451 research outputs found

    Clamence et l’interlocuteur : pragmatique de la manipulation et de l’identification dans le discours de La Chute de Camus

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    Le double jeu de Clamence, à la fois juge et pénitent dans l’interface de l’être et du paraître, semble être le ressort de l’identification du lecteur à l’interlocuteur. Clamence s’adresse à une sorte de grand énonciataire : l’humanité en général et par ricochet le lecteur. La pragmatique du discours de La Chute se construit sur quatre actants : énonciateur-locuteur / interlocuteur-énonciataire. Ces deux entités n’en font qu’une seule et, par contrecoup, l’énonciateur sera assimilé à l’énonciataire par le biais du lecteur. Dans La Chute, émerge en fait tout un jeu de miroirs discursifs dans lequel, d’une part, Clamence élabore son mea culpa et, d’autre part, juge l’humanité comme s’il était une sorte de démiurge divin. Le réquisitoire s’achève sur une note pessimiste qui ne fait que traduire une farce noire dont le procès discursif n’est que pure ironie.The interplay between being and seeming, as well as the double game of Clamence, the judge-penitent, are the motivating forces behind the reader’s identification to the addressee. Clamence addresses a kind of global receiver, viz. Mankind and, by the same token, the reader. The pragmatics of discourse in Camus’ The Fall depends on four agents: the sender-addresser and the addressee-receiver. The two pairs are in fact only one and in such a way that the sender and the receiver become one and the same for the reader. The Fall is built around a series of discursive mirror games allowing Clamence both to blame himself and to judge mankind as though he were a demiurge. The indictment ends on a darker note, turning the whole situation into a farce whose discursive process is essentially ironic

    Noch einmal über die Feldzüge von Augustus im Karpatenbecken

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    The campaigns of Augustus in the Carpathian basin, connected with the occupation of Pannonia (Illyricum) have been discussed in many papers. The general was Tiberius, but also a Vinicius and Cornelius Lentulus are mentioned in the sources. Many different and controversial solutions have been proposed for the chronology, the extension and the process of the wars. After having summarized the different proposals again this paper returns to one of them which has on the basis of the newer observations the highest probability

    Factorable Groups and their Homology

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    In this thesis we introduce the class of factorable groups. These are normed groups together with a norm preserving decemposition (or factorization) of each group element into two factors. Already the norm alone gives a filtration of the bar resolution and of the bar complex, which we call the norm filtration and we study the spectral sequence associated to the norm filtration. The main result of the thesis is that for a factorable group the homology of the columns of the E^0-term is concentrated in the top degree. Consequently, the spectral sequence associated to the norm filtration collapses after the E^2-term and the homology of the group G can be computed as the homology of the E^1-term. Moreover, using the structure of a factorable group G we can find a free resolution of Z over ZG which has fewer generators than the bar resolution, making computations easier

    Local Elastic and Geometric Stiffness Matrices for the Shell Element Applied in cFEM

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    In this paper local elastic and geometric stiffness matrices of ashell finite element are presented and discussed. The shell finiteelement is a rectangular plane element, specifically designedfor the so-called constrained finite element method. One of themost notable features of the proposed shell finite element isthat two perpendicular (in-plane) directions are distinguished,which is resulted in an unusual combination of otherwise classicshape functions. An important speciality of the derived stiffnessmatrices is that various options are considered, whichallows the user to decide how to consider the through-thicknessstress-strain distributions, as well as which second-order strainterms to consider from the Green-Lagrange strain matrix. Thederivations of the stiffness matrices are briefly summarizedthen numerical examples are provided. The numerical examplesillustrate the effect of the various options, as well as theyare used to prove the correctness of the proposed shell elementand of the completed derivations

    Local stiffness matrices for the semi-analytical Finite Strip Method in case of various boundary conditions

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    In this paper the elastic and geometric stiffness matrices of the semi-analytical finite strip method (FSM) are discussed. The stiffness matrices are derived in various options. New derivations are presented for different longitudinal base functions, which corresponds to column/beam member with general boundary conditions. Numerical studies are performed to verify the new stiffness matrices as well as to illustrate the effect of the various options. It is shown that inconsistency is existing in the current implementations of FSM, which inconsistency has negligible effect in most of the practical cases, but might have non-negligible effect in certain specific cases

