12 research outputs found

    Influence of propolis extract in Hubbard JV chickens nutrition on oxidative stabilty of meat

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    DOI: 10.15414/afz.2014.17.02.47–51Received 12. May 2014 ǀ Accepted 3. June 2014 ǀ Available online 23. June 2014In the experiment we evaluated the influence of propolis extract in nutrition of chickens on stability of meat in the most valuable parts of carcass that were stored by freezing at -18 °C. The hybrid combination of tested chickens was Hubbard JV. Propolis extract was added to experimental groups at a dose of 600 mg.kg-1 (group E1) and 800 mg.kg-1 (group E2). Fattening lasted 42 days. Oxidative stability of breast and thigh muscles was evaluated from the 1st day to 6th month of storage in regular month intervals. In the breast muscle, values of malondialdehyde (MDA) were from 0.212 to 0.313 mg.kg-1 in control group, from 0.186 to 0.264 mg.kg-1 in E1 group and from 0.175 to 0.259 mg.kg-1 in E2 group. In the thigh muscle, MDA values were from 0.255 to 0.339 mg.kg-1 (control group), from 0.196 to 0.279 mg.kg-1 (E1 group) and from 0.194 to 0.268 mg.kg-1 (E2 group). Application of propolis extract in Hubbard JV chickens nutrition has significant influence (P≤0.05) on decreasing of oxidative processes in breast and thigh muscles during the whole period of storage.Keywords: chickens, nutrition, feed supplements, propolis, chicken meat, oxidative stability, malondialdehyd

    Consumer sensory evaluation of honey across age cohorts in Slovakia

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    The growing popularity of honey among consumers has caused many frauds and cases when honey of high quality is adulterated by cheap imported honey of very low quality. The aim of this research paper was to study consumer perception of honey quality based on sensory attributes such as taste, aroma, colour and consistency. The primary research comprised the sensory blind test conducted as a part of questionnaire survey at selected shopping mall and at university. Research sample reached 400 respondents living in the Nitra region between 18 and 70 years. Respondents tested sensory attributes of two samples. Sample A represented Slovak honey from a local beekeeper and sample B was honey purchased from selected supermarket with country of origin „blend of EU and non - EU honeys" and represented imported honey. Besides descriptive statistics, the following statistical tests were applied: Fisher's Exact Test, Chi-Square Test of Independence, Cramer´V coefficient and Mann-Whitney U test. Results showed significant differences in perception of honey quality across age cohorts. Respondents older than 40 years (Generation X and Babyboomers) evaluated better the local honey from a beekeeper (sample A) than younger generations (Generation Y and Generation Z). Imported honey from selected supermarket (sample B) obtained the best evaluation in case of colour in both age cohorts while sample A obtained it in terms of aroma. The majority of respondents in both age cohorts mostly decided their preference according to taste, however there exist some differences. While Generation X and Baby boomers took into consideration also aroma, the generations Y and Z considered consistency. More interesting observation appealed in case of aroma where more than 90% of respondents, who decided according to aroma, preferred sample A - local Slovak honey. According to physico-chemical analysis, both samples fulfilled standard of EU legislation, however better parameters were reached in sample A. All in all, better perception of honey quality through sensory attributes in older age cohorts could be caused by the deeper experience in honey consumption as well as due to the fact that younger cohorts consume more semiproducts and industrial food products characterised by intensive, sweet taste which could confuse their assessments

    Nutrition marketing of honey: chemical, microbiological, antioxidant and antimicrobial profile

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    Honey and all bee products have very good biological and chemical properties. They have been used in medicine for a long time. In our study we evaluated twenty polyfloral honey samples, the first ten were commercial honeys from a selected supermarkets with country of origin indicated "blend of EU and non-EU honeys" and represented imported honey. The second ten honeys were from a local beekeepers (Nitra region) and represented the Slovak origin. The aim of the study were to analyze chemical, microbiological, antioxidant, antimicrobial profile of honey and recommend marketing strategies for honey producers by applying nutrition marketing. From chemical point of view, the study examined mineral profile of honeys, antioxidant properties as antioxidant activity, total polyphenols, flavonoid and phenolic acid content and from microbiological view the study evaluated a total count bacteria, coliform bacteria and microscopic filamentous fungi. Results of minerals showed that the most dominant element in commercial honeys is sodium (30 mg.100g-1) followed by calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Iron, arsenic and selenium are present only in trace amounts. In local honeys the most dominant element is potassium (84.181 mg.100g-1) followed by calcium, phosphorus, sulfur and magnesium. The presence of hazardous heavy metals (cadmium, lead and chrome) was not detected in either of the samples. Moreover, antioxidant activity determined by the DPPH method was slightly higher in local polyfloral honeys and vice versa the content of total polyphenol, flavonoid and the phenolic acid content was slightly higher in commercial polyfloral honeys. From the microbiological point of view, the total count of bacteria was found only in commercial polyfloral honeys while local honeys were without detectable microorganisms. The best antimicrobial activity was found against gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli in both concentrations of honeys, and the local honeys reached better antimicrobial activity. All in all, honey has very good biological properties and mineral composition which opens opportunities for beekeepers to apply nutrition marketing and target new segments of consumers, e.g. sportsmen, people in convalescence, consumers following healthier lifestyle or seeking functional food. Moreover, educating consumers from a nutritional point of view will foster daily intake of honey and will increase annual consumption of honey in the future.</p

