1,065 research outputs found
Penghasilan manual rjngkas penggunaan alat Total Station Sokkia Set5f dan Perisian Sdr Mapping & Design untuk automasi ukur topografi
Projek ini dilaksanakan untuk menghasilkan manual ringkas penggunaan alat Total Station Sokkia SET5F dan Perisian SDR Mapping & Design dalam menghasilkan pelan topografi yang lengkap mengikut konsep field to finish. Manual telah dihasilkan dalam dua bentuk iaitu buku dan CD-ROM. Manual ini telah dinilai berdasarkan data yang diperolehi daripada 7 orang responden melalui kaedah Borang Penilaian Manual. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan perisian SPSS versi 11.0. Hasil analisis skor min menunjukkan kesemua responden bersetuju bahawa manual dalam bentuk buku ini menarik Min ( M ) ^ ^ dan Sisihan Piawai (SD) = .535 tetapi kurang interaktif (M) = 2.29 dan (SD) = 0.488. Berbanding dengan manual dalam format CD-ROM yang mencatat nilai (M) = 3.57 dan (SD) = 0.535 semua responden bersetuju bahawa manual ini mesra pengguna dan lebih interakti
Stable control of 10 dB two-mode squeezed vacuum states of light
Continuous variable entanglement is a fundamental resource for many quantum
information tasks. Important protocols like superactivation of zero-capacity
channels and finite-size quantum cryptography that provides security against
most general attacks, require about 10 dB two-mode squeezing. Additionally,
stable phase control mechanisms are necessary but are difficult to achieve
because the total amount of optical loss to the entangled beams needs to be
small. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a control scheme for two-mode
squeezed vacuum states at the telecommunication wavelength of 1550 nm. Our
states exhibited an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen covariance product of 0.0309 \pm
0.0002, where 1 is the critical value, and a Duan inseparability value of 0.360
\pm 0.001, where 4 is the critical value. The latter corresponds to 10.45 \pm
0.01 dB which reflects the average non-classical noise suppression of the two
squeezed vacuum states used to generate the entanglement. With the results of
this work demanding quantum information protocols will become feasible.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
Working Paper 86 - A Review of Ex - ante Poverty Impact Assessments of Macroeconomic Policies in Cameroon and Ghana
This paper summarizes two extensive case studies of experiences with ex-ante poverty impact assessments of macroeconomic policies in Cameroon and Ghana during the last ten years. The paper provides a short description and critique of the studies and models that have been used in one way or the other for such assessments. It shows that much more needs to be done to provide policy makers with critical information to reduce poverty more effectively. The paper also reviews briefly the key institutional issues that constrain the more extensive analysis of the impact of macroeconomic policies on poverty, which are related to data constraints, capacity constraints, and power structures. The paper closes with a variety of recommendations, covering methodological, political, and data issues as well as suggestions for more evidence-based policy-making.
Essays on the interrelations between academics and society
It has become increasingly apparent that the knowledge generated by academics and their interactions with actors from society, the so-called third mission, are indispensable drivers of societal development. Not least with a view to efforts that attempt to foster this contribution, insights into academics’ third mission and research engagement have thus become an important concern. This dissertation contributes to the understanding of both of these areas of academic activity, with a particular focus on the diversity within the academic profession and the particularities of academics’ engagement with society.
The first chapter provides an overview of the background of the dissertation, including the data used for the empirical analyses, and the content of the four main chapters.
The second chapter is concerned with academics’ basic stance on the third mission in the form of its integration into their self-perceptions of their role as academics. The investigation shows that this stance varies markedly among academics, ranging from a strong reservation to a strong intrinsic motivation to engage. Furthermore, it reveals systematic associations between academics’ stance on the third mission and their disciplinary affiliation and actual engagement.
The third chapter addresses the conditions for academics’ third mission engagement by focusing on one specific activity: academics’ engagement in public debates. Drawing on the outcomes of a survey experiment, it investigates how demands and support for this engagement by policy makers and the public, as well as related risks, influence academics’ attitudes toward engaging. The results show that some of these conditions can have a strong negative impact on academics’ overall positive attitudes. They further suggest that parts of this effect can be attributed to the crowding-out of academics’ intrinsic motivation.
