13 research outputs found

    Violencia en la familia y en la relación de pareja en universitarios de Osorno, Chile.

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    La violencia de género no deja indiferente a ninguno de sus miembros, especialmente, a los hijos/as, además aumenta el riesgo del maltrato contra ellos. Dentro de sus implicancias esta la violencia en etapas posteriores. Esta investigación busca describir la relación entre dichas experiencias y ejercer o ser víctima de violencia en sus relaciones románticas en universitarios. Se les aplicó un cuestionario de Violencia en pareja y Escala de Maltrato a una muestra de 360 jóvenes. Los resultados indican una relación significativa en hombres y mujeres que declaran promedios más altos en violencia psicológica, emocional y física. La experiencia de violencia de género psicológica tendría mayor repercusión en hombres, mientras que el maltrato desde los padres tendría mayor repercusión en las mujeres.Gender violence does not leave any of its members indifferent, especially children, and it also increases the risk of mistreatment against them. Among its implications is violence in later stages. This research seeks to describe the relationship between these experiences and exercise or be a victim of violence in their romantic relationships in college. A questionnaire of Violence in Couple and Scale of child Abuse was applied to a sample of 360 young people. The results indicate a significant relationship in men and women who declare higher averages in psychological, emotional and physical violence. The experience of psychological gender violence would have greater impact on men, while abuse from parents would have greater impact on womenA violência de gênero não deixa nenhum de seus membros indiferentes, especialmente crianças, e também aumenta o risco de maus-tratos contra eles. Entre suas implicações está a violência em fases posteriores. Esta pesquisa busca descrever a relação entre essas experiências e exercícios ou ser vítima de violência em seus relacionamentos amorosos na faculdade. Um questionário de Violência em Casal e Escala de Abuso foi aplicado a uma amostra de 360 jovens. Os resultados indicam uma relação significativa entre homens e mulheres que declaram médias mais altas em violência psicológica, emocional e física. A experiência da violência psicológica de gênero teria maior impacto sobre os homens, enquanto o abuso dos pais teria maior impacto sobre as mulheres

    Social work and the idea of object

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    The article considers the possibility of expressing the contested nature of social work via objects and their stories. Two Collections of objects and their stories (object/stories) are analysed and compared – an English language Collection (Obj1) and a Latin American Spanish language Collection (Obj2). A thematic analysis results in a schema of three categories of object/story: practical, symbolic, and totemic. The object/stories vary in the degree to which they reflect a social work that is community-oriented or focused on the individual. The two Collections are analysed for similarities and differences, and the authors consider wider applications of the learning from the project

    Incidence of COVID-19 in patients exposed to chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine: results from a population-based prospective cohort in Catalonia, Spain, 2020

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    Background: Several clinical trials have assessed the protective potential of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. Chronic exposure to such drugs might lower the risk of infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) or severe coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Aim: To assess COVID-19 incidence and risk of hospitalisation in a cohort of patients chronically taking chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine. Methods: We used linked health administration databases to follow a cohort of patients with chronic prescription of hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine and a control cohort matched by age, sex and primary care service area, between 1 January and 30 April 2020. COVID-19 cases were identified using International Classification of Diseases 10 codes. Results: We analysed a cohort of 6,746 patients (80% female) with active prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine, and 13,492 controls. During follow-up, there were 97 (1.4%) COVID-19 cases in the exposed cohort and 183 (1.4%) among controls. The incidence rate was very similar between the two groups (12.05 vs 11.35 cases/100,000 person-days). The exposed cohort was not at lower risk of infection compared with controls (hazard ratio (HR): 1.08; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.83–1.44; p=0.50). Forty cases (0.6%) were admitted to hospital in the exposed cohort and 50 (0.4%) in the control cohort, suggesting a higher hospitalisation rate in the former, though differences were not confirmed after adjustment (HR: 1·46; 95% CI: 0.91–2.34; p=0.10). Conclusions: Patients chronically exposed to chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine did not differ in risk of COVID-19 nor hospitalisation, compared with controls. As controls were mainly female, findings might not be generalisable to a male population

    Perpetración y victimización de la violencia en relaciones de parejas en jóvenes que cursan educación superior en la ciudad de Osorno, Chile

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    La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo conocer la existencia de manifestaciones de violencia en relaciones de pareja en jóvenes que cursan educación superior en la ciudad de Osorno, Chile. Los participantes fueron 360 estudiantes (M=23,13 años y DT= 4,4 años) a quienes se aplicó la Escala de Maltrato en la Pareja Forma A (Rey, 2009), cuyo requisito fue estar o haber estado en una relación de pareja en los últimos doce meses. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que un 85% de los participantes declaró haber recibido algún tipo de violencia, sin diferencia significativa entre sexos. Sin embargo, en violencia ejercida existe diferencia estadísticamente significativa (mujeres 88,4% y hombres 80,9%). Los datos muestran la gravedad del fenómeno sin diferencia de género, lo cual se transforma en un desafío para las políticas públicas y para los programas de intervención.The present investigation aimed to reveal the existence of manifestations of violence in couple relationships in young people pursuing higher education in the city of Osorno, Chile. Participants were 360 students (M = 23,13 years and SD = 4,4 years) on whom an Abuse on Couple Scale in Form A (Rey, 2009), was applied, where the requirement was to be or had been in a partner relationship in the last twelve months. The results show that 85% of the participants reported receiving some form of violence, with no significant difference between sexes. However, in exercised violence there existed a statistically significant difference (88.4% women and 80.9% men). The data shows the gravity of the phenomenon without gender difference, which becomes a challenge for public policies and intervention programs.Resumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo revelar a existência de manifestações de violência nas relações de jovens que cursam o ensino superior na cidade de Osorno, Chile. Os participantes foram 360 estudantes (M = 23,13 anos e DP = 4,4 anos), aos quais foi aplicada a Escala de Maus-tratos no casal Forma A (Rey, 2009), cujo requisito foi estar e ter mantido um relacionamento nos últimos doze meses. Os resultados mostram que 85% dos participantes relataram ter recebido algum tipo de violência, não havendo diferença significativa entre os sexos. No entanto, na violência exercida existe uma diferença estatisticamente significativa (88,4% mulheres e 80,9% homens). Os dados mostram a gravidade do fenómeno sem diferença de gênero, o qual se torna um desafio para as políticas públicas e os programas de intervenção

