64 research outputs found

    Lignite coal burning seam in the remote Altai Mountains harbors a hydrogen-driven thermophilic microbial community

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    Thermal ecosystems associated with underground coal combustion sites are rare and less studied than geothermal features. Here we analysed microbial communities of near-surface ground layer and bituminous substance in an open quarry heated by subsurface coal fire by metagenomic DNA sequencing. Taxonomic classification revealed dominance of only a few groups of Firmicutes. Near-complete genomes of three most abundant species, ‘Candidatus Carbobacillus altaicus’ AL32, Brockia lithotrophica AL31, and Hydrogenibacillus schlegelii AL33, were assembled. According to the genomic data, Ca. Carbobacillus altaicus AL32 is an aerobic heterotroph, while B. lithotrophica AL31 is a chemolithotrophic anaerobe assimilating CO2 via the Calvin cycle. H. schlegelii AL33 is an aerobe capable of both growth on organic compounds and carrying out CO2 fixation via the Calvin cycle. Phylogenetic analysis of the large subunit of RuBisCO of B. lithotrophica AL31 and H. schlegelii AL33 showed that it belongs to the type 1-E. All three Firmicutes species can gain energy from aerobic or anaerobic oxidation of molecular hydrogen, produced as a result of underground coal combustion along with other coal gases. We propose that thermophilic Firmicutes, whose spores can spread from their original geothermal habitats over long distances, are the first colonizers of this recently formed thermal ecosystem

    Genome sequence of the acid-tolerant Desulfovibrio sp. DV isolated from the sediments of a Pb-Zn mine tailings dam in the Chita region, Russia

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    Here we report the draft genome sequence of the acid-tolerant Desulfovibrio sp. DV isolated from the sediments of a Pb-Zn mine tailings dam in the Chita region, Russia. The draft genome has a size of 4.9 Mb and encodes multiple K+-transporters and proton-consuming decarboxylases. The phylogenetic analysis based on concatenated ribosomal proteins revealed that strain DV clusters together with the acid-tolerant Desulfovibrio sp. TomC and Desulfovibrio magneticus. The draft genome sequence and annotation have been deposited at GenBank under the accession number MLBG00000000

    Genome sequence of the copper resistant and acid-tolerant Desulfosporosinus sp. BG isolated from the tailings of a molybdenum-tungsten mine in the Transbaikal area

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    Here, we report on the draft genome of a copper-resistant and acidophilic Desulfosporosinus sp. BG, isolated from the tailings of a molybdenum-tungsten mine in Transbaikal area. The draft genome has a size of 4.52 Mb and encodes transporters of heavy metals. The phylogenetic analysis based on concatenated ribosomal proteins revealed that strain BG clusters together with the other acidophilic copper-resistant strains Desulfosporosinus sp. OT and Desulfosporosinus sp. I2. The K+-ATPase, Na+/H+ antiporter and amino acid decarboxylases may participate in enabling growth at low pH. The draft genome sequence and annotation have been deposited at GenBank under the accession number NZ_MASS00000000

    Genome sequence and analysis of methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha DL1

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    Ravin NV, Eldarov MA, Kadnikov VV, et al. Genome sequence and analysis of methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha DL1. BMC Genomics. 2013;14(1): 837.Background: Hansenula polymorpha DL1 is a methylotrophic yeast, widely used in fundamental studies of methanol metabolism, peroxisome biogenesis and function, and also as a microbial cell factory for production of recombinant proteins and metabolic engineering towards the goal of high temperature ethanol production. Results: We have sequenced the 9 Mbp H. polymorpha DL1 genome and performed whole genome analysis for the H. polymorpha transcriptome obtained from both methanol- and glucose-grown cells. RNA-seq analysis revealed the complex and dynamic character of the H. polymorpha transcriptome under the two studied conditions, identified abundant and highly unregulated expression of 40% of the genome in methanol grown cells, and revealed alternative splicing events. We have identified subtelomerically biased protein families in H. polymorpha, clusters of LTR elements at G + C-poor chromosomal loci in the middle of each of the seven H. polymorpha chromosomes, and established the evolutionary position of H. polymorpha DL1 within a separate yeast clade together with the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris and the non-methylotrophic yeast Dekkera bruxellensis. Intergenome comparisons uncovered extensive gene order reshuffling between the three yeast genomes. Phylogenetic analyses enabled us to reveal patterns of evolution of methylotrophy in yeasts and filamentous fungi. Conclusions: Our results open new opportunities for in-depth understanding of many aspects of H. polymorpha life cycle, physiology and metabolism as well as genome evolution in methylotrophic yeasts and may lead to novel improvements toward the application of H. polymorpha DL-1 as a microbial cell factory