The fourth chapter investigates how academics’ motives behind engaging in research-based cooperation projects with actors from society influence these projects’ governance. Drawing on transaction cost theory reasoning, hypotheses are developed and subsequently tested empirically. The results provide support for the hypotheses and suggest that academics’ motives can deepen the lines of conflict with their partners, which influences which governance forms are chosen.
The fifth chapter turns to academics’ research activities and investigates their susceptibility to disruptions in this area. Leveraging the shock provided by the circumstances during the COVID-19 pandemic, the investigation explores the relevance of a comprehensive set of factors that may have shaped the impact of the pandemic. The results show that individual characteristics of academics, such as their gender, and characteristics of their job, such as their disciplinary affiliation and seniority, are closely associated with their resilience against disruptions.Es zeigt sich zusehends, dass das von Wissenschaftler:innen generierte Wissen und ihre Austauschbeziehungen mit der Gesellschaft, die sogenannte Third Mission, einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung leisten. Nicht zuletzt mit Blick auf Bemühungen, diesen Beitrag zu befördern, sind tiefergehende Einsichten in das Engagement von Wissenschaftler:innen in Third Mission und Forschung zu einem wichtigen Anliegen geworden. Die vorliegende Dissertation leistet einen Beitrag zum Verständnis dieser beiden akademischen Tätigkeitsbereiche, wobei ein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf entsprechenden Unterschieden zwischen Wissenschaftler:innen und den Eigenheiten von deren Austausch mit der Gesellschaft liegt.
Das erste Kapitel gibt einen Ăśberblick ĂĽber den Hintergrund der Dissertation, einschlieĂźlich der fĂĽr die Analysen verwendeten Daten, und fasst den Inhalt der vier Hauptkapitel zusammen.
Das zweite Kapitel untersucht die grundsätzliche Haltung von Wissenschaftler:innen gegenüber der Third Mission anhand der Rolle, die der Third Mission innerhalb des Selbstverständnisses von Wissenschaftler:innen zugeschrieben wird. Dabei zeigt sich, dass diese Haltung stark zwischen Wissenschaftler:innen variiert und von einer starken Zurückhaltung bis hin zu einer grundlegenden Aufgeschlossenheit reicht. Darüber hinaus zeigen sich systematische Zusammenhänge zwischen der Haltung von Wissenschaftler:innen gegenüber der Third Mission und ihrer disziplinären Zugehörigkeit sowie ihrem tatsächlichen Third Mission-Engagement.
Das dritte Kapitel befasst sich mit den Rahmenbedingungen für das Engagement von Wissenschaftler:innen am Beispiel einer spezifischen Third Mission-Aktivität, der Beteiligung von Wissenschaftler:innen an öffentlichen Debatten. Auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse eines Umfrageexperiments wird untersucht, wie auf dieses Engagement bezogene Erwartungen und Unterstützung seitens der Politik und Öffentlichkeit sowie mit einem Engagement verbundene Risiken die Einstellung von Wissenschaftler:innen gegenüber der Beteiligung an öffentlichen Debatten beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass derartige Rahmenbedingungen einen negativen Einfluss auf die insgesamt positiven Einstellungen von Wissenschaftler:innen ausüben können. Sie deuten zudem darauf hin, dass ein Teil dieses Effekts auf ein crowding-out intrinsischer Motivation zurückgeführt werden kann.
