4 research outputs found
EgyĂ©ni magángazdaságok összehasonlĂtĂł ökonĂłmiai elemzĂ©se Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megyĂ©ben = Comparative Economics Analysis of the Private family Farms in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County
A kutatĂłmunka eredmĂ©nyei három csoportba foglalhatĂłk össze: - A Magyarország Ă©szak-alföldi rĂ©giĂłjában működĹ‘ egyĂ©ni magángazdaságok több szempont szerinti, matematikai-statisztikai mĂłdszerekkel törtĂ©nĹ‘ összehasonlĂtását elvĂ©geztĂĽk Ă©s feltártuk kistĂ©rsĂ©gi szinten a gazdálkodásuk fontosabb jellemzĹ‘it, kĂĽlönös tekintettel Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megyĂ©re. - Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megye egyĂ©ni magángazdaságai körĂ©ben vĂ©gzett reprezentatĂv felmĂ©rĂ©s alapján (mĂ©lyinterjĂş mĂłdszerrel) SWOT-analĂzissel feltártuk Ă©s kimutattuk a gazdálkodás erĹ‘ssĂ©geit, gyengesĂ©geit, a kĂnálkozĂł lehetĹ‘sĂ©geket Ă©s a veszĂ©lyeket, amelyek segĂthetik a megĂ©lhetĂ©st biztosĂtĂł jövĹ‘kĂ©p kialakĂtását. - KĂ©t tipikus árunövĂ©ny-termelĹ‘ egyĂ©ni magángazdaságban (50 ha Ă©s 250 ha) az IFCN mĂłdszerĂ©t TIPI-CAL felhasználva elvĂ©geztĂĽk a költsĂ©g-jövedelem viszonyok rĂ©szletes elemzĂ©sĂ©t, s feltártuk a gazdálkodás tartalĂ©kait Ă©s a versenykĂ©pessĂ©g növelĂ©sĂ©t meghatározĂł tĂ©nyezĹ‘ket. | The results of the research work can be summarized in three groups: - We carried out the comparison of the private farms working in the Northern Great Plain region of Hungary according to more respects with mathematical-statistical methods and explored the most important features of their farming on micro-regional level, particularly considering Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county. - According to the representative survey carried out in the domain of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county' s private farms (with the method of deep interview), with the help of SWOT-analysis we explored and pointed out the strengths and weaknesses of farming, the occurring opportunities and threats, which can help the establishment of the future prospect ensuring subsistence. - Using the IFCN method (TIPI-CAL) in two typical cash-crop producing private farms we carried out the detailed analysis of the cost-income relations and explored the reserves of farming and the factors determining the increase of competitiveness
Az egyéni gazdaságok technikai erőforrás-ellátottsága az Észak-Alföldi régió kistérségeiben
A releváns hazai szakirodalom Ă©s kutatási eredmĂ©nyeink egyĂ©rtelműen rávilágĂtanak arra, hogy Magyarországon a fejlett országokhoz kĂ©pest alacsony a vonĂłerĹ‘ kapacitás, es arra is, hogy a hazai mezĹ‘gazdasági gĂ©ppark nem felel meg a minĹ‘sĂ©gi termĂ©k előállĂtás kĂvánalmainak. A gĂ©pek többsĂ©ge tĂşlkoros, s a gĂ©ppark nem igazodik az átalakulást követĹ‘ birtokstruktĂşrához. A gĂ©pesĂtettsĂ©g jelen állapotában már a fejlĹ‘dĂ©s korlátozĂł tĂ©nyezĹ‘je, ami nyugtalanĂtĂł az uniĂłs csatlakozást követĹ‘en is. Ăšgy tűnik, hogy a magyar mezĹ‘gazdaság egyik versenyhátránya a nem megfelelĹ‘ technikai ellátottság. Ezek az általános megállapĂtások azonban regionálisan Ă©s gazdaságonkĂ©nt is igen nagy kĂĽlönbsĂ©geket takarnak. A helyi, regionális Ă©s központi döntĂ©shozĂłk számára egyaránt fontosak ezĂ©rt az e kĂĽlönbsĂ©geket, s a regionális sajátosságokat verifikálhatĂłan leĂrĂł összefĂĽggĂ©sek, s az ezekre alapozott szintetizált, Ăşj ismeretek. A cikk az egyĂ©ni gazdaságok technikai erĹ‘forrás-ellátottságában fellelhetĹ‘ terĂĽleti kĂĽlönbsĂ©gek kimutatására Ă©s azok okainak feltárására irányulĂł vizsgálatok eredmĂ©nyeit mutatja be az Észak-Alföld kistĂ©rsĂ©geiben. -------------- Relevant Hungarian publications as well as results of our own research indicate that in comparison with western, more developed countries that in Hungary the hauling capacity of farms is low, and the machines used are unable to produce the quality required. Most machines are over-age and do not fit the recently transformed structure of properties. The actual level of mechanisation is a limiting factor of development and does not apply any more to the norms of the EU, which is a matter of concern for the period ahead. Hungarian agriculture suffers competitive drawbacks because its low supplies of technical equipment. Those general statements, however, have to be specified according to the region or even to individual farms because the variation is wide. Local, regional or even central decisions have to be based on exact knowledge of the actual objects. The study aims to clear the possible details necessary to synthesise the data raised in order to gain information concerning the interaction of local resources and technical equipment referring to a micro-region of the northern Hungarian Great Plain
Higher Education Educator Roles in Developing Entrepreneurship
In universities, there has been a strong tradition of knowledge development in recent decades, where the emphasis in education has been on knowledge transfer rather than skill development. In the labour market, by contrast, the focus is increasingly on skills enhancement. Where is the balance, taking in mind that the educator is part of the educational environment and different stakeholders of the system expect different roles from them? What is an excellent teacher like, in our modern world, who is ready to face these challenges, invests energy, shows interest in students and excels in shaping the learning environment around them in a positive way? What are the approaches that are most needed in entrepreneurship education? Our paper seeks to continue the dialogue around these burning questions and comes to the conclusion that educators are important stakeholders in entrepreneurship education. Clarification and development of their roles, their job-fitness, needs more attention and further research