14 research outputs found

    Typology of Regions and Cities of Russia by Causes of Death

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    U Rusiji je evidentan problem visoke stope smrtnosti u usporedbi sa zemljama sa sličnim životnim standardom. To se posebno uočava na regionalnoj razini gdje su razlike u smrtnosti i strukturi smrtnosti ogromne. Regije Rusije nalaze se u različitim fazama epidemiološke tranzicije. To se izražava u razlikama u njihovoj stopi smrtnosti i razlikama u strukturi uzroka smrti. Regije i najveći gradovi zemlje ponekad se radikalno razilaze, što uvelike komplicira istraživanje. Ovaj rad predstavlja tipologiju regija i velikih gradova Ruske Federacije prema glavnim klasama uzroka smrti u 2015. godini i njihove kartografske prikaze. Prostorne se značajke smrtnosti prema glavnim uzrocima smrti određuju odvojeno za muškarce i žene. Procjena je izvršena klasifikacijom prema demografskim pokazateljima (uzroci smrtnosti: neke zarazne i parazitske bolesti; tumori; bolesti krvožilnog sustava; bolesti dišnog sustava; bolesti probavnog sustava; vanjski uzroci smrti). Skup podataka obuhvaćao je 250 teritorijalnih jedinica: 85 regija (uključujući gradove od saveznog značaja) i 165 velikih gradova s populacijom većom o 100 000. Na temelju primarne statistike izračunane su standardizirane stope smrtnosti. Klasifikacija je provedena prema algoritmu koji je razvio jedan od autora. Prikazana nam klasifikacija omogućuje isticanje specifičnih karakteristika pojedinih skupina regija i analizu s većim stupnjem točnosti.The problem of the high mortality rate, in comparison with countries with similar living standards, is extremely urgent in Russia. It is especially noticeable at the regional level, where differences in mortality and its structure are enormous. The regions of Russia are at different stages of epidemiological transition. This is expressed in differences in their mortality rates and differences in the structure of causes of death. The regions and largest cities of the country are sometimes diverge radically, which greatly complicates research. This paper presents a typology of regions and large cities of the Russian Federation according to the main classes of causes of death in 2015 and its cartography. The spatial features of mortality according to the main causes of death are determined separately for men and women. The assessment was carried out using classification by demographic indicators (causes of mortality: some infectious and parasitic diseases; tumours; diseases of the circulatory system; respiratory diseases; diseases of the digestive system; external causes of death). The dataset included 250 territorial units: 85 regions (including cities of federal significance) and 165 large cities with populations of over 100,000. Based on the primary statistics, standardised mortality rates were calculated. The classification was carried out according to an algorithm developed by one of the authors. The classification presented allows us to highlight the specific characteristics of individual groups of regions and analyse them with a greater degree of accuracy

    Spatial analysis of the spread of Covid-19 and its demographic consequences in the regions of the South of European Russia

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    The article presents results of the multi-scale analysis of the processes of coronavirus infection spread and its impact on the demographic situation in the world, Russia and regions of the South of the European part of Russia. The methodological basis of the study was the principles of geoinformation monitoring, making it possible to process and visualize large volumes of diverse materials. The information base was statistical data from the Russian and foreign sources reflecting the spread of coronavirus infection at various spatial levels from global to regional-local. The characteristic features of changes in the parameters of the disease during its active expansion are described. The article also deals with dynamics in demographic indicators and identifies trends in their widespread deterioration. The contribution of the South of European Russia macro-region to the all-Russian Covid-19 situation is determined. Development of the coronavirus pandemic at the level of municipal districts is analyzed using individual regions as an example. The study identifies main factors of the Covid-19 pandemic development and demonstrates some of its features and consequences in the largest urban agglomerations

