18 research outputs found

    Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Nepean Dysphoria Scale in a Clinical Sample

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    © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. The construct of dysphoria has been described inconsistently across a broad range of psychopathology. The term has been used to refer to an irritable state of discontent, but is also thought to incorporate anger, resentment and nonspecific symptoms associated with anxiety and depression, such as tension and unhappiness. The Nepean Dysphoria Scale has been developed to allow assessment of dysphoria, but its factor structure has not yet been investigated in clinical samples. We aimed to determine the latent structure of dysphoria as reflected by the Nepean Dysphoria Scale, using a clinical sample. Adults (N = 206) seeking treatment at a range of mental health services were administered the Nepean Dysphoria Scale. Four putative factor structures were investigated using confirmatory factor analysis: a single-factor model, a hierarchical model, a bifactor model and a four-factor model as identified in previous studies. No model fit the data except for a four-factor model when a revised 22-item version of the original 24-item scale was investigated. A four-factor structure similar to that identified in non-clinical samples was supported, albeit following the removal of two items. The Nepean Dysphoria Scale appears to have utility for the assessment of dysphoria in routine clinical settings

    The structure and intensity of self-reported autonomic arousal symptoms across anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Background Heightened autonomic arousal symptoms (AAS) are assumed to be a central feature of anxiety disorders. However, it is unclear whether the magnitude and profile of AAS vary across anxiety disorders and whether heightened AAS characterises obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Aims We sought to determine whether the intensity and structure of AAS varied across anxiety disorders and OCD. Method A sample of 459 individuals with a primary anxiety disorder or OCD were administered the Symptom Checklist-90R. Nine items referring to prototypic AAS were included in a latent class analysis. Results A 2-class solution (high and low AAS classes) best fitted the data. Participants comprising the high AAS class scored uniformly high across all assessed AAS symptoms. Older age and the presence of panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder predicted membership in the high AAS class. No OCD symptom dimension was significantly associated with membership in the high AAS class. Limitation AAS were assessed using a self-report measure and replication is needed using other methodologies. Conclusions These findings suggest that OCD may be sufficiently distinct from anxiety disorders and do not support subtyping of anxiety disorders on the basis of the predominant type of AAS. Therapeutic approaches that target AAS might best be applied in the treatment of panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder

    Does emotional reasoning change during cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety?

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    © 2015 Swedish Association for Behaviour Therapy. Abstract: Emotional reasoning refers to the use of subjective emotions, rather than objective evidence, to form conclusions about oneself and the world. It is a key interpretative bias in cognitive models of anxiety disorders and appears to be especially evident in individuals with anxiety disorders. However, the amenability of emotional reasoning to change during treatment has not yet been investigated. We sought to determine whether emotional reasoning tendencies change during a course of routine cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). Emotional reasoning tendencies were assessed in 36 individuals with a primary anxiety disorder who were seeking treatment at an outpatient clinic. Changes in anxiety and depressive symptoms as well as emotional reasoning tendencies after 12 sessions of CBT were examined in 25 individuals for whom there was complete data. Emotional reasoning tendencies were evident at pretreatment assessment. Although anxiety and depressive symptoms decreased during CBT, only one of six emotional reasoning interpretative styles (pertaining to conclusions that one is incompetent) changed significantly during the course of therapy. Attrition rates were high and there was not enough information regarding the extent to which therapy specifically focused on addressing emotional reasoning tendencies. Individuals seeking treatment for anxiety disorders appear to engage in emotional reasoning, however routine individual CBT does not appear to result in changes in emotional reasoning tendencies

