59 research outputs found

    InterferĂŞncia linguĂ­stica do umbundu no portuguĂŞs e respectiva aprendizagem

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    Mestrado em Ensino do português como língua segunda e estrangeiraNo presente trabalho, procuramos reflectir não só sobre a complexa situação linguística de Angola, seus reflexos no ensino, mas também sobre a Língua Portuguesa e seu estatuto social e educativo. Sendo o português língua oficial, primeira língua de aprendizagem/língua materna para muitos cidadãos e língua segunda para um maior número de angolanos, era necessário um estudo sobre as definições das três vertentes em que é utilizado pelos seus utentes: língua materna, língua segunda e língua estrangeira. A inquietação que está na base do projecto do trabalho, não deixou passar despercebido o aspecto do ensino do Português como primeira língua de aprendizagem, em contexto angolano nem a busca de metodologias de ensino da língua segunda que se possam adequar ao caso concreto da situação do país em questão

    Dificuldades de escrita em diferentes nĂ­veis de ensino : o caso angolano

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    A presente tese, inserida na área da Linguística do Texto e do Discurso, centra-se nos problemas de escrita dos alunos, tendo-se orientado para a análise dos problemas identificados e para o ensino da produção escrita de diferentes géneros de textos. Baseando-se no quadro teórico de Dolz, Noverraz e Schneuwly (2001), este estudo pretende proceder a uma reflexão sobre a sequência didática, associada ao modelo didático de género, explorando estratégias, atividades e materiais propostos, de modo a buscar ferramentas que possam contribuir para o ensino da escrita, permitindo que os alunos adquiram competências na produção de diferentes géneros de textos. Entre os vários géneros de textos existentes e passíveis de serem trabalhados em contexto escolar, foram selecionados os géneros textuais carta e crónica em virtude de serem géneros que promovem a expressão de sentimentos, a interação com um destinatário que pode estar ligado ao sujeito da escrita por laços estreitos, a tomada de alguma posição crítica diante de determinado acontecimento que afete negativamente o ambiente social, a apresentação de argumentos e de pontos de vista (em busca do bem comum), como forma de despertar nos alunos o gosto de escrever. Tendo em consideração que o género textual carta não figura nos conteúdos do programa do I Ciclo do Ensino Secundário, o estudo efetuado prevê a proposta de inserção deste género de texto nos programas do Ensino Secundário, como texto utilitário que poderia contribuir para a formação de cidadãos competentes no que diz respeito à produção de diferentes géneros de textos.The present study, included in the Linguistics of Text and Discourse area, focuses on the writing problems of the students, directed to the analysis of the identified problems and to the written production teaching of different genres of texts. Based on the theoretical framework of Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2001), this study intends to reflect on the didactic sequence, associated to the didactic model of genre, exploring proposed strategies, activities and materials, in order to find tools that can contribute to the teaching of writing, helping students to obtain skills in the production of different genres of texts. Among the various genres of texts available and capable to be worked in a school context, the letter and chronic textual genres were selected because they are those that promote the expression of feelings, the interaction with a receiver that may be connected to the writer by close ties, the taking of some critical position before a certain event that negatively affects the social environment, the presentation of arguments and points of view (looking for the common good), as a way to awake students for the teste of writing Taking into account that the textual letter is outside of the contents of the I Secondary School programs, the study carried out foresees the proposal of insertion of this type of text in the Secondary Education programs, as a useful text that could contribute to the training and skills of citizens concerning to the production of different genres of texts

    Response of rumen microbial ecosystem to diets integrated with chestnut or quebracho tannins in dairy ewes

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of rumen microbial ecosystem to diets integrated with chestnut or quebracho tannins in dairy ewes. The experiment was conducted as 3 X 3 Latin square design and the trial was repeated 2 times. Three fistulated ewes fed 3 diets based on chopped grass hay ad libitum administered and on 800 g / head and day of 3 experimental concentrates containing 84.5 g of soybean oil / kg of DM and 52.8 g / kg DM of bentonite (CON) or chestnut tannin extract (CHT) or quebracho tannin extract (QUE). At the end of each experimental period rumen liquor was analysed for fatty acid and microbial profiles. On the basis of the molar stoichiometric relations between rumen volatile fatty acid and CH4 production (CH4=0.45 x acetate-0.275 x propionate + 0.4 x butyrate), the CH4 emission was also predicted for each diet. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was performed in order to find potential connection between microbial community, fatty acid composition of rumen liquor and potential CH4 emission, and how these connections are influenced by the different diets. DGGE bands were used as "species" data, while fatty acids and potential CH4 emission as "environmental" variables. The microbial profile was affected by the presence of tannins. The bacterial community of QUE and CHT samples of rumen liquor was positively correlated to vaccenic acid, conjugated linoleic acid and C18:2 trans-11 cis-15. Moreover, the bacterial communities as affected by CHT resulted mainly positively correlated to butyric acid, acetic acid and with potential CH4 emission. In contrast, the bacterial communities as affected by CON resulted mainly correlated positively to C18:2 cis-9 cis-12 and C18:0 production

