84 research outputs found

    Об одном из методов разработки концептуальной объектно-ориентированной многомерной метамодели информационно-аналитической системы

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    Object-oriented approach provides essential advantages in multidimensional modeling. The question of information analytical system multidimensional metamodel development is considered in this paper very closely. It is offered to use widely the methods based on standards in the field of the multidimensional analysis: Meta Object Facility (MOF), Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM), Unified Modeling Language (UML).Объектно-ориентированный подход предоставляет существенные преимущества в многомерном моделировании. В статье разбираются вопросы разработки многомерной метамодели информационно-аналитической системы. При этом предлагается широко использовать методы, основанные на традиционных технологиях в области многомерного анализа данных: Meta Object Facility (MOF), Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM), Unified Modeling Language (UML)

    К вопросу о многоаспектности уголовно-правового воздействия на примере исторической трансформации отдельных мер уголовно-правового характера

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    Висков Н. В. К вопросу о многоаспектности уголовно-правового воздействия на примере исторической трансформации отдельных мер уголовно-правового характера / Н. В. Висков // Про злочини та покарання: еволюція кримінально-правової доктрини : матеріали Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., присвяченої 250-річчю трактату Чезаре Беккаріа (м. Одеса, 13 черв. 2014 р.) / редкол. : С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.), В. О. Туляков (заст. голов ред.), Є. Л. Стрельцов (заст. голов ред.), Д. О. Балобанова ; МОН України, НУ ОЮА, ПРЦ НАПрН України, Одес. відділ. ГО «Всеукр. асоц. кримін. права». — Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2014. - С. 87-91

    Predstavlenie polinomov Lagerra

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    On a Nature of Cathodoluminescence Contrast of Fine-Dispersed Structures in the Scanning Electron Microscope

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    Fine-dispersed structures (FDS) consisting of a large number of microcrystalline or amorphous particles of different sizes and shapes were examined in cathodoluminescence (CL) mode scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Line dimension of each particle (about 10 - 100 μm) was larger than the electron beam diameter as well as electron scattering volume in material under investigation. An analysis of observed images showed the existence of some peculiarities in contrast which have not been observed in the CL-images for solid specimens. The FDS CL-image topographic contrast arises as a result of detection of CL-emission from an aggregate of FDS-elements surrounding an irradiated particle because of the bombardment of the elements by secondary electrons. A model was created for the quantitative description of the secondary electron scattering processes. The model takes into account random distribution of microcrystals in FDS-volume, secondary electron emission, elastic and inelastic electron scattering, elastic and inelastic CL-emission photon scattering, and CL-collector angle aperture. A computer model of the processes described above was made by the Monte-Carlo method to reveal a physical mechanism of FDS CL-image contrast formation. This allowed the calculation of a portion of topographic contrast of FDS CL-images and the dependence of that contrast on depth of a particle position in FDS-volume and on the incident angle of the electron beam on a particle surface. Comparison of the above results with real FDS CL-images shows a good agreement between the theoretical calculations and the experiments

    Реализация концептуальной объектно-ориентированной многомерной метамодели информационной системы

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    Multidimensional approach to the creation of analytical information systems allows to organize information in a convenient form for analysis. Object-oriented approach provides essential advantages in domain modeling. In the article it is offered to use this principles while implementing a multi-dimensional metamodel.Использование многомерного подхода при создании информационно-аналитических систем позволяет организовывать данные в удобной для анализа форме. Объектно-ориентированный подход предоставляет преимущества при моделировании предметной области. В статье разбираются вопросы реализации многомерной метамодели на базе этих принципов

    New Approaches to Certain Identities Involving Differential Operators

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    AbstractThe authors develop certain new approaches to finding and proving numerous identities involving the derivative operator D = d/dx, and apply the resulting operator calculus to obtain (among other things) various known (or seemingly new) operational representations for the classical Laguerre and Hermite polynomials. The inter-relationships between many of these operational representations, and the potential for their applications in other related areas of interest, are also pointed out

    Towards psi-extension of Rota`s Finite Operator Calculus

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    A class of extended umbral calculi in operator form is presented. Extensions of all basic theorems of classical Finite Operator Calculus are shown to hold. The impossibility of straightforward extending of quantum q-plane formulation of the q-umbral caculus to the general psi-calculus case is demonstrated.Comment: 38 page

    On the ecological features of leaf ionome of some arboreal Rosaceae in Samara region conditions

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    Trees and shrubs of Rosaceae family possess a significant resource potential for the Samara region ecosystems. The quantitative study of elemental composition was carried out by X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) for leaves of 8 introduced and 3 native Rosaceae species. The features of five elements (K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn) levels are shown for them in comparison with the same parameters of two “reference plants” from different geographic locations. A very high Fe content and moderately high Mn and Zn contents were noted for leaves of all studied species. The detected high Ca concentration may be the result of plants development in soil environment with a naturally high Ca content. The revealed differences characterize the regional features of the leaf ionome, that reflecting the specifics of introduces plant species adaptation to new conditions and local species biogeochemical features

    Oligosaccharide Chromatographic Techniques for Quantitation of Structural Process-Related Impurities in Heparin Resulting From 2-O Desulfation

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    Heparin is a widely-used intravenous anticoagulant comprising a complex mixture of highly-sulfated linear polysaccharides of repeating sequences of uronic acids (either iduronic or glucuronic) 1->4 linked to D-glucosamine with specific sulfation patterns. Preparation of crude heparin from mammalian mucosa involves protease digestion with alcalase under basic conditions (pH ≥ 9) and high temperature (>50°C) and also oxidation. Under such conditions, side reactions including the ubiquitous 2-O desulfation occur on the heparin backbone yielding non-endogenous disaccharides within polysaccharide chains. Whatever the process used for its manufacture, some level of corresponding degradation impurities is therefore expected to be found in heparin and the derived Low Molecular Weight Heparins. These impurities should be monitored to control the quality of the final therapeutic product. Two anion exchange chromatography techniques were used to analyze heparin samples exhaustively or partially depolymerized with heparinases and determine the proportions of non-endogenous disaccharides generated by side reactions during the manufacturing process (epoxides and galacturonic moieties). We also present data from a case study of marketed heparin. Current heparin sodium monographs do not directly address process impurities related to modification of the structure of heparin. Although desulfation reduces the overall biological potency, we found that heparin with an average of one modified disaccharide per chain can still comply with the USP or Ph. Eur. heparin sodium monographs requirements. We have implemented disaccharide analysis to monitor the quality of this product on a risk basis