    Use of benzodiazepines in obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. This study aimed to determine the frequency of benzodiazepine (BDZ) use in a large sample of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and ascertain the type of BDZ used and the correlates and predictors of BDZ use in OCD. The sample consisted of 955 patients with OCD from a comprehensive, cross-sectional, multicentre study conducted by the Brazilian Research Consortium on Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders between 2003 and 2009. The rate of BDZ use over time in this OCD sample was 38.4%. Of individuals taking BDZs, 96.7% used them in combination with other medications, usually serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The most commonly used BDZ was clonazepam. Current age, current level of anxiety and number of additional medications for OCD taken over time significantly predicted BDZ use. This is the first study to comprehensively examine BDZ use in OCD patients, demonstrating that it is relatively common, despite recommendations from treatment guidelines. Use of BDZs in combination with several other medications over time and in patients with marked anxiety suggests that OCD patients taking BDZs may be more complex and more difficult to manage. This calls for further research and clarification of the role of BDZs in the treatment of OCD

    Mapping the number of female sex workers in countries across sub- Saharan Africa

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    Female sex workers (FSW) are affected by individual, network, and structural risks, making them vulnerable to poor health and well-being. HIV prevention strategies and local community-based programs can rely on estimates of the number of FSW to plan and implement differentiated HIV prevention and treatment services. However, there are limited systematic assessments of the number of FSW in countries across sub-Saharan Africa to facilitate the identification of prevention and treatment gaps. Here we provide estimated population sizes of FSW and the corresponding uncertainties for almost all sub-national areas in sub-Saharan Africa. We first performed a literature review of FSW size estimates and then developed a Bayesian hierarchical model to synthesize these size estimates, resolving competing size estimates in the same area and producing estimates in areas without any data. We estimated that there are 2.5 million (95% uncertainty interval 1.9 to 3.1) FSW aged 15 to 49 in sub-Saharan Africa. This represents a proportion as percent of all women of childbearing age of 1.1% (95% uncertainty interval 0.8 to 1.3%). The analyses further revealed substantial differences between the proportions of FSW among adult females at the sub-national level and studied the relationship between these heterogeneities and many predictors. Ultimately, achieving the vision of no new HIV infections by 2030 necessitates dramatic improvements in our delivery of evidence-based services for sex workers across sub-Saharan Africa

    Using factor analyses to estimate the number of female sex workers across Malawi from multiple regional sources

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    Purpose: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risks are heterogeneous in nature even in generalized epidemics. However, data are often missing for those at highest risk of HIV, including female sex workers. Statistical models may be used to address data gaps where direct, empiric estimates do not exist. Methods: We proposed a new size estimation method that combines multiple data sources (the Malawi Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Survey, the Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts study, and the Malawi Demographic Household Survey). We used factor analysis to extract information from auxiliary variables and constructed a linear mixed effects model for predicting population size for all districts of Malawi. Results: On average, the predicted proportion of female sex workers among women of reproductive age across all districts was about 0.58%. The estimated proportions seemed reasonable in comparing with a recent study Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts II (PLACE II). Compared with using a single data source, we observed increased precision and better geographic coverage. Conclusions: We illustrate how size estimates from different data sources may be combined for prediction. Applying this approach to other subpopulations in Malawi and to countries where size estimate data are lacking can ultimately inform national modeling processes and estimate the distribution of risks and priorities for HIV prevention and treatment programs

    Trajectories and predictors of anxiety symptoms during pregnancy in an Australian sample

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    BackgroundThere is a growing realisation that anxiety symptoms and disorders during pregnancy are associated with various negative outcomes. The aims of this study were to identify latent classes of anxiety symptom trajectories during pregnancy, compare anxiety levels between pregnancy trimesters and ascertain the predictors of anxiety symptom trajectories.MethodsTwo hundred pregnant women in their first trimester who attended obstetric clinics at the local hospital were recruited. Three self-report questionnaires assessing anxiety levels were administered at three time points during pregnancy. Latent class growth analysis was used to identify anxiety symptom trajectories, and logistic regression analysis was performed to ascertain the predictors of latent class membership.ResultsData for analyses were available for 188 women. Two anxiety symptom trajectories were identified: a 'high-anxiety' trajectory (13.3% of participating women) and 'low-anxiety' trajectory (86.7%). This finding was consistent across all the anxiety measures used in the study. Overall, anxiety levels gradually decreased during pregnancy, with a significant decrease between the first and second trimesters on some measures. Past mental disorders and significant stressors in the preceding 6 months predicted membership in the 'high-anxiety' trajectory group.ConclusionsThese findings support an early assessment of anxiety in pregnant women. If untreated, a high level of anxiety in the first trimester is likely to persist throughout pregnancy, although it may decrease somewhat. An early recognition of pathological anxiety during pregnancy allows its timely treatment and prevention of unfavourable outcomes

