34 research outputs found

    Fejér vármegye újranépesítése és újjászervezése a 18. században

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    The liberating Christian troops after the almost 150 years long Turkish occupation found the Hungarian fields in an exasperating state at the end of the 17th century. The restart and reorganization of life on the reoccupied areas seemed almost hopeless. Entire counties became unpopular and desolated, huge areas lost their cultural landscape character. Through the example of Fejér County, this study present that enormous work of reorganization that led to the successful integration of the former occupied areas into the Hungarian Kingdom by the end of the 18th century. It presents the process of re-establishment of Fejér County, the ethnic and denominational relations, population growth tendencies, the resurgent urban structure. The study analyzes the property and social status of the nobility returning to the county, and also the role of the nobility in the reorganization of the county. It presents in details the institutional system of the county, its operation, and names the noble families who took the leader role in the reorganization of the county. At the end of the study, it covers all the economic and cultural achievements that underlie the national uprising in the 19th century

    AZ Amerikai Egyesült Államok és Magyarország között 1921-ben megkötött békeszerződés

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    After Germany introduced the unrestricted submarine warfare at the beginning of February 1917, the United States declared war on 6th April 1917 on Berlin and joined the First World War beside the Allied countries. In response to the declaration of war the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy broke off its diplomatic relations with Washington on the 9th April 1917. The martial law between the two states came into force on the 7th December 1917 with the US’s declaration of war. The First World War ended with the victory of the Entente and the peace was dictated by the victors. US President Woodrow Wilson achieved that the victorious powers adopted the League of Nations Covenant in April 1919, which became part of the Paris peace treaties. The US domestic politics was divided over the League of Nations, and as a result of that the US Senate has not ratified neither Germany’s nor Austria’s and Hungary’s peace treaties. The US concluded a separate peace treaty with the losing countries on the basis of the Knox-Porter-resolution. In the history of diplomacy the Knox-Porter-resolution became known as a peace resolution that abolished the state of war between the parties, but the United States has assured all the rights guaranteed by the ceasefire agreement and the peace treaty. The study deals with the preliminaries, the parliamentary debate, details of the ratification, and also describes the most important points of the peace treaty between the United States and Hungary signed on 29th August 1921

    A magyar külpolitika válságkezelő kísérletei a nagy gazdasági világválság idején Bethlen István és Károlyi Gyula kormányai alatt (1929-1932)

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    The Great Depression that broke out on 24th October 1929 resulted a severe agricultural and credit crisis in Hungary. Therefor the Hungarian foreign policy’s aim was to encourage the foreign investments on the one hand, and to circulate loans for the country ont he other hand, and last but not least obtain foreign markets for the Hungarian agricultural products. The present study summarize the attempts of the Hungarian foreign policy between 1929 and 1932, that the Hungarian government led by István Bethlen and Gyula Károlyi trying to achieve in order to overcome the crisis. The study describes Bethlen’s negotiations in Paris, London, Berlin, Vienna, that brought part success, but did not result a breakthrough and Hungary’s external action concerning the German-Austrian customs union plan. It presents the two foreign ministers Lajos Walko’s and Gyula Karolyi’s attempts. Concerning Gyula Károlyi is about the Hungarian foreign policy’s French orientation attempt. Finally, the study summarize the reasons that ultimately led to the failure of both governments. Finding the foreign policy solution for recovering from the crisis left for the 1932 October founded government and for Gyula Gombos

    História klub - Székesfehérvár

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    Az Esztergom központú régió múltja és jelene

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    Esztergom, which was the center of the smallest castle-county of the historical Hungary, felt political, economical and cultural integrated part for centuries. It had jointed the Danube’s right and left side and the western part of Garam. Nevertheless the Peace treaty of Trianon cut the county in two: it annexed the left coast of the Danube to Czechoslovakia. Hereby they cut Esztergom from it’s naturally evolved allurement-district, and bereaved it from it’s economical opportunities. It managed to significant retrogression in the 20th years. This situation only changed through the first Wiennese Resolution in 1938, when the Danube’s left coast’s left part was reunited to Hungary. After the II. World War in point of Esztergom, the Trianon border was set back and Esztergom got to periphery again. It lost it’s county center role, and as an archbishop became a continuous target of the communist masteries. The force punished the town for decades. Moreover because of the lock of the political ordinance, the Maria Valeria bridge, that conjugate the two parts of Danube, and thatwere exploded by the withdrawn German forces in 1944, wasn’t resettled. Accordingly the direct physical connection between the in times past coherent areas also ceased. After the Regime Change a significant integration progress set off, which effected the rebuilt of the bridge in 2001. It gave a huge buoyancy , and opened a new perspective for the cooperation between the disrupted areas. The Ister-Granum inboarder little-region, and than the Ister-Granum Euro-region in 2003 was the effect of this. With this the opportunity of a more qualified cooperation opened. In the past few years several projects and successful applications confirmed the initiation’s justness. The Ister-Granum Euro-region transformed in 2008. It became a corporation, and assumed the name of Ister-Granum Euro-pean Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC). In this context, they opened more boundless opportunities for the residents of the Danube both sides. This study analysis and presents this process

    A „kegyetlenül szomorú kötelesség" - A trianoni békediktátum becikkelyezése 1. : 1920. június - 1920. október

