Öt hónap a népjóléti minisztérium élén : Batthyány Tivadar minisztersége, 1917. augusztus 18.-1918. január 25.


King Charles IV appointed Tivadar Batthyány, who was 59 and politician of the Independence and 48 (Károlyi) Party, two times to Minister Without Portfolio in 1917 within 5 days. First, into the government of Earl Móric Esterházy, later to Wekerle Sándor’s. In both governments, he was commissioned to attend social issues. Batthyány immediately started to organise welfare and labour under a ministry and to create the framework of human, material and financial resources. He planned and prepared the necessary amendments and began to set out the detailed rules connected to the operation of the ministry. According to his plans, the whole public healthcare, mother and child support, protection of female labour, public charity, labour exchange, occupational safety, issues of agricultural and industrial workers and estate servants, housing, disabled veteran care, child welfare, orphans, illegitimate children would have been ordered under the authority of the Ministry of Welfare. Only a few of these grandiose plans were accomplished. They were rejected by the parliamentary majority or failed due to the indifference and political manoeuvres of Prime Minister Sándor Wekerle. Thus, the majority of these social initiatives failed. There was success only on the field of public supply due to the organisation of wartime kitchens and public supply programmes which were vital during wartime. The governmental crisis in January 1918 resulted in the abdication of Batthyány. In the political transition he did not get role. Therefore, the extensive, coherent socio-political and institutional attempt in the last years of WW I to solve the cumulating social problems failed

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