18 research outputs found

    Esophageal and periesophageal lymph nodes metastases of renal cancer 30 years after nephrectomy

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    Rak jasnokomórkowy nerki, mimo znacznego postępu medycyny, nadal sprawia problemy zarówno na etapie pierwotnej diagnozy oraz leczenia, jak i późniejszych badań kontrolnych. Przedstawiono przypadek przerzutu raka jasnokomórkowego nerki do przełyku i węzłów chłonnych okołoprzełykowych u 76-letniego chorego 30 lat po zabiegu nefrektomii.Despite the significant progress in modern medicine, the renal cell carcinoma (RCC) still causes many problems at the stage of primary diagnosis and treatment as well as during further follow up. A rare case of renal cell carcinoma metastases to esophageus and periesophageal lymph nodes in 76-year old patient 30 years after nephrectomy was described

    Optimal duration of a first-line palliative chemotherapy in disseminated colorectal cancer - a review of the literature from a developing country perspective

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    We still do not know whether the presently used protocol of the firstline palliative treatment of disseminated colorectal cancer (FOLFOX/ FOLFIRI protocol) allows maximization of therapeutic response and minimization of side effects. No-one has verified whether continuation of the firstline chemotherapy despite the lack of progression is reflected by improved prognosis or significant risk of toxicity. This issue is of vital importance in the case of developing countries where targeted therapies are not available due to financial shortages. We have identified three potential strategies of the palliative therapy of disseminated colorectal cancer: 1) discontinuation of chemotherapy after a fixed number of cycles with its restart on progression (stop-and-go strategy), 2) intermittent protocol of chemotherapy, and 3) continuation of chemotherapy with discontinuation of the most toxic agent. None of the studies proved the superiority of the most commonly used standard, i.e. 12 cycles of the FOLFOX or FOLFIRI regimen. Although longer duration of this treatment may be associated with higher response rates and longer progression-free survival, these improvements frequently prove insignificant on statistical analysis

    Optimal duration of a first-line palliative chemotherapy in disseminated colorectal cancer – a review of the literature from a developing country perspective

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    We still do not know whether the presently used protocol of the first-line palliative treatment of disseminated colorectal cancer (FOLFOX/FOLFIRI protocol) allows maximization of therapeutic response and minimization of side effects. No-one has verified whether continuation of the first-line chemotherapy despite the lack of progression is reflected by improved prognosis or significant risk of toxicity. This issue is of vital importance in the case of developing countries where targeted therapies are not available due to financial shortages. We have identified three potential strategies of the palliative therapy of disseminated colorectal cancer: 1) discontinuation of chemotherapy after a fixed number of cycles with its restart on progression (stop-and-go strategy), 2) intermittent protocol of chemotherapy, and 3) continuation of chemotherapy with discontinuation of the most toxic agent. None of the studies proved the superiority of the most commonly used standard, i.e. 12 cycles of the FOLFOX or FOLFIRI regimen. Although longer duration of this treatment may be associated with higher response rates and longer progression-free survival, these improvements frequently prove insignificant on statistical analysis

    Navigating the treatment landscape in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms

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    Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms are a large and very diverse group of neoplasms. They are becoming a burning clinical problem because of increasing frequency and diagnosis in the advanced state. The treatment landscape has been changed over the last years. Treatment choice depends on many factors such as the tumor’s type, location, aggressiveness, and hormone-producing capabilities. The main goals of treatment are long-term symptomatic control, antitumor effect, and improvement of the quality of life. The results of the PROMID and CLARINET trials have augmented fundamental position of somatostatin analogs. Our understanding of the biology, genetics of the neoplasms has improved considerably in the last several decades and the spectrum of available therapeutic options is rapidly expanded. The current evidence-based treatment options include everolimus, sunitinib, peptide receptor radionuclide therapy, and chemotherapy. Treatment practice changed as a result of high-quality phase 3 clinical trials which shaped current guidelines; multiple retrospective studies which raised new questions and attempted to fill some of the data gaps. Here we review the treatment options for gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms, discussing important diagnosis and biomarker-related factors, safety of therapy with special insight into cardiac safety, as well we looked at promising investigative therapies

