4 research outputs found

    Electoral activity of the population of western Ukraine border territory

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    The spatial temporal as well as structural and functional analyses of electoral activity were carried out in the paper. Electoral activity of the population was analyzed in terms of indicators of electoral potential, electoral turnout and electoral preferences. The dynamics of the electoral potential and its role in the all-Ukrainian scale have been analyzed. The level of electoral turnout was estimated and the main features of temporal and spatial distribution were found. The analyses of multicomponent systems of modern electoral preferences of the population in the region in terms of left and right political forces were carried out

    Дослідження спектральних характеристик холестеричних рідких кристалів при взаємодії із вуглеводами

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    The concept of cholesteric liquid crystal interaction with carbohydrates to create the active medium of the primary sensor converter is considered. It is proposed to use the cholesteric liquid crystal with the reflection band in the visible spectrum as the sensing element of optical carbohydrate sensors. The information signal in such sensors is formed by selective reflection (transmission) of light in the sensitive medium of primary converters of optical sensors. The analysis of the data shows that the reason for the areas of abnormal behavior of the pitch at high concentrations of the aqueous carbohydrate solution is the interface. It is shown that there is a general tendency to reduce the pitch of the supramolecular helical structure with increasing concentration of aqueous solutions in all investigated carbohydrates. Furthermore, the maximum sensitivity of the cholesteric matrix is observed at low concentrations of the solution used for their detection. The highest spectral sensitivity is observed in aqueous fructose solutions.Рассмотрена концепция взаимодействия холестерических жидких кристаллов с углеводами с целью создания активной среды первичного преобразователя для датчика углеводов. Исследованы их спектральные характеристики для различных концентраций водных растворов углеводов. Показано существование общей тенденции уменьшения шага надмолекулярной спиральной структуры с ростом концентрации водных растворов для всех исследованных углеводов.Розглянута концепція взаємодії холестеричних рідких кристалів із вуглеводами з метою створення матеріалу активного середовища первинного перетворювача сенсора вуглеводів. Показано, що існує загальна тенденція зменшення кроку надмолекулярної спіральної структури з ростом концентрації водних розчинів для всіх досліджених вуглеводів. Досліджені їхні спектральні характеристики для різних концентрацій водних розчинів вуглеводів

    Investigation of Spectral Characteristics of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals at Carbohydrates Influence

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    The concept of cholesteric liquid crystal interaction with carbohydrates to create the active medium of the primary sensor converter is considered. It is proposed to use the cholesteric liquid crystal with the reflection band in the visible spectrum as the sensing element of optical carbohydrate sensors. The information signal in such sensors is formed by selective reflection (transmission) of light in the sensitive medium of primary converters of optical sensors. The analysis of the data shows that the reason for the areas of abnormal behavior of the pitch at high concentrations of the aqueous carbohydrate solution is the interface. It is shown that there is a general tendency to reduce the pitch of the supramolecular helical structure with increasing concentration of aqueous solutions in all investigated carbohydrates. Furthermore, the maximum sensitivity of the cholesteric matrix is observed at low concentrations of the solution used for their detection. The highest spectral sensitivity is observed in aqueous fructose solutions

    Manufacture technology of nanocrystallites based on Al 2 O 3 nanoporous membranes with saturated aqueous solution KH 2 PO 4 for telecommunication systems

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    Prepared nanoporous structures of anodized aluminum oxide Al2O3 (AOA) with a pore diameter of 40 and 75 nm. The crystal material KH2PO4 (KDP) in the form of nanowires and nanotubes at different growth variants from aqueous solution on nanoporous Al2O3 matrices was obtained and studied