    The low-temperature germinating spores of the thermophilic Desulfofundulus contribute to an extremely high sulfate reduction in burning coal seams

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    Burning coal seams, characterized by massive carbon monoxide (CO) emissions, the presence of secondary sulfates, and high temperatures, represent suitable environments for thermophilic sulfate reduction. The diversity and activity of dissimilatory sulfate reducers in these environments remain unexplored. In this study, using metagenomic approaches, in situ activity measurements with a radioactive tracer, and cultivation we have shown that members of the genus Desulfofundulus are responsible for the extremely high sulfate reduction rate (SRR) in burning lignite seams in the Altai Mountains. The maximum SRR reached 564 ± 21.9 nmol S cm−3 day−1 at 60°C and was of the same order of magnitude for both thermophilic (60°C) and mesophilic (23°C) incubations. The 16S rRNA profiles and the search for dsr gene sequences in the metagenome revealed members of the genus Desulfofundulus as the main sulfate reducers. The thermophilic Desulfofundulus sp. strain Al36 isolated in pure culture, did not grow at temperatures below 50°C, but produced spores that germinated into metabolically active cells at 20 and 15°C. Vegetative cells germinating from spores produced up to 0.738 ± 0.026 mM H2S at 20°C and up to 0.629 ± 0.007 mM H2S at 15°C when CO was used as the sole electron donor. The Al36 strain maintains significant production of H2S from sulfate over a wide temperature range from 15°C to 65°C, which is important in variable temperature biotopes such as lignite burning seams. Burning coal seams producing CO are ubiquitous throughout the world, and biogenic H2S may represent an overlooked significant flux to the atmosphere. The thermophilic spore outgrowth and their metabolic activity at temperatures below the growth minimum may be important for other spore-forming bacteria of environmental, industrial and clinical importance

    Complete Genome of a Member of a New Bacterial Lineage in the Microgenomates Group Reveals an Unusual Nucleotide Composition Disparity Between Two Strands of DNA and Limited Metabolic Potential

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    The candidate phyla radiation is a large monophyletic lineage comprising unculturable bacterial taxa with small cell and genome sizes, mostly known from genomes obtained from environmental sources without cultivation. Here, we present the closed complete genome of a member of the superphylum Microgenomates obtained from the metagenome of a deep subsurface thermal aquifer. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that the new bacterium, designated Ch65, represents a novel phylum-level lineage within the Microgenomates group, sibling to the candidate phylum Collierbacteria. The Ch65 genome has a highly unusual nucleotide composition with one strand of highly enriched in cytosine versus guanine throughout the whole length. Such nucleotide composition asymmetry, also detected in the members of Ca. Collierbacteria and Ca. Beckwithbacteria, suggests that most of the Ch65 chromosome is replicated in one direction. A genome analysis predicted that the Ch65 bacterium has fermentative metabolism and could produce acetate and lactate. It lacks respiratory capacity, as well as complete pathways for the biosynthesis of lipids, amino acids, and nucleotides. The Embden–Meyerhof glycolytic pathway and nonoxidative pentose phosphate pathway are mostly complete, although glucokinase, 6-phosphofructokinase, and transaldolase were not found. The Ch65 bacterium lacks secreted glycoside hydrolases and conventional transporters for importing sugars and amino acids. Overall, the metabolic predictions imply that Ch65 adopts the lifestyle of a symbiont/parasite, or a scavenger, obtaining resources from the lysed microbial biomass. We propose the provisional taxonomic assignment ‘Candidatus Chazhemtobacterium aquaticus’, genus ‘Chazhemtobacterium‘, family ‘Chazhemtobacteraceae‘ in the Microgenomates group

    Sulfur and Methane-Oxidizing Microbial Community in a Terrestrial Mud Volcano Revealed by Metagenomics

