177 research outputs found

    Participación ciudadana en el desarrollo de los planes de vivienda en Andalucía

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    El estallido de la burbuja inmobiliaria nos ha llevado a una crisis no solo económica, también social, se hace necesario abordar la gestión de las ciudades, y en concreto el derecho a la vivienda, desde una planificación estratégica participada que pueda incorporar a las personas y colectivos más desfavorecidos en la toma de decisiones que les afecten, desarrollando políticas públicas hacía la desmercantilización de la vivienda. La planificación de las ciudades de forma participada sigue siendo un reto de la política local. La gobernanza urbana debe desarrollar formas de organización entre administración y ciudadanía para la gestión de la cotidianidad en las ciudades. En Andalucía el Plan Municipal de Vivienda y Suelo pretende ser un instrumento para la definición y desarrollo de la política de vivienda en los municipios, estos planes deben desarrollarse con un plan de comunicación y participación que posibilite la inclusión de la ciudadanía y demás actores implicados. El presente artículo recoge el desarrollo metodológico del plan municipal participado de vivienda desarrollado en los municipios sevillanos de Bormujos y Bollulllos de la Mitación pertenecientes al área metropolitana de la ciudad. El plan participado se propone en torno a tres hitos o momentos del proceso de elaboración del Plan (inicio, diagnóstico, definición de objetivos, estrategias y líneas de acción), y en dos ámbitos: técnico-político, por una parte, y ciudadano, por otra. El artículo recoge la sistematización de las experiencias, con el propósito de servir para el debate y posible guía en la elaboración de planes municipales de vivienda participados para el desarrollo del derecho a la vivienda, como derecho human

    Participatory diagnosis for the development of municipal housing plans: The cases of Bormujos and Bollullos de la Mitación (Andalusía)

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    El estallido de la burbuja inmobiliaria española, en 2008, evidenció un grave problema de acceso a la vivienda para un creciente sector de la población que no puede hacer frente al precio de mercado mientras parte del parque residencial existente queda vacante. En un contexto de escasez de recursos, el Plan Andaluz de Vivienda y Suelo (2016-2020) plantea que sean los municipios los que, elaborando Planes Municipales de Vivienda y Suelo (PMVS), exploren soluciones innovadoras que contribuyan a acercar estos dos extremos, desde el conocimiento de la situación concreta de cada localidad y la implicación de los actores sociales involucrados. El presente artículo propone construir un diagnóstico participado de la situación de demanda insatisfecha y parque vacante a escala local, desde el cual situar los retos a los que un PMVS debe dar respuesta. Para ello, y bajo un marco metodológico propio de la Investigación-Acción-Participativa, se analiza el proceso participativo puesto en marcha en dos municipios del área metropolitana de Sevilla, Bormujos y Bollullos de la Mitación, como casos de estudio representativos de los procesos urbanísticos e inmobiliarios sufridos durante los años de boom inmobiliario. Los resultados consensuados permiten dibujar un perfil de las necesidades existentes y los recursos disponibles que se podrían destinar a satisfacerlas, en este caso vivienda vacía y suelos ociosos. A su vez, la experiencia desarrollada permite concluir cómo la participación de técnicos, políticos y ciudadanos en un proceso de elaboración de políticas públicas favorece el desarrollo de conciencia crítica, sentido de apropiación y compromiso de los agentes locales con el reto a afrontar, lo que facilita su posterior implicación en la implementación de acciones colaborativas.The bursting of the Spanish real estate bubble in 2008 revealed a serious problem of housing access for a growing sector of the population that cannot afford market prices, while part of the existing housing stock remains vacant. In a context of lack of resources, the Andalusian Housing and Land Plan (2016-2020) proposes that municipalities develop Municipal Housing and Land Plans (known as PMVS in Spanish) to explore innovative solutions that contribute to bringing these two extremes closer together based on knowledge of the specific situation in each locality and the participation of the social actors involved. This article sets out to create a participatory diagnostic of the situation of unresolved demand and vacant housing stock on a local scale in order to situate the challenges that a PMVS should address. To this end, under a methodological framework of participatory action research, the study analyses the participatory process implemented in two municipalities in the Seville metropolitan area, Bormujos and Bollullos de la Mitación, as case studies representative of the urban processes that took place during the years of the real estate bubble. Therefore, the results were used to create a profile of the existing needs and the available resources that could be allocated to meet them, in this case empty housing and vacant land. Likewise, through this experience it was possible to conclude how the participation of technicians, politicians and citizens in public policy development contributes to building critical awareness, a sense of appropriation and the commitment of local agents to the challenge faced, which facilitates their subsequent involvement in the implementation of collaborative actions