    Comparative expression pathway analysis of human and canine mammary tumors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spontaneous tumors in dog have been demonstrated to share many features with their human counterparts, including relevant molecular targets, histological appearance, genetics, biological behavior and response to conventional treatments. Mammary tumors in dog therefore provide an attractive alternative to more classical mouse models, such as transgenics or xenografts, where the tumour is artificially induced. To assess the extent to which dog tumors represent clinically significant human phenotypes, we performed the first genome-wide comparative analysis of transcriptional changes occurring in mammary tumors of the two species, with particular focus on the molecular pathways involved.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analyzed human and dog gene expression data derived from both tumor and normal mammary samples. By analyzing the expression levels of about ten thousand dog/human orthologous genes we observed a significant overlap of genes deregulated in the mammary tumor samples, as compared to their normal counterparts. Pathway analysis of gene expression data revealed a great degree of similarity in the perturbation of many cancer-related pathways, including the 'PI3K/AKT', 'KRAS', 'PTEN', 'WNT-beta catenin' and 'MAPK cascade'. Moreover, we show that the transcriptional relationships between different gene signatures observed in human breast cancer are largely maintained in the canine model, suggesting a close interspecies similarity in the network of cancer signalling circuitries.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data confirm and further strengthen the value of the canine mammary cancer model and open up new perspectives for the evaluation of novel cancer therapeutics and the development of prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers to be used in clinical studies.</p

    Effect of Dietary Chestnut or Quebracho Tannin Supplementation on Microbial Community and Fatty Acid Profile in the Rumen of Dairy Ewes

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    Ruminants derived products have a prominent role in diets and economy worldwide; therefore, the capability to control the rumen microbial ecosystem, for ameliorating their quality, is of fundamental importance in the livestock sector. e aim of this study was to evaluate the e ect of dietary supplementation with chestnut and quebracho tannins on microbial community and fatty acid pro le, in the rumen uid of dairy ewes. Multivariate analysis of PCR-DGGE pro les of rumen microbial communities showed a correlation among the presence of chestnut or quebracho in the diet, the speci c Butyrivibrio group DGGE pro les, the increase in 18:3 cis9, cis12, and cis15; 18:2 cis9 and cis12; 18:2 cis9 and trans11; 18:2 trans11 and cis15; and 18:1 trans11 content, and the decrease in 18:0 concentration. Phylogenetic analysis of DGGE band sequences revealed the presence of bacteria representatives related to the genera Hungatella, Ruminococcus, and Eubacterium and unclassi ed Lachnospiraceae family members, suggesting that these taxa could be a ected by tannins presence in the diets. e results of this study showed that tannins from chestnut and quebracho can reduce the biohydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids through changes in rumen microbial communities

    Leptomeningeal enhancement in multiple sclerosis: a focus on patients treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    BackgroundLeptomeningeal enhancement (LME) is considered an MRI marker of leptomeningeal inflammation in inflammatory neurological disorders, including multiple sclerosis (MS). To our knowledge, no disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) have been demonstrated to affect LME number or morphology so far.MethodsMonocentric study investigating the frequency and number of LME in a cohort of people with (pw)MS who performed a 3 T brain MRI with a standardized protocol (including a post-contrast FLAIR sequence), and exploring the impact of autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT) on this marker. In a longitudinal pilot study, consecutive MRIs were also analyzed in a subgroup of pwMS, including patients evaluated both pre- and post-AHSCT.ResultsFifty-five pwMS were included: 24/55 (44%) had received AHSCT (AHSCT group) and 31 other treatments (CTRL group). At least one LME was identified in 19/55 (35%) cases (42 and 29% in the AHSCT and CTRL groups, respectively; p = 0.405). In the AHSCT group, LME number correlated with age at AHSCT (R = 0.50; p = 0.014), but not with age at post-treatment MRI. In the longitudinal pilot study (n = 8), one LME disappeared following AHSCT in 1/4 patients, whereas LME number was unchanged in the remaining four pwMS from the CTRL group.DiscussionThese results suggest that AHSCT may affect development and persistence of LME, strengthening the indication for early use of effective therapies bioavailable within the central nervous system (CNS), and therefore potentially targeting compartmentalized inflammation

    Growth delay of human bladder cancer cells by Prostate Stem Cell Antigen downregulation is associated with activation of immune signaling pathways

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Prostate stem cell antigen (PSCA) is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored protein expressed not only in prostate but also in pancreas and bladder cancer as shown by immunohistochemistry and mRNA analysis. It has been targeted by monoclonal antibodies in preclinical animal models and more recently in a clinical trial in prostate cancer patients. The biological role played in tumor growth is presently unknown. In this report we have characterized the contribution of PSCA expression to tumor growth.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A bladder cell line was engineered to express a doxycycline (dox) regulated shRNA against PSCA. To shed light on the PSCA biological role in tumor growth, microarray analysis was carried out as a function of PSCA expression. Expression of gene set of interest was further analyzed by qPCR</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Down regulation of the PSCA expression was associated with reduced cell proliferation <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo</it>. Mice bearing subcutaneous tumors showed a reduced tumor growth upon treatment with dox, which effectively induced shRNA against PSCA as revealed by GFP expression. Pathway analysis of deregulated genes suggests a statistical significant association between PSCA downregulation and activation of genes downstream of the IFNα/β receptor.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These experiments established for the first time a correlation between the level of PSCA expression and tumor growth and suggest a role of PSCA in counteracting the natural immune response.</p
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