    Polyamidoamine dendrimer impairs mitochondrial oxidation in brain tissue

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    Background: The potential nanocarrier polyamidoamine (PAMAM) generation 5 (G5-NH2) dendrimer has been shown to evoke lasting neuronal depolarization and cell death in a concentration-dependent manner. In this study we explored the early progression of G5-NH2 action in brain tissue on neuronal and astroglial cells.Results: In order to describe early mechanisms of G5-NH2 dendrimer action in brain tissue we assessed G5-NH2 trafficking, free intracellular Ca2+ and mitochondrial membrane potential (ΨMITO) changes in the rat hippocampal slice by microfluorimetry. With the help of fluorescent dye conjugated G5-NH2, we observed predominant appearance of the dendrimer in the plasma membrane of pyramidal neurons and glial cells within 30 min. Under this condition, G5-NH2 evoked robust intracellular Ca2+ enhancements and ΨMITO depolarization both in pyramidal neurons and astroglial cells. Intracellular Ca2+ enhancements clearly preceded ΨMITO depolarization in astroglial cells. Comparing activation dynamics, neurons and glia showed prevalence of lasting and transient ΨMITO depolarization, respectively. Transient as opposed to lasting ΨMITO changes to short-term G5-NH2 application suggested better survival of astroglia, as observed in the CA3 stratum radiatum area. We also showed that direct effect of G5-NH2 on astroglial ΨMITO was significantly enhanced by neuron-astroglia interaction, subsequent to G5-NH2 evoked neuronal activation.Conclusion: These findings indicate that the interaction of the PAMAM dendrimer with the plasma membrane leads to robust activation of neurons and astroglial cells, leading to mitochondrial depolarization. Distinguishable dynamics of mitochondrial depolarization in neurons and astroglia suggest that the enhanced mitochondrial depolarization followed by impaired oxidative metabolism of neurons may be the primary basis of neurotoxicity. © 2013 Nyitrai et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Elektronvezető polimer alapú összetett (kompozit) anyagok előállítása és tulajdonságaik tanulmányozása in situ kombinált elektrokémiai technikákkal = Preparation of electronically conducting polymer based composite materials and their characterization by in situ combined electrochemical techniques

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    A kutatás témája elektronvezető tulajdonságú polimer alapú összetett anyagok előállítása és tulajdonságaik tanulmányozása in situ kombinált elektrokémiai technikákkal. A kutatási program kiterjedt fémet tartalmazó kompozitanyagokra, elsődlegesen nemesfémek beépítésére, a inhibítorokat tartalmazó polimerrétegek korrózióvédő hatására, nanoszerkezetű összetett anyagok vizsgálatára, nanodiszperz fémekkel és oxidokkal adalékolt polipirrol és politiofén rétegek vezetési sajátságaira, valamint biológiai hatásuk folytán fontos anyagok polimerrétegekbe történő beépítésére és segítségükkel elektro-biotechnológiai folyamatok megvalósítására. Kutatási eredményeinkből eddig 8 folyóiratcikk jelent meg, melyek összesített hatástényezője mintegy 20. Munkánkról 15 nemzetközi konferencián is beszámoltunk. A kutatásba bekapcsolódott hallgatók eredményeiket a XXVIII. Országos Tudományos Diákköri Konferencián is bemutatják. | The aim of the project was the synthesis of electronically conducting polymer composites and their study by in situ combined electrochemical techniques. The research programme included studies on metal containing composites, incorporation of noble metals, the potential use of inhibitor containing polymer layers in the protection against corrosion, nanostructured composite materials, the conducting behaviour of polypyrrole and polythiophene films doped with nanodispersed metals and oxides, as well as the immobilization of biologically important materials into polymer layers and their use in the realization of electro-biotechnological processes. The results have been published in 8 papers by now, their cumulative impact is about 20, and have been reported at 15 international conferences. The undergraduate students involved in the work present their results also at the XXVIII. National Scientific Conference of Students