    Sustainable development: Understanding the least resource base

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    In the paper, the least resource base required to ensure isolated human habitat sustainability over a historically long period of time is discussed. Territory and energy are proposed as such basic resources. The analysis of isolated societies of Tasmania, the Chatham Islands, and North Sentinel Island concludes that habitat can exist long and sustainably in a local area of at least 30 square kilometres in a mode of inherent safety, without the use of artificial technologies. This conclusion demonstrates the possibility of sustainable development of human civilization as a sum of local communities in the context of the isolationism paradigm, an alternative to globalism's currently dominant concept. The significance of identifying the least resource base of sustainable development of isolated communities in the context of the establishment of scientific bases and settlements in remote areas of the globe, on the Moon and other planets of the solar system, and developing strategies to combat pandemics such as COVID-19, is highlighted


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    Tipologija ruskih regija i gradova prema uzrocima smrti https://doi.org/10.32909/kg.19.34.4

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    The problem of the high mortality rate, in comparison with countries with similar living standards, is extremely urgent in Russia. It is especially noticeable at the regional level, where differences in mortality and its structure are enormous. The regions of Russia are at different stages of epidemiological transition. This is expressed in differences in their mortality rates and differences in the structure of causes of death. The regions and largest cities of the country are sometimes diverge radically, which greatly complicates research. This paper presents a typology of regions and large cities of the Russian Federation according to the main classes of causes of death in 2015 and its cartography. The spatial features of mortality according to the main causes of death are determined separately for men and women. The assessment was carried out using classification by demographic indicators (causes of mortality: some infectious and parasitic diseases; tumours; diseases of the circulatory system; respiratory diseases; diseases of the digestive system; external causes of death). The dataset included 250 territorial units: 85 regions (including cities of federal significance) and 165 large cities with populations of over 100,000. Based on the primary statistics, standardised mortality rates were calculated. The classification was carried out according to an algorithm developed by one of the authors. The classification presented allows us to highlight the specific characteristics of individual groups of regions and analyse them with a greater degree of accuracy.U Rusiji je evidentan problem visoke stope smrtnosti u usporedbi sa zemljama sa sličnim životnim standardom. To se posebno uočava na regionalnoj razini gdje su razlike u smrtnosti i strukturi smrtnosti ogromne. Regije Rusije nalaze se u različitim fazama epidemiološke tranzicije. To se izražava u razlikama u njihovoj stopi smrtnosti i razlikama u strukturi uzroka smrti. Regije i najveći gradovi zemlje ponekad se radikalno razilaze, što uvelike komplicira istraživanje. Ovaj rad predstavlja tipologiju regija i velikih gradova Ruske Federacije prema glavnim klasama uzroka smrti u 2015. godini i njihove kartografske prikaze. Prostorne se značajke smrtnosti prema glavnim uzrocima smrti određuju odvojeno za muškarce i žene. Procjena je izvršena klasifikacijom prema demografskim pokazateljima (uzroci smrtnosti: neke zarazne i parazitske bolesti; tumori; bolesti krvožilnog sustava; bolesti dišnog sustava; bolesti probavnog sustava; vanjski uzroci smrti). Skup podataka obuhvaćao je 250 teritorijalnih jedinica: 85 regija (uključujući gradove od saveznog značaja) i 165 velikih gradova s populacijom većom o 100 000. Na temelju primarne statistike izračunane su standardizirane stope smrtnosti. Klasifikacija je provedena prema algoritmu koji je razvio jedan od autora. Prikazana nam klasifikacija omogućuje isticanje specifičnih karakteristika pojedinih skupina regija i analizu s većim stupnjem točnosti

    Emerging and re-emerging natural focal diseases of European Russia (typological classification of nosological profiles and dynamics of incidence)

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    This study considers an automated typological classification version by using the extensive factual material in analysis of emerging and re-emerging natural focal diseases of European Russia.The typological classification of nosological profile (a set of diseases) and the incidence dynamics for five nosological forms (hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, ixodic tick-borne borreliosis, tick-borne encephalitis, tularemia, and leptospirosis) was created using the formal methods of mathematical-cartographical modeling. This classification of the incidence in 1997–2015 yielded five types of the nosological profiles. These types vary by years, which is associated with the dependence of the incidence on climatic conditions in each specific year and on extent of deratization and preventive measures. The results obtained can be used to forecast potential epidemiological outbreaks and to develop targeted and appropriate for each region measures