    Effect of resveratrol on alcohol-induced mortality and liver lesions in mice

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    Es reproducción del documenteo publicado en http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-230X-6-35Background Resveratrol is a polyphenol with important antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties. We investigated the effect of resveratrol on alcohol-induced mortality and liver lesions in mice. Methods Mice were randomly distributed into four groups (control, resveratrol-treated control, alcohol and resveratrol-treated alcohol). Chronic alcohol intoxication was induced by progressively administering alcohol in drinking water up to 40% v/v. The mice administered resveratrol received 10 mg/ml in drinking water. The animals had free access to standard diet. Blood levels were determined for transaminases, IL-1 and TNF-α. A histological evaluation was made of liver damage, and survival among the animals was recorded. Results Transaminase concentration was significantly higher in the alcohol group than in the rest of the groups (p < 0.05). IL-1 levels were significantly reduced in the alcohol plus resveratrol group compared with the alcohol group (p < 0.05). TNF-α was not detected in any group. Histologically, the liver lesions were more severe in the alcohol group, though no significant differences between groups were observed. Mortality in the alcohol group was 78% in the seventh week, versus 22% in the alcohol plus resveratrol group (p < 0.001). All mice in the alcohol group died before the ninth week. Conclusion The results obtained suggest that resveratrol reduces mortality and liver damage in mice

    Participatory diagnosis for the development of municipal housing plans: The cases of Bormujos and Bollullos de la Mitación (Andalusía)

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    El estallido de la burbuja inmobiliaria española, en 2008, evidenció un grave problema de acceso a la vivienda para un creciente sector de la población que no puede hacer frente al precio de mercado mientras parte del parque residencial existente queda vacante. En un contexto de escasez de recursos, el Plan Andaluz de Vivienda y Suelo (2016-2020) plantea que sean los municipios los que, elaborando Planes Municipales de Vivienda y Suelo (PMVS), exploren soluciones innovadoras que contribuyan a acercar estos dos extremos, desde el conocimiento de la situación concreta de cada localidad y la implicación de los actores sociales involucrados. El presente artículo propone construir un diagnóstico participado de la situación de demanda insatisfecha y parque vacante a escala local, desde el cual situar los retos a los que un PMVS debe dar respuesta. Para ello, y bajo un marco metodológico propio de la Investigación-Acción-Participativa, se analiza el proceso participativo puesto en marcha en dos municipios del área metropolitana de Sevilla, Bormujos y Bollullos de la Mitación, como casos de estudio representativos de los procesos urbanísticos e inmobiliarios sufridos durante los años de boom inmobiliario. Los resultados consensuados permiten dibujar un perfil de las necesidades existentes y los recursos disponibles que se podrían destinar a satisfacerlas, en este caso vivienda vacía y suelos ociosos. A su vez, la experiencia desarrollada permite concluir cómo la participación de técnicos, políticos y ciudadanos en un proceso de elaboración de políticas públicas favorece el desarrollo de conciencia crítica, sentido de apropiación y compromiso de los agentes locales con el reto a afrontar, lo que facilita su posterior implicación en la implementación de acciones colaborativas.The bursting of the Spanish real estate bubble in 2008 revealed a serious problem of housing access for a growing sector of the population that cannot afford market prices, while part of the existing housing stock remains vacant. In a context of lack of resources, the Andalusian Housing and Land Plan (2016-2020) proposes that municipalities develop Municipal Housing and Land Plans (known as PMVS in Spanish) to explore innovative solutions that contribute to bringing these two extremes closer together based on knowledge of the specific situation in each locality and the participation of the social actors involved. This article sets out to create a participatory diagnostic of the situation of unresolved demand and vacant housing stock on a local scale in order to situate the challenges that a PMVS should address. To this end, under a methodological framework of participatory action research, the study analyses the participatory process implemented in two municipalities in the Seville metropolitan area, Bormujos and Bollullos de la Mitación, as case studies representative of the urban processes that took place during the years of the real estate bubble. Therefore, the results were used to create a profile of the existing needs and the available resources that could be allocated to meet them, in this case empty housing and vacant land. Likewise, through this experience it was possible to conclude how the participation of technicians, politicians and citizens in public policy development contributes to building critical awareness, a sense of appropriation and the commitment of local agents to the challenge faced, which facilitates their subsequent involvement in the implementation of collaborative actions

    Análisis molecular de la resistencia a la polimixina en Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de carbapenemasas en Colombia

