1,276 research outputs found

    Physical Activity and the Common Cold in Men Administered Vitamin E and β-Carotene

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    Background and Purpose: It has been proposed that moderate regular aerobic training may enhance immunocompetence, whereas excessive training may cause immunosuppression. We evaluated whether physical activity at work, or at leisure, is associated with the risk of the common cold, and whether the antioxidants vitamin E and β-carotene affect common cold risk in physically active people. Methods: A cohort of 14,401 men aged 50–69 yr and working at study entry was drawn from the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention (ATBC) Study, which examined the effect of vitamin E, 50 mg·d-1, and β-carotene, 20 mg·d-1, on lung cancer in smokers using a 2 × 2 factorial design. The trial was conducted in southwestern Finland in 1985–1993; the intervention lasted for 6.1 yr (median). Physical activity at work, and the type and frequency of leisure-time exercise were recorded at study entry. The subjects were questioned about common cold episodes 3× yr-1. We modeled the cumulative incidence of colds during a 2-yr follow-up period with Poisson regression, adjusting for potential confounders. Results: Physical activity at work and at leisure had no association with common cold risk. In subjects with physically load-bearing jobs, neither vitamin E nor β-carotene affected significantly the risk of common cold. In subjects carrying out heavy exercise at leisure, vitamin E and β-carotene increased the risk of colds when compared with placebo. Conclusions: Contrary to previous suggestions, moderate physical activity is not associated with lower risk of common cold in middle-aged male smokers. It has been previously proposed that antioxidant supplementation might be beneficial for subjects carrying out heavy exercise, but in our study vitamin E and β-carotene increased the risk of colds in subjects carrying out heavy exercise at leisure

    Physical Activity and the Risk of Pneumonia in Male Smokers Administered Vitamin E and β-Carotene

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    It has been proposed that moderate exercise may enhance the immune system. We evaluated whether physical activity at work or at leisure is associated with the risk of pneumonia, and whether the antioxidants vitamin E and β-carotene affect pneumonia risk in physically active people. A cohort of 16 804 male smokers aged 50 – 69 years and working at study entry was drawn from the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention (ATBC) Study, which examined the effect of vitamin E, 50 mg/day, and β-carotene, 20 mg/day, on lung and other cancers. Physical activity at work, an

    Physical activity and the risk of pneumonia in male smokers administered vitamin E and beta-carotene

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    It has been proposed that moderate exercise may enhance the immune system. We evaluated whether physical activity at work or at leisure is associated with the risk of pneumonia, and whether the antioxidants vitamin E and beta-carotene affect pneumonia risk in physically active people. A cohort of 16 804 male smokers aged 50 - 69 years and working at study entry was drawn from the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention (ATBC) Study, which examined the effect of vitamin E, 50 mg/day, and beta-carotene, 20 mg/day, on lung and other cancers. Physical activity at work, and the type of leisure-time exercise, were recorded at study entry. We retrieved the first occurrence of hospital-treated pneumonia during a 3-year follow-up from the National Hospital Discharge Register (133 cases). Physical activity at work and at leisure had no association with the risk of pneumonia. In participants with physically loading jobs, neither vitamin E nor beta-carotene affected the risk of pneumonia. In participants carrying out moderate or heavy exercise at leisure, beta-carotene had no effect, but vitamin E reduced the risk of pneumonia by 50% (95% CI: 16-70%). Previously, exercise has been shown to affect diverse laboratory measures of the immune system which are, however, only surrogate markers for the resistance to infections. The lack of association between physical activity and the risk of pneumonia observed in our study emphasizes the problem of drawing conclusions from surrogate end points. The finding that vitamin E reduced the risk of pneumonia in persons carrying out leisure-time exercise warrants further study.Peer reviewe