    Physicochemical characterization of natural honeys from different regions in Slovakia

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    This study is intended to determine the physicochemical characteristics of Slovakian honeys, and compare them with specifications described in the Codex Alimentarius Standard, the European Honey directive, the Slovak Codex Alimentarius and Slovak standard No. 1/2006. In addition, we tried to find out correlations between individual constituents of honeys. Physicochemical characterization was carried out following the harmonized methods dictated by the International Honey Commission IHC. Honey samples (n=50) were collected from three honey types (blossom, blends, honeydew), and from the three main Slovakian geographical regions (named 'east', 'middle' and 'west'). The physicochemical evaluation included moisture, reduced sugars, proline, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), conductivity, diastase and invertase activity, pH and water activity, following the techniques proposed by the European Honey Commission (EHC). The moisture content in the honey varied from 15.26 to 17.65%, HMF levels ranged from 21.83 to 63.00 mg.kg-1, the diastase activity varied from 21.01 DN to 36.67, invertase activity varied from 121.73 to 164.11 U.kg-1, the proline content varied from 426.56 to 531.79mg.kg -1, the fructose content values were found from 36.33 to 40.20 g.100g-1, the glucose content values ranged from 27.67 to 31.00g.100g-1, the values of saccharose content were from 0.15 to 0.37g.100g-1, the conductivity varied from 29.48 to 97.24mS.cm -1, the pH value varied from 4.06 to 4.80 and the water activity content varied from 0.55 to 0.57. Significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) were found between HMF and fructose, glucose and saccharose and conductivity and pH, significant differences (P ≤ 0.01) between fructose and glucose and significant differences (P ≤ 0.001) were found between HMF and conductivity. Between blossom honey and honeydew honey were found statistical significant differences in HMF (P ≤ 0.05) and conductivity between honeydew honey and blossom honey (P ≤ 0.001). Among regions were determined statistical differences between HMF and invertase (P ≤ 0.05) and conductivity (P ≤ 0.01)

    Changes in quality of fresh cheese using dressing with and withouth probiotic culture during storage

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate selected chemical, microbiological and sensorial quality parameters in cheeses without (C), with addition of probiotic culture (E1) and with addition of probiotic culture and inulin (E2). These samples were analysed during 15 days of storage at cooling temperature (7 ± 2 °C). No significant differences (P > 0.05) were observed in the physico-chemical parameters (content of dry matter, fat, sodium chloride and water activity) by comparing of analysed samples. Titratable acidity values in the samples increased proportionally by time of their storage. Higher increase of titratable acidity was recorded in E1 and E2 samples compared with C sample. Significant difference (P st day following the cheese production, whereas the highest values were found in E2 sample during the whole period of storage. Significant difference (P st day following the cheese production. Results of titratable acidity were confirmed by pH values. In all samples, counts of lactic acid bacteria exceed value of 106 CFU g−1 during whole period of storage. Number of microorganisms rose till 6th day of storage. After 15 days of storage, higher microbial numbers were detected in C cheese sample compared with cheese samples E1 and E2. Additions of probiotic culture as well as inulin were positively perceived by assessors till 10th day of storage. Overall, assessors described the samples as unsuitable for consummation after 15 days of storage in term of their taste and smell

