11 research outputs found

    Improvement of Procedures of Scientific Certification: Legal Aspects

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    The Russian system of certification of scientists is in a condition of permanent reforming in recent years; however, results of these reforms are insufficiently high . It is connected with imperfection of legal regulation of the relations arising in this area. In the article, concrete measures for improvement of procedures of scientific certification and their legal fixing are proposed

    Influence of the Macroeconomic Environment on Management of the Organization Taking into Account an Import Substitution Factor

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    In the article tools for a research of an economic macroenvironment of the organization are offered. The expediency of use for this purpose of not cost macroeconomic cost indexes is proved that is especially important taking into account the import substitution policy measures realized in Russia. As an example regularities of dynamics of speed of the address of money supply in the certain countries, in comparison with Russia are revealed, trends of this indicator on the basis of model of a two-level black box are analyzed. Recommendations about a research of economic systems by means of polynomial models which results of application can be used in the analysis and forecasting of processes of economic development taking into account an import substitution factor are formulated

    Standardization as a Condition of Ensuring Quality and Safety of Production in the Uniform Markets of Integration Groups (on the Example of Russia and Other Countries of EEU)

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    Economic integration of Russia with other countries, despite in general successful development, faces a number of obstacles. One of them is insufficient coherence of national systems of technical regulation that generates risks for steady and economically safe development of Russia and the partner countries. In the article the approaches directed to increase in efficiency of cooperation of the countries of he Eurasian Economic Union in standardization, ensuring quality and safety of production in the uniform market are considered

    Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of the Economic Systems in the Region of the CIS

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    Different regions of the world have a certain specificity of construction, operation and development of economic systems, which is determined by similar cultural, political, natural, historical, legal and other factors. Research interest is the identification of the specifics in the Subregion. Object of study authors are regional characteristics of the economies of the former Soviet Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), which were formed largely under the influence of the same, common to them, the history of development of the single national economic complex of the Soviet Union. The subject of the study are the structural features of employment in the economies of the CIS countries and their impact on other characteristics of the economic systems of these countries. As the input data used for the analysis of long time series of macroeconomic indicators, available at the time of the survey, in 24 years: from 1990 to 2013. Investigated and compared, using the author’s methodology, the data on GDP, employment, investment and savings. On the basis of the selected dependencies, directly reflecting the performance of the national economy, the central place among which allocated the type of employment (flexible and rigid, the latter, in turn, classified into direct and inverse), explores trends in the economic development of the countries of the CIS region. As a result, proposed classification of these countries, based on comparative analysis of the characteristics of their economies. The classification is based on a number of interdependencies: type of employment and productivity; dynamics of GDP, investment and savings; the ratio of investment and savings. The results can be used in the development and implementation of public policy by governments in the CIS region

    The State Budgetary Policy in the Conditions of Crisis: Regional Aspect

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    The modern crisis in the Russian economy, which developed for the last calendar year, demands rather accurate response of government bodies of executive power to the accruing problems of social and economic character. Traditional rules of management of the state financial streams have to be changed and replaced on new ones, meeting the existing requirements and the arising obligations. The state programs and plans painted for some year’s ahead need to be corrected quite strongly today that has to be reflected first of all in the realized budgetary policy of the state. The assessment of the existing situation and parameters of voted budgets will allow presenting accurately tendencies and results of the modern anti-recessionary program of the government. The work purpose - to emphasize features and specifics of the budgetary powers of the state in system of formation, management, coordination of indicators of social and economic development in the conditions of financial crisis. In the article methods of the comparative analysis, systematization, classification, vertical and horizontal analysis, graphic analysis, generalization were used. The work represents the complex analysis of the realized budgetary policy, both on federal, and at the regional level of the government. Research allowed to draw a conclusion on low probability of implementation of the planned account obligations, on reduction of support from federation to regions that in 2015 will aggravate the existing problems. On the basis of the conducted research the conclusion that the balanced development of all country requires accumulation of tax capacity of regions and formation of more attractive business environment today is drawn


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    Formation of the national technological basis for the needs of the Russian defense industrial complex has now high importance. Formation of this basis can be insured by means of industrial policy. Selection of this policy should be based on the expected military and economic effect.Goal of the paper: construction of the method of evaluation of military and economic effect of measures aimed at the support of Russian machine-building industry.Methods: general methods of analysis and synthesis, method of mathematical modeling.Results: the paper contains methods of evaluation of direct and indirect economic effect of implementation of industrial policy for the support of the Russian machine-building industry for the defense industrial complex, method of evaluation of military effect, method of evaluation of integral military and economic effect.В современных условиях большое значение имеет создание национальной технологической базы в интересах российского оборонно-промышленного комплекса. Создание такой базы может быть обеспечено путем реализации целевой промышленной политики. Выбор варианта такой политики осуществляется на основе оценки ожидаемого от ее реализации военно-экономического эффекта.Цель статьи: разработка методики оценки военно-экономического эффекта от мер по поддержке развития отечественного станкостроения.Методы: общенаучные методы анализа и синтеза, метод математического моделирования.Результаты: в статье разработаны методы оценки прямого и косвенного экономического эффекта от реализации промышленной политики по поддержке российского станкостроения в интересах ОПК, метод оценки военного эффекта, метод оценки интегрального военно-экономического эффекта

    The State Economic Policy in System of Public Administration: Features of Development and Realization in Russia

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    In the article the ratio of categories “public administration” and “state economic policy” is investigated. On the basis of the carried-out comparison it is shown that the state economic policy, on the one hand, is a form of public administration, with another - methods of her realization are wider, than at public administration, and have more complex character, in comparison with traditional methods of public administration. The directions of realization of the state economic policy in modern Russia, and also specifics of her implementation are revealed

    Bank Support of the State Defensive Order: Specifics and Features of Realization

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    In June 2015 in Russia the Federal law, making changes in acting 275-FZ of December 29, 2013 “About the state defensive order” is adopted. In the article some of these changes are analysed, in particular, the principles of bank support of the state defensive order (SDO) are considered and their assessment from the point of view of economic interests of the main participants of performance of SDO getting under action of the above Federal law is given