    Kerrostalon kylmäkellarin korjaussuunnitelma

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tutkia As. Oy Topiaantuvan kylmäkellarin kosteus- ja mikrobivaurioita. Lisäksi tutkimuksien perusteella oli tarkoituksena luoda kaksi kappaletta kylmäkellarin korjausehdotuksia. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin toimeksiantona Carpe Classis Oy:lle yhteistyössä Nättinummen Isännöinti Oy:n ja As. Oy Topiaantuvan kanssa. Raportissa on pyritty kuvaamaan rakennuksen ja rakenteiden kuntotutkimusprosessia ja erilaisia yksityiskohtaisempia kosteus- ja mikrobivauriotutkimusmenetelmiä. Kosteusvaurioiden tutkimusmenetelminä esiteltiin pintakosteusmittaus, piikkimittaus, porareikämittaus ja näytepalamittaus. Mikrobivaurioiden tutkimusmenetelminä esiteltiin sisäilman mikrobinäyte, pintanäyte ja rakennusmateriaalinäyte. Työssä otettiin myös kantaa rakennuksen ilmanvaihtoon ja ilmanvaihtojärjestelmien tutkimiseen. Tutkimuksessa haasteena oli, että ei tiedetty kylmäkellarin todellisia rakenneratkaisuja. Lisäksi kylmäkellarin alhainen lämpötila heikentää monien kosteusvauriotutkimusmenetelmien luotettavuutta. Kosteusvauriotutkimuksien perusteella todettiin kylmäkellarin lattiarakenteessa olevan kosteusvaurioita. Mikrobivaurioita todettiin kylmäkellarin katto- ja seinärakenteissa. Opinnäytetyön tuotoksena tehtiin kosteuskartoitus- ja näytteenottoraportit sekä kaksi kappaletta korjausehdotuksia. Korjausehdotuksien laadinnassa käytettiin kriteereinä kustannuksia ja korjauksen varmuusastetta.The purpose of the thesis was to research the moisture and microbial damages of the cold cellar. Based on the research the intention was to do two pieces of repair suggestions for the cold cellar. The thesis was commissioned by Carpe Classis Oy in collaboration with Nättinummi Isännöinti Oy and As Oy Topiaantupa. The report attempted to describe the condition research process of the building and structures and various more detailed methods of moisture and microbial damage researches. Surface moisture measurement, spike measurement, drill hole measurement and sample measurement were presented as the methods of the moisture damage researches. The microbial sample of indoor air, surface sample and sample of building material was presented as the methods of microbial damage researches. The thesis also expressed the ventilation systems and ventilation of the building. The challenge of the study was that the real structure solutions of the cold cellar were not known. In addition, the low temperature of the cold cellar weakens the reliability of many moisture damage researches. Based on moisture damage researches, moisture damage in the floor structure of the cold cellar was detected. Microbial damages were detected in the ceiling and wall structures of the cold cellar. The outcomes of the thesis were moisture survey report, sampling taking reports and two pieces of repair suggestions. Repair suggestions were based on the price of the repair suggestions and the degree of certainty of the repair

    Juurihoidossa käytettävien sealereiden sytotoksiset, antimikrobiaaliset ja tekniset ominaisuudet

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    Juurihoidon tavoitteena on juurikanavien infektion eliminaatio sekä mikro-organismien ja kudosnesteiden pääsyn esto juurikanaviin. Tämä saavutetaan kemomekaanisella preparoinnilla ja juurikanavien tiiviillä täytöllä. Nykyään käytetään yleisimmin täyttömateriaaleina guttaperkkanastojen ja endodonttisen sealerin yhdistelmää. Sealerin päätehtävänä on täyttää guttaperkkanastojen ja dentiiniseinämän välille jäävät aukot sekä guttaperkkanastojen välille jäävä tila. Koska sealerit voivat joutua periapikaalisten kudosten kanssa kosketuksiin, sealereiden tulisi olla mahdollisimman kudosystävällisiä. Tämän lisäksi olisi toivottavaa, että sealerit olisivat antimikrobiaalisia, mahdollisimman vähän kudosnesteisiin liukenevia, tarpeeksi radio- opaakkeja näkymään röntgenkuvissa ja mahdollisimman helppokäyttöisiä. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on vertailla markkinoilla olevien sealereiden sytotoksisuuksia, teknisiä ominaisuuksia ja käyttöön liittyviä tekijöitä. Tarkoituksena on selventää sealereiden vaikutusta lähikudoksiin kemiallisella tasolla sekä käydä läpi eri sealertyyppien koostumuksia. Tutkielma on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistona käytetyt rewiew-artikkelit ovat haettu PubMedistä hakusanoilla ”root canal sealer cytotoxic zinc oxide eugenol”, ”root canal sealer cytotoxic epoxy resin”, ” root canal sealer cytotoxic calcium hydroxide”, ” root canal sealer cytotoxic methacrylate”, ” root canal sealer cytotoxic mta” ja ” root canal sealer cytotoxic silicone”. Käytetyt artikkelit on julkaistu 2000-luvulla. Tutkielmassa on huomioitu vain ihmissoluilla tehdyt tutkimukset ja käsitellään vain markkinoilla jo olevia sealereitä, ei kehitteillä olevia. Tutkielmassa on käytetty lähteenä myös Textbook of Endodontologyä (Bergenholtz, Hørsted-Bindsley, Reit, 2009). (190 sanaa

    Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Beta-Carotene in Relation to Common Cold Incidence in Male Smokers

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    We evaluated the role of dietary vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene, as well as long-term vitamin E and beta-carotene supplementation, on the incidence of common cold episodes. A cohort of 21,796 male smokers was drawn from the Alpha-Tocopherol Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study, which examined the effects of 50 mg per day vitamin E and 20 mg per day beta-carotene on lung cancer. Diet and background characteristics were recorded at the study entry, and subjects were queried three times per year on common cold episodes. We modeled the total number of colds during a 4-year follow-up period with Poisson regression, adjusting for covariates of dietary intake. Dietary vitamins C and E and beta-carotene had no meaningful association with common cold incidence. Long-term vitamin E and beta-carotene supplementation had no overall effect. Among subjects 65 years of age or older, the incidence of colds was slightly lower in the vitamin E group (RR = 0.95; 95% CI = 0.90–1.00); this reduction was greatest among older city dwellers who smoked fewer than 15 cigarettes per day (RR = 0.72; 95% CI = 0.62–0.83). In this male smoking population, vitamins C and E and beta-carotene had no overall association with the incidence of common cold episodes