21 research outputs found

    An analytical model to predict the effects of suspended solids in injected water on the oil displacement efficiency during waterflooding

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    Suspended solids in the injection water cause impairment of water injectivity during waterflooding operations. Suspended solids affect reservoir properties and decrease the permeability of reservoir rocks causing an increase of injection pressure and a decrease in water injectivity. Removal of all suspended solids from injection water is an expensive and economically unfeasible process. To minimize the effects of suspended solids to the formation, it is necessary to determine an impairment mechanism of suspended solids on oil displacement and, therefore, optimize the water treatment process. In this paper, an analytical model that describes the relationship between injection water quality and impairment mechanisms on oil displacement is presented. A formation impairment was calculated, introducing the parameter called impairment ratio, which represents the ratio between suspended solids and pore size distribution of reservoir rock. Based on the impairment ratio, decreases in porosity and permeability were calculated with changes in capillary pressure, relative permeability, and displacement efficiency. The model was tested for three different types of injection water. Results indicated the presence of formation impairment even with the smallest particles. Suspended solids had the greatest influence on porosity and permeability impairment. The model could be used as input for reservoir modelling studies for monitoring and controlling displacement efficiency during waterflooding as well as for planning and modification of water treatment units


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    The goal of this research was to determine whether there is a difference in themanifestation of measured anthropometric characteristics and tested motor abilities offemale volleyball players that are 13-15 years old. The sample of participants consists of 62female volleyball players divided into three groups according to their age. The sample ofvariables has two sub-samples: 18 variables belonging to anthropometric space and 14variables belonging to the space of motor skills. A variance analysis has indicatedsignificant intragroup differences in all the analyzed variables, except the variable forassessment of flexibility in the shoulder angle region. The results of a post hoc test - theBoniferroni procedure - have determined that the level of differences between the groups, inrelation to the examined variables, ranges from those that have statistical significance ofp<0,05, for variables of anthropometric space (Body weight, arm span, Body mass index,the Single arm reach test, Both arm reach test, Upper arm and forearm volume) and thesame value for the motor skills space (Hip joint flexibility, Squat jump with arm swing,Counter-movement jump with, and without the arm swing), to those that reach p<0,00 forvariables of the anthropometric space (Sitting height, Body mass, Chest Volume , Waistvolume, Hips, Upper leg, and Lower leg volume) and for variables of the space of motorskills (the Long jump, Medicine ball throw, “Sit and reach” test, the 5,15 and 20 meter run,T-test, Squat jump without arm swing and Squat jump with arms in the block position).Because the applied instruments validate the assumption that these instruments can be usedto isolate dimensions in experimental sample, and because these dimensions are significantfor success in a motor activity such as volleyball, the results of this research will have broadapplication, and thus are of both theoretical and practical importanc

    Examination of the efficacy of various feed additives on the pathomorphological changes in broilers treated with T-2 toxin

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    A 21-day-long experiment was performed on 160 one-day-old 'Ross' broiler chicks. This research was done with the aim of investigating pathomorphological changes in broilers exposed to a relatively small amount of T-2 toxin (2 ppm) and the possibility of prevention and/or alleviating adverse effects of T-2 toxin using various feed additives. Pathohistological examination showed negative consequences of T-2 toxin in all examined organs as degenerative changes developed in small intestine mucosa, enterocites and hepatocites necroses, as well as lymphocites depletion in bursa of Fabricius. Disparately from inorganic (Minazel-plus, Mz) and organic (Mycosorb, Ms) adsorbents, which did not provoke protective effects, in liver, small intestine and bursa of Fabricius of broilers who were given feed with T-2 toxin and mixed adsorbent (Mycofix-plus, Mf), mostly preserved structure of these organs could be noted.Eksperiment je izveden na 160 jednodnevnih brojlerskih pilića provenijencije 'Ross', u trajanju od 21 dan. Istraživanja su bila usmerena na omogućavanje detaljnijeg uvida u patomorfološke promene kod brojlera izloženih dejstvu relativno niskih doza T-2 toksina (2 ppm), kao i mogućnosti prevencije ili ublažavanja štetnih efekata korišćenjem različitih adsorbenata. Patohistološkom analizom isečaka tankog creva, jetre i Fabricijeve burze, uočeni su efekti T-2 toksina u svim ispitivanim organima, u vidu degenerativnih promena na sluznici tankog creva, nekroze enterocita i hepatocita, kao i deplecije limfocita u Fabricijevoj burzi. Za razliku od neorganskog (Minazel-plus, Mz) i organskog (Mycosorb, Ms) adsorbenta čijom primenom nije došlo do zaštitnog efekta, u tkivnim isečcima jetre, creva i Fabricijeve burze kod brojlera koji su putem hrane dobijali T-2 toksin i mešoviti adsorbent (Mycofix, Mf), zapaža se uglavnom očuvana struktura ispitivanih organa

