692 research outputs found

    Theft and Deterrence

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    We report results from economic experiments of decisions that are best described as petty larceny, with high school and college students who can anonymously steal real money from each other. Our design allows exogenous variation in the rewards of crime, and the penalty and probability of detection. We find that the probability of stealing is increasing in the amount of money that can be stolen, and that it is decreasing in the probability of getting caught and in the penalty for getting caught. Furthermore, the impact of the certainty of getting caught is larger when the penalty is bigger, and the impact of the penalty is bigger when the probability of getting caught is larger.crime, punishment, incentives, deterrence, juvenile, arrest, risk, larceny

    An Experimental Test of Criminal Behavior Among Juveniles and Young Adults

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    We report results from economic experiments that provide a direct test of the hypothesis that criminal behavior responds rationally to changes in the possible rewards and in the probability and severity of punishment. The experiments involve decisions that are best described as petty larceny, and are done using high school and college students who can anonymously take real money from each other. We find that decisions about whether and how much to steal are, in general, rational and responsive to the variations in tradeoffs, and sometimes, though not always, to the overall availability of criminal opportunities.

    Prospective Memory Performance in Simulated Air Traffic Control: Robust to Interruptions but Impaired by Retention Interval

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of interruptions and retention interval on prospective memory for deferred tasks in simulated air traffic control. BACKGROUND: In many safety-critical environments, operators need to remember to perform a deferred task, which requires prospective memory. Laboratory experiments suggest that extended prospective memory retention intervals, and interruptions in those retention intervals, could impair prospective memory performance. METHOD: Participants managed a simulated air traffic control sector. Participants were sometimes instructed to perform a deferred handoff task, requiring them to deviate from a routine procedure. We manipulated whether an interruption occurred during the prospective memory retention interval or not, the length of the retention interval (37-117 s), and the temporal proximity of the interruption to deferred task encoding and execution. We also measured performance on ongoing tasks. RESULTS: Increasing retention intervals (37-117 s) decreased the probability of remembering to perform the deferred task. Costs to ongoing conflict detection accuracy and routine handoff speed were observed when a prospective memory intention had to be maintained. Interruptions did not affect individuals' speed or accuracy on the deferred task. CONCLUSION: Longer retention intervals increase risk of prospective memory error and of ongoing task performance being impaired by cognitive load; however, prospective memory can be robust to effects of interruptions when the task environment provides cuing and offloading. APPLICATION: To support operators in performing complex and dynamic tasks, prospective memory demands should be reduced, and the retention interval of deferred tasks should be kept as short as possible

    Natural Wormholes as Gravitational Lenses

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    Visser has suggested traversable 3-dimensional wormholes that could plausibly form naturally during Big Bang inflation. A wormhole mouth embedded in high mass density might accrete mass, giving the other mouth a net *negative* mass of unusual gravitational properties. The lensing of such a gravitationally negative anomalous compact halo object (GNACHO) will enhance background stars with a time profile that is observable and qualitatively different from that recently observed for massive compact halo objects (MACHOs) of positive mass. We recommend that MACHO search data be analyzed for GNACHOs.Comment: 4 pages; plus 4 figures; ReV_TeX 3.0; DOE/ER/40537-001/NPL94-07-01

    Theft and Deterrence

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    We report results from economic experiments of decisions that are best described as petty larceny, with high school and college students who can anonymously steal real money from each other. Our design allows exogenous variation in the rewards of crime, and the penalty and probability of detection. We find that the probability of stealing is increasing in the amount of money that can be stolen, and that it is decreasing in the probability of getting caught and in the penalty for getting caught. Furthermore, the impact of the certainty of getting caught is larger when the penalty is bigger, and the impact of the penalty is bigger when the probability of getting caught is larger.

