7 research outputs found

    Immobilisation of bifidobacteria in biodegradable food-grade microparticles

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    The present research features a natural polymer that can be used for immobilisation of bifidobacteria as well as a method of immobilisation. We described a modified method of microencapsulation of probiotics using sodi- um alginate. The experiment studied the effect of encapsulation on probiotic stability and involved an in vitro model of human digestive tract. The test sample of microencapsulated Bifi obacterium bifi um 791 showed a decrease in the activity from 3.0×107 to 2.2×105 CFU/ml in a mouse model with pH 1.2. By contrast, the control sample, unprotected by biodegradable polymer microcapsules, demonstrated a higher death rate of bifidobacteria: from 2.6×108 CFU/ml to 5.0×103 CFU/ml. The control sample demonstrated the same downward trend in in vitro gastrointestinal models with pH values of 4.5, 6.8, 7.2, and 5.8. Because the total plate count fell down to 4.0l g CFU/ml in acidity gradients, the titres of the initial microencapsulated biomass had to be increased up to > 109 CFU/ml. According to the results of scanning electron microscopy, the new type of microcapsules obtained by using a resistant starch had a closed sur- face. Prebiotics increased the resistance of bacteria to low pH and bile salts. Bifidobacteria encapsulated with natural biodegradable polymers proved to be well-tolerated and harmless for mice. The experiment revealed that biodegrad- able polymer microcapsules did not cause any chronic or acute toxicity when administered orally at 2×107 CFU per 1 gram of animal mass. The microcapsules demonstrated neither dermonecrotic properties nor any irritant effect on the ocular mucosa and, thus, can be used for food enforcement

    Nutritional supplement for control of diabetes

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    The analysis of diabetic patients’ dietary habits indicate that there is an imbalance of selected vitamins and minerals. A nutrient supplement composition, intended for prophylactic administration, was developed to correct this imbalance. It was composed of dried eggs and a yeast component (60%), vitamin Â1 (0.02%) and nicotinamide (0.04%), chromium chelate (0.02%), “selen-active” (0.02%) and lecithin (39.9%). The dried eggs and yeast component were prepared by the homogenization of lysozyme rich chicken eggs and yeast followed by storage and drying at a pre-defined temperature and to a set water content respectively. The nutritional supplement was incorporated at 5% concentration into a sausage recipe which was subsequently cooked into animal feed. An assessment of the safety and efficacy of the prophylactic nutritional supplement was performed in an alloxan induced diabetic rat model. The developed composition, as a part of the animal feed, improved metabolic processes, increased antioxidant activity, reduced lipid peroxidation, decreased blood cholesterol, and improved carbohydrate metabolism in the experimental animals


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    Analysis of diabetic patients’ dietary habits indicate that there is an imbalance of selected vitamins and minerals. A nutrient supplement composition; intended for prophylactic administration, was developed to correct this imbalance. It was composed of dried eggs and yeast component (60%), vitamin В1 (0.02%) and nicotinamide (0.04%), chromium chelate (0.02%), “selen-active” (0.02%) and lecithin (39.9%). The dried eggs and yeast component was prepared by homogenization of lysozyme rich chicken eggs and yeast followed by storage and drying at a pre-defined temperature and to a set water content respectively. The nutritional supplement was incorporated at 5% concentration into a cooked sausage recipe. An assessment of the safety and efficacy of the prophylactic nutritional supplement was performed in an alloxan induced diabetic rat model. The developed composition, as a part of feedstuff, improved metabolic processes, increased antioxidant activity, reduced lipid peroxidation, decreased blood cholesterol, and improved the carbohydrate metabolism

    Research of Influence of Different Preparation Parameters on Secondary Electron Emission of a Single Crystal Diamond with the Purpose of Microchannel Devices Development with High Quantum Efficiency

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    Possibility and advantages of use of a single crystal diamond (HPHT and CVD) as highly effective secondary emitter are shown in this paper. The maximum secondary electron emission (SEE) coefficient about 14 at working accelerating voltage is received (several times exceeds SE coefficient of used materials, such as silicon), lack of dependence on diamond type is shown, dependence on current of primary beam is revealed. The main goals of experiments were to establish optimal characteristic of primary beam (such as energy of primary beam and current) and sample preparation for achievement the maximum coefficient of secondary electron emission (SEE coefficient). Experimental data were analyzed and an optimum technique of preparation of a diamond samples surface for use as secondary emitters was developed. Taking into account outstanding diamond characteristics there is a possibility for creation unique and highly effective detectors and converters based on effect of SE

    The use of dietary supplements to reduce absorption of fat in the body

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    Based on the analysis of literature sources, components of food biologically active additives with preventive properties are established. With applying HyperChem (computational chemistry), we study the basic molecular features of lecithin, oleic acid and L-carnitine. Revealed that lecithin has a hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties, it is capable of forming stable emulsions and soluble on the surface section of phases. Molecule of L-carnitine has a low potential energy (48487.1 kcal / mol) and can participate in subsequent cycles of conversion of fatty acids. Formation of complexes between L-carnitine and oleic acid was investigated with the application of computational chemistry (molecular docking), the findings confirmed the possibility of formation of complex compounds, which testifies to the lipotropic effects of L-carnitine. The molecular interaction between human pancreatic lipase (receptor) and lecithin (ligand) analyzed. Based on the conducted researches, confirmed the possibility of blocking the active site of the lipase of pancreatic juice with two molecules of lecithin, this forms a stable compound with the energy of intermolecular bonds is equal to - 412.36 kkal. The expediency of using l-carnitine and lecithin for activators of the metabolism and lipolysis. Revealed that these drugs affect the absorption of fat in the intestine and prevent tumor fat. On the experimental samples (homogenized fat in water) and experimental animals used prophylactic properties of biologically active additives proven. After two hours of processing of lipid samples with pancreatic lipase and the addition of lecithin acid value of the mixture was equal to 11.91 compared with a control sample in which this indicator was equal to 77.87 mg KOH / g oil. Studies in experimental animals show, that lecithin and L-carnitine reduce obesity in experimental animals and normalize lipid, mineral, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, even in the body with increased weight

    Antioxidant Food Supplement Fortified With Flavonoids

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    ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to develop the technology of food supplement with preventional properties, made out of red grapes berries peel. The authors studied chemical constitution and molecular properties of red grapes berries peel flavonoids. On the basis of obtained results and planning matrix implementation the authors developed the antioxidant food supplement technology, consisting in extracting tartaric acids and sugars with the help of a polar solvent with subsequent dissociating of the solution and drying of prepared berries peel. The authors researched chemical constitution, functional technological properties and safety profile of the food antioxidant supplement