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    The National Atlas of the Arctic is a set of spatio-temporal information about the geographic, ecological, economic, historical-ethnographic, cultural, and social features of theArcticcompiled as a cartographic model of the territory. The Atlas is intended for use in a wide range of scientific, management, economic, defense, educational, and public activities. The state policy of theRussian Federationin the Arctic for the period until 2020 and beyond, states that the Arctic is of strategic importance forRussiain the 21st century. A detailed description of all sections of the Atlas is given. The Atlas can be used as an information-reference and educational resource or as a gift edition

    New look at territories of traditional nature use – traditional nature management lands at the coastal zone of the Ice Silk Road: a case study for the Russian Arctic

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    Territories of traditional nature use (TTNU) of indigenous population in the Arctic zone presents a historical model of sustainable development whose main principles are valuable for modern practice of economic activities in this region as well. Indigenous peoples traditional nature management practice in the Russian Arctic nowadays exists only within tribal community lands, though their virtual limits may be larger and known to indigenous population, helping to preserve regional identities. Preservation of TTNU in the course of modern economic development, including the Northern Silk Road coastal infrastructure, is important for regional ecological and social stability. They may be regarded as ecological buffer zones, restoring ecosystem functions important for regional sustainable development, though modern market economy treats them mainly as economic units less valuable for incomes than industrial. A new look at TTNU may be supported by their ecological-economic assessment. A case study in the coastal Nenets TTNU belonging to family-clan community ‘Ya’Erv’ demonstrates its possible input to local sustainable development


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    The paper examines emigration from Vietnam in the context of global climate change. Vietnam is among the five countries, most vulnerable to water level rise in the oceans associated with global warming. The areas of potential flooding include territories with most dense population and are extremity important for the economy of Vietnam. The country has a significant demographic potential exceeding 90 mln people. Vietnamese migration has a relatively long history. Large Vietnamese communities have grown in the countries of Eastern Europe; these communities are relatively well integrated into the host countries. Increase in global mean temperatures could lead to severe storms, tsunamis, and flooding and force significant portion of the population out of the Mekong Delta regions and Central provinces of Vietnam. The paper discusses the potential of Atlas Information Systems (AISs) for the assessment of social-economic and demographic consequences of climate change in Vietnam. The authors describe an AIS they are developing. This AIS consists of blocks that provide for a close link between socio-political, economic (production), natural resource, and environmental components for the integrated assessment of the provinces of Vietnam. Simulation of events shows that the flood zone could affect such populated provinces as An Giang, Kien Giang, Hau Giang, Dong Thap, Long An, Tien Giang, Vinh Long and Can Tho. To address this problem, the Vietnamese authorities, in 2008, approved the state target program to respond to climate change. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment was commissioned to create a scenario of climate change and sea level rise in Vietnam. However, the problem requires an immediate response at the international level, as the threat cannot be localized within the borders of Vietnam. Flooding may require mandatory relocation of the population in the country and, possibly, beyond its borders. If people are not relocated gradually, a reduction in the country’s territory with high population density, considering the specifics of the settlement pattern and reproduction trends, could result in a significant migration flow of forced migrants - environmental refugees. The territory of Vietnam may not be sufficient to absorb the entire flow of immigrants and, as a result, the flow would be directed out of the country. However, if the resettlement program starts now in the form of organized labor migration, it may be possible to anticipate and mitigate the negative scenario. Besides, organized labor emigration would be even beneficial for Vietnam in the socio-economic respect. The paper suggests measures to improve Russia’s migration policy aimed at attracting and using Vietnamese workers in a regulated way that would benefit Russia socially and economically