209 research outputs found

    An integrated approach for monitoring soil settlements at the VIrgo site

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    The Virgo detector, currently in its 2nd generation configuration Advanced Virgo (AdV), is a Michelson interferometer aimed at the gravitational waves research and at opening a new window on the study of the Universe. It is made of two orthogonal arms being each 3 kilometers long and is located at the site of the European Gravitational Observatory (EGO), in the countryside near Pisa, Italy. After the construction of the Virgo facilities completed in 2002, over the years a steady subsidence process has been observed as a consequence of the building and embankment overloads. In consideration of the subsoil characteristics, whose surface portion is mainly formed by a 25÷60 m thickness layer of clay with limited thin layers of sands, the evolution of settlements was expected and properly considered for the design of the civil engineering infrastructures, so that the vacuum tubes can be readjusted to keep the original alignment. However, along 15 years of time life, the initial estimates of the expected displacements were continuously compared with the observed effects. The measured settlements have been regularly monitored and adopted for implementing the necessary realignment activities. This paper reports the monitoring activities conducted over the years, mainly consisting of regular high accuracy levelling surveys, periodically integrated by GPS and classical theodolite measurements. These sets of measurement were adopted to perform the Virgo realignment procedure needed to keep the interferometer rigidly tied in a 3x3km plane. In order to improve the knowledge on the trend of the settlements affecting the Virgo infrastructures, an analysis based on differential interferometry using satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data has been performed and compared with the outcome from in-situ data

    Sea Tide Influence on Ice Flow of David Drygalski’s Ice Tongue Inferred from Geodetic GNSS Observations and SAR Offset Tracking Analysis

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    David Glacier and Drygalski Ice Tongue are massive glaciers in Victoria Land, Antarctica. The ice from the East Antarctic Ice Sheet is drained through the former, and then discharged into the western Ross Sea through the latter. David Drygalski is the largest outlet glacier in Northern Victoria Land, floating kilometers out to sea. The floating and grounded part of the David Glacier are the main focus of this article. During the XXI Italian Antarctic Expedition (2005-2006), within the framework of the National Antarctic Research Programme (PNRA), two GNSS stations were installed at different points: the first close to the grounding line of David Glacier, and the second approximately 40 km downstream of the first one. Simultaneous data logging was performed by both GNSS stations for 24 days. In the latest data processing, the kinematic PPP technique was adopted to evaluate the dominant diurnal components and the very small semi-diurnal variations in ice motion induced by the ocean tide and the mean ice flow rates of both GNSS stations. Comparison of the GNSS time series with predicted ocean tide calculated from harmonic coefficients of the nearest tide gauge stations, installed at Cape Roberts and Mario Zucchelli Station, highlight different local response of the glacier to ocean tide, with a minor amplitude of vertical motion at a point partially anchored at the bedrock close to the grounding line. During low tide, the velocity of the ice flow reaches its daily maximum, in accordance with the direction of seawater outflow from the fjord into the ocean, while the greatest daily tidal excursion generates an increase in the horizontal ice flow velocity. With the aim to extend the analysis in spatial terms, five COSMO-SkyMED Stripmap scenes were processed. The comparison of the co-registered offset tracking rates, obtained from SAR images, with the GNSS estimation shows good agreement

    TALOS Dome Migration: Preliminary Results

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    Ice divide-dome migration is a key parameter in mass balance studies and in the interpretation of ice cores. The stability of the dome and position of the ice divide must be known to accurately interpret ice core records and to complete mass balance studies. Models of depth-age relationships for deep ice cores are sensitive to migration of the dome position (Anandakrishnan et al., 1994). The evolution of an ice divide is driven by the accumulation-rate history, its spatial pattern and conditions at ice-sheet boundaries (e.g. Frezzotti et al., 2004; Hindmarsh, 1996; Nereson et al., 1998). Ice divide migration is also important in determining the input parameter of large Antarctic drainage basins. Due to the very low slope (less than a decimetre per km) of East Antarctic domes and to surface morphology (e.g. sastrugi), it is very difficult to determine the summit point of a dome and its migration in time. In 2004 a new ice coring project, TALDICE (Talos Dome Ice Core Project), started at TD to recover 1550 m of ice spanning the last 120 000 years (Frezzotti et al., 2004). This paper discusses preliminary findings on the present and past morphology of Talos Dome based on detailed snow accumulation data, radar-derived isochrons and ice velocity measurements in the last 10 years

