321 research outputs found

    Behind the North-South divide: A decomposition analysis

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    The paper applies modified Oaxaca-type analyses on the eighteen available waves of the British Household Panel Survey to decompose the wage gap among full time employees from either side of the North-South divide and identify its components that can be attributed to measurable worker- and labour market characteristics, and the part due to differences in the returns to these endowments. Further, by applying Juhn, Murphy and Pierce’s (1991) methodology, it is analysed, how changes in these underlying factors could explain the one quarter decline in the wage gap over the 1991 – 2009 period. The paper confirms the existence of a differential treatment effect by showing that only one fifth of the wage gap can be explained by observable differences. The magnitude of the unexplainable coefficient effect is so large, that the remarkable improvements in Northern occupational structure and human capital levels over the period could only translate into an actual decline in the wage gap, because it coincided with a period of increasing inequality among Northern occupational wage premia, which – as a by-product – increased the average Northern wage and this way counterbalanced the effects of the increasing Southern returns to experience, that alone could have increased the initial pay gap by half.England's North-South divide, regional wage gap, Oaxaca decomposition, Juhn, Murphy and Pierce decomposition, Yun's method

    A note on tilted Sperner families with patterns

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    Let pp and qq be two nonnegative integers with p+q>0p+q>0 and n>0n>0. We call FP([n])\mathcal{F} \subset \mathcal{P}([n]) a \textit{(p,q)-tilted Sperner family with patterns on [n]} if there are no distinct F,GFF,G \in \mathcal{F} with: (i)  pFG=qGF, and(i) \ \ p|F \setminus G|=q|G \setminus F|, \ \textrm{and} (ii) f>g for all fFG and gGF.(ii) \ f > g \ \textrm{for all} \ f \in F \setminus G \ \textrm{and} \ g \in G \setminus F. Long (\cite{L}) proved that the cardinality of a (1,2)-tilted Sperner family with patterns on [n][n] is O(e120logn 2nn).O(e^{120\sqrt{\log n}}\ \frac{2^n}{\sqrt{n}}). We improve and generalize this result, and prove that the cardinality of every (p,qp,q)-tilted Sperner family with patterns on [nn] is O(logn 2nn).O(\sqrt{\log n} \ \frac{2^n}{\sqrt{n}}).Comment: 8 page

    Generalized Tur\'an problems for disjoint copies of graphs

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    Given two graphs HH and FF, the maximum possible number of copies of HH in an FF-free graph on nn vertices is denoted by ex(n,H,F)ex(n,H,F). We investigate the function ex(n,H,kF)ex(n,H,kF), where kFkF denotes kk vertex disjoint copies of a fixed graph FF. Our results include cases when FF is a complete graph, cycle or a complete bipartite graph.Comment: 18 pages. There was a wrong statement in the first version, it is corrected no

    A discrete isodiametric result: the Erd\H{o}s-Ko-Rado theorem for multisets

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    There are many generalizations of the Erd\H{o}s-Ko-Rado theorem. We give new results (and problems) concerning families of tt-intersecting kk-element multisets of an nn-set and point out connections to coding theory and classical geometry. We establish the conjecture that for nt(kt)+2n \geq t(k-t)+2 such a family can have at most (n+kt1kt){n+k-t-1\choose k-t} members

    On the size of planarly connected crossing graphs

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    We prove that if an nn-vertex graph GG can be drawn in the plane such that each pair of crossing edges is independent and there is a crossing-free edge that connects their endpoints, then GG has O(n)O(n) edges. Graphs that admit such drawings are related to quasi-planar graphs and to maximal 11-planar and fan-planar graphs.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2016

    Forbidden subposet problems for traces of set families

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    In this paper we introduce a problem that bridges forbidden subposet and forbidden subconfiguration problems. The sets F1,F2,,FPF_1,F_2, \dots,F_{|P|} form a copy of a poset PP, if there exists a bijection i:P{F1,F2,,FP}i:P\rightarrow \{F_1,F_2, \dots,F_{|P|}\} such that for any p,pPp,p'\in P the relation p<Ppp<_P p' implies i(p)i(p)i(p)\subsetneq i(p'). A family F\mathcal{F} of sets is \textit{PP-free} if it does not contain any copy of PP. The trace of a family F\mathcal{F} on a set XX is FX:={FX:FF}\mathcal{F}|_X:=\{F\cap X: F\in \mathcal{F}\}. We introduce the following notions: F2[n]\mathcal{F}\subseteq 2^{[n]} is ll-trace PP-free if for any ll-subset L[n]L\subseteq [n], the family FL\mathcal{F}|_L is PP-free and F\mathcal{F} is trace PP-free if it is ll-trace PP-free for all lnl\le n. As the first instances of these problems we determine the maximum size of trace BB-free families, where BB is the butterfly poset on four elements a,b,c,da,b,c,d with a,b<c,da,b<c,d and determine the asymptotics of the maximum size of (ni)(n-i)-trace Kr,sK_{r,s}-free families for i=1,2i=1,2. We also propose a generalization of the main conjecture of the area of forbidden subposet problems