11 research outputs found

    Analysis and Design of Wastewater Treatment

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    The work proposes the reuse of wastewater from the Faculty of Agronomic Engineering of the Technical University of ManabĂ­, located in the Lodana parish in the city of Portoviejo, to irrigate the diversity of plantations that exist in the institution as a banana, cocoa and lemon. In the work, the results of the physical-chemical and bacteriological analysis carried out on the residual water generated in the institution are offered, being able to verify that it does not meet the parameters required to be used in the irrigation of crops. The technical scheme of the proposed treatment system is shown, specifying the structure of the zeolite filter. The calculations made for the technical and structural design of each of the devices that make up the proposed treatment system are provided. The analysis of the performance of the system that is illustrated with a series of data reflected in tables is exposed and where an efficiency between 84% and 88% can be verified. A review of compliance with environmental regulations is carried out and an economic analysis is provided on the cost of the investment for the introduction of the system in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering of the Technical University of ManabĂ­

    Local Development Applied to Energy Scheme

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    ManabĂ­ is a province with great potential, either in the agri-food sector or in the renewable generation of energy. However, the limitations inherited from traditional development models prevent achieving the sustainable development of this territory. This paper proposes a development model at the local level, aimed at achieving equity and, through the use of renewable energy sources and other potentials present in specific territories, to improve the quality of life and reduce the risks of societies present there. Through geographic information systems, it was possible to generate and display on maps information related to the energy demand at the provincial and cantonal levels, as well as the province's energy behavior considering the population density

    A collaboratively derived environmental research agenda for Galapagos

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    Galápagos is one of the most pristine archipelagos in the world and its conservation relies upon research and sensible management. In recent decades both the interest in, and the needs of, the islands have increased, yet the funds and capacity for necessary research have remained limited. It has become, therefore, increasingly important to identify areas of priority research to assist decision-making in Galápagos conservation. This study identified 50 questions considered priorities for future research and management. The exercise involved the collaboration of policy makers, practitioners and researchers from more than 30 different organisations. Initially, 360 people were consulted to generate 781 questions. An established process of preworkshop voting and three rounds to reduce and reword the questions, followed by a two-day workshop, was used to produce the final 50 questions. The most common issues raised by this list of questions were human population growth, climate change and the impact of invasive alien species. These results have already been used by a range of organisations and politicians and are expected to provide the basis for future research on the islands so that its sustainability may be enhanced. </jats:p

    Analysis of Working Conditions to Which the Triaduct is Subjected in Roca Fuerte Route - Manta

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    In the work, the working conditions to which the triaduct is located in the Rocafuerte - Manta road are analyzed, with vehicle service conditions similar to those of a bridge since they share the same scenario. Despite their similarities, these two civil works, bridges and sewers, have a different structural behavior and design; The bridge sits on supports that are placed from end to end or in an intermediate way, while the sewer has a base that covers the entire area on which it will settle under a concept similar to that of a shoe or foundation slab, it also has with walls on its sides fulfilling the function of walls, which gives a drawer shape to this structure and hence its name. The working conditions of the aforementioned triaduct are analyzed, which are caused by vehicular traffic, earth thrusts, hydraulic flow, seismic load and a filler load that could be placed on the upper road slab that is not present on a bridge and corresponds to a dead load distributed because of the filling

    Susceptibility to Landslides in Los Angeles Campus: Southern State University of Manabi

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    This research is of the correlational - explanatory type, based on the heuristic method, applying the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a tool, to obtain thematic maps and final susceptibility, considering its fundamental objective the evaluation of the areas susceptible to landslides. Through the spatial zoning of the "Los Angeles" campus of the "Southern State University of Manabí". The analysis of the variables of the conditioning factors, allowed recognizing three categories of susceptibility in the Los Angeles campus (High, Medium and Low), where lithological units converge as sandy clay, clay, and silts tone, steep slopes (over 50°), cuts of slopes devoid of some kind of protection, deforested and highly eroded soils. This implies that there is a likelihood of new affectations, which is why local risk management plans must be developed

    Immunotherapy Bridge 2017 and Melanoma Bridge 2017: meeting abstracts

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