant time of inhalation of these particles can lead a person to disability and death. Insurance payments in case of disability and compensation in case of death of an employee for these reasons all over the world amount to multibillion sums, which, even for this reason, makes the issue of combating this phenomenon very urgent.In this paper, the process of generation of hazardous and harmful production factors arising as a result of dust formation during the stone cutting, the regularity of dust distribution by fractions, quantitative indicators of the process for improving equipment, as well as individual and collective means of personnel protection are determined. The shape and dimensions of the cutting grains of the cutting discs are studied in the paper, depending on the grain material and the grain size of the cutting disc. Thecurvature radii of the cutting grains depend on the grain material and the grain size of the cutting disc. The actual number of grains participating in cutting and, consequently, in dust formation is shown.The dimensions of the dust particles depend on the graininess of the cutting discs and the processing regimes. Using the law of normal particle size distribution, the percentage of dust particles is determined depending on processing conditions. The rate of particle settling depends on their size and mass. The formation of a dust-air mixture and its probable concentration and chemical composition of dust depend on the chemical composition of the cutting materials.Regularities are obtained, which can give an opportunity to improve the individual and collective protection of workers from this harmful production factor

    Analitic Investigation of the Regularities of Changing Dust Concentration During the Abrasive Decrease of Stone Structures

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    In the process of repair or restoration of building structures, it is often necessary to strengthen building structures from limestone-shell rock, concrete, reinforced concrete, hard materials-granite, basalt, etc. by cutting or making cuts of the required size with detachable circles of synthetic diamond and cubic boron nitride (CA and CBN)The cutting process is accompanied by considerable dust formation, which can be both harmful and dangerous factor in the work.The aim of the work is studying the process of dust sedimentation and the regularity of the change in dust concentration during the abrasive cutting of concrete and stone materials.Mathematical models have been developed – dust emission from under the wheel, speed of sedimentation of dust particles depending on their material, size and shape, and also depending on temperature, pressure and humidity, the concentration of dust in the working space and the concentration change during the cutting cycle are calculated.It is shown that the velocity of the sedimentation of particles depends significantly on the shape. The higher the sphericity, the higher the sedimentation rate. The ambient temperature has little effect on the sedimentation rate, in the temperature range (-20 → + 40 °C) at which the operation takes place.The sedimentation rate of dust particles generated by cutting the most common building stone materials also differs slightly. Almost the same sedimentation rate has dust particles obtained by cutting basalt and concrete. A bit higher is the sedimentation rate of particles from granite.The sedimentation rate of particles of generated dust is about 600-700 cm/h or 10-11 cm/min for particles measuring 6 μm. This means that at a production height of about 2 m (200 cm) during the operating cycle (about 3 min), the dust will remain at an altitude of about 1.5 m, i.е. practically remains in the working area. This gives grounds to assert about a high concentration of dust during the cutting cycle (about 4.8 108/m3)

    Emittance growth mechanisms in the Tevatron beams

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    In this article we present results of emittance growth measurements in the Tevatron beams. Several mechanisms leading to transverse and longitudinal diffusions are analyzed and their contributions estimated.Comment: 7 p

    Coexistence of triplet superconductivity and itinerant ferromagnetism

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    The triplet superconductivity in UGe2UGe_2 and URhGeURhGe coexists with itinerant ferromagnetism such that in the pressure-temperature phase diagram the whole region occupied by the superconducting state is situated inside a more vast ferromagnetic region. In the same family metal UCoGe the pressure dependent critical lines T_{Curie}(P) and T_{sc}(P) of the ferromagnet and the superconducting phase transitions intersect each other. The two-band multidomain superconducting ferromagnet state arises at temperatures below both of these lines. Here I describe the symmetry and the order parameters of the paramagnet as well of the multidomain ferromagnet superconducting states. The Josephson coupling between two adjacent ferromagnet superconducting domains is discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, published in the Proceedings of L.D.Landau 100 years Memorial Conferenc

    Optimality in self-organized molecular sorting

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    We introduce a simple physical picture to explain the process of molecular sorting, whereby specific proteins are concentrated and distilled into submicrometric lipid vesicles in eukaryotic cells. To this purpose, we formulate a model based on the coupling of spontaneous molecular aggregation with vesicle nucleation. Its implications are studied by means of a phenomenological theory describing the diffusion of molecules towards multiple sorting centers that grow due to molecule absorption and are extracted when they reach a sufficiently large size. The predictions of the theory are compared with numerical simulations of a lattice-gas realization of the model and with experimental observations. The efficiency of the distillation process is found to be optimal for intermediate aggregation rates, where the density of sorted molecules is minimal and the process obeys simple scaling laws. Quantitative measures of endocytic sorting performed in primary endothelial cells are compatible with the hypothesis that these optimal conditions are realized in living cells

    One-dimensional Anderson Localization: Devil's staircase of Statistical Anomalies

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    The statistics of wavefunctions in the one-dimensional (1d) Anderson model of localization is considered. It is shown that at any energy that corresponds to a rational filling factor f=p/q there is a statistical anomaly which is seen in expansion of the generating function (GF) to the order (q-2) in the disorder parameter. We study in detail the principle anomaly at f=1/2f=1/2 that appears in the leading order. The transfer-matrix equation of the Fokker-Planck type with a two-dimensional internal space is derived for GF. It is shown that the zero-mode variant of this equation is integrable and a solution for the generating function is found in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 4 pages RevTex, 1 pictur

    Spatial statistics of passive scalar in two-dimensional shear flow with fluctuations

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    We examine statistical properties of the passive scalar field advected by the flow consisting of the regular shear flow and of irregular flow fluctuations. We consider the particular case of two-dimensional flow where the shear flow is dominating and the random flow is smooth. We examine both the decaying case and the case of the permanent supply of the passive scalar fluctuations. In both cases the passive scalar possesses strong intermittence, that can be characterized via the single-point moments and correlation functions, calculated in our work. We reveal features of the correlation functions related to the strong anisotropy of the flow. Our qualitative results are universal. Some quantitative results are obtained in the framework of the model where the flow fluctuations are short correlated in time.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    On L2L^2 -functions with bounded spectrum

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    We consider the class PW(Rn)PW(\mathbb R^n) of functions in L2(Rn)L^2(\mathbb R^n), whose Fourier transform has bounded support. We obtain a description of continuous maps φ:Rm→Rn\varphi : \mathbb R^m\rightarrow\mathbb R^n such that f∘φ∈PW(Rm)f\circ\varphi\in PW(\mathbb R^m) for every function f∈PW(Rn)f\in PW(\mathbb R^n). Only injective affine maps φ\varphi have this property

    Ambient betatron motion and its excitation by ghost lines in Tevatron

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    Transverse betatron motion of the Tevatron proton beam is measured and analyzed. It is shown that the motion is coherent and excited by external sources of unknown origins. Observations of the time varying ghost lines in the betatron spectra are reported.Comment: 9 p
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