69 research outputs found

    Asiantuntijat asialla

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    Determination of the Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameters with single concentration assays

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    Bakteeriplanktonin glukoosinottoa kuvaavien kineettisten parametrien määritys yhden substraattipitoisuuden menetelmäll

    Opiskelijoiden työssäoppimista selittävät tekijät kaupan ja hallinnon alalla sekä matkailu-, ravitsemis- ja talousalalla

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    Ammatillisella koulutuksella on alakohtainen historia. Erilaisista yhtenäistämispyr- kimyksistä huolimatta alakohtaiset traditiot ja kulttuurit tulevat yhä esille ammatillista koulutusta kuvaavissa tutkimuksissa. Myös ammatillisen peruskoulutuksen uusimmassa tulokkaassa, työssäoppimisessa, näkyy alakohtaisen historian vaikutus. Vaikka työssäoppimisen järjestelmälle luotiin aloittain yhtenäiset toteuttamisvaatimukset, sitä toteutetaan eri tavoin eri koulutusaloilla. Alakohtaiset työssäoppimisen toteuttamis- ja toteutumistavat vastaavasti vaikuttavat opiskelijoiden oppimiseen ja ammatilliseen kehittymiseen huolestuttavalla tavalla. Kärjistetysti ilmaistuna voidaan todeta, että eri koulutusalojen opiskelijoilla ei ole yhtäläisiä mahdollisuuksia oppia ja kehittyä ammatillisesti työssäoppimisjaksoillaan. Jotta eri koulutusalojen työssäoppimisen käytänteitä voitaisiin kehittää edelleen, on näitä käytänteitä tehtävä näkyväksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa lomakeaineistoa (N=3106, n=1603) hyödyntäen selvitettiin kahden suuren koulutusalan eli kaupan ja hallinnon alan ja matkailu-, ravitsemis- ja talousalan opiskelijoiden työssäoppimista selittävät tekijät. Regresioanalyysiin pohjautuvat tulokset osoittivat tarkasteltujen alojen työssäoppimista selittävien tekijöiden eroavan toisistaan. Tutkimus vahvistaa näkemystä siitä, että koulutusalojen työssäoppimisen toteuttamis- ja toteutumistavat poikkeavat toisistaan merkittävästi. Tutkimuksen perusteella kummallekin tässä tarkastellulle alalle suositellaan opiskelijoiden eri oppimisympäristöjen entistä läheisempää integroimista toisiinsa.&nbsp

    A practical approach to the measurement of microbial heterotrophic activity by the single concentration method

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    Vesistöjen bakteeriplanktonin aktiivisuuden määritys yhden substraattipitoisuuden menetelmällä: käytännön suoritu

    Professional competence, personal occupational well-being, and mental workload of nurse educators – A cross-sectional study in four European countries

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    BackgroundNurse educators need a high level of professional competence to educate future health care professionals. Professional competence supports occupational well-being whilst high mental workload can undermine it. There is little existing research into nurse educators' professional competence, occupational well-being, mental workload, and the relationships between them, particularly in the European context.ObjectivesTo describe the professional competence, personal occupational well-being, and mental workload of nurse educators in four European countries, and to explore how the professional competence and mental workload of nurse educators relate to their personal occupational well-being.DesignCross-sectional study design with quantitative survey data.SettingNurse educators from Finland, Spain, Slovakia, and Malta.MethodsThe data were collected from 302 nurse educators through an online questionnaire which used the Health and Social Care Educator's Competence (HeSoEduCo) instrument. This contains 43 items which measure areas of professional competence. Statistical analysis involved descriptive and multivariate analysis.ResultsNurse educators self-assessed their overall professional competence as high. Competence in evidence-based practice was assessed as the highest whilst cultural competence was perceived to be the lowest of the six competence areas. Nurse educators perceived their levels of personal occupational well-being and the balance of mental workload as moderate. However, these levels varied between the four countries. Professional competence, more specifically administrative and curriculum competence, and a balanced mental workload were positively related to personal occupational well-being.ConclusionsThe educators who perceive themselves to have very good professional competence and a balanced mental workload are more likely to report high occupational well-being. The findings suggest that nurse educators' cultural competence needs to be strengthened and intervention research is needed to determine ways of reducing mental workload and increasing the occupational well-being of nurse educators

    Exercise training improves adipose tissue metabolism and vasculature regardless of baseline glucose tolerance and sex

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    Introduction We investigated the effects of a supervised progressive sprint interval training (SIT) and moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) on adipocyte morphology and adipose tissue metabolism and function; we also tested whether the responses were similar regardless of baseline glucose tolerance and sex. Research design and methods 26 insulin-resistant (IR) and 28 healthy participants were randomized into 2-week-long SIT (4-6x30 s at maximum effort) and MICT (40-60 min at 60% of maximal aerobic capacity (VO2peak)). Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and fasting-free fatty acid uptake in visceral adipose tissue (VAT), abdominal and femoral subcutaneous adipose tissues (SATs) were quantified with positron emission tomography. Abdominal SAT biopsies were collected to determine adipocyte morphology, gene expression markers of lipolysis, glucose and lipid metabolism and inflammation. Results Training increased glucose uptake in VAT (pPeer reviewe

    Exercise training improves adipose tissue metabolism and vasculature regardless of baseline glucose tolerance and sex

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    Introduction We investigated the effects of a supervised progressive sprint interval training (SIT) and moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) on adipocyte morphology and adipose tissue metabolism and function; we also tested whether the responses were similar regardless of baseline glucose tolerance and sex.Research design and methods 26 insulin-resistant (IR) and 28 healthy participants were randomized into 2-week-long SIT (4-6x30 s at maximum effort) and MICT (40-60 min at 60% of maximal aerobic capacity (VO2peak)). Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and fasting-free fatty acid uptake in visceral adipose tissue (VAT), abdominal and femoral subcutaneous adipose tissues (SATs) were quantified with positron emission tomography. Abdominal SAT biopsies were collected to determine adipocyte morphology, gene expression markers of lipolysis, glucose and lipid metabolism and inflammation.Results Training increased glucose uptake in VAT (pConclusions Short-term training improves adipose tissue metabolism both in healthy and IR participants independently of the sex. Adipose tissue angiogenesis and gene expression was only significantly affected in IR participants.</div