329 research outputs found

    Bargaining model for the international oil industry

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    This paper establishes a model for analyzing the dynamics of the host state-international oil company (IOC) bargaining relationship. Theoretically, the model advances our ability to investigate bargaining dynamics between host states, oil companies and other stakeholders in the oil industry. It is a sophisticated mechanism which identifies the complex array of relationships and bargains within which the host state-IOC bargaining relationship is nested. The model builds on and leverages the key contributions of earlier bargaining models. It enables us to integrate relevant ideas from existing scholarship on host state-MNC bargaining while also taking into account other actors and bargains at domestic and international levels that affect bargaining between an IOC and a host state. Practically, the model will help actors choose strategies more systematically, leading to higher relative bargaining power that may translate to preferable bargaining outcomes

    The Influence of the Built Environment on the Driving Behaviors and Mental Health of Older Adults.

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    Due to increases in life expectancy, the aging of the baby boom generation, and a decline in birth rates, the US population is aging rapidly. In the future, older people will not only comprise a larger proportion of the general population, but also the driving population. This issue is characterized by a conflict between roadway safety for those who can no longer safely drive, and loss of independence when driving reduction and cessation become necessary. Previous research on driving decision making among older adults has largely focused on individual- and interpersonal-level factors. This study examined the influence of the physical transportation environment on driving reduction and cessation, after controlling for the effects of other predictors. Differences by gender and race were also assessed, as was the influence of the transportation environment on depressive symptoms. Longitudinal survival analysis techniques and generalized estimating equations were used to analyze seven waves of data spanning a 12-year period from 1998 through 2010. Results showed that after controlling for the effects of demographics, health, and social support, there was a significant influence of the transportation environment on both driving reduction and driving cessation. As roadway density and congestion increased, the odds of driving reduction and cessation also increased. Men were more affected than women by the transportation environment, and Whites and Hispanics were more affected than African Americans and those of Other race. Driving reduction, driving cessation, and the transportation environment also significantly predicted the rate of depressive symptoms over time. Depressive symptoms were positively associated with driving limitations, while a more congested environment predicted fewer depressive symptoms. Other predictors of driving reduction and cessation included relationship status, household size, and having a friend who lives nearby. Results suggest that policy changes and modifications to the physical environment should be made to improve older drivers' ability to remain engaged in life. Creating mixed-use livable communities with goods and services in close proximity are warranted to mitigate some of the mobility challenges of older adulthood. Older individuals should also consider and plan for how their transportation environment will affect their desire to age in place.PhDHealth Behavior and Health EducationUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113589/1/jviv_1.pd

    Finite elements used in the vertical discretization of the fully compressible core of the ALADIN system

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    The finite-element method with B splines is used for definition of vertical operators in the nonhydrostatic fully compressible dynamical core of the ALADIN system. It represents a generalization of the same method used in the hydrostatic dynamical core shared by the ALADIN system and the global forecast system ARPEGE/IFS. The method is shown to be robust enough in idealized academic tests and real simulations. Its theoretical superiority is shown when compared with the finite-difference method


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    Clinical studies with curcumin

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    Kurkuma (Curcuma longa L.) se od davnina upotrebljava u Ajurvedi i tradicionalnoj kineskoj medicini, a zbog širokog spektra djelovanja danas se sve više istražuje. Od podanka kurkume dobiva se oficinalna droga, čija monografija postoji u Europskoj farmakopeji. Djelatne sastavnice podanka ove biljke jesu kurkuminoidi (kurkumin, bisdemetoksikurkumin i demetoksikurkumin), a upravo se oni predmet istraživanja u najvećem broju kliničkih studija. Zbog protuupalnog i antioksidacijskog djelovanja, istraživan je učinak kurkumina na osteoartiritis, upalu, oksidacijski stres, psorijazu, bolesti bubrega, gingivitis i dr., te je u gotovo svim ispitivanjima uočen pozitivni učinak. Dokazano je da u onkoloških pacijenata kurkumin može poboljšati kvalitetu života. Ispitano je djelovanje kurkumina i na gastrointestinalni, živčani i kardiovaskularni sustav. Otkriven je njegov terapijski potencijal u liječenju upalnih bolesti crijeva, šećerne bolesti tipa 2, povišenih lipida, anskioznosti i depresije. Zbog slabe bioraspoloživosti razvijene su nove formulacije kurkumina. U kliničkim ispitivanjima uočene su potencijalne interakcije kurkumina s metabolitima CYP2D6. Potrebno je provesti daljnja ispitivanja da se potvrde terapijski učinci kurkumina i njegovih analoga.Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) is used since ancient times in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Because of its wide uses it is frequent subject of research. Official herbal drug is produced from the turmeric rhizome and its monograph exists in European Pharmacopoeia. Active ingredients of this plant are curcuminoids (curcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin, demethoxycurcumin). Actually, curcuminoids are the subjects of ongoing clinical trials. The efficacy of curcumin on osteoarthritis, inflammation, oxidative stress, psoriasis, kidney disease and gingivitis is being investigated because of their antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties. In almost all trials there has been positive effect of curcumin. Curcumin can ameliorate quality of life in oncological patients. Efficacy of curcumin on nervous, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal system has been investigated in clinical trials. Curcumin has found to be effective in treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, in improving glucose status in patients with diabetes, lipid status, anxiety and depression. Because of curucmin's low bioavailability, new formulations are developed. Interactions with metabolites of CYP2D6 are found in clinical trials. There is need for further trials to confirm therapeutic effects of curcumin and its analogues

    Genetic diversity in curtoviruses: a highly divergent strain of Beet mild curly top virus associated with an outbreak of curly top disease in pepper in Mexico

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    A full-length curtovirus genome was PCR-amplified and cloned from peppers in Mexico with symptoms of curly top disease. The cloned DNA of this isolate, MX-P24, replicated in Nicotiana tabacum protoplasts and was infectious in N. benthamiana plants. Sequence analysis revealed that the MX-P24 isolate had a typical curtovirus genome organization and was most similar to beet mild curly top virus (BMCTV). However, sequence identities were at the threshold value for establishment of a new curtovirus species. To further investigate the biological properties of MX-P24, an agroinoculation system was generated. Agroinoculated shepherd’s purse plants developed typical curly top symptoms, and virus from these plants was transmissible by the beet leafhopper (Circulifer tenellus). The host range of MX-P24 was similar to that of BMCTV, with curly top symptoms induced in common bean, pepper, pumpkin, shepherd’s purse and tomato plants and mild or no symptoms induced in sugar beet plants. Together, these results indicate that MX-P24 is a highly divergent strain of BMCTV associated with an outbreak of curly top disease in peppers in Mexico

    An evaluation of the 2007 “Click It or Ticket" safety belt mobilization in Florida

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    bibliographic referencesA direct observation study was conducted in Spring 2007 to evaluate the statewide “Click It or Ticket” (CIOT) safety belt mobilization in Florida. The study consisted of two survey waves: a baseline wave completed before CIOT activities began, and a follow-up survey completed immediately following the termination of the activities. Both survey waves were conducted statewide on front-outboard motor vehicle occupants traveling in four vehicle types (cars, vans, SUVs, and pickup trucks). Belt use was estimated for all vehicle types combined (the statewide safety belt use rate) for each survey wave. Additional analyses were conducted to determine belt use rates by several occupant and environmental characteristics. Statewide safety belt use was 74.1 percent prior to the mobilization campaign, and 74.2 percent during the follow-up survey wave. These rates were not significantly different from one another. The study results suggest that the CIOT efforts implemented in Florida during 2007 did not have their intended effect.Tallahassee Community College/Florida Department of Transportationhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/55475/1/99841.pd

    Direct observation of safety belt use in Michigan: December 2002

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    Notes: "February 2003."Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 35-37)Notes: Final report. Oct. 2001-Nov. 2004 [sic]Full Text: Occupant ProtectionMichigan Office of Highway Safety Planning, Lansinghttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/1482/2/71544a26.0001.001.pd

    The Influence of weathering process on residual shear strength of fine grained lithological flysch components

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    U ovom doktorskom radu prikazani su rezultati istraživanja utjecaja trošenja na rezidualnu posmičnu čvrstoću i postojanost sitnozrnastih litoloških članova flišne stijenske mase na području sjeverne Istre, doline Rječine i Vinodolske doline. Nekompetentni, sitnozrnasti litološki članovi flišnog kompleksa trošenjem značajno mijenjaju fizičko mehaničke značajke. U naslagama fliša cesta je pojava klizišta pri ćemu se klizna ploha formira ili na kontaktu pokrivača i flišne stijene ili kroz trošne slojeve flišne stijenske mase. Uslijed klizanja dolazi do usitnjavanja stijenske mase na kliznoj plohi, a čvrstoća materijala uslijed nastalih deformacija pada s vršnih na rezidualne vrijednosti. Za reaktiviranje umirenih klizišta po istim kliznim plohama mjerodavne su rezidualne vrijednosti posmične čvrstoće materijala na istima. Utjecaj trošenja na vrijednosti rezidualne posmične čvrstoće sitnozrastih litoloških članova iz naslaga fliša proveden je laboratorijskim ispitivanjima uzoraka različitih stupnjeva trošnosti uređajem za izravno smicanje i prstenasto smicanje. Također su ispitane jednoosna tlačna čvrstoća te postojanost uzoraka sitnozrnastih litoloških članova fliša različitih stupnjeva trošnosti. Određene su promjene mineralnog sastava istih sitnozrastih litoloških clanova fliša različite trošnosti nastalih u procesu trošenja. Provedene su numeričke simulacije reaktiviranja klizišta Krbavčići II u sjevernoj Istri i klizišta Valići u dolini Rječine korištenjem rezidualnih parametara čvrstoće za različite stupnjeve trošnosti sitnozrnastih litoloških članova fliša. Pokazano je da trošenje sitnozrnastih litoloških članova fliša ima značajan utjecaj na pad rezidualne posmične čvrstoće te da trošenje ovih materijala utječe na reaktiviranje umirenih klizišta u flišnoj stijenskoj masi.Investigation results of the influence of weathering process on the residual shear strength and durability of fine grained lithological flysch components in the area of north Istria, Rječina Valley and Vinodol Valley are presented in this doctoral theises. Physical and mechanical properties of incompetent, fine grained flysch lithoilogcal members significantly change due to weathering. Landslide occurrences in flysch deposits are frequent and slip surface is formed at the contact of surficial deposits and flysch rock mass or inside the weathered flysch rock mass. Rock mass defragmentation at the slip surface occurs due to sliding and shear strength decreases from peak to residual values thorugh occured displacements. These residual strength values of the slip surface material are competent for the dormant landslide reactivation along the same slip surface. Weathering effect on the residual shear strength values of fine grained lithological flysch components are investigated by laboratory tests on samples of different weathering grades in direct shear and ring shear apparatus. Also uniaxial compressive strenth and durability of fine grained lithological flysch rock mass samples with different weathering grades are investigated. Mineralogical composition of the same fine grained lithological flysch components of different weathering grades is determined. Numerical simulation of the Krbavčići II landslide in north Istria and Valići landslide in the Rječina Valley reactivation are conducted with residual strength parameters of different weathering grades of fine grained lithological flysch components. It is proved that weathering process has significant effect on the residual shear strength decrease of fine grained lithological flysch components and that weathering of those materials causes the dormant landslide reactivation in the flysch rock mass