83 research outputs found

    Aging, jamming, and the limits of stability of amorphous solids

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    Apart from not having crystallized, supercooled liquids can be considered as being properly equilibrated and thus can be described by a few thermodynamic control variables. In contrast, glasses and other amorphous solids can be arbitrarily far away from equilibrium and require a description of the history of the conditions under which they formed. In this paper we describe how the locality of interactions intrinsic to finite-dimensional systems affects the stability of amorphous solids far off equilibrium. Our analysis encompasses both structural glasses formed by cooling and colloidal assemblies formed by compression. A diagram outlining regions of marginal stability can be adduced which bears some resemblance to the quasi-equilibrium replica meanfield theory phase diagram of hard sphere glasses in high dimensions but is distinct from that construct in that the diagram describes not true phase transitions but kinetic transitions that depend on the preparation protocol. The diagram exhibits two distinct sectors. One sector corresponds to amorphous states with relatively open structures, the other to high density, more closely-packed ones. The former transform rapidly owing to there being motions with no free energy barriers; these motions are string-like locally. In the dense region, amorphous systems age via compact activated reconfigurations. The two regimes correspond, in equilibrium, to the collisional or uniform liquid and the so called landscape regime, respectively. These are separated by a spinodal line of dynamical crossovers. Owing to the rigidity of the surrounding matrix in the landscape, high-density part of the diagram, a sufficiently rapid pressure quench adds compressive energy which also leads to an instability toward string-like motions with near vanishing barriers. (SEE REST OF ABSTRACT IN THE ARTICLE.)Comment: submitted to J Phys Chem

    Identifying the connection between Roman Conceptions of ‘Pure Air’ and Physical and Mental Health in Pompeian Gardens (c. 150 BC-AD 79): A Multi-Sensory Approach to Ancient Medicine

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    Different genres of Roman literature commented on the relationship between the condition of the environment and physical and mental health. They often refer to clear, pure, or good air as a beneficial aspect of the environment. Yet, unlike fetid air, they provide few descriptions of what constituted healthy air quality. Moreover, aside from pointing out the association between the environment and bodily condition, the writers also did not explain precisely how the link between the two was made. This paper utilizes a comparative study of ancient literature and the archaeological remains of Roman gardens in Pompeii: archaeobotanical samples, fresco paintings, location, and surviving features. Three questions are addressed in this study: First, how did the Romans identify and define pure? Second, how did air connect to the body? Third, what were the qualities of pure air and how did they benefit the body? Not only was inhalation a means of linking air to the body, but the two were also related through sensory perception. I argue that sight, sound, and olfaction were used to identify the qualities of pure air. Through the sensory process of identification, the beneficial properties of pure air were, in accordance with ancient perceptions of sensory function, taken into the body and affected health. Thus, sensory perception acted as the bridge between the environment and health

    Architecture, Space and Information in Constructions Built by Humans and Social Insects: a Conceptual Review

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    The similarities between the structures built by social insects and by humans have led to a convergence of interests between biologists and architects. This new, de facto interdisciplinary community of scholars needs a common terminology and theoretical framework in which to ground its work. In this conceptually oriented review paper, we review the terms “information”, “space” and “architecture” to provide definitions that span biology and architecture. A framework is proposed on which interdisciplinary exchange may be better served, with the view that this will aid better cross fertilisation between disciplines, working in the areas of collective behaviour and analysis of the structures and edifices constructed by non-humans; and to facilitate how this area of study may better contribute to the field of architecture. We then use these definitions to discuss the informational content of constructions built by organisms and the influence these have on behaviour, and vice versa. We review how spatial constraints inform and influence interaction between an organism and its environment, and examine the reciprocity of space and information on construction and the behaviour of humans and social insects