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    La resistencia a la polimixina en Klebsiella pneumoniae se ha atribuido a mutaciones en mgrB, phoPQ, pmrAB y crrAB y a la presencia de genes mediados por plásmidos mcr. En este trabajo se describen las características moleculares de 24 aislamientos de K. pneumoniae resistentes a polimixina y carbapenem recuperados en seis ciudades colombianas entre 2009 y 2019. Las concentraciones inhibitorias mínimas (CIM) a la polimixina se confirmaron por microdilución en caldo, y se realizó la secuenciación del genoma completo para determinar el tipo de secuencia, el resistoma y las mutaciones en los genes relacionados con la resistencia a la polimixina, así como la presencia de mcr. Los resultados mostraron una resistencia de alto nivel a la polimixina (CMI _ 4 _g/mL). blaKPC-3 estaba presente en la mayoría de los aislados (17/24; 71%), seguido de blaKPC-2 (6/24; 25%) y blaNDM-1 (1/24; 4%). La mayoría de los aislados pertenecían al CG258 (17/24; 71%) y presentaban sustituciones de aminoácidos en PmrB (22/24; 92%) y CrrB (15/24; 63%); las mutaciones en mgrB sólo se produjeron en cinco aislados (21%). No se identificaron mutaciones adicionales en pmrA, crrA y phoPQ ni en ninguno de los genes de resistencia mcr. En conclusión, se encontró diseminación clonal de aislamientos de K. pneumoniae resistentes a polimixina y carbapenemes en Colombia, principalmente asociados con CG258 y blaKPC-3. La vigilancia de esta bacteria multirresistente a fármacos se ha llevado a cabo en Colombia. La vigilancia de este clon multirresistente se justifica debido a las limitadas opciones terapéuticas para el tratamiento de las infecciones por K. pneumoniae resistente a carbapenemes.Polymyxin resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae has been attributed to mutations in mgrB, phoPQ, pmrAB, and crrAB and to the presence of mcr plasmid-mediated genes. Herein, we describe the molecular characteristics of 24 polymyxin- and carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae isolates recovered from six Colombian cities between 2009 and 2019. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) to polymyxin were confirmed by broth microdilution, and whole-genome sequencing was performed to determine sequence type, resistome, and mutations in the genes related to polymyxin resistance, as well the presence of mcr. The results showed high-level resistance to polymyxin (MICs _ 4 _g/mL). blaKPC-3 was present in the majority of isolates (17/24; 71%), followed by blaKPC-2 (6/24; 25%) and blaNDM-1 (1/24; 4%). Most isolates belonged to the CG258 (17/24; 71%) and presented amino acid substitutions in PmrB (22/24; 92%) and CrrB (15/24; 63%); mutations in mgrB occurred in only five isolates (21%). Additional mutations in pmrA, crrA, and phoPQ nor any of the mcr resistance genes were identified. In conclusion, we found clonal dissemination of polymyxin and carbapenemresistant K. pneumoniae isolates in Colombia, mainly associated with CG258 and blaKPC-3. Surveillance of this multidrug-resistant clone is warranted due to the limited therapeutic options for the treatment of carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae infections

    Role of vascular mechanisms involved in the acute gastric mucosal injury induced by droxicam and piroxicam in rats

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    We describe the formation of severe gastric erosions produced in fasted rats by intragastric administration of droxicam and its active species piroxicam, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the oxicam group. The time course of gastric damage and the possible role of mucus secretion, changes of gastric vascular permeability, and neutrophil activation in the development of droxicam- and piroxicam-induced astric lesions, were also investigated. Both drugs dose-dependently (1-25-20 mg kg - ) caused acute gastric haemorrhagic erosions in the rat. These lesions were significantly greater with piroxicam treatment 6 h after dosing. Only the lower doses of droxicam and piroxicam (1.25 mg kg-') induced a significant increase of mucus gel production at different times (3 and 6 h). However, there was no increase in the concentration of its components. Oral pretreatment of the animals with either agent did not induce any changes on the values of mucosal vascular permeability. In contrast, myeloperoxidase activity as an index of neutrophil infiltration was significantly increased. A marked relationship was found between the lesion index and myeloperoxidase activity. These results suggest that neutrophil infiltration could play an important role in the pathogenesis of gastric mucosal injury induced by these oxicam agent

    Genomic Analysis of CTX-M-Group-1-ProducingExtraintestinal PathogenicE. coli(ExPEc) fromPatients with Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)from Colombia