    Evaluation of Yoghurts with Thyme, Thyme Essential Oil and Salt

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    The aim of this work was production and evaluation of yoghurts with different addition of thyme (Thymus vulgaris), thyme essential oil (EO) and salt. It was produced: control yoghurt, yoghurt with 0.45 % of salt and 0.25 % of thyme, yoghurt with 0.90 % of salt and 0.50 % of thyme, yoghurt with 0.45 % of salt and 0.004 % of thyme EO, yoghurt with 0.90 % of salt and 0.008 % of thyme EO. The time of yoghurt fermentation was extended from the previous 3.5 hours (control sample) to 5 hours for samples with thyme or even up to 7 hours for samples with thyme EO. The fermentation time also depended on the concentration of the used substances. The average titratable acidity of yoghurts fluctuated from 46.52 °SH to 49.51 °SH at day after the production and from 51.57 °SH to 55.75 °SH after 7 days of storage. Average pH values of yoghurts fluctuated from pH 4.77 to pH 4.81 at day after production and from pH 4.48 to pH 4.63 after storage. In all samples of yoghurts were not detected coliform bacteria (&lt; 10 CFU.g-1). The yeasts were appeared rarely (101 CFU.g-1), and their numbers were increased during cold storage (102 up to 103 CFU.g-1). Moulds appeared rarely (101 CFU.g-1). The number of lactic acid bacteria reached required minimum value of 107 CFU.g-1. Samples of yoghurts reached characteristic yoghurt and thyme aroma. The intensity of sour, salty and thyme taste, determined by sensory evaluation was in experimental samples of yoghurts at different level. A higher concentration of thyme and thyme EO gave to yoghurts a bitter taste. The dense consistency of the yoghurts was decreased with the increased addition of thyme and thyme EO. According to results, we recommend the recipe of yogurt with 0.45 % of salt and 0.25 % of thyme or 0.004 % of thyme EO

    Microorganisms in Fresh and Stored Bee Pollen Originated from Slovakia

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    The aim of the study was to test the storage of bee pollen at room temperature and in cold store, and to describe microorganisms originated from it. Fresh bee pollen originating in West Slovakia was collected in May 2010. It was tested for presence of particular microbial groups using dilution plating method, and divided into two parts with different storage (in cold store and at room temperature). Microbial analyses of pollen were repeated after one year of storage. Several bacterial strains were isolated and tested using Gram staining, for catalase and fructose-6-phosphate-phosphoketolase presence, and by rapid ID 32A (BioMérieux, France). Micromycetes were identified at genus level. Fresh pollen contained coliform bacteria, which were not detected after one year of storage in both ways. Total plate count (TPC) of aerobes and anaerobes and of yeasts in fresh bee pollen exceeded 5.00 log CFU/g. TPC of aerobes and anaerobes decreased below 2.00 log CFU/g after one year of storage in both ways. Count of yeasts decreased to 2.32 log CFU/g (at room temperature) and to 3.66 log CFU/g (in cold store). Microscopic filamentous fungi decreased from 3.41 log CFU/g (fresh bee pollen) to 1.13 log CFU/g (at room temperature) and to 1.89 log CFU/g (in cold store). In fresh bee pollen, 12 genera of micromycetes were identified in the following order according to their relative density: Penicillium > Mucor > Absidia > Cladosporium, Fusarium > Alternaria > Eurotium > Aspergillus, Rhizopus > Emericella > Arthrinium and Mycelium sterilium. After one year at room temperature, only three genera were detected in bee pollen (Penicillium > Aspergillus, Mucor) and after one year in cold store, seven genera were detected (Mucor > Penicillium, Emericella > Aspergillus, Absidia > Arthrinium, Eurotium). From the plates designated for anaerobes, eight colonies originating in fresh bee pollen were isolated. Among them, a single yeast isolate occurred. Other isolates were G+ bacteria, with a total of five rod shaped. In three out of these five, catalase was absent and fructose-6-phosphate-phosphoketolase was present. Bacterial isolates originating in fresh pollen belonged probably to genus Bifidobacterium or relative genera, but their identity was not confirmed unequivocally. In general, cold conditions are suitable for maintaining the natural properties of foodstuffs for a longer time. Slight decrease of microscopic fungal number and diversity was recorded in cold temperatures compared with storage at room temperature

    Using Real-time PCR for Identification of Paenibacillus larvae

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    The aim of the study was identification of Paenibacillus larvae that causes American foulbrood disease (AFB) in colony of bees (Apis mellifera). Bacterial isolates originated from honey samples, because presence of P. larvae in honey is treated as early diagnostic of AFB. Intense proteolytic activity and no catalase activity are typical for Gram positive rod-shaped bacteria P. larvae. We diluted honey (1:2), heated at 80 °C for 10 min and inoculated on semiselective medium MYPGP agar with nalidixic acid. Plates were cultivated at 37 °C for 48 – 72 h under the aerobic conditions. Selected colonies were transferred on MYT agar and cultivated 24 h. We analysed 30 honey samples and found 27 bacterial isolates. All isolates were Gram positive and mainly rod-shaped. No catalase activity was documented for 6 from 27 isolates. Identification was finished by real-time PCR to detect the 16S rRNA gene of Paenibacillus larvae with real-time cycler Rotor-Gene 6000. As DNA template we used genomic DNA isolated with commercial kit and DNA lysate obtaining by boiled cells. We used 2 strains of P. larvae from CCM (Czech Collection of Microorganisms) as positive control. The reliable method of detection P. larvae has important rule for beekeeping


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