59 research outputs found

    Miért nem működik még mindig? Érvek az iskolapszichológusi hálózat kiépítése mellett

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    Az iskolapszichológusi tevékenység a tankötelezettség 19. századi bevezetése után, hozzávetőleg a modern pszichológia térhódításával egy időben alakult ki. Bár nemzetközi és hazai viszonylatban az aktuális igények változása az iskolapszichológusi hivatás rugalmas adaptációját követelte meg, a közel egy évszázados múlt stabil, életképes szakma kialakulását tette lehetővé. Mindazonáltal számtalan esetben – feltehetően az információhiányból adódóan, valamint talán a lélektan túlmisztifikált percepciója miatt– nem ismerik fel az iskolapszichológia jelenlétének hasznosságát. Holott az oktatás és nevelés minőségére, sőt a gyermekek személyiségfejlődésére is hátrányosan hathat a megfelelő pszichológiai háttér hiánya az iskolában

    A szégyen szerepe a mentális zavarokban

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    Miért nem működik még mindig? : érvek az iskolapszichológusi hálózat kiépítése mellett

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    Az iskolapszichológusi tevékenység a tankötelezettség 19. századi bevezetése után, hozzávetőleg a modern pszichológia térhódításával egy időben alakult ki. Bár nemzetközi és hazai viszonylatban az aktuális igények változása az iskolapszichológusi hivatás rugalmas adaptációját követelte meg, a közel egy évszázados múlt stabil, életképes szakma kialakulását tette lehetővé. Mindazonáltal számtalan esetben – feltehetően az információhiányból adódóan, valamint talán a lélektan túlmisztifikált percepciója miatt– nem ismerik fel az iskolapszichológia jelenlétének hasznosságát. Holott az oktatás és nevelés minőségére, sőt a gyermekek személyiségfejlődésére is hátrányosan hathat a megfelelő pszichológiai háttér hiánya az iskolában

    Body-related shame or guilt? Dominant factors in maladaptive eating behaviors among Hungarian and Norwegian university students

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    The main purpose of our study was to examine the psychometric properties of Conradts' Weight- and Body-Related Shame and Guilt Scale (WEB-SG) and associations of body shame and guilt with maladaptive eating behaviors and general chronic shame among Hungarian and Norwegian university students. Therefore, we collected data from 561 university students from both nations in a cross-sectional questionnaire study. Participants completed the following standardized self-report questionnaires in this online survey: WEB-SG, Eating Attitude Test-26 (EAT-26) and Experience of Shame Scale (ESS). We tested the measurement model of the WEB-SG with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and we performed CFA with covariates analysis to examine the association between WEB-guilt (WEB-G) and WEB-shame (WEB-S) and predictors. Our empirical model of WEB-SGhas adequate fit with Conradts' theoretical model among both samples. The body-related guilt positively associated with dieting and negatively related to oral control in both groups. We found a significant positive relationship between WEB-S and BMI in Hungarian sample. According to our results, WEB-SG is an adequate questionnaire for assessing weight and body-related shame and guilt in Hungarian and Norwegian non-clinical samples. Maladaptive weight and body-related guilt could be a relevant factor in proneness to anorexia. Our results highlight WEB-G and WEB-S as two critical factors in the assessment and treatment of eating difficulties

    A viselkedésterápia eredményeinek vizsgálata az elhízás kezelésében egy év távlatában.

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    INTRODUCTION: Treatment of obesity has become one of the most challenging issues. AIM: The aims of the authors were to present the results of standard behavior therapy weight loss program combined with self-help and the results of one-year follow-up. METHOD: The 24-week program involved 41 participants of which 33 subjects participated in the follow-up. Anthropometric data were obtained and the participants were asked to fill questionnaires (the 21 items Three Factor Eating Questionnair Revised 21 items; Physical Exercise: Steps of change [Short Form]. RESULTS: 87.8% of participants achieved a minimum weight loss of 5% which is the rate expected in professional therapies for obesity. Significant changes in maladaptive eating pattern and an increase in the rate of regular exercise were observed. Significant association was found between the increase of cognitive restraint and the rate of weight loss during treatment. At one-year follow-up the majority of participants (75.8%) did keep their minimum weight loss of 5% and they showed significant change in eating pattern. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that standard behavior therapy extended with self-help elements may be a cost-effective treatment of obesity. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(30), 1196-1202

    Hyperthermia induced by transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) antagonists in human clinical trials: Insights from mathematical modeling and meta-analysis

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    Antagonists of the transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) channel alter body temperature (Tb) in laboratory animals and humans: most cause hyperthermia; some produce hypothermia; and yet others have no effect. TRPV1 can be activated by capsaicin (CAP), protons (low pH), and heat. First-generation (polymodal) TRPV1 antagonists potently block all three TRPV1 activation modes. Second-generation (mode-selective) TRPV1 antagonists potently block channel activation by CAP, but exert different effects (e.g., potentiation, no effect, or low-potency inhibition) in the proton mode, heat mode, or both. Based on our earlier studies in rats, only one mode of TRPV1 activation - by protons - is involved in thermoregulatory responses to TRPV1 antagonists. In rats, compounds that potently block, potentiate, or have no effect on proton activation cause hyperthermia, hypothermia, or no effect on Tb, respectively. A Tb response occurs when a TRPV1 antagonist blocks (in case of hyperthermia) or potentiates (hypothermia) the tonic TRPV1 activation by protons somewhere in the trunk, perhaps in muscles, and - via the acido-antithermogenic and acido-antivasoconstrictor reflexes - modulates thermogenesis and skin vasoconstriction. In this work, we used a mathematical model to analyze Tb data from human clinical trials of TRPV1 antagonists. The analysis suggests that, in humans, the hyperthermic effect depends on the antagonist's potency to block TRPV1 activation not only by protons, but also by heat, while the CAP activation mode is uninvolved. Whereas in rats TRPV1 drives thermoeffectors by mediating pH signals from the trunk, but not Tb signals, our analysis suggests that TRPV1 mediates both pH and thermal signals driving thermoregulation in humans. Hence, in humans (but not in rats), TRPV1 is likely to serve as a thermosensor of the thermoregulation system. We also conducted a meta-analysis of Tb data from human trials and found that polymodal TRPV1 antagonists (ABT-102, AZD1386, and V116517) increase Tb, whereas the mode-selective blocker NEO6860 does not. Several strategies of harnessing the thermoregulatory effects of TRPV1 antagonists in humans are discussed