325 research outputs found

    Algunos problemas prácticos de traducción relacionados con el concepto de “traducción filológica” (en el ejemplo de la traducción de las obras de C. Simon del francés al ruso)

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    The purpose of this paper is to put forward a hypothesis about the “philological translation” of literary texts of increased complexity and test it on the material of specific works. Based on the material of Russian and foreign translation studies, this paper formulates the concept of “philological translation” in the appendix to a specific publishing project within the series “Literary monuments” published by the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and considers the most important practical aspects of the problem of adequate translation of literary texts of increased complexity. The analysis of the translation of two works by the representative of the French New Novel Claude Simon illustrates clearly the example of a “philological translation”. In the course of the study, the authors came to the conclusion that a philological translation implies an appeal to a text that is classical in its richness, complexity, and significance in world literature. The commercial potential of translating such a text is not obvious and requires the publisher to give up short-term profitability, the translator to give up routine work that fits into a predetermined time frame, and the reader to give up focusing on non-problematic (non-conflict, uncomplicated), linear, one-time reading/consumption of the book in favor of re-reading/savoring.El propósito de este trabajo es presentar una hipótesis sobre la “traducción filológica” de textos literarios de mayor complejidad y probarla en el material de obras específicas. Basado en el material de los estudios de traducción rusa y extranjera, el documento formula el concepto de "traducción filológica" en el apéndice de un proyecto editorial específico dentro de la serie "Monumentos literarios" publicada por el Instituto de Literatura Mundial de la Academia de Ciencias de Rusia, y considera los aspectos prácticos más importantes del problema de la traducción adecuada de textos literarios de mayor complejidad. El análisis de la traducción de dos obras por el representante de la Nueva Novela francesa Claude Simon ilustra claramente el ejemplo de una “traducción filológica”. En el curso del estudio, los autores llegaron a la conclusión de que una traducción filológica implica una apelación a un texto que es clásico en su riqueza, complejidad y significado en la literatura mundial. El potencial comercial de traducir un texto de este tipo no es obvio y requiere que el editor renuncie a la rentabilidad a corto plazo, que el traductor renuncie al trabajo de rutina que se ajusta a un marco de tiempo predeterminado y que el lector deje de centrarse en lo no problemático (no conflicto, sin complicaciones), lineal, lectura / consumo de una sola vez del libro a favor de volver a leer / saborear

    Fracture toughness in some hetero-modulus composite carbides: carbon inclusions and voids. Advances in Applied Ceramics

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    Fracture toughness of ceramics in some cases can be significantly improved by the inclusion of low-modulus phase and even voids. Structure and mechanical characteristics of dense ceramic composites synthesised by reactive hot pressing of TiC-B4C powder mixtures at 1800 - 1950°С under 30MPa during 16 minutes are investigated. X-Ray Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM and EDX) have shown that during hot pressing solid phase chemical interaction 2TiС + B4C = 2TiВ2 + 3С has occurred resulting in TiB2-TiC-C, TiB2-C or TiB2-B4C-C hetero-modulus composite formation with approximately 1μm carbon precipitates. The volume of such precipitated carbon can reach 35 vol. %. The fracture toughness depends on the precipitate size and amount of graphite precipitation and has a distinct maximum K1C = 10MPa∙m1/2 at nearly 7 vol. % . Such fracture toughness behaviour is explained by the proposed model of crack propagation and the model-based assessment of hetero-modulus ceramic fracture toughness. It is shown that voids and low modulus carbon inclusions blunt the cracks and can increase ceramic toughness. The later has been demonstrated in the another carbon containing ceramic Cr2AlC, so named MAX phase material, when thin film fracture resistance increases as the ceramic was deposited to be porous

    Detecting the (Quasi-)Two-Body Decays of τ\tau Leptons in Short-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments

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    Novel detector schemes are proposed for the short-baseline neutrino experiments of next generation, aimed at exploring the large-Δm2\Delta m^2 domain of \omutau oscillations in the appearance mode. These schemes emphasize good spectrometry for charged particles and for electromagnetic showers and efficient reconstruction of \ypi_gg decays. The basic elements are a sequence of relatively thin emulsion targets, immersed in magnetic field and interspersed with electronic trackers, and a fine-grained electromagnetic calorimeter built of lead glass. These elements act as an integral whole in reconstructing the electromagnetic showers. This conceptual scheme shows good performance in identifying the τ\tau (quasi-)two-body decays by their characteristic kinematics and in selecting the electronic decays of the τ\tau.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figure

