20 research outputs found

    Wave roller research on barley crops

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    A completely new design of the wave roller is presented, which has no analogues produced by the industry. As a result of research on barley crops, it was revealed that the optimization criterion kse after treatment with the developed wave roller is 0.81. The density and aggregate composition of the soil in all parts of the field (in the ridges and in the troughs of the wave relief) fully meets the agrotechnical requirements. In the area after treatment with a serial roller KKZ-6, the optimization criterion kse = 0.67, which is significantly lower than that of the proposed wave roller. At the same time, soil clods were found on the soil surface, the size of which exceeds 50 mm, which does not meet the agrotechnical requirements for rolling. Studies conducted under production conditions made it possible to determine that the rolling of barley crops with the proposed wave roller increased its yield to 47.2 centners per hectare (by 12.4%) compared to 42 centners per hectare after rolling the crops with ring-toothed rollers KKZ-6

    Femtosecond and Ultraviolet Laser Irradiation of Graphite-Like Hexagonal Boron Nitride

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    Effect of the femtosecond and nanosecond UV laser irradiation (below the ablation threshold) of graphite-like hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) has been studied. Experiments were carried out with the compacted powder under high vacuum at room temperature using excimer KrF laser (248 nm). In the nanosecond operation mode, the laser-induced fluorescence spectra are found strongly modified depending on the integrated doze, which is attributed to a progressive enrichment of the surface layer by elemental boron. A slow sample recovery after the laser irradiation has been observed. On the other hand, in the femtosecond mode the fluorescence spectra depend on the laser fluence, and the changes are reversible: low energy fluorescence spectra are restored immediately when the laser energy decreases. This effect can be explained by a material bleaching, which favors a bulk centers emission. The ablation threshold has been determined as 78 mJ/cm2 in the femtosecond laser operational mode

    Chinese Language Theory Textbook: Challenges and Solutions

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    Proposed is a project (or principles) of a new version for the textbook of theoretical Chinese grammar based on the Predicative Concept of Language and continuous to the 2005-2006 edition. The book would be more systematic and will consider in more detail the non-equivalence of the language levels in Chinese and in Russian; the Topic-prominent typology of Chinese will be will be considered in more depth, as well as the variety of regional variants of Chinese; the impossibility of assimilating the Topic-prominent grammar to the same in the inflectional Subject-prominent languages will be systematically argued

    Oriental language as an ideal object of linguistics

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    Development and justification of the parameters of the coulter group of grain drills

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    The urgency of creation and use of resource-saving means of mechanization of agriculture is proved. Proposed grain drill, performing the sowing of grain crops on stubble background. Its use allows to sowseeds in the soil with minimum costs due to the reduction of the number of technological operations. The theoretical substantiation of the grain seeder, on the basis of which the optimal design and operating parameters are revealed, is carried out

    Theoretical Substantiation of the Angle of Mounting a Flat Ridge-Forming Disc of a Row Crop Cultivator

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    The authors have developed a row-crop cultivator equipped with a ridge former, which allows performing high-quality operations of row crop cultivation in one pass. The inter row cultivation is carried out with a row-crop cultivator, on each section of which two ridge formers are mounted so that their flat discs are directed towards the row of plants at an acute angle, and the extreme edges of the wings of the V-shaped sweeps are located at the lower base of the soil ridge. When the row-crop cultivator moves, the V-shaped sweeps loosen the soil to the required depth and cut the weeds, and the flat discs move the soil layer coming off the wings of the V-shaped sweeps towards the rows of plants, hilling them and burying the weeds. In the presented article, the authors theoretically substantiate the angle of attack of a flat disc for burying weeds with a layer of soil of the required thickness. It was found that the angle of attack depends on the radius of the flat disc and the depth of its movement in the soil, the initial dimensions of the ridge and the physical and mechanical properties of the soil

    Determining the Energy Efficiency of Corn, Sun-flower and Soybean Cultivation with the Use of Ridge Technology

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    The article presents the developed energy-saving, resource-saving ridge technology for cultivating row crops and means of mechanization for its implementation allows increasing the yield of row crops on average in 5 years up to 38% without the use of environmentally unsafe herbicides. The implementation of ridge technology to cultivate corn for grain, sunflower and soybeans, the energy efficiency coefficients, respectively, amounted to 15.54; 9.71 and 3.43 units, which is by 0.6; 3.81 and 4.41 units more in comparison with the traditional technology of cultivation of the aforesaid crops on a flat surface of the field

    Optimization of the hopper design parameters with a controlled technological process of loading, storage and unloading of bulk materials

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    The subject of the study is the process of loading capacities and bodies of vehicles to increase the usable volume and static load for further storage or transportation. Based on an analysis of the mechanization of loading operations at agricultural facilities related to the production, distribution and use of animal feed, the authors identified the most promising loading scheme based on the principle of intensive dispersed flow, outlined ways to improve the loading of grain materials and animal feed, proposed a new structural and technological scheme of a loading device with a drive using the gravitational flow of bulk material to evenly distribute the flow of bulk material over a significant cross-sectional area of the tank. The article presents theoretical studies of the loading process using the proposed device and substantiates its geometric parameters. There are results of experimental studies that confirm theoretical conclusions and allow comparing the proposed device with existing analogues

    Substantiation of the Absolute Velocity of the Soil Thrown by a Spherical Disc of the Roller of a Ridge Roller Planter

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    For the finishing operation of the formation of the soil ridge of the required parameters and density simultaneously with sowing, a tillage roller has been designed, the novelty of which is confirmed by the patents of the Russian Federation No. 194330, No. 194348, No. 196712. The design of the roller assumes the regulation of the attack angles of the spherical discs and the amount of compression of the spring, because these parameters have a significant impact on the geometric dimensions of the formed ridge and the density of the soil in it. The proposed roller is mounted on the rear bead holder of a sowing gang of the ridgeroller planter. Moving along the surface of the field, the coulters of the ridge roller planter sow seeds on a wet compacted bed, the ridge formers form a loose soil ridge above the sown seeds, and the rollers compact the soil ridge. The speeds and forces acting on the spherical disc of the roller have been determined. It has been theoretically revealed that the absolute velocity of soil particles thrown by the edge of a spherical disc towards the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the soil ridge is maximum and depends on the angular speed of the spherical disc, its radius and angle of attack, as well as the frictional properties of the soil. The absolute speed of soil particles thrown from a specific point of the considered working body of the roller decreases when they approach the center of the spherical disc

    The results of studies of eccentric tillage roller

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    Developed by eccentric tillage rink, which ensures the desired quality of the soil and increase the yield of crops. As a result of theoretical studies, an expression for determining the dynamic force that increases the intensity of crumbling soil lumps, depending on the regime parameters of the rink. In addition, the relationship between the power required when driving the rink, its parameters. The factors influencing the process of tillage by the developed roller are determined. As a criterion of optimization, the adopted coefficient of compliance with for the density soil of benchmark, which characterizes the quality of soil rolling from the position of compliance of soil density with agrotechnical requirements. As a result of experimental studies, the parameters and operating modes of the roller are optimized, at which the required quality of soil treatment is achieved