    Scalar Field Quantum Inequalities in Static Spacetimes

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    We discuss quantum inequalities for minimally coupled scalar fields in static spacetimes. These are inequalities which place limits on the magnitude and duration of negative energy densities. We derive a general expression for the quantum inequality for a static observer in terms of a Euclidean two-point function. In a short sampling time limit, the quantum inequality can be written as the flat space form plus subdominant correction terms dependent upon the geometric properties of the spacetime. This supports the use of flat space quantum inequalities to constrain negative energy effects in curved spacetime. Using the exact Euclidean two-point function method, we develop the quantum inequalities for perfectly reflecting planar mirrors in flat spacetime. We then look at the quantum inequalities in static de~Sitter spacetime, Rindler spacetime and two- and four-dimensional black holes. In the case of a four-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole, explicit forms of the inequality are found for static observers near the horizon and at large distances. It is show that there is a quantum averaged weak energy condition (QAWEC), which states that the energy density averaged over the entire worldline of a static observer is bounded below by the vacuum energy of the spacetime. In particular, for an observer at a fixed radial distance away from a black hole, the QAWEC says that the averaged energy density can never be less than the Boulware vacuum energy density.Comment: 27 pages, 2 Encapsulated Postscript figures, uses epsf.tex, typeset in RevTe

    Separate Universes Do Not Constrain Primordial Black Hole Formation

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    Carr and Hawking showed that the proper size of a spherical overdense region surrounded by a flat FRW universe cannot be arbitrarily large as otherwise the region would close up on itself and become a separate universe. From this result they derived a condition connecting size and density of the overdense region ensuring that it is part of our universe. Carr used this condition to obtain an upper bound for the density fluctuation amplitude with the property that for smaller amplitudes the formation of a primordial black hole is possible, while larger ones indicate a separate universe. In contrast, we find that the appearance of a maximum is not a consequence of avoiding separate universes but arises naturally from the geometry of the chosen slicing. Using instead of density a volume fluctuation variable reveals that a fluctuation is a separate universe iff this variable diverges on superhorizon scales. Hence Carr's and Hawking's condition does not pose a physical constraint on density fluctuations. The dynamics of primordial black hole formation with an initial curvature fluctuation amplitude larger than the one corresponding to the maximum density fluctuation amplitude was previously not considered in detail and so we compare it to the well-known case where the amplitude is smaller by presenting embedding and conformal diagrams of both types in dust spacetimes.Comment: Updated version corresponds to the published version 10.1103/PhysRevD.83.124025, 22 pages, 22 figure

    Feasibility study towards restoring missing fauna of Ōtamahua/Quail Island, with a focus on invertebrates

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    Quail Island/Ōtamahua (85 ha.) located in the Lyttelton Harbour, Banks Peninsula, Canterbury is undergoing ecological restoration. Approximately 100,000 native trees have been planted and all mammalian pests (hedgehogs, rats, cats, rabbits, stoats) apart from mice have been eradicated. The Banks Peninsula tree weta (Hemideina ricta), Leaf vein slug (Pseudaneitea ‘maculata’) and ground beetle Megadromus guerinii have been successfully translocated to the island and have established sustainable populations in the presence of mice. However many flightless invertebrate species are absent from the island compared to similar habitat in the harbour basin and require human assistance to establish. Objectives of this study was to determine the suitability of reptile, bird and invertebrate candidate species for reintroduction to Quail Island, with more detailed information on the sources and methodology for translocation and monitoring for the invertebrate species. No one obvious bird species stands out as being easy to reintroduce to the island. Two species of local lizards could be reintroduced to the island, but it is unknown if the presence of mice is an impediment to their success. A small predator exclusion fence may be an option. Reasonable populations of all candidate carabids and spider species were found apart from Nuisiana arboris. Five ground beetles (Carabidae), five spiders (Arachnida), four aphids (Aphididae), the reticulate stag beetle, a darkling beetle (Tenebrionidae) and a weevil (Curculionidae) species are considered best as candidate species for reintroduction

    High resolution AMI Large Array imaging of spinning dust sources: spatially correlated 8 micron emission and evidence of a stellar wind in L675

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    We present 25 arcsecond resolution radio images of five Lynds Dark Nebulae (L675, L944, L1103, L1111 & L1246) at 16 GHz made with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) Large Array. These objects were previously observed with the AMI Small Array to have an excess of emission at microwave frequencies relative to lower frequency radio data. In L675 we find a flat spectrum compact radio counterpart to the 850 micron emission seen with SCUBA and suggest that it is cm-wave emission from a previously unknown deeply embedded young protostar. In the case of L1246 the cm-wave emission is spatially correlated with 8 micron emission seen with Spitzer. Since the MIR emission is present only in Spitzer band 4 we suggest that it arises from a population of PAH molecules, which also give rise to the cm-wave emission through spinning dust emission.Comment: accepted MNRA