    Особенности сигналов от распределенных целей автодинного импульсного радиолокатора с линейной частотной модуляцией

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    Разработана математическая модель для описания сигналов автодинной системы ближней радиолокации (СБРЛ) с одновременной импульсной модуляцией (ИМ) амплитуды и линейной частотной модуляцией (ЛЧМ). Рассматриваются особенности формирования сигналов, полученных от распределенной цели в виде ансамбля произвольного числа точечных отражателей. Выполнены расчеты сигналов предложенным методом шагов для случая двух точечных отражателей на объекте локации, расположенных на различных расстояниях от СБРЛ. Установлены отличительные свойства сигналов, формируемых при приеме первого и последующих излучений, отраженных от цели. После посылки зондирующего излучения прием первого отраженного излучения от совокупности блестящих точек сопровождается формированием линейной суперпозиции сигналов от отдельных отражателей. Прием последующих отражений вызывает появление комбинационного взаимодействия сигналов отдельных отражателей. Характер и величина такого взаимодействия определяется величиной параметра обратной связи автодинной СБРЛ, зависящего от величин девиации частоты и времени запаздывания отраженного излучения. Результаты экспериментальных исследований автодинной СБРЛ c одновременной ИМ амплитуды и ЛЧМ получены при использовании генераторного модуля, выполненного на диоде Ганна 8-миллиметрового диапазона. Носков В. Я., Богатырев Е. В., Галеев Р. Г., Вишняков Д. С. Особенности сигналов от распределенных целей автодинного импульсного радиолокатора с линейной частотной модуляцией. Ural Radio Engineering Journal. 2022;6(4):351–377. DOI: 10.15826/urej.2022.6.4.001.


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    The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project # 19-37-60023

    Sanitary protection of the territory of Russian Federation. Report 2. The differentiation of the territory of a region of Russian Federation for risk of diseases dangerous for people

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    The risk of emergency situations in the sphere of sanitary-epidemiological welfare associated with diseases dangerous for population varies for different municipalities of a region of Russian Federation. Therefore a differentiation of a region for three types of territories (A, B, C) is necessary. Adequate number of sanitary protection measures is determined for each type of territories. The purpose of this study was the development of methodical reception for differentiation of a region of Russian Federation. Point scoping of criteria of external and. internal epidemiological risks for each of municipality is proposed as this method. Criteria of external epidemiological risk allow to take into account the probability of the importation of infectious diseases, requiring measures for sanitary protection of the territory. Criteria of internal epidemiological risk reflect both actual and. potential dangers: morbidity, the registration of particular nosologic forms of diseases in animals and. detection of pathogens in the living and. non-living environment objects. Assessment of internal risk is carried out in the analysis of information about epizootic and. epidemiological situation of infectious diseases, the list of which is proposed, with, consideration of their epidemiological significance and. can be used for any Russian Federation region. According to the results of total assessment of risks for each of municipalities the complex index of epidemiological risk (CIER) is determined. On the basis of CIER the territory type (A, B, C) is determined. Type A, B or C defines for the municipality the volume of measures for sanitary protection of the territory on the basis of a sufficient level for preparedness of forces and means of public health institutions. The method, based, on the assessment of external and. internal epidemiological risks, that allows to differentiate the region of Russian Federation, at municipal level for risk of diseases dangerous for people, is proposed, as the result of this work. A new methodical approach, will contribute to the increase of the preparedness of public health, institutions to emergency situations in the sphere of sanitary-epidemiological welfare associated, with, diseases dangerous for people

    Tactics for Specialized Anti-Epidemic Team (SAET) Deployment under the Conditions of Large-Scale High Water in the Far Eastern Territory. Communication 2. Peculiarities of Operational Activities of the Laboratory-Epidemiological SAET Reinforcement Unit Deployed in the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region