    The Influence Of Obesity On Results Of AT (Doxorubicin Plus Docetaxel) Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy In Locally Advanced Breast Cancer Patients

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    The achieve pathologic complete response is proven to be the most important parameter of prognosis. Thereports evaluating the impact of obesity on the obtained pathologic response to chemotherapy are unequal. The aim of the study was to evaluate in locally advanced breast cancer patients, treated with AT(doxorubicin plus docetaxel) neoadjuvant chemotherapy: 1. The relationship of obesity with obtaining pathological response. 2. The relationship of obesity and free of disease recurrence survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) associated with the tumour. Material and methods. A retrospective study was carried out in a group of 105 patients with locally advanced breast cancer, treated with AT neoadjuvant chemotherapy and then treated with radical surgery. Two variants of pathological response have been adopted: a pCR (T0N0) and pCR1 (TisN0, TxN1, T1N0, T1N1, T0N1). The relationship of obesity with pathological response and survival was investigated. Results. In univariate analysis the pCR1 was obtained with its arising from the borderline of statistical significance with lower incidence of obesity. In pCR1 multivariate analysis, negative pCR1 relationship with obesity was on the borderline of the statistical significance. The multivariate analysis showed a significant negative association OS with obesity (p=0.047) and positive with the occurrence of menopause (p = 0.029). Conclusions. In patients with locally advanced breast cancer treated with AT neoadjuvant chemotherapy. 1. Obesity seems to be an independent and unfavourable predictor of the lack of obtaining pCR1 pathological response 2. In the multivariate analysis, the obesity was a significant independent factor related to shorter OS

    The usefulness of D-dimer in diagnosis and prediction of venous thromboembolism in patients with abdominal malignancy

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    The aim: of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of D-dimer evaluation in the diagnosis and prediction of venous thromboembolism (VTE) of lower extremities in patients operated on for abdominal tumors depending on the chosen cut-off point for this parameter. Material and methods: We included 150 patients operated on for abdominal cancer in our department between October 2014 and June 2016. In these patients, concentration of D-dimer was determined, medical histories were taken, and physical examinations were performed. Ultrasound exams of the veins of the lower limbs were performed three times in every patient in order to confirm or exclude VTE. Results: When a standard cut-off point (500 ng/ml) was used, in 46% of cancer patients D-dimer values were elevated despite the lack of VTE. We did not detect any influence of cancer stage on the value of D-dimer. However, if cut-off point was 1440 ng/ml, which has been suggested in the literature, only 14% of patients were false positive. When the upper cut-off value for D-dimer was raised, the effect of cancer stage on the value of this parameter could be seen. Conclusion: The concentration of D-dimer is often elevated in patients with active cancer, but is not a sufficient criterion for diagnosis of VTE. The concentration of D-dimer before surgery does not determine the risk of postoperative thromboembolic complications. This is undoubtedly related to the widespread use of effective thromboprophylaxis. According to the literature, ultrasound is the optimum method for detection of VTE in surgically treated cancer patients. The effect of cancer stage on the value of D-dimer is revealed only when the cut-off point in this group is 1440 ng/ml, instead of 500 ng/ml which is used for the general population

    Prevalence of Cryptosporidium sp. In Patients with Colorectal Cancer

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    Parasitic protozoans of the Cryptosporidium genus are intracellular intestinal parasites of mammals, causing cryptosporidiosis. Clinically, cryptosporidiosis manifests as chronic diarrhoea. Individuals with immune disorders, including those with neoplasms, are at risk of symptomatic invasion.The aim of the study was the evaluation of Cryptosporidium sp. prevalence in patients with diagnosed colorectal cancer.Material and methods. The studied group encompassed 87 patients with diagnosed colorectal cancer, undergoing surgery at the Department of General and Oncological Surgery, Pomeranian Medical University, in the years 2009-2010. Immunoenzymatic tests for Cryptosporidium sp. on faeces samples were performed with the use of commercial test kit, ProSpecT®Cryptosporidium Microplate Assay (Remel Inc).Results. The presence of Cryptosporidium sp. was found in 12.6% of studied patients with colorectal cancer. The performed statistical analysis did not reveal any correlation between Cryptosporidium sp. infection and gender, age, neoplasm advancement stage as per Astler-Coller scale, neoplasm differentiation grade, or neoplastic tumour localisation in relation to the splenic flexure.Conclusions. There was found high prevalence of Cryptosporidium sp. in patients with colorectal cancer. It was comparable to the prevalence reported for patients with immune deficiency

