477 research outputs found

    Portraits in Sculpture

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    Virginia Carter describes Christian Petersen\u27s bas-reliefs and relates highlights of his lif

    Packaging for Post War Foods

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    A variety of new packaging developments awaits the post-war homemaker, says Virginia Carte

    A Salute to Christian Petersen

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    Virginia Carter highlights the life and work of Christian Petersen, Iowa State\u27s sculpto

    Costal Wetlands: Prospects For Satellite Inventory

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    Wise management of coastal resources depends in part on the maintenance and preservation of healthy wetland ecosystems. The water storage and purification function of wetlands as well as the nutrient contribution to aquatic organisms is well documented. Wetland management decisions are dependent upon timely, accurate information such as location, size and value of major wetlands and identification of areas significantly affected by man\u27s activities. ERTS-1 (Earth Resources Technology Satellite) data provides repetitive\u27 synoptic coverage for analysis of wetland ecology, detection of change, and mapping or inventory of wetland boundaries and plant communities. ERTS-1 positive transparencies of Atlantic Coastal wetlands were enlarged to different scales and maps were made using a variety of methods. Results of analysis of imagery and digital data indicate: (1) mapping of wetland boundaries and vegetative communities from imagery at a scale of 1:1,000,000 is impractical because small details are difficult to illustrate; (2) mapping to a scale of 1:250,000 is practical for defining land-water interface, upper wetland boundary, gross vegetative communities, and soil disposal/dredge and fill operations; (3) 1:125,000 enlargements provide additional information on transition zones, smaller plant communities, and drainage or mosquito ditching; (4) ERTS digital data can be used for mapping at a scale of approximately 1:20,000

    Light Attenuation in Back Bay, Virginia

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    In order to help assess the cause of the recent decline in submersed macrophytes, light attenuation was measured at selected stations in Back Bay, Virginia, in July 1987 and April 1988, using an underwater spectroradiometer. Secchi depth and concentrations of total suspended solids and chlorophyll-a were measured simultaneously. In July 1987, extinction coefficients ranged from 2.7 to 5.7 m-1 and Secchi depths ranged from 0.26 to 0.44 m. Total suspended solids ranged from 27 to 64 mg/L--37 to 80% of the suspended material was organic matter. Chlorophyll-a concentrations ranged from 43 to 71 μ g/L; indicating the presence of large numbers of algae. Water clarity was least in North Bay and greatest at the North Carolina border. In April 1988, during a period of strong wind, total suspended solids were extremely high, ranging from 78 to 214 mg/L, whereas the organic fraction ranged from 20 to 30%. Chlorophyll-a concentration ranged from 34.5 to 88 μ g/L. Secchi depth ranged from 0.16 to 0.33 m and K ranged from 3.7 m-1 at the North Carolina line to 19.9 m-1 in a canal near Pellitory Point. Comparison of the conditions in Back Bay in 1986-88 with those in the tidal Potomac River and Estuary indicate that the decline in submersed macrophyte, in Back Bay is related to high light attenuation

    Classifying Vegetative Cover with Landsat Digital Data, Great Dismal Swamp, Virginia and North Carolina

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    Geometrically corrected and temporally registered Landsat digital data from April and February 1974 have been used to classify and map vegetative cover in the Great Dismal Swamp in Virginia and North Carolina. Cover classes were grouped into dominance types and subclasses according to the new U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service wetland classification system. Four data sets were analyzed on the Interactive Digital Image Manipulation System (IDIMS): (1) April data (2) February data (3) bands 5 and 7 from April and February and (4) all 8 bands from April and February. Eighteen dominance types were established for the swamp on the basis of season, dominant canopy species and, in some deciduous classes, on type of understory. The subclasses and dominance types vary in number and composition according to season of data acquisition. Percentage estimates for the swamp subclasses were as follows: shallow water/benthos 2.2 percent, broad-leaved evergreen forested wetland 6.5 percent, needle-leaved evergreen forested wetland 16 percent, broadleaved deciduous forested wetland 67.7 percent, narrow-leaved deciduous forested wetland 1 percent, broad-leaved evergreen shrub wetland 5 percent, and altered 1.6 percent. IDIMS algorithms were used to choose 65 random, 10x10 pixel, sample plots and t o generate the geometric coordinates (line/column; latitude/longitude) for these samples. The plots were transferred to 1:65,000-scale color infrared photographs of the swamp and each sample plot was photointerpreted for dominance type, subclass, and acreage. The photointerpretation results are being compared with IDIMS classification for each data set to measure the accuracy of classification. In addition, we are using the same sample plots to assess the accuracy of previous classifications made with Landsat digital data from data from the same data sets and from different dates using IDIMS, Image 100, and Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing System (LARSYS)

    Panel: Leveraging Public and Private Resources for Rural Grocery Stores

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    David Carter presents on Finding and Funding Energy Efficiencies in Rural Grocery Stores and how that can impact a store’s bottom line. Services available to assist with an energy audit. Virginia Barnes presents on Grants through its Pathways to a Healthy Kansas Communities Program for access to healthy foods. David Kramer presents on funding for energy updates, changes in ownership, and equipment updates of the USDA Rural Development program. Imagene Harris presents on Financing through the Kansas Healthy Food Financing Initiative. What type of projects are they looking for, and how to go about applying to the fund
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