3 research outputs found

    Medical students maintain their humanistic and patient‑centred vocation throughout Medicine Degree in Spain: a study based on narratives

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    Narrative medicine has great educational potential in the degree of medicine. This study explores for the frst time the use of narrative medicine in relation to longitudinal evolution of medical vocation for the same group of students. In the context of the Degree in Medicine at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), students wrote narratives about what it meant to them to be a doctor at the beginning and end of their studies. The narratives of 338 students of the academic years 2012/13– 2017/18 and 2013/14–2018/19 were analysed and compared. Students mostly pursued a degree in medicine on account of humanistic motivations, which are reinforced throughout their degree. In contrast, up to 10% of students reference to have experienced vocational crises and sufered frustration, with up to 25% of the references pertaining to having made signifcant sacrifces. Students maintain and evolve their humanistic, patient-centred vision throughout their degree studies, despite the difculties they appear to encounter. We suggest that eforts must be made to include more humanistic perspectives in the medical degree to keep this trend, which may improve both the educational experience created in universities and the health care given to patient

    Operación Banda en el IES Zurbarán, cuando la educación sale del aula

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    El trabajo obtuvo una mención honorífica del Premio Tomás García Verdejo a las buenas prácticas educativas en la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura para el curso 2020/2021. Modalidad BSe describe un proyecto llevado a cabo en el IES Zurbarán de Navalmoral de la Mata (Cáceres) surgido ante el problema planteado por el trazado del tren de alta velocidad en superficie a su paso por la localidad del centro. Se exponen los problemas que este planteamiento supondrán para la ciudad y para el instituto. La situación se analizó desde las distintas asignaturas y departamentos del centro y además de contar con la participación del alumnado y personal del centro colaboraron personalidades, instituciones y asociaciones locales. Otros objetivos del proyecto fueron: promover el pensamiento crítico, la resolución de problemas, la iniciativa personal, la toma de decisiones y la creatividad; propugnar el trabajo colaborativo; impulsar la comunicación lingüística; favorecer la competencia digital; propiciar la iniciativa emprendedora; crear conciencia social pues se realiza una reivindicación que afecta a su centro y promover la participación activa en asociaciones y entidades cívicas, culturales y deportivasExtremaduraES

    Characteristics and predictors of death among 4035 consecutively hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Spain

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