53 research outputs found

    Host phenotype characteristics and MC1R in relation to early-onset basal cell carcinoma.

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    Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) incidence is increasing, particularly among adults under the age of 40 years. Pigment-related characteristics are associated with BCC in older populations, but epidemiologic studies among younger individuals and analyses of phenotype-genotype interactions are limited. We examined self-reported phenotypes and melanocortin 1 receptor gene (MC1R) variants in relation to early-onset BCC. BCC cases (n=377) and controls with benign skin conditions (n=390) under the age of 40 years were identified through Yale's Dermatopathology database. Factors most strongly associated with early-onset BCC were skin reaction to first summer sun for 1 hour (severe sunburn vs. tan odds ratio (OR)=12.27, 95% confidence interval (CI)=4.08-36.94) and skin color (very fair vs. olive OR=11.06, 95% CI=5.90-20.74). Individuals with two or more MC1R non-synonymous variants were 3.59 times (95% CI=2.37-5.43) more likely to have BCC than those without non-synonymous variants. All host characteristics and MC1R were more strongly associated with multiple BCC case status (37% of cases) than a single BCC case status. MC1R, number of moles, skin reaction to first summer sun for 1 hour, and hair and skin color were independently associated with BCC. BCC risk conferred by MC1R tended to be stronger among those with darker pigment phenotypes, traditionally considered to be at low risk of skin cancer


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    Perkembangan teknologi membawa pengaruh yang besar pada layanan Perpustakaan. Perpustakaan UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah merupakan perpustakaan perguruan tinggi yang saat ini telah menerapkan teknologi secara otomasi dalam memberikan pelayanan menggunakan Smart Campus. Namun dalam menerapkan fitur layanan belum sepenuhnya diterapkan oleh staff perpustakaan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Inovasi yang dilakukan oleh Perpustakaan UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah dalam mendukung transformasi smart campus dan kendala yang dihadapi beserta upaya mengatasi kendala dalam Transformasi Smart Campus di Era Teknolog
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