16 research outputs found

    Adaptive mechanisms of mitochondria in response to exercise

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    Odnosi silvijevog kanala sa okolnim delovima mozga i lobanje mereni anatomski i magnetnom rezonancom

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    Introducton/Objective: Insufficiency of relevant anatomic data and great neurological and neurosurgical significance were the reasons for this study with scientific and practical implications. The purpose was to determine, at the transverse in situ section of the head, the position and relations of the sylvian aqueduct of the mesencephalon by measuring its distances from particular brain and calvaria structures. Also, the aim was to determine the same distances according to axial sections by using MRI. Methods: The material consisted of twenty autopsy human heads. The section of the head was made at the level of the tentorial hiatus and the midbrain. After that, we measured the distances between the cerebral aqueduct and a) posterior border of the optic chiasm, b) upper border of the dorsum sellae, c) terminal bifurcation of the basilar artery, d) beginning of the straight sinus, e) internal occipital protuberance, f ) tentorial edge (lateral from the aqueduct), and g) internal surface of the calvaria (lateral to the aqueduct). We determined the same distances by the MRI system. The measurements were made in 37 subjects. Results: The numerical data obtained by this study will be of benefit to neurosurgeons in choosing a surgical approach to the contents of the incisural space, and to neurologists for the exact localization of the lesion and interpretation of certain signs and symptoms. Conclusion: The results of a detailed examination of the sylvian aqueduct position and relations have shown that the use of MRI is the morphometric method of choice, because it is more precise for all the parameters monitored than in situ measurements.Uvod/Cilj: Nedostatak odgovarajućih anatomskih podataka i veliki neurološki i neurohirurški značaj su bili razlozi za pokretanje ove studije sa naučnim i praktičnim značajem. Cilj rada je bio da se, na poprečnom preseku glave, odrede položaj i odnosi Silvijevog kanala srednjeg mozga merenjem razdaljina do određenih struktura mozga i lobanje. Takođe, cilj je i da se odrede iste razdaljine korišćenjem poprečnih preseka magnetne rezonance (MR) glave. Metode rada: Materijal su činili preseci 20 glava dobijeni tokom rutinske obdukcije. Preseci glave i mozga su pravljeni u nivou zjapa šatora malog mozga i srednjeg mozga. Merili smo rastojanja između Silvijevog kanala i a) zadnje ivice optičke raskrsnice, b) gornje ivice leđnog dela hipofizne jame, v) završne račve bazilarne arterije, g) početka pravog sinusa, d) unutrašnje potiljačne kvrge, đ) ivice tentorijuma (upolje od kanala srednjeg mozga) i e) unutrašnje površine krova lobanje (upolje od kanala srednjeg mozga). Merili smo iste razdaljine korišćenjem MR. Merenje je obavljeno na 37 osoba. Rezultati: Numerički podaci dobijeni ovom studijom biće od koristi neurohirurzima u pronalaženju hirurškog pristupa sadržaju prostora između slobodnih ivica tentorijuma, kao i neurolozima za preciznu lokalizaciju lezija i interpretaciju nekih znakova i simptoma. Zaključak: Rezultati detaljnog proučavanja položaja i odnosa Silvijevog kanala pokazali su da je korišćenje MR morfometrijska metoda izbora jer je mnogo preciznije za sve posmatrane parametre od merenja tokom obdukcije


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    The aim of the present study was to identify the relationship between morphological parameters and motor skills that are important for sprint performance in children aged 8 to 16 years divided into four age groups (U10, U12, U14, U16) in both genders. The sample consisted of two hundred eighty one participant who trained sprinting in various athletic clubs. A prediction set of twenty-five variables for assessing morphological characteristics and motor skills was applied, and the criterion variable was a sprint at 60m. Using multiple correlation, it has been established that a large number of morphological characteristics are statistically significant positive correlation with the sprint, especially the longitudinal variables, while the variables of skinfolds showed a low negative statistical significance in relation to the given criterion. In the field of motor skills, the highest number of positive statistically significant correlations were found in the tests of explosive power of the upper and lower extremities, agility test and horizontal and vertical jump tests. In order to determine which morphological features and motor skills should be applied in sprint running training, we tested related attributes using different algorithms for data mining (LR, M5, KNN, SVM, MLP, RBF). The results suggests that the predictors that we use can continue to be applied with high reliability in assessing sprint performance, but also in the monitoring of the training process in order to profile the better sprint achievements.The aim of the present study was to identify the relationship between morphological parameters and motor skills that are important for sprint performance in children aged 8 to 16 years divided into four age groups (U10, U12, U14, U16) in both genders. The sample consisted of two hundred eighty one participant who trained sprinting in various athletic clubs. A prediction set of twenty-five variables for assessing morphological characteristics and motor skills was applied, and the criterion variable was a sprint at 60m. Using multiple correlation, it has been established that a large number of morphological characteristics are statistically significant positive correlation with the sprint, especially the longitudinal variables, while the variables of skinfolds showed a low negative statistical significance in relation to the given criterion. In the field of motor skills, the highest number of positive statistically significant correlations were found in the tests of explosive power of the upper and lower extremities, agility test and horizontal and vertical jump tests.In order to determine which morphological features and motor skills should be applied in sprint running training, we tested related attributes using different algorithms for data mining (LR, M5, KNN, SVM, MLP, RBF). The results suggests that the predictors that we use can continue to be applied with high reliability in assessing sprint performance, but also in the monitoring of the training process in order to profile the better sprint achievements.Key words: youth athletes, sprint running, morphological characteristics, motor skills, regression algorithm

    The circadian clock and human athletic performance

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    The importance of circadian clock in managing of key muscle physiological processes, and therefore the impact on athletic performance is well studied. Specifically chronobiology examines the mechanisms of the biological clock and the consequences of disrupting its rhythm. Although a body of literature indicates that the peak performance of notable indicators of athletic performance exerts mainly in the afternoon and evening hours which is attributed to increased temperature of the body, certain variables such as vigilance, alertness and cognitive domains can influence the shift of the peak performance during the day. In addition, athletes face issues of desynchronization of their circadian rhythm during frequent transcontinental travels, since their performance is reduced and the adjustment of the biological clock requires some recommendations in the training process and behavioral approach. This review focuses on some current studies on endogenous and exogenous factors which affect the circadian rhythm in order to achieve better sport results, evaluation of the impact chronotype through chronometric tests and revising more valuable determinants of sport performance, as well as the application of new mathematical models in individual treatment of recovery of athletes in the phase of resynchronization

    Piloting of Blended Learning: Implementation and Benefits

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    This paper is based on piloting of blended learning as a transformative learning process in order to keep pace with technological innovation. Our redesign of the course was the intention of the use of blended learning as a tool for high-quality, meaningful and longer lasting knowledge, improvements in learning outcomes and greater engagement of students in learning. We chose Moodle platform as a highly sophisticated learning management system with many modules and its possibilities of application in the learning context to develop the online component as a supplement to classroom lessons. After conducting an analysis of the course and a questionnaire, we concluded that students use all the segments of the online component and they become more engaged, their assignments end on time and at the end they would express their satisfaction with the course redesign. Using the T-test for large independent samples there is statistically significantly better performance in the final test (p0.05), which leads us to the view that blended learning helps, above all, average students to upgrade and advance their knowledge. Considering that many of our student are athletes, blended learning is a good choice for them as they are professionally engaged in sports and they can follow the course and complete their assignments in addition to sports commitments. This piloting will serve as a parameter for future use of blended learning to be more adapted to the needs and objectives of students and eliminate any disadvantages


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    Recombinant DNA technology has allowed rapid progress in creating biosynthetic gene products for the treatment of many diseases. In this way it can produce large amounts of hormone, which is intended for the treatment of many pathological conditions. Recombinant hormones that are commonly used are insulin, growth hormone and erythropoietin. Precisely because of the availability of these recombinant hormones, it started their abuse by athletes. Experiments in animal models confirmed the potential effects of some of these hormones in increasing physical abilities, which attracted the attention of athletes who push the limits of their competitive capability by such manipulation. The risks of the use of recombinant hormones in doping include serious consequences for the health of athletes. Methods of detection of endogenous hormones from recombined based on the use of a monoclonal antibodies, capillary zone electrophoresis and protein biomarker


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    People with a particular phenotype better respond to exercise in relation to people with other phenotype. This difference in response to exercise is caused by genetic differences, as well as their interactions with environmental influences, which indicates the necessity of different approach to exercise in its application in good health, but also in prevention and therapy of various chronic diseases. Personalized medicine is the inclusion of individual genetic information in the design and implementation of clinical treatment in order to improve the efficiency of treatment. The treatment is prescribed individually, which leads to better results in the treatment of disorders treated for a shorter period of time. Kinesiogenomics as an example of personalized medicine allows the individualization of the treatment of many complex diseases and is the application of genetic information in exercise prescription. A significant genetic component exists in response to hypertension, diabetes 2 and obesity on exercise, which can be used as a guide in choosing a therapeutic approach. This paper is an overview of new findings on the role of genotype in the response to exercise and increase its effectiveness in prevention, treatment and control of these health disorders


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    Today's level of knowledge of molecular biology and genetics is able to change the established belief that genetic predisposition is a good natural gift. The application of gene therapy in healthy individuals in order to increase sports performance is considered as manipulation and gene doping, which is actually believed that it could be a precursor to a broader notion of human "genetic enhancement" of physical characteristics such as strength, intelligence, social behavior and general improving the quality of life by genetic make-ap. In this sense, gene doping can have a significant and long-term impact on health and society in general and requires a more detailed ethical analysis and the implementation of preventive measures. The paper discusses the manipulation of genomic medicine in sport in terms of basic ethical principles and represents academic contributions to the study of the prevention, detection and control of this type of doping. Sport can and should keep the leading position in the scale of moral values in society through ethical arguments based on the balance of equality, rights and responsibilities. We cannot prevent the evolution of the sport, but we can and must direct this evolution in a better direction


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    Cortisol is a glucocorticoid hormone secreted from the adrenal cortex and it represents a key component of the hormonal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. The best-known metabolic effects of cortisol on the metabolism are the stimulation of gluconeogenesis, increased protein catabolism and increased lipolysis. Exercise is considered as a specific stressor that can modify the cortisol levels in the human body. The intensity and duration of exercise are factors that determine the response of cortisol. This article is a brief review on the effects of the cortisol responses at different intensity of exercise, its relationship with testosterone and highlights the importance of its role as a hormonal component of adaptation of the organism to exercise that preserves and protects the body from the negative physiological consequences


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    Exercise-induced asthma is a transient airflow obstruction, which occurs after the strenuous exercise. It is a complex pathophysiological phenomenon, present in all levels of exercise, from children to professional athletes, so the therapy is specific and individual. Pharmacological therapy involves short-acting β2 adrenergic agonists, as well as long-acting, mast cell-stabilizing agents, leukotriene receptor antagonists, muscarinic receptor antagonists and inhaled corticosteroids. Although the practice of application only one type of medication, recent literature data indicate a better effect of combined treatment. Appropriate medical prophylaxis and education of athletes plays an important role in the treatment of exercise-induced asthma, because in this way the incidence of bronchoconstriction decrease, reduce symptoms and provides comfortable acting in sport