    Prevalence and onset of anxiety and related disorders throughout pregnancy: A prospective study in an Australian sample.

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    The aims of this study were to investigate the prevalence of anxiety and related disorders (e.g., obsessive-compulsive disorder [OCD]) and major depressive disorder (MDD) at any time during pregnancy and during each pregnancy trimester and ascertain the proportions of women with an onset of these disorders during pregnancy. Several questionnaires and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview were administered to 200 women at each pregnancy trimester. Complete data were obtained from 148 participants. The most prevalent anxiety disorder at any time during pregnancy was panic disorder (PD), followed by generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) and OCD. Unlike all the other disorders, the prevalence rates of OCD increased steadily from the first to the third trimester. Approximately one half of women with OCD and about one third of women with PD, GAD and MDD at any time during pregnancy had an onset of these disorders during pregnancy. Pregnancy may be a risk factor for an onset of OCD and to a lesser extent, for an onset of PD, GAD and MDD. Absence of remission of OCD during pregnancy despite treatment may suggest treatment resistance of OCD at this time. These findings have implications for recognition, prevention and treatment of anxiety disorders during pregnancy

    Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder during pregnancy and the postpartum period: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    The main aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to calculate and compare the frequencies of obsessions and compulsions in women with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) during pregnancy (OCD-P), the postpartum period (OCD-PP) and when they are neither pregnant nor postpartum (OCD-NPP). Fourteen studies were selected after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The meta-analysis showed that aggressive obsessions were much more common in OCD-PP than in OCD-P and OCD-NPP and that washing/cleaning compulsions were less frequent in OCD-PP than in OCD-P and OCD-NPP. These differences were significant, whereas the frequencies of various obsessions and compulsions did not distinguish between OCD-P and OCD-NPP. Obsessions about accidental harm to the infant and other infant-focused obsessions, checking compulsions, self-reassurance and seeking reassurance from others were also relatively common in OCD-PP. Clinical manifestations of OCD-PP are relatively specific and differ from those of OCD-P and OCD-NPP, whereas OCD-P does not seem to have distinct clinical features. Although these findings do not necessarily suggest that OCD-PP is a distinct subtype of OCD, they have important conceptual and clinical implications

    Cyberchondria and its Relationships with Related Constructs: a Network Analysis

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    © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Cyberchondria denotes repeated online searches for health information that are associated with increasing levels of health anxiety. The aims of this study were to apply network analysis to investigate the extent to which cyberchondria is a distinct construct, ascertain which of the related constructs have the strongest relationships with cyberchondria and investigate whether some of the symptoms of cyberchondria are more central to the construct of cyberchondria. Questionnaires assessing the severity of cyberchondria, health anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms, intolerance of uncertainty, problematic Internet use, anxiety, depression and somatic symptoms were administered to 751 participants who searched for health information online during a previous 3-month period and were recruited from an online crowdsourcing platform. Network analyses were used to compute the networks, perform community detection tests and calculate centrality indices. Results suggest that cyberchondria is a relatively specific syndrome-like construct, distinct from all related constructs and consisting of interrelated symptoms. It has the strongest relationships with problematic Internet use and health anxiety. No symptom of cyberchondria emerged clearly as more central to the construct of cyberchondria. Future research should aim to deepen our understanding of cyberchondria and its links with psychopathology, especially its close relationship with problematic Internet use