    Joint geophysical observations of ice stream dynamics

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    Ice streams play a major role in the ice mass balance and in the reckoning of the global sea level; they have therefore been object of wide scientific interest in the last three decades. During the 21st Italian Antarctic Expedition, in the austral summer 2005-06, we deployed a joint seismographic and geodetic network in the area of the David Glacier, Southern Victoria Land. This campaign followed a similar experiment carried out in the same area during the austral summer 2003-04 with the deployment of a seismographic network that recorded significant microseismicity beneath the David Glacier, primarily occurring as a few small clusters. In the latest 2005-06 deployment, 7 seismographic stations and 3 GPS geodetic receivers operated continuously for a period of 3 months (November 2005-early February 2006) in an area of about 100x150 km2 around the David Glacier. We have carried out several analyses using the combined data sets. These included the examination of the temporal evolution in earthquake magnitude and location and also the contemporaneous observation of both seismic activity and surface kinematics of the ice stream to possibly correlate the recorded microseismicity with the movement of the glacier, affected by the Ross Sea tides. Here we present some details of the two temporary networks and preliminary results and implications

    Joint Geophysical Observations of Ice Stream Dynamics

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    Ice streams play a major role in the ice mass balance and in the reckoning of the global sea level; they have therefore been object of wide scientific interest in the last three decades. During the 21st Italian Antarctic Expedition, in the austral summer 2005–06, we deployed a joint seismographic and geodetic network in the area of the David Glacier, Southern Victoria Land. This campaign followed a similar experiment carried out in the same area during the austral summer 2003–04 with the deployment of a seismographic network that recorded significant microseismicity beneath the David Glacier, primarily occurring as a few small clusters. In the latest 2005–06 deployment, 7 seismographic stations and 3 GPS geodetic receivers operated continuously for a period of 3 months (November 2005–early February 2006) in an area of about 100×150 km2 around the David Glacier. We have carried out several analyses using the combined data sets. These included the examination of the temporal evolution in earthquake magnitude and location and also the contemporaneous observation of both seismic activity and surface kinematics of the ice stream to possibly correlate the recorded microseismicity with the movement of the glacier, affected by the Ross Sea tides. Unfortunately, a clear correlation between the occurrence of seismic events and the movement of the glacier is not evident. Here we present some details of the two temporary networks and preliminary results and implications

    Food waste reduction in supply chains through innovations: a review

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    Purpose: Agri-food supply chains are facing a number of challenges, which cause inefficiencies resulting in the waste of natural and economic resources, and in negative environmental and social impacts. Food waste (FW) is a result of such inefficiencies and supply chain actors search for economically viable innovations to prevent and reduce it. This study aims to analyse the drivers and the barriers that affect the decision of supply chain operators to adopt innovations (technological – TI, organisational – OI and marketing – MI) to reduce FW. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis was carried out using a four-step approach that included: a literature review to identify factors affecting the decision to adopt innovations; analysis of FW drivers and reduction possibilities along agri-food supply chains through innovations; mapping the results of Steps 1 and 2 and deriving conclusions regarding the factors affecting the adoption of innovations to reduce and prevent FW. Findings: Results show that different types of innovations have a high potential in reducing and preventing FW along the supply chain; however, they still must be economically feasible to be adopted by decision makers in the food supply chain. TI, OI and MI are often interrelated and can trigger each other. When it comes to a combination of different types of innovation to reduce and prevent FW, a good example of combining TI, OI and MI may be observed in the retail sector in Europe. Here, innovative smartphone apps (TI) to promote the sale of products nearing their expiration dates (OI in terms of organising the sales differently and MI in terms of marketing it differently) were developed and adopted via different retailing channels, leading to the creation of a new business model. Practical implications: This study analyses the drivers of FW generation together with the factors affecting the decision to adopt innovations to reduce it and provides solutions to supply chain operators to prevent and reduce FW through different types of innovations. Originality/value: Literature has not systematically addressed innovations aiming at the reduction of FW yet. This paper provides a comprehensive literature review of the determinants of innovation adoption and offers a novel view on the problem of FW reduction by means of innovation, by linking factors affecting the decision to innovate with FW drivers