    Przydatność oznaczania D-dimeru w rozpoznawaniu i przewidywaniu wystąpienia żylnej choroby zakrzepowozatorowej u osób z nowotworem w obrębie jamy brzusznej

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    Celem pracy była ocena przydatności oznaczenia D-dimeru w rozpoznawaniu i przewidywaniu zakrzepicy żylnej kończyn dolnych u chorych operowanych z powodu nowotworu w obrębie jamy brzusznej w zależności od punktu odcięcia tego parametru. Materiał i metodyka: Grupę badaną stanowiło 150 osób operowanych z powodu nowotworów w obrębie jamy brzusznej w Klinice Chirurgii Ogólnej i Onkologicznej PUM w Szczecinie w okresie od października 2014 do czerwca 2016 roku. U chorych tych oznaczano wartość D-dimeru, przeprowadzano wywiad i badanie fizykalne, a w celu potwierdzenia/wykluczenia ŻChZZ trzykrotnie wykonywano badania USG żył kończyn dolnych. Wyniki: Przy zastosowaniu punktu odcięcia na wysokości ogólnie przyjętej normy (500 ng/ml) aż u 46% chorych z nowotworami stwierdzono podwyższoną wartość D-dimeru pomimo braku ŻChZZ, nie wykryto natomiast wpływu stopnia zaawansowania choroby nowotworowej na wartość D-dimeru. Zastosowanie dla tej grupy chorych proponowanego w piśmiennictwie punktu odcięcia na poziomie 1440 mg/ml sprawia natomiast, że fałszywie dodatnia podwyższona wartość tego parametru dotyczy już tylko 14% chorych. Podwyższenie górnej granicy normy D-dimeru pozwala również na ujawnienie wpływu stopnia zaawansowania nowotworu na wartość tego parametru. Wnioski: Stężenie D-dimeru często bywa podwyższone u osób z czynną chorobą nowotworową, co nie pozwala na stosowanie jego oznaczenia jako jedynego kryterium rozpoznawania ŻChZZ w tej grupie chorych. Stężenie D-dimeru przed zabiegiem operacyjnym nie pozwala na określenie ryzyka pooperacyjnych powikłań zakrzepowo-zatorowych. Ma to niewątpliwie związek z rozpowszechnieniem skutecznej profilaktyki przeciwzakrzepowej. Jak wynika z dostępnego piśmiennictwa, optymalną metodę rozpoznawania ŻChZZ u chorych leczonych chirurgicznie z powodu czynnej choroby nowotworowej stanowi ultrasonografia. Wpływ stopnia zaawansowania choroby nowotworowej na wartość D-dimeru ujawnia się dopiero wtedy, gdy jako punkt odcięcia w tej grupie chorych przyjmuje się 1440 ng/ml, a nie – jak czyni się to dla ogólnej populacji – 500 ng/ml

    Basic methodological techniques in user interface design

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    S neustálým vývojem výpočetních technologií roste i význam jejich možností ve vztahu k uživatelům. Počet lidí přicházejících do kontaktu s počítačovými systémy se rapidně zvětšuje. Ti, společně se stávajícími uživateli, vyžadují, aby pro ně bylo jednoduché naučit se ovládat moderní techniku, aby práce s ní byla rychlá, příjemná a účinná, aby počítače byly výkonnými pomocníky. Splnit tyto požadavky znamená vytvářet pro uživatele přívětivá uživatelská rozhraní. A právě o to se snaží vědní obor HCI - interakce člověk-počítač. Tato bakalářská práce podává přehled požadavků na použitelnost uživatelských rozhraní počítačových systémů, souvisejících norem a jiných standardů a především pak přehled dnes používaných metodik pro tvorbu uživatelských rozhraní. Část textu je věnována také popisu postupů při zjišťování použitelnosti UI.Ústav informačních studií a knihovnictvíInstitute of Information Studies and LibrarianshipFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult