77 research outputs found

    I Congrés de creativitat i societat

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    La Facultat de Psicologia i Ciències de l'Educació Blanquerna (FPCE) va ser la seu del I Congrés de Creativitat i Societat, celebrat els dies 27, 28 i 29 de setembre. Acte que es va obrir de forma innovadora amb un acte informal el dia anterior a la inauguració oficial, a la Sala de Grau de la Torre de la Tamarita

    Un moment de reflexió en temps de canvi, entorn de l'accés a la Universitat

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    Prenent-nos uns moments, analitzem tot el camí recorregut fins al moment intentant dibuixar els nous esdeveniments en temes d'accés a la universitat, per novament preguntar-nos i qüestionar-nos entorn de la forma com els futurs professionals dels nostre país accedeixen a les aules universitàries. És des d'aquest context, i com a resultat de sis grans anys d'esforç i treball per intentar donar resposta a una preocupació motivada des de la pròpia pràctica docent, que pren forma aquesta investigació, la qual es planteja de quina manera queda associat el rendiment acadèmic de l'alumne abans d'arribar a dites aules, amb el seu futur rendiment professionalitzador. Per tal de poder contestar aquesta qüestió, es va anar dissenyant i organitzant el conjunt d'elements implicats, que finalment van configurar aquest estudi

    Good practices file. Promotion of health and quality of life through Hospital Pedagogy

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    Factors of well-being of youth with complex medical conditions from the experience of hospitalization and convalescence: A pilot study

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    Well-being in children with a complex medical condition (CMC) impacts the way they view and communicate with their immediate environment as well as their development, and it is thus necessary to inquire about the contextual issues and different needs that a CMC car- ries. This pilot study aimed to identify factors of pediatric well-being from the experience of hospitalization and convalescence of youth with CMC and their caregivers, in a cross-sec- tional analysis using a selective methodology complemented by an indirect observational methodology. We analyzed the quality of life and well-being of youth with CMC using a vali- dated KINDLR questionnaire. We collected 35 surveys: 11 from youth with CMC and 24 from caregivers from Spain. We focused the analysis on sociodemographics, well-being perceptions, and coping strategies variables. The results show that children aged between 3 and 6 years and their caregivers scored physical well-being the lowest out of all dimen- sions of well-being, and they scored family well-being the highest. Moreover, youth between the ages of 7 and 17 years and their caregivers scored school-related well-being the lowest. Coping strategies to deal with stressful situations differ between children and caregivers. While children mainly engage in social withdrawal, caregivers engage in cognitive restruc- turing and expressing emotions. However, we did not find a relationship between coping strategies and well-being perceptions. These results highlight the need to facilitate commu- nication spaces with both families and health professionals where the voice of children is considered

    The television’s cartoons as transmision´s resource of educative and cultural values

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    A través de esta comunicación se presenta una primera reflexión sobre los dibujos animados a partir de nuestra realidad actual y enmarcada en nuestra comunidad, analizando la evolución que han ido experimentando desde su primera implantación en la pantalla televisiva en los años setenta hasta nuestros días. Los dibujos animados representan un recurso fácil y accesible prácticamente para toda la población infantil, para transmitir una serie de valores culturales y educativos que, paralelamente, se representan también a través de otros medios de comunicación como los videojuegos, los cómics, los juegos por ordenador, las publicaciones infantiles y juveniles, por citar los más extendidos. Pero también se plantea una serie de cuestiones sobre la idoneidad de los dibujos animados como transmisores de nuestros valores culturales y educativos, para nuestros niños y adolescentes, así como para los niños y adolescentes procedentes de otras culturas y con una diversidad de orígenes geográficos. ¿Se pueden considerar los dibujos animados autóctonos como un recurso educativo adecuado para informar e implicar a los niños procedentes de otras culturas de las peculiaridades y características específicas de la nuestra?. ¿La introducción de series extranjeras puede ofrecerse como una estrategia didáctica para conocer y llegar a valorar otras culturas, con concepciones muy variadas a las nuestras?. ¿Una entrada continua de series japonesas o norteamericanas puede llegar a resquebrajar nuestros propios valores?. Estas y otras cuestiones se analizan a través de este apartado de carácter teórico. Para ilustrar estas reflexiones anteriores se ha realizado una pequeña investigación a partir de la programación actual en la comunidad autónoma catalana, centrándose en una serie de aspectos que consideramos nucleares para esta transmisión de valores: etnológicos (carácter informativo, carácter histórico...), didácticos (enseñanza, aprendizaje...), psicológicos (emotividad, atención...) y lingüísticos (vocabulario, expresiones propias...). Sin embargo se debe reconocer que muchos autores no están de acuerdo con esta propuesta de clasificación, e insisten en aspectos criticables y notablemente dudosos a nivel educativo como: clasismo, machismo, crueldad, irrealidad o amoralidad, entre otros. Y de una manera específica se insiste en los valores transmitidos a partir de lospersonajes que los protagonizan según su naturaleza (humana, animal, mineral, objeto mágico...), según sus características físicas (belleza, fortaleza, juventud...), según su aspecto moral (bondad, astucia...), su estado social y económico (riqueza material, poder eterno...) o la función que desarrollan (héroe, mandatario...). Dejando de lado la indiscutible importancia que posee el factor económico para la transmisión de series de dibujos animados, se observa una serie de aspectos que en algunas ocasiones reflejan la intencionalidad educativa y cultural de sus autores, y en otras distan mucho de este propósito e incluso se desentienden de élThe cartoons are an easy way to transmit educational and cultural values to children, as well as other media (comics, computer games, videogames, etc.). The actual reality and evolution of cartoons from the last thirty years is assessed. In this context, are they as useful as we expect to be good transmitters of our values? Are they autochthonous to show cultural differences? The massive invasion of American and Japanese cartoons could affect our own values?. In order to answer these questions, a short research based on the current programme schedule of the Autonomic Catalan television was performe

    Coping strategies patterns to buffer the psychological impact of the State of Emergency in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic's early months

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    Coping style represents the cognitive and behavioral patterns to manage particular demands appraised as taxing the resources of individuals. Studies report associations between certain coping styles and levels of adjustment of anxious symptomatology and emotional distress. The main objective of this study was to analyze behavioral co-occurrent patterns and relationships in the coping strategies used to deal with psychological distress displayed by the Spanish adult population during the first State of Emergency and lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a cross-sectional study that uses selective methodology complemented with an indirect observational methodology, with a nomothetic/punctual/unidimensional design. We collected 996 surveys from 19 out of the 22 autonomous regions in Spain. We focused the analysis on sociodemographic variables, cumulative incidence of the COVID-19 disease and psychological distress variables. We performed two different inferential analyses: Lag sequential analysis to define the participant coping patterns, and polar coordinate analysis to study the interrelationship of the focal behavior with conditioned behaviors. We found behavioral co-occurrent patterns of coping strategies with problem avoidance being found as the coping strategy most frequently engaged by participants. Interestingly, the problem avoidance strategy was not associated with lower anxious symptomatology. By contrast, emotion-focused strategies such as express emotions and social support were associated with higher anxious symptomatology. Our findings underscore the importance of furthering our understanding of coping as a way to aid psychological distress during global public health emergencies

    Preschool teachers display a flexible pattern of pedagogical actions in promoting healthy habits in children

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    The school represents the optimal setting for promoting the physical, emotional, and social health of children, especially during the first years of life. Understanding the pedagogical actions of teachers to address health education is an important first step in promoting healthy behaviors in children. We inhere analyzed the pedagogical action patterns in the preschool teaching of healthy habits from a holistic health perspective. We used photography as a strategy for data collection and applied a Chi-square automatic interaction detection (CHAID) classification tree, a data mining procedure, to generate a pattern model. We found that the school space and the learning playfulness strategies for the development of executive functions, classified according to the exercise, symbolic, assembly, rules (ESAR) model, were the main factors that influence the pedagogical actions fostering healthy habits. By contrast, the school and the pedagogical resources of the classroom are factors with a much smaller impact on working with healthy habits. This pedagogical action pattern is flexible, since teachers conduct a multiplicity of pedagogical actions through different strategies, in different school spaces, at any time. In conclusion, our results unmask the interdependent relationships between the different factors that determine the teacher's actions at the preschool. It also contributes to the understanding of the teacher's practices in fostering healthy habits in a healthy learning environment

    Preschool teachers display a flexible pattern of pedagogical actions in promoting healthy habits in children

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    The school represents the optimal setting for promoting the physical, emotional, and social health of children, especially during the first years of life. Understanding the pedagogical actions of teachers to address health education is an important first step in promoting healthy behaviors in children. We inhere analyzed the pedagogical action patterns in the preschool teaching of healthy habits from a holistic health perspective. We used photography as a strategy for data collection and applied a Chi-square automatic interaction detection (CHAID) classification tree, a data mining procedure, to generate a pattern model. We found that the school space and the learning playfulness strategies for the development of executive functions, classified according to the exercise, symbolic, assembly, rules (ESAR) model, were the main factors that influence the pedagogical actions fostering healthy habits. By contrast, the school and the pedagogical resources of the classroom are factors with a much smaller impact on working with healthy habits. This pedagogical action pattern is flexible, since teachers conduct a multiplicity of pedagogical actions through different strategies, in different school spaces, at any time. In conclusion, our results unmask the interdependent relationships between the different factors that determine the teacher’s actions at the preschool. It also contributes to the understanding of the teacher’s practices in fostering healthy habits in a healthy learning environment
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