In dem vierten Kapitel wird untersucht, wie sich die Motive von Wissenschaftler:innen, sich an forschungsbasierten Kooperationsprojekten mit Partnern von außerhalb der Wissenschaft zu beteiligen, auf die Governance dieser Projekte auswirken. Unter Rückgriff auf transaktionskostentheoretische Überlegungen werden dazu Hypothesen entwickelt und anschließend empirisch geprüft. Den Hypothesen entsprechend deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass die Motive von Wissenschaftler:innen die Konfliktlinien zwischen ihnen und ihren Kooperationspartnern vertiefen können, was wiederum beeinflusst, welche Governanceformen gewählt werden
Impact of Quantum Chemistry Parameters and Model Settings on Predicted Atmospheric Particle Formation
We investigated the impact of various parameters on new particle formation rates predicted for the sulfuric acid - ammonia system using cluster distribution dynamics simulations, in our case ACDC (Atmospheric Cluster Dynamics Code). The predicted particle formation rates increase significantly if rotational symmetry number of monomers (sulfuric acid and ammonia molecules, and bisulfate and ammonium ions) are considered in the simulation. On the other hand, inclusion of the rotational symmetry number of the clusters only changes the results slightly, and only in conditions where charged clusters dominate the particle formation rate because most of the clusters stable enough to participate in new particle formation display no symmetry, therefore have a rotational symmetry number of one, and the few exceptions to this rule are positively charged. Further, we tested the influence of the application of a quasi-harmonic correction for low-frequency vibrational modes. Generally, this decreases predicted new particle formation rates, and significantly alters the shape of the formation rate curve plotted against the sulfuric acid concentration. We found that the impact of the maximum size of the clusters explicitly included in the simulations depends on the simulated conditions and the errors due to the limited set of clusters simulated generally increase with temperature, and decrease with vapor concentrations. The boundary conditions for clusters that are counted as formed particles (outgrowing clusters) have only a small influence on the results, provided that the definition is chemically reasonable and the set of simulated clusters is sufficiently large. We compared predicted particle formation rates with experimental data measured at the CLOUD (Cosmics Leaving OUtdoor Droplets) chamber. A cluster distribution dynamics model shows improved agreement with experiments when using our new input data and the proposed combination of symmetry and quasi-harmonic corrections., compared to an earlier study based on older quantum chemical data
Impact of Motivation, Religiosity and Intrapersonal Conflict on Consistency in Religious Brotherhood Vocation in Africa
Inconsistency in religious vocation is a global problem with such negative effects as vocation attrition, prejudice against and distrust of the religious people. The phenomenon hampers the Church’s mission. Often the environment and time are blamed for the inconsistency. So far in Africa, psychological issues have not been seriously considered as the possible root inconsistency in religious vocation. The aim of the study was therefore to explain, from psychological perspective, the noticed inconsistency in religious vocation. Embedded mixed methods, single case study design was used for the study. The population for the study was 17 aspirants who applied for admission into one male religious institute in Nigeria. Purposive sampling, and specifically judgment sampling strategy, was used to include all the 17 aspirants in the study. Semi-structured depth interview and Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank, a projective test, were used for the data collection. The analysis of the data was based on three themes: intrapsychic conflict, religiosity and motivation. The result of the study indicated that the participants were extrinsically motivated and had utilitarian type of religiosity. The number of participants (94.1%) who scored above the cutoff mark in Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank indicated that they had significant maladjustment problem. The conclusion of the study was that intrapsychic conflict could have been the determinant of the extrinsic motivation and utilitarian religiosity that the participants demonstrated. With such psychological disposition, consistency in religious vocation may not be guaranteed. Therefore, the possible explanation for the inconsistency among the religious brothers in Africa could be that on entrance the religious had basic psychological problem, which prevents consistency in due course. Keywords: Religious vocation, intrapsychic conflict, religiosity, motivation, consistency
Policy and identity change in youth social work:From social-interventionist to neoliberal policy paradigms
SummaryThis article analyses – by drawing on ideology critical and psychoanalytical concepts from Slavoj Žižek and Glynos et al. – how political, social and fantasmatic logics interplay and form social workers’ professional identities within two youth social work institutions that operate within different social policy paradigms: a social-interventionist paradigm in 2002 and a neoliberal paradigm in 2010.FindingsThe article shows how the current neoliberalisation of public policy permeates social work practices through fantasmatic narratives that create professional identities to heal discrepancies in and conceal the political dimension of everyday life. In one institution, within a welfare state-based ideology a compensating-including social professional identity is created in response to the young people’s alleged deficiencies; in the other institution, within a neoliberal ideology a mobilising-motivating identity is created to meet the young people’s alleged excess. In both narratives, however, the young people risk bearing the blame for the failure of the social professional project.ApplicationsFantasies in both institutions conceal how social workers’ professional identities sustain dominant ideology through dislocating uncertainties, ambiguities and ambivalences implicated in professional social work. Whether rooted in the state-based welfare or market-oriented neoliberal policy paradigms, realisation of these dynamics may expose the basic interdependencies of state, civil society and market actors implicated in the project of professional social work.</jats:sec
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