34 research outputs found

    Biology, ecology and management perspectives of overexploited deposit-feeders sea cucumbers, with focus on Holothuria tubulosa (Gmelin, 1788)

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    The increasing harvesting of low trophic level organisms is raising concern about the possible consequences on the ecosystem functioning. In particular, the continuous demand of sea cucumbers from the international market led to the overexploitation of either traditionally harvested or new target species, including the Mediterranean ones. Sea cucumbers are mostly deposit feeders able to consume sedimentary organic matter and, thus, are ideal candidate for the remediation of eutrophicated sediments, like those beneath aquaculture projects. Breeding and restocking of overexploited sea cucumbers populations are well-established prac-tices for Indo-Pacific species like Holothuria scabra and Apostichopus japonicus. Some attempts have also been made for the Mediterranean species Holothuria tubulosa, but, so far, the adaptation of protocols used for other species has presented several is-sues. We here summarize narratively the available information about sea cucumbers rearing protocols with the aim of identifying their major flaws and gaps of knowledge and fostering research about new triggers for spawning and feasible protocols to reduce the high mortality of post-settlers

    Microbiological characterization of a rearing system for the common sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus: a support to technical production regulations redaction and system monitoring

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    Objective: The overexploitation of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus stock, as a consequence of the growing market demand for roe, has boosted the research for echinoderm rearing. The chemical, physical, and microbiological characteristics of land-based facilities are crucial for sea urchins' health and human consumption of their products. In Italy, health-hygienic regulations for P. lividus rearing are still to be perfected by the authorities. In this context, we characterized the microbiological quality of a pilot land-based facility for sea urchin production at the University of Cagliari (Italy) to support the development of technical production regulations.Materials and Methods The accredited Hygiene Laboratory of Cagliari University collected and analyzed the samples in June 2023. Mesophilic bacteria, yeasts, and molds were searched for in air and on surfaces. Total coliforms and Escherichia coli, Enterococci, Pseudomonadaceae, Staphylococcus aureus, sulfite-reducing Clostridia, and Vibrio spp. were identified in water samples. We searched forVibrio spp. and Pseudomonas spp. in the gonads and coelomic fluid of sea urchins.Results Although air, surfaces, and water quality were satisfactory overall, some critical points should be monitored more strictly. Enterococci concentration was 250 CFU/100 mL in the water reserve, suggesting animal contamination (other than humans). Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most resistant to filtration processes, with a residual concentration of 6 CFU/250 mL after the second filtration. No colonies of Vibrio spp. or Pseudomonas spp. were isolated in sea urchins' gonads or coelomic fluid.Conclusions Starting from the results, we provided targeted advice for developing technical production regulations, system monitoring, and facility routine maintenance in accordance with the 'best practice' approach. This analysis could be considered a first step toward the elaboration of common regulations about the minimal standards for the breeding environment of P. lividus by national and regional authorities

    Chemosensitivity in the Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) to Food-Related Compounds: An Innovative Behavioral Bioassay

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    Like other animals, echinoderms rely on chemical senses to detect and localize food resources. Here, we evaluate the chemical sensitivity of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus to a number of stimuli possibly related to food, such as a few sugars, compared to the blue-green algae Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis). To do this we developed a simple, innovative method based on the recording of “urchinograms” estimating the movements of spines, pedicellariae, tube feet, and eventually of the whole sea urchin, in response to chemicals, while keeping both the whole animal and the stimulus in their natural environment, underwater. Our results show that Spirulina is a highly stimulating compound for the sea urchin, by acting in a dose-dependent manner. The animals resulted also sensitive, even if to a lesser extent, to some sugars, such as the monosaccharide glucose, but not to its isomer fructose, while among disaccharides, they sensed cellobiose, but not sucrose or trehalose. From an applied point of view, any insight into the chemical sensitivity of sea urchins toward potential food-related compounds may lead to the discovery of key chemicals that would help improve the efficiency and reduce the costs of dietary substrates for optimization of intensive rearing strategies. Although this method has been developed for P. lividus, it will be suitable to evaluate the chemical sensitivity of other echinoderms and other marine invertebrates characterized by low mobility

    Blue-Green Algae as Stimulating and Attractive Feeding Substrates for a Mediterranean Commercial Sea Urchin Species, Paracentrotus lividus

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    Sea urchins rely on chemical senses to localize suitable food resources, therefore representing model species for chemosensory studies. In the present study, we investigated the chemical sensitivity of the Mediterranean sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus to the blue-green alga Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, namely "Klamath", and to a few amino acids chosen from the biochemical composition of the same algae. To this end, we used the "urchinogram" method, which estimates the movement rate of the sea urchins in response to chemicals. Our results showed that Klamath represents a strong chemical stimulus for P. lividus as it elicits an overall movement of spines, pedicellariae, and tube feet coupled, in some cases, to a coordinated locomotion of the animals. Sea urchins also displayed a sensitivity, even if to a lesser extent, to leucine, threonine, arginine, and proline, thus implying that the amino acids contained in Klamath may account, at least in part, for the stimulating effects exerted by the whole algae. Additionally, our results show that Klamath, as well as spirulina, another blue-green alga with high nutritional value, is very attractive for this sea urchin species. These findings gain further importance considering the potential profit of echinoderms for commercial consumers and their growing role in aquaculture. Klamath and spirulina combine high nutritional profiles with attractive and stimulating abilities and may be considered potential valuable feed supplements in sea urchin aquaculture

    Triggers for atrial fibrillation. the role of anxiety

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most widely recognized arrhythmia. Systemic arterial hypertension, diabetes, obesity, heart failure, and valvular heart diseases are major risk factors for the onset and progression of AF. Various studies have emphasized the augmented anxiety rate among AF patients due to the poor quality of life; however, little information is known about the possibility of triggering atrial fibrillation by anxiety. +e present review sought to underline the possible pathophysiological association between AF and anxiety disorders and suggests that anxiety can be an independent risk factor for AF, acting as atrigger, creating an arrhythmogenic substrate, and modulating the autonomic nervous system.+e awareness of the role of anxietydisorders as a risk factor for AF may lead to the development of new clinical strategies for the management of AF

    New insights upon the reproductive biology of the sea cucumber Holothuria tubulosa (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea) in the Mediterranean: Implications for management and domestication

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    Holothuria tubulosa is one of the most common sea cucumber species inhabiting the Mediterranean Sea. Due to its commercial interest for the international market, it has been harvested without proper management causing the overexploitation of its stocks. Inadequate management is also caused by lack of information on basic biology and ecology not allowing the estimating of the species vulnerability and resilience to growing anthropogenic pressures. In this paper, we have investigated basic life-history traits of H. tubulosa (population structure and reproductive cycle) in a population of Central-Western Mediterranean (Sardinia, Italy). A macroscopic maturity scale for both sexes was defined through an instrumental colorimetric analysis of the gonads and the ramification level of the gonad’s tubules, subsequently confirmed by histological analysis. The seasonal trend of the Gonado Somatic Index, the changes in color of the gonads and tubules ramification indicated that the spawning period of H. tubulosa was concentrated in summer with a peak in late August, closely related to the increase in water temperature. A synchronous development of the gonads, with a unique and short reproductive event during the year, was also detected. In conclusion, this study provides new evidence on the biological and ecological features of H. tubulosa, essential data for developing a scientifically-based stock assessment as well as conservative management at a local scale. Finally, we provided basic information for the domestication of broodstock in a conservative hatchery

    A non‑lethal method to assess element content in the endangered Pinna nobilis

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    The fan shell Pinna nobilis is the largest bivalve endemic to the Mediterranean and is actually a strongly endangered species. Due to the biological, ecological, and historical relevance of this species, the research of a non-lethal method to relate the element content in organism’s tissues and environment can provide information potentially useful to evaluate environmental pollution and organism physiological status. In this study, a screening on element concentration in the animal growing environment (seawater and sediments) and in four soft tissues (hepatopancreas, gills, mantle, and muscle), and two acellular tissues (calcite shell layer, and byssus) was performed. The comparison among these results was used to assess whether the no-lethal acellular tissue element concentration can be used to reveal the element presence in the environment and soft tissues. Elements, such as B, Ag, As, Mn, Mo, Pb, or Se, showed a possible relationship between their presence in the byssus and soft tissues. In the byssus Cr, Sb, Sn, and V have shown to be mostly related to the environment, more than the soft tissues, and might be used to draw a historical record of the exposure of the organism. The element concentration in the calcite shell layer did not relate with environmental element concentrations. Essential elements, like Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn, were present in calcite shell layer and byssus and are likely related to their biological activity in the organism. The research also gave an overview on the presence of pollution and on the preferential intake route of the element. In summary, this study, performed on a limited number of specimens of this protected species, indicated that element concentration in the byssus can be applied as non-lethal method to monitor this endangered species and its interaction with the elements in the growing environment

    Multiple non-species-specific pathogens possibly triggered the mass mortality in Pinna nobilis

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    The fan mussel, Pinna nobilis, represents the largest bivalve endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. Since 2016, dramatic mass mortality of this species has been observed in several areas. The first surveys suggested that Haplosporidium pinnae (currently considered species-specific) was the main etiological agent, but recent studies have indicated that a multifactorial disease may be responsible for this phenomenon. In this study, we performed molecular diagnostic analyses on P. nobilis, P. rudis, and bivalve heterologous host species from the island of Sardinia to shed further light on the pathogens involved in the mass mortality. The results support the occurrence of a multifactorial disease and that Mycobacterium spp. and H. pinnae are not necessarily associated with the illness. Indeed, our analyses revealed that H. pinnae is not species-specific for P. nobilis, as it was present in other bivalves at least three years before the mass mortality began, and species of Mycobacterium were also found in healthy individuals of P. nobilis and P. rudis. We also detected the species Rhodococcus erythropolis, representing the first report in fan mussels of a bacterium other than Mycobacterium spp. and Vibrio spp. These results depict a complicated scenario, further demonstrating how the P. nobilis mass mortality event is far from being fully understoo

    Flash Flood simulation and valve behavior of Mytilus galloprovincialis measured with Hall sensors

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    Mussels close their shell as a protective strategy and the quantification of this behavioral marker may represent an alarm signal when they are exposed to environmental stressors. In the present study, we investigated the ability of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis to recover and then the resilience or inertia of valve activity after a pulsing exposition to diverse levels of salinity (5, 10, 20 and 35 PSU as reference value). The trial simulated an event of drastic and sudden reduction of seawater salinity thus mimicking an event of Flash Flood from intense rain. Valve gaping and movements were measured in continuous cycle for ten days using a customized magneto-electric device which uses Hall sensors. Results showed that under normal conditions of salinity (35 PSU) the general pattern of valve movements was a continuously open state with sporadic spikes indicating a closing motion. At salinity of 5 PSU mussels reacted by closing their valves, leading to a 77% mortality on the fourth day. At salinity of 10 PSU animals were observed with closed valves for the entire duration of the exposure and no mortality occurred, they showed a significant reduction in the valve activity once the reference value of salinity was re-established. In contrast, salinity of 20 PSU did not trigger a significant behavioral response. Interestingly, there no define rhythms of valve movements were recorded during salinity challenges