    Clinical characteristics of the eardrum retraction pocket

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    Evaluation of the efficacy of different feed additives to adsorbe T-2 toxin in vitro

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    In the trial, in vitro HPTLC - High Performance Thin Layer Chomatography was used to determine the amount of 'free', i.e. unbound or non-decomposed T-2 toxin. Mean adsorption or degradation levels of T-2 toxin in examined feed aditives, in in vitro conditions, ranged from 26.06 to 34.84% and did not significantly differ among used adsorbents: inorganic (Minazel plus - Mz), organic (Mycosorb - Ms) and mixed (Micofyx - Mf). All these additives showed better adsorption ability in the acidic environment (pH3).In vitro ispitivanjem određivana je količina 'slobodnog' tj. nevezanog ili nerazgrađenog T-2 toksina tehnikom tankoslojne hromatografije (HPTLC - High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography). Prosečne vrednosti adsorpcije ili degradacije T-2 toksina ispitivanim adsorbentima u uslovima in vitro nisu se značajnije razlikovale u zavisnosti da li je bio umešan neorganski (Minazel plus, Mz), organski (Mycosorb, Ms) ili mešoviti adsorbent (Micofyx, Mf) i iznosile su od 26,06 do 34,84%. Svi ispitivani adsorbenti su pokazali veću sposobnost adsorpcije ovog toksina u kiseloj sredini (pH 3)

    Eustachian tube mucociuary transport in chronic suppurative otitis media

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    Eustachian tube dysfunction is one of the well-known factors leading to development of chronic suppurative otitis media. Tube mucociliary transport is important for elimination of the inflammation products from the middle ear enabling recovery of the affected mucosa of the middle ear, local circulation and restoration of normal air pressure in the middle ear. The study was aimed at determining: 1. whether perforation site on the tympanic membrane influences tube mucociliary transport time in individuals with traumatic rupture of the eardrum; 2. possible time difference of tube mucociliary transport between group of patients with chronic suppurative otitis media and group of patients with traumatic rupture of the tympanic membrane; 3. possible time difference of tube mucociliary transport between chronic tubotympanic type of suppurative otitis media, so called tubotympanic otitis media and atticoantral type of chronic suppurative otitis media, the so called atticoantral otitis; 4. the association between the degree of defect of the tympanic membrane mucosa and time of tube mucociliary transport in each individual type of chronic suppurative inflammation of the middle ear. Eustachian tube mucociliary transport was studied in 16 patients with tubotympanic otitis, in 13 patients with atticoantral otitis and in 9 patients with traumatic rupture of the eardrum (control group of patients). All patients were treated at the Institute of Otorhinolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinical Centre of Serbia in Belgrade during 2002. Tube mucociliary transport was studied upon instillation of 10 μl 5% sterile saccharine solution through the existing eardrum perforation in the course of preoperative preparation of the patient for surgical intervention. The time interval from the moment of sterile saccharine solution application till perception of the sweet taste in the mouth and pharynx was measured in studied patients. The obtained results were analyzed using the methods of descriptive and analytical statistics (t-test for small independent samples). The mean time of tube mucociliary transport in patients with traumatic rupture of the tympanic membrane was 7.6 minutes. The mean time of tube mucociliary transport in tubotympanic otitis with normal mucosa of the tympanic cavity promontorium was 15 minutes, while mean time of tube mucociliary transport in tubotympanic otitis with polypoid changes of the promontory mucosa was 24 minutes (t=5.218; p&lt;0.01). Mean time of tube mucociliary transport in atticoantral otitis with normal promontory mucosa of the tympanic cavity was 35.5 minutes, while mean time of mucociliary tube transport in atticoantral otitis with polypoid changes of promontory mucosa was 48 minutes (t=6.99; p&lt;0.01). In the irreversibly changed tympanic cavity mucosa, tube clearance saccharine test was negative even after one hour. The results of our study indicate the possibility that prolonged mucociliary tube transport has greater influence to development of atticoantral otitis rather than to development of tubotympanic otitis. The association between the degree of mucosal defect and time of mucociliary transport was evidenced in both types of chronic suppurative inflammation of the middle ear