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    Mud volcanoes are prominent geological structures where fluids and gases from the deep subsurface are discharged along a fracture network in tectonically active regions. Microbial communities responsible for sulfur and methane cycling and organic transformation in terrestrial mud volcanoes remain poorly characterized. Using a metagenomics approach, we analyzed the microbial community of bubbling fluids retrieved from an active mud volcano in eastern Crimea. The microbial community was dominated by chemolithoautotrophic Campylobacterota and Gammaproteobacteria, which are capable of sulfur oxidation coupled to aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Methane oxidation could be enabled by aerobic Methylococcales bacteria and anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME), while methanogens were nearly absent. The ANME community was dominated by a novel species of Ca. Methanoperedenaceae that lacked nitrate reductase and probably couple methane oxidation to the reduction of metal oxides. Analysis of two Ca. Bathyarchaeota genomes revealed the lack of mcr genes and predicted that they could grow on fatty acids, sugars, and proteinaceous substrates performing fermentation. Thermophilic sulfate reducers indigenous to the deep subsurface, Thermodesulfovibrionales (Nitrospirae) and Ca. Desulforudis (Firmicutes), were found in minor amounts. Overall, the results obtained suggest that reduced compounds delivered from the deep subsurface support the development of autotrophic microorganisms using various electron acceptors for respiration

    Genome of the candidate phylum Aminicenantes bacterium from a deep subsurface thermal aquifer revealed its fermentative saccharolytic lifestyle

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    Bacteria of candidate phylum OP8 (Aminicenantes) have been identified in various terrestrial and marine ecosystems as a result of molecular analysis of microbial communities. So far, none of the representatives of Aminicenantes have been isolated in a pure culture. We assembled the near-complete genome of a member of Aminicenantes from the metagenome of the 2-km-deep subsurface thermal aquifer in Western Siberia and used genomic data to analyze the metabolic pathways of this bacterium and its ecological role. This bacterium, designated BY38, was predicted to be rod shaped, it lacks flagellar machinery but twitching motility is encoded. Analysis of the BY38 genome revealed a variety of glycosyl hydrolases that can enable utilization of carbohydrates, including chitin, cellulose, starch, mannose, galactose, fructose, fucose, rhamnose, maltose and arabinose. The reconstructed central metabolic pathways suggested that Aminicenantes bacterium BY38 is an anaerobic organotroph capable of fermenting carbohydrates and proteinaceous substrates and performing anaerobic respiration with nitrite. In the deep subsurface aquifer Aminicenantes probably act as destructors of buried organic matter and produce hydrogen and acetate. Based on phylogenetic and genomic analyses, the novel bacterium is proposed to be classified as Candidatus Saccharicenans subterraneum

    Stable and variable parts of microbial community in Siberian deep subsurface thermal aquifer system revealed in a long-term monitoring study

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    The goal of this work was to study the diversity of microorganisms inhabiting a deep subsurface aquifer system in order to understand their functional roles and interspecies relations formed in the course of buried organic matter degradation. A microbial community of a deep subsurface thermal aquifer in the Tomsk Region, Western Siberia was monitored over the course of five years via a 2.7 km deep borehole 3P, drilled down to a Palaeozoic basement. The borehole water discharges with a temperature of ca. 50oC. Its chemical composition varies, but it steadily contains acetate, propionate, and traces of hydrocarbons and gives rise to microbial mats along the surface flow. Community analysis by PCR-DGGE 16S rRNA genes profiling, repeatedly performed within five years, revealed several dominating phylotypes consistently found in the borehole water, and highly variable diversity of prokaryotes, brought to the surface with the borehole outflow. The major planktonic components of the microbial community were Desulfovirgula thermocuniculi and Methanothermobacter spp. The composition of the minor part of the community was unstable, and molecular analysis did not reveal any regularity in its variations, except some predominance of uncultured Firmicutes. Batch cultures with complex organic substrates inoculated with water samples were set in order to enrich prokaryotes from the variable part of the community. PCR-DGGE analysis of these enrichments yielded uncultured Firmicutes, Chloroflexi, and Ignavibacteriae. A continuous-flow microaerophilic enrichment culture with a water sample amended with acetate contained Hydrogenophilus thermoluteolus, which was previously detected in the microbial mat developing at the outflow of the borehole. Cultivation results allowed us to assume that variable components of the 3P well community are hydrolytic organotrophs, degrading buried biopolymers, while the constant planktonic components of the community degrade dissolved fermentation products to methane and CO2, possibly via interspecies hydrogen transfer. Occasional washout of minor community components capable of oxygen respiration leads to the development of microbial mats at the outflow of the borehole where residual dissolved fermentation products are aerobically oxidized. Long-term community analysis with the combination of molecular and cultivation techniques allowed us to characterize stable and variable parts of the community and propose their environmental roles