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    Background: The dissemination of the uropathogenic O25b-ST131Escherichia coliclone constitutes a threat to public health. We aimed to determine the circulation ofE. colistrains belonging to O25b:H4-B2-ST131 and theH30-Rx epidemic subclone causing hospital andcommunity-acquired urinary tract infections (UTI) in Colombia. Methods: Twenty-six nonduplicate,CTX-M group-1-producing isolates causing UTI in the hospital and community were selected for thisstudy. Results: Twenty-twoE. coliisolates harboring CTX-M-15, one CTX-M-3, and three CTX-M-55were identified. Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST) showed a variety of sequence types (STs), amongwhich, ST131, ST405, and ST648 were reported as epidemic clones. All theE. coliST131 sequencescarried CTX-M-15, from which 80% belonged to the O25b:H4-B2 andH30-Rx pandemic subclonesand were associated with virulence factorsiss,iha, andsat.E. coliisolates (23/26) were resistant tociprofloxacin and associated with amino acid substitutions in quinolone resistance-determining regions(QRDR). We detected two carbapenem-resistantE. coliisolates, one coproducing CTX-M-15, KPC-2,and NDM-1 while the other presented mutations inompC. Additionally, one isolate harbored thegenemcr-1. Conclusions: Our study revealed the circulation of theE. coliST131, O25b:H4-B2-H30-Rxsubclone, harboring CTX-M-15, QRDR mutations, and other resistant genes. The association of theH30-Rx subclone with sepsis and rapid dissemination warrants attention from the public health andinfections control

    Protective Effect of L‐Arginine Against Ibuprofen‐induced Gastric Injury in Rats

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    This study has been designed to confirm the protective effect of different single oral doses of L‐arginine in the presence of equimolar doses of ibuprofen, and to compare the results with those obtained after treatment with ibuprofen alone. Different parameters were assessed in rats: gastric damage (mm2 and score), ratio of lesionated stomachs/total stomachs evaluated, and presence of haemorrhage. Six hours after dosing, oral administration of ibuprofen (0·3, 0·6 and 1·2 mmol kg −1) produced a progressive dose‐dependent increase in damage to the gastric mucosa. All treatments with equimolar doses of L‐arginine considerably reduced lesions (mm2 and score) and the same tendency was observed with the other parameters examined. We also evaluated the gastroprotective effect of L‐arginine against anti‐ulcer reference drugs, ranitidine and roxatidine (two antisecretory agents) and misoprostol (a cytoprotective drug). The degree of inhibition of damage provided by L‐arginine was similar to those obtained with the other drugs. Thus, we conclude that the simultaneous administration of equimolar doses of ibuprofen and L‐arginine offers significant protection compared with gastrolesive doses of ibuprofen alone, with an important decrease in the lesionated areas and improvement of the vascular state. The extent of this protective action is comparable with that observed with anti‐ulcer reference drugs

    Atorvastatin Provides a New Lipidome Improving Early Regeneration After Partial Hepatectomy in Osteopontin Deficient Mice

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    Osteopontin (OPN), a multifunctional cytokine that controls liver glycerolipid metabolism, is involved in activation and proliferation of several liver cell types during regeneration, a condition of high metabolic demands. Here we investigated the role of OPN in modulating the liver lipidome during regeneration after partial-hepatectomy (PH) and the impact that atorvastatin treatment has over regeneration in OPN knockout (KO) mice. The results showed that OPN deficiency leads to remodeling of phosphatidylcholine and triacylglycerol (TG) species primarily during the first 24 h after PH, with minimal effects on regeneration. Changes in the quiescent liver lipidome in OPN-KO mice included TG enrichment with linoleic acid and were associated with higher lysosome TG-hydrolase activity that maintained 24 h after PH but increased in WT mice. OPN-KO mice showed increased beta-oxidation 24 h after PH with less body weight loss. In OPN-KO mice, atorvastatin treatment induced changes in the lipidome 24 h after PH and improved liver regeneration while no effect was observed 48 h post-PH. These results suggest that increased dietary-lipid uptake in OPN-KO mice provides the metabolic precursors required for regeneration 24 h and 48 h after PH. However, atorvastatin treatment offers a new metabolic program that improves early regeneration when OPN is deficient.This work was supported by IT-336-10 (Gobierno Vasco) (to PA) and SAF2015-64352-R (to PA), SAF2017-87301-R (to MLM-C) and EITB Maratoia BIO15/CA/014 (to MLM-C). MNG and DM were recipients of a predoctoral fellowship from the University of Basque Country UPV/EHU and BG-S and DS were recipients for predoctoral fellowships from the Basque Goverment. We thank technical support from Jose Antonio Lopez Gomez