9 research outputs found

    The contribution of Real Madrid’s first five European Cups to the emergence of a common football space

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    Real Madrid won the first five editions of the European Champion Clubs’ Cup (now formally known as the UEFA Champions League, and to which we will refer hereon as the European Cup) between 1956 and 1960, contributing decisively to the competition’s consolidation. The tournament’s history started towards the end of 1954, when a journalist of the French sports daily L’Équipe, Gabriel Hanot, published an article arguing the need to organise a competition that could bring together the champions of every European league. However, this was not an original proposal. Thirty years before Hanot’s article proposals for such a football competition were circulated among the game’s ruling elite. Unfortunately, at that time the lack of a good transport infrastructure to travel through Europe discouraged the proposers which, instead, turned their attention to regional supranational competitions, such as the Mitropa Cup or the Latin Cup. The first five editions of the European Cup witnessed as many victories of Real Madrid, thus forging an indissoluble bond between the competition and the Spanish club. These five European titles did not only cement the supremacy of Real Madrid on the pitch as a great football team, but they also contributed to the consolidation of the European Cup itself in the public’s imaginary. We also argue that given the expectations raised by Real Madrid’s triumphs across Europe those matches might have contributed as well to the emergence of a European football space. Since 1955 Real Madrid occupied an ever increasing space in the press across Europe. Real Madrid was then considered as the best expression of modernity in football. This chapter aims to analyse the meaning of these five European Cup titles for the emergence and definition of a nascent European football space. We, of course, also question whether such a common space can be found. The chapter explores in depth the reasons behind Real Madrid’s enthusiasm with the new European competition. We also examine the social impact that Real Madrid’s hegemony in the European Cup had in the context of Spain’s international isolation during General Franco’s dictatorship (1939-1975). In order to achieve the above mentioned objectives, the chapter relies on thematic analysis of selected publications in the Spanish and British press during those years. Moreover, we have also relied on a review of academic literature on the role of Real Madrid during the Franco dictatorship years, mainly the 1950s and 60s. This chapter is part of wider on-going research. In this research we examine the content of two Spanish dailies (ABC and Marca) and three British newspapers (The Guardian, The Times and the Daily Mirror). We searched these newspapers for content related to Real Madrid on specific dates: The semifinal games (two legs) and the final of each one of the five years where Real Madrid won the European Cup. We searched for content the day of each match, the day before and two days after each one of the matches. This chapter is a presentation of the findings obtained through thematic analysis of the data obtained through those searches

    Sports, morality and body. The voices of sportswomen under Franco's dictatorship

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    The aim of this research is to study sportswomen's perceptions and experiences of women's sport in Francoist Spain (1939-1975). The main objective is to analyse the social, moral and aesthetic elements that are present in the experience of these athletes. This study was carried out with an intentional sample of 24 women from Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Basque Country, Catalonia and Valencia. They were interviewed by a network of researchers from six universities. Outstanding results show the existence of social limitations to start sports practice (particularly in the post-war period); the importance of sport as a character-building aspect; sport's remarkable influence on their body self-concept; and the incidence on sports of the mainstream moral discourse, which created a female model that even affected sports clothing. The main conclusion is that sportswomen in that period were pioneers and had to fight against most of society in order to develop their facet as athletes, as they would not follow the established model

    Educación en valores. Ciudadanía Olímpica. Tutorial-Guía Didáctica Nivel Educativo: Secundaria

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    "Educación en valores olímpicos. Ciudadanía Olímpica" es un proyecto al servicio de la educación en valores olímpicos, que está pensado para desarrollarse dentro de la asignatura de Educación para la Ciudadanía. En él puede encontrarse un material didáctico que está conectado a los objetivos del currículo basado en competencias de las etapas educativas de primaria y secundaria, con distintos formatos multimedia, para hacerlo más atractivo: el tutorial y las actividades de etapa; y algo para crear y personalizar en los propios centros educativos, la WIKI, en la que alumnos y profesores son los principales protagonistas. El objetivo es fomentar el aprendizaje de los valores de: esfuerzo y compromiso, respeto y compañerismo, integración y participación social, y generar un clima de aula y de centro educativo que propicie formas de enriquecimiento personal y social

    Educación en valores. Ciudadanía Olímpica. Tutorial-Guía Didáctica Nivel Educativo: Primaria

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    Iniciamos la unidad con una página de presentación en la que se incluyen las definiciones de los valores de esfuerzo y compromiso, que sitúan al alumno ante los contenidos que luego serán trabajados. El texto se acompaña de una fotografía relacionada con el deporte y los valores que son objeto de atención, que servirá de pretexto para el comienzo de las actividades. Las actividades se han clasificado de acuerdo a tres grandes apartados: testimonio, película y fotografías. La secuencia de pestañas no implica necesariamente el orden en su elección, que vendrá determinado por los intereses del profesor o del alumno que las utiliza, los objetivos pedagógicos y las competencias que deseen conseguirse. El vídeo “testimonio” contiene fragmentos de las entrevistas realizadas a Íker Casillas y Gemma Mengual. Su fin es lograr que los alumnos elijan un valor (esfuerzo-Íker, compromiso-Gemma) y, a través de las palabras de estos deportistas, aprendan su significado y encuentren ejemplos prototipo de estos valores, a partir de noticias que ellos mismos busquen de su propia carrera deportiva y comenten con los demás compañeros del grupo-clase, despertando así su interés por el deporte y sus valores y potenciando sus habilidades para la investigación y el trabajo colaborativo. La “película” incluye un fragmento de “Quiero ser como Beckham”, que se emplea para que los alumnos identifiquen los valores de esfuerzo y compromiso de los actores y vivan, posteriormente, la experiencia de ponerlos en práctica a través de un juego de roles. De esta manera, favorecemos el conocimiento de uno mismo y de los demás, al tiempo que les permitimos analizar la importancia de ponerse metas y comprometerse con ellas, y experimentar sentimientos de satisfacción personal y colectiva por el esfuerzo realizado y las dificultades superadas. Las “fotografías” permiten a los alumnos ejercitar sus capacidades de observación, evaluación, reflexión y expresión escrita, respecto de los acontecimientos que muestran. El resultado final es un cuento, que puede ser realizado de manera individual o en grupo, y aportado al mural de clase que pueden elaborar como resultado de la experiencia final. Todas las actividades promueven la participación, estimulan el pensamiento crítico y contribuyen al desarrollo personal y social del alumno. COMPETENCIA

    Processing, Packaging, and Storage of Tomato Products: Influence on the Lycopene Content

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    Technologies in Fresh-Cut Fruit and Vegetables

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