20 research outputs found

    Sborník příspěvků XXXI. polsko-česko-slovenského sympozia o důlní a environmentální geofyzice

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    Proceedings include papers devoted to geophysical methods application for solution of following problems: mining tremors, structure and properties of rock massif, geotechnical questions and laboratory investigation of rock fracturing

    G pretein-couplad receptors in membrane domains

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    Conclusions our purposewastoseparďeplasmamembranefractioncharacterisedaslipid rafu (or mernbranedomains)andítndtheextentofG protein coupledreceptors(GPCRs) raft association.Threediffererrttechniqueswere applied- detergontextraction,alkaline treaÍnent wift sonicďion,andhomogenisation'We foundtha on|yTriton X.l00 treatmentledto lipid raffs separďon from bulk membranephase.Many markermoleculeshelpedus to characterise low (sucrose|5.25%)andhigh-density(sucrose40%)membranefractionsseparďedon sucrosederrsitygraďents after cells homogenisation'ďkďine or detergentextraction.Low density,dercrgentresisiantmembranefragnents, were characterisedby presenceof mernbranedomainsproteinscaveolin,flotillin, andGPl-boundalkalinephosphatase,CD55, CD58, andCD59, whereashigh-densitysucrosegradientfractionwereenrichedin non-raft proteinsNA/K-ATPase' MHC l' cDl47' calnexinandtrarsferrinerec€ptoÍ'Using alkaline extractionandhomogenisation(detergent-freemethods)ďd notprovide membranedomains separatedfromnon.raflphaseofplasmamembrane. Inadditiontovariousmarkerproteins,gradientdistributionsof GPCRs andtrimericG proteinGso, GqďGl lo', Gil,2a andGp wereanalysedaswell' Innon.deteÍgent prepaÍations,all monitoredproteinsco.localísedin gradientfractionsrepresenting35-4070 sucÍose.on theotherhand,appIicationof TritonX. l 00 enabledus to..

    33th Polish-Czech-Slovak Symposium on Mining and Environmental Geophysics : abstract proceedings

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    Sborník obsahuje abstrakta 24 přednášek domácích i zahraničních účastníků, které byly prezentovány na konferenci: 33rd Polish-Czech-Slovak Symposium on Mining and Environmental Geophysics

    Possibility of total fracturing forecasting of loaded rock samples on the base of ultrasonic emission analysis

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    The ultrasonic emission, generated by rock samples loading, was subjected to autocorrelation analysis. The increase of autocorrelation coefficients and the tendency to their linear decrease is evidence of redistribution of stress in the sample, which occurs after stronger ultrasonic events. The above-mentioned parameters have a precursory character

    Seismika důlních otřesů

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    Textová částPrezenční výpůjčkaVysoká škola báňsk

    History of seismicity research in the Kladno coal district

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    The basic information about history and results of the seismicity research in the Kladno Coal Discrit are summarized in connection with closing mining activity in this area