    El fenómeno del trabajo de escolares en Chile. Estudio de casos en las comunas de Osorno y La Unión. Situación comparada

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    One of the most important changes in the world of employment these last decades, is the increase in the employment of children and adolescent under various form and manners, which are in the process of restructuring productive changes, technological and labor flexibility at course in the Chile, as well as the unique mechanisms and form of job family, among the main factors.Uno de las transformaciones más importantes en el mundo del trabajo en el último tiempo, lo constituye el incremento del trabajo de niñas, niños y adolescentes bajo formas y modalidades amplias y diversas, las que tienden a dar cuenta del proceso de reestructuración, de los cambios productivos, tecnológicos y la flexibilización laboral en curso en Chile, así como a los peculiares mecanismos y formas de inserción laboral familiar, entre sus principales factores

    Formación en Trabajo Social. Antecedentes de la Reforma: perfil de Egreso, Competencias y Planes de Estudio. Conocimiento adquirido a través de pasantías académicas a Escuelas Universitarias de Trabajo Social en España

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    El enfoque por competencias surge como una alternativa para dar respuestas a las demandas de una sociedad cada vez más compleja y dinámica, en la cual una de sus mayores expectativas es la búsqueda de una articulación entre la educación y la realidad social. La formación por competencias supone procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje que permitan transferir nuevos conocimientos, nuevas habilidades y actitudes que capaciten a los nuevos profesionales para afrontar las demandas de los contextos laborales y sociales en los que intervendrán. En esta misma idea se planteó el proyecto MECESUP ULA 0806 -Rediseño curricular de la carrera de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de los Lagos, centrado en aprendizajes de los estudiantes, competencias y necesidades del medio socio"laboral". Las estrategias de desarrollo que ha definido llevar a cabo la carrera ha sido mejorar la metodología de enseñanza-aprendizaje, las condiciones de infraestructura, el desarrollo de un Programa de Vinculación con el Medio en la idea de generar y potenciar las redes sociales, crear una unidad de gestión académica que administre y coordine los procesos de puesta en marcha y seguimiento del rediseño curricular implementado, así como potenciar la capacitación docente dada a través de cursos especialización y pasantías académicas.The competent focus rises as an alternative to give answers to the demands of an always more complex and dynamic society, in which one of its most important expectations is the search of a relation between education and social reality. The competent focus formation supposes teaching-learning processes that permit the transfer of new knowledge, new abilities and attitudes in order to train new professionals for the demands of the labor and social contexts in which they participate. Towards the same idea has been organized the MECESUP ULA 0806 project "curricular redesign of the social work career of the Universidad de Los Lagos" centered in the learning of the students and the social-work competencies and needs´. The strategies of development that defined and carried out the career have looked for the improvement of the learning-teaching method, the infrastructure conditions, the development of a extension program through the idea of generating and strengthening the social networks, creating a unit of academic procedure that administrates and coordinates the processes of starting and following the introduced curricular redesign, as much as empower the teaching capacity within specialized studies and academic external work experiences

    Neuroblastoma in Spain : Linking the national clinical database and epidemiological registries - A study by the Joint Action on Rare Cancers

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    Altres ajuts: Ministerio de Sanidad; Universitat de València; Sociedad Española de Oncología Pediátrica; Fundación de Oncología Infantil Enriqueta Villavecchia.Purpose: Linkage between clinical databases and population-based cancer registries may serve to evaluate European Reference Networks' (ERNs) activity, by monitoring the proportion of patients benefiting from these and their impact on survival at a population level. To test this, a study targeting neuroblastoma (Nb) was conducted in Spain by the European Joint Action on Rare Cancers. Material and methods: Subjects: Nb cases, incident 1999-2017, aged < 15 years. Linkage included: Spanish Neuroblastoma Clinical Database (NbCDB) (1217 cases); Spanish Registry of Childhood Tumours (RETI) (1514 cases); and 10 regional population-based registries (RPBCRs) which cover 33% of the childhood population (332 cases). Linkage was semiautomatic. We estimated completeness, incidence, contribution, deficit, and 5-year survival in the databases and specific subsets. Results: National completeness estimates for RETI and NbCDB were 91% and 72% respectively, using the Spanish RPBCRs on International Incidence of Childhood Cancer (https://iicc.iarc.fr/) as reference. RPBCRs' specific contribution was 1.6%. Linkage required manual crossover in 54% of the semiautomatic matches. Five-year survival was 74% (0-14 years) and 90% (0-18 months). Conclusions: All three databases were incomplete as regards Spain as a whole and should therefore be combined to achieve full childhood cancer registration. A unique personal patient identifier could facilitate such linkage. Most children have access to Nb clinical trials. Consolidated interconnections between the national registry and clinical registries (including ERNs and paediatric oncology clinical groups) should be established to evaluate outcomes