    Mycotoxins in poultry production

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    All poultry is sensitive to mycotoxins. This partly depends on the type, age and production categories of poultry, their living conditions and nutritive status and partly on the type, quantity and duration of mycotoxin ingestion. The presence of mycotoxins results in significant health disorders and a decrease in production performances. This leads to considerable economic loss for the poultry industry - either direct losses, i.e. death of the poultry or the indirect ones, i.e. the decrease in body mass, number and quality of eggs, greater food conversion, and immunosuppression. Immunosuppression results in increased sensitivity to infective agents and a bad vaccinal response. Morevover, mycotoxin residues in poultry meat, eggs and products derived from them pose a threat to human health. In order to prevent and reduce the negative implications of mycotoxins in the poultry production, it is necessary to create both global and national strategies for combatting mycotoxins, advance diagnostic techniques and procedures, intensify the control of food quality, introduce new limits on the maximum amount of mycotoxins allowed in food and poultry feed used for certain species and categories of animals, and synchronise it with the European standards.Sva živina je osetljiva na mikotoksine u zavisnosti od vrste, starosne i proizvodne kategorije, uslova ambijenta i nutritivnog statusa, sa jedne strane, i vrste, količine i dužine unošenja mikotoksina, sa druge strane. Prisustvo mikotoksina rezultira značajnim poremećajem zdravlja i padom proizvodnih performansi, a samim tim i značajnim ekonomskim gubicima u živinarskoj industriji, kako direktnim, koji se očituju uginućem živine, tako i indirektnim, u vidu pada telesne mase, broja i kvaliteta jaja, veće konverzije hrane i imunosupresijom. Imunosupresija rezultira povećanom osetljivošću na infektivne agense i lošim vakcinalnim odgovorom. Opasnost po ljudsko zdravlje predstavljaju rezidue mikotoksina u živinskom mesu, jajima i proizvodima dobijenim od njih. Da bi se predupredile i smanjile negativne implikacije mikotoksina u živinarskoj proizvodnji potrebno je formirati kako globalne tako i nacionalne strategije za borbu protiv mikotoksina, unaprediti dijagnostičke tehnike i procedure, pooštriti kontrolu kvaliteta hrane, uvesti nove limite za maksimalne količine mikotoksina u hrani i hranivima za pojedine životinjske vrste i kategorije i uskladiti ih sa evropskim standardima

    Mineralogical composition of solod

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    The oil reservoirs of the southeastern part of the Panonian basin are characterized by considerablepresence of water,i.e.waterdrive. The hydrocarbon reservoirs are mostly in the middle and finalproduction stages. The water production is especially significant in wells producing with an installedElectrical Submersible Pump (ESP). As production continues, it is a realistic expectation that the watercut increases as well.The rapid production of water has affected fluid production in a significantway.Produced water in the Elemir oilfield is gathered, treated and then injected into the porous layersthrough several wells.The current system for the preparation and treatment of produced water in theElemir oilfield has functioned with evident technical issues.The main problems are increased volumesof produced fluids and the deposition of solids (scales) in water treatment system. In thisarticle, a newmodel for produced water treatment is presented, including technical, economic and environmentalaspects. A new model fulfils volumetric requirements, improves oil/water separation and suspendedsolids removal which lead to better injection performance