    Victoria land, antarctica: An improved geodynamic interpretation based on the strain rate field of the current crustal motion and moho depth model

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    In Antarctica, the severe climatic conditions and the thick ice sheet that covers the largest and most internal part of the continent make it particularly difficult to systematically carry out geophysical and geodetic observations on a continental scale. It prevents the comprehensive understanding of both the onshore and offshore geology as well as the relationship between the inner part of East Antarctica (EA) and the coastal sector of Victoria Land (VL). With the aim to reduce this gap, in this paper multiple geophysical dataset collected since the 1980s in Antarctica by Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide (PNRA) were integrated with geodetic observations. In particu-lar, the analyzed data includes: (i) Geodetic time series from Trans Antarctic Mountains DEFormation (TAMDEF), and Victoria Land Network for DEFormation control (VLNDEF) GNSS stations installed in Victoria Land; (ii) the integration of on-shore (ground points data and airborne) gravity measurements in Victoria Land and marine gravity surveys performed in the Ross Sea and the nar-row strip of Southern Ocean facing the coasts of northern Victoria Land. Gravity data modelling has improved the knowledge of the Moho depth of VL and surrounding the offshore areas. By the integration of geodetic and gravitational (or gravity) potential results it was possible to better con-strain/identify four geodynamic blocks characterized by homogeneous geophysical signature: the Southern Ocean to the N, the Ross Sea to the E, the Wilkes Basin to the W, and VL in between. The last block is characterized by a small but significant clockwise rotation relative to East Antarctica. The presence of a N-S to NNW-SSE 1-km step in the Moho in correspondence of the Rennick Geo-dynamic Belt confirms the existence of this crustal scale discontinuity, possibly representing the tectonic boundary between East Antarctica and the northern part of VL block, as previously pro-posed by some geological studies

    Underwater Drone Architecture for Marine Digital Twin: Lessons Learned from SUSHI DROP Project

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    The ability to observe the world has seen significant developments in the last few decades, alongside the techniques and methodologies to derive accurate digital replicas of observed environments. Underwater ecosystems present greater challenges and remain largely unexplored, but the need for reliable and up-to-date information motivated the birth of the Interreg Italy–Croatia SUSHI DROP Project (SUstainable fiSHeries wIth DROnes data Processing). The aim of the project is to map ecosystems for sustainable fishing and to achieve this goal a prototype of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV), named Blucy, has been designed and developed. Blucy was deployed during project missions for surveying the benthic zone in deep waters of the Adriatic Sea with noninvasive techniques compared to the use of trawl nets. This article describes the strategies followed, the instruments applied and the challenges to be overcome to obtain an accurately georeferenced underwater survey with the goal of creating a marine digital twin

    Multi-Temporal investigation of the Boulder Clay Glacier and Northern Foothills (Victoria Land, Antarctica) by integrated surveying techniques

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    The paper aims to detect the main changes that occurred in the area surrounding the Mario Zucchelli Station (MZS) through analysis of multi-temporal remote sensing integrated by geophysical measurements. Specific attention was directed at realizing an integrated geomorphological study of the Boulder Clay Glacier, a partially debris-covered glacier belonging to the Northern Foothills (Victoria Land, Antarctica). This area was recently chosen as the location for the construction of a new semi-permanent gravel runway for MZS logistical airfreight operations. Photogrammetric analysis was performed by comparing three historical aerial photogrammetric surveys (carried out in 1956, 1985, and 1993) and Very High Resolution (VHR) GeoEye-1 satellite stereo-image coverage acquired in 2012. The comparison of geo-referenced orthophoto-mosaics allowed the main changes occurring in some particular areas along the coast nearby MZS to be established. Concerning the study of the Boulder Clay Glacier, it has to be considered that glaciers and moraines are not steady-state systems by definition. Several remote sensing and geophysical investigations were carried out with the main aim of determining the general assessment of this glacier: Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR); Geodetic Global Positioning System (GPS) network; multi-temporal satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry. The analysis of Boulder Clay Glacier moraine pointed out a deformation of less than 74 mm y-1 in a time span of 56 years, value that agrees with velocity and deformation data observed by GPS and InSAR methods. The presence of unexpected brine ponds at the ice/bedrock interface and the deformation pattern observed in the central part of the moraine has to be monitored and studied, especially under the long-term maintenance of the future runway
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