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    Taking into consideration emergency conditions of rainfall flooding in the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region in August-September 2013, forming premises for aggravation of the epidemiological situation a decision was made to deploy a laboratory-epidemiological SAET reinforcement unit No. 2 (SAET-2) from Irkutsk Research Anti-Plague Institute into the exposed area. SAET-2 staff was step-by-step relocated to the site of emergency to participate in the inspectional operations. Withdrawal of specialists was also performed on a stage-by-stage basis as the work advanced. For the first time ever SAET was established right at the natural disaster site and recruited from experts who are on regular SAET-2 staff of the Irkutsk Research Anti-Plague Institute, and from personnel reserve of the Rospotrebnadzor institutions in the Khabarovsk Territory. Complex approach, applied for the management of its work, allowed for alliance of forces and facilities of various Rospotrebnadzor territorial establishments, Rosselkhoznadzor and veterinary medicine institutions into the uniform mobile specialized brigade avoiding overlap of responsibilities and interference into day-to-day operational activities of Rospotrebnadzor territorial institutions. SAET-2 was to implement a complex of measures for sanitary-hygienic and epidemiological surveillance over the municipal territories suffered from flood. Team operational activities were carried out on the basis of stationary laboratories at the territorial establishments of Rospotrebnadzor in the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region that were converted for working under emergency conditions mode. The mobile brigade has performed the tasks successfully. It has provided sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population under emergency conditions of rainfall flood

    Tactics for Specialized Anti-Epidemic Team (SAET) Deployment under the Conditions of Large-Scale High Water in the Far Eastern Territory. Communication 1. Peculiarities of the Rospotrebnadzor SAET Operation in the Amur Region

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    Abnormal rainfall flood in the Amur-River region, July-September, 2013, set the scene for aggravation of epidemiological situation on diarrheal diseases, as well as droplet spread infections, and natural-focal infections and diseases, common for both humans and animals. To stabilize the situation in flooded areas of three territorial entities in the Far East region involved were SAETs of the Irkutsk Research Anti-Plague Institute: SAET 1 (the Amur region) and SAET 2 (the Khabarovsk Territory and Jewish Autonomous Region). Within the frames of Rospotrebnadzor Decree implementation SAET 1 was transported to the Amur Region by means of airlift. Mobile unit performed its operations independently, in an autonomous mode. Laboratory facilities were set up on the base of pneumo-framed modules. The aim of the SAET consisted in carrying out a complex of measures related to sanitary-hygienic and epidemiological monitoring in the territory of the municipal entities devastated by floods. SAET 1 completed its mission successfully

    First Observation of the Doubly Charmed Baryon Xi_cc^+

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    We observe a signal for the doubly charmed baryon Xi_cc^+ in the charged decay mode Xi_cc^+ --> Lambda_c^+ K- pi+ in data from SELEX, the charm hadro-production experiment at Fermilab. We observe an excess of 15.9 events over an expected background of 6.1 +/- 0.5 events, a statistical significance of 6.3sigma. The observed mass of this state is (3519 +/- 1) MeV/c^2. The Gaussian mass width of this state is 3MeV/c^2, consistent with resolution; its lifetime is less than 33fsec at 90% confidence.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    First observation of a narrow charm-strange meson DsJ(2632) -> Ds eta and D0 K+

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    We report the first observation of a charm-strange meson DsJ(2632) at a mass of 2632.6+/-1.6 MeV/c^2 in data from SELEX, the charm hadro-production experiment E781 at Fermilab. This state is seen in two decay modes, Ds eta and D0 K+. In the Ds eta decay mode we observe an excess of 49.3 events with a significance of 7.2sigma at a mass of 2635.9+/-2.9 MeV/c^2. There is a corresponding peak of 14 events with a significance of 5.3sigma at 2631.5+/-1.9 MeV/c^2 in the decay mode D0 K+. The decay width of this state is <17 MeV/c^2 at 90% confidence level. The relative branching ratio Gamma(D0K+)/Gamma(Dseta) is 0.16+/-0.06. The mechanism which keeps this state narrow is unclear. Its decay pattern is also unusual, being dominated by the Ds eta decay mode.Comment: 5 pages, 3 included eps figures. v2 as accepted for publication by PR