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    The peace treaty that was signed by the representatives of the Hungarian government at the Grand Trianon Palace in Versailles on the 4th June 1920, closed the hostilities between the warring parties, and with its 364 articles, it recorded the severe conditions of peace, striking on the defeated Hungary. The peace agreement has not yet become effective with the signing ceremony. The enactment, ratification and sanction of the signed treaty were just ahead. Since the peace treaty was among the international agreements that came in force only after the ratification – and the implementation could also be demanded after the act – the Hungarian party done all to ensure that the ratification take place as late as possible. They wanted to achieve their limited revisionist goals during this period. However, the victorious powers urged the prompt ratification. It was more than a year process from the beginning of the ratification till the peace agreement entered into force which period can be divided into two major clearly separable phases. The first phase lasted from the signing of the peace treaty on 4 June 1920 till 26 October 1920 with its submission to the National Assembly. The second phase includes parliamentary debates and the ratification itself lasting until 26 July 1921, the exchanging of the ratification documents. The size of the subject made it necessary to present the events of the two periods in two separate studies. Thus, the present study describes and analyzes the events of the first period. The essay gives full details of the ratification as an international norm, covering the codification position of Hungary and the Little Entente states and, relating to the victorious powers efforts. The document gives a detailed analyzes of the great powers’s policy which finally forced the Hungarian government to submit the ratification of the Trianon Peace Treaty to the National Assembly

    Illíria a francia nagyhatalmi politikában a 19. század elején

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    With France’s declaration of war in 1792, a nearly fifteen year long war series started. Opened the new European power policy’s era, that restructured the international political relations. Paris initially strived to reach the natural borders, and their international recognition. After 1805 he openly seeking to acquire the leadership in Europe. The acquisition of the Illyrian providence in 1809 was part of this. Napoleon on the day of the signature of the Schonbrunn peace on 14th October 1809 established the Illyrian providence with imperial decree. The centre of the 55 km2large and 1.5 million inhabitants Illyrian providence was the Carniolan Laichbach. He appointed a governor general to be the head of the providence. Untill 1813, the existence of the Illyrian providence Illyria had four governor generals: Auguste Marmont, Henri Bertrand and Andoche Junot General, and Joseph Fouche, Napoleon’s former police Minister. The parts of the Illyrian providence were: the Villach centred Carinthia, the Austrian Istria that includes Triest and Gorze, the Laibach centred Carniola, Fiume and the Hungarian Primorje, the civil and armed Croatia, Dalmatia and the former Republic of Raguzai and Cattaro. The political reason of their establishment was Austria’s weakening, and the elimination of the Austrian-British relation. The geopolitical reason was the Italian Kingdom’s protection and a starting base to the Balkan. The economical reason was to provide the continental quarantine. The French Empire hold the Illyrian providence till 1813 autumn. However, after the defeat of Leipzig they couldn’t hold the providence. Four years after its establishment the French should give it up. In 1815, on the Congress of Vienna, they reannexed it to the Austrian Empire. We can say about the Illyrian providence that: It was born in the Wagram battle, was baptized in the Schonbrunn peace, died at the battle of nations, next to Leipzig, buried at the Congress of Vienna

    A Magyar Távirati Iroda közleménye Benárd Ágoston nyugalmazott miniszter népbírósági ítéletéről : 1948. október 7.

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    In the 7th October 1948. the Hungarian News Agency reported in a brief report that the National Council of People’s Court convicted for six year long prison sentence Dr. Ágost Benárd, former „fascist” Minister of Labor and Social Welfare (1920–1921). The charges against Mr. Benard were: in 1900-1901 he was initiated at the unfolding of the riots and fighting on the Budapest University; he made inflammatory speeches against the left party as a parliament representative; he was member of anti-democratic associations; as the editor in chief of the newspaper of „A Nép” he gave place for inflammatory articles; in 1944, in Wien he entered the SS and he was on duty in it. This study does not undertake to full detailed explore the Benard-trial. It only would like to compare the information of the Hungarian News Agency with the facts. Pointing out, that the trial against Mr. Benard was aimed to condemn the Christian social ideas. The Benard-trial can be interpreted as the overture and rehearsal of the attacks against the Christian Church. The study points on the conceptual nature of the trial, thus it raises the need of revision in Ágost Benárd’s case

    Öt hónap a népjóléti minisztérium élén : Batthyány Tivadar minisztersége, 1917. augusztus 18.-1918. január 25.

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    King Charles IV appointed Tivadar Batthyány, who was 59 and politician of the Independence and 48 (Károlyi) Party, two times to Minister Without Portfolio in 1917 within 5 days. First, into the government of Earl Móric Esterházy, later to Wekerle Sándor’s. In both governments, he was commissioned to attend social issues. Batthyány immediately started to organise welfare and labour under a ministry and to create the framework of human, material and financial resources. He planned and prepared the necessary amendments and began to set out the detailed rules connected to the operation of the ministry. According to his plans, the whole public healthcare, mother and child support, protection of female labour, public charity, labour exchange, occupational safety, issues of agricultural and industrial workers and estate servants, housing, disabled veteran care, child welfare, orphans, illegitimate children would have been ordered under the authority of the Ministry of Welfare. Only a few of these grandiose plans were accomplished. They were rejected by the parliamentary majority or failed due to the indifference and political manoeuvres of Prime Minister Sándor Wekerle. Thus, the majority of these social initiatives failed. There was success only on the field of public supply due to the organisation of wartime kitchens and public supply programmes which were vital during wartime. The governmental crisis in January 1918 resulted in the abdication of Batthyány. In the political transition he did not get role. Therefore, the extensive, coherent socio-political and institutional attempt in the last years of WW I to solve the cumulating social problems failed