7,560 research outputs found

    Frequency shifting with a solid-state switching capacitor

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    Frequency shifting, commonly used in electronic signal processing, is applied in tuning, automatic frequency control, antenna element switching, phase shifting, etc. Frequency shifting can be accomplished economically and reliably with simple circuit comprising conventional resistor and solid-state switching device which can be equivalent to two capacitors, depending on switching state

    Composite metal-oxide device has voltage sensitive capacitance

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    Device with step function variation of the capacitance is useful for voltage-controlled oscillator circuits and as a voltage-sensitive switch. Simplicity of construction makes the device suitable for large-scale integration, microelectronic circuits

    Asymmetric Totally-corrective Boosting for Real-time Object Detection

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    Real-time object detection is one of the core problems in computer vision. The cascade boosting framework proposed by Viola and Jones has become the standard for this problem. In this framework, the learning goal for each node is asymmetric, which is required to achieve a high detection rate and a moderate false positive rate. We develop new boosting algorithms to address this asymmetric learning problem. We show that our methods explicitly optimize asymmetric loss objectives in a totally corrective fashion. The methods are totally corrective in the sense that the coefficients of all selected weak classifiers are updated at each iteration. In contract, conventional boosting like AdaBoost is stage-wise in that only the current weak classifier's coefficient is updated. At the heart of the totally corrective boosting is the column generation technique. Experiments on face detection show that our methods outperform the state-of-the-art asymmetric boosting methods.Comment: 14 pages, published in Asian Conf. Computer Vision 201

    Magnon-Phonon Quantum Correlation Thermometry

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    A large fraction of quantum science and technology requires low-temperature environments such as those afforded by dilution refrigerators. In these cryogenic environments, accurate thermometry can be difficult to implement, expensive, and often requires calibration to an external reference. Here, we theoretically propose a primary thermometer based on measurement of a hybrid system consisting of phonons coupled via a magnetostrictive interaction to magnons. Thermometry is based on a cross-correlation measurement in which the spectrum of back-action driven motion is used to scale the thermomechanical motion, providing a direct measurement of the phonon temperature independent of experimental parameters. Combined with a simple low-temperature compatible microwave cavity readout, this primary thermometer is expected to become a promising alternative for thermometry below 1 K

    Belonging and global citizenship in a STEM university

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    For the past two decades, there has been a resurgence in the actualization of civic missions in universities; these universities have continued to demonstrate commitment to educate for the purpose of global citizenship. Global citizenship is both a skillset and a mindset. As universities engage in efforts to increase students’ capabilities for living and working in a diverse society, research in this area has often focused on students of social science disciplines in the United States, presenting an opportunity for an investigation into students’ sense of belonging and global citizenship in the STEM university context in the United Kingdom. Building on prior civic scholarship, which defines citizenship in part as a sense of belonging, this paper presents interview data from a longitudinal, mixed-methods study at a STEM university in the United Kingdom to explore the meanings and experiences of students’ belonging in a multicultural institution, and their attitudes about current political issues before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study presents theoretical and practical implications for citizenship education research and practice

    Quantum Chaos, Delocalization, and Entanglement in Disordered Heisenberg Models

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    We investigate disordered one- and two-dimensional Heisenberg spin lattices across a transition from integrability to quantum chaos from both a statistical many-body and a quantum-information perspective. Special emphasis is devoted to quantitatively exploring the interplay between eigenvector statistics, delocalization, and entanglement in the presence of nontrivial symmetries. The implications of basis dependence of state delocalization indicators (such as the number of principal components) is addressed, and a measure of {\em relative delocalization} is proposed in order to robustly characterize the onset of chaos in the presence of disorder. Both standard multipartite and {\em generalized entanglement} are investigated in a wide parameter regime by using a family of spin- and fermion- purity measures, their dependence on delocalization and on energy spectrum statistics being examined. A distinctive {\em correlation between entanglement, delocalization, and integrability} is uncovered, which may be generic to systems described by the two-body random ensemble and may point to a new diagnostic tool for quantum chaos. Analytical estimates for typical entanglement of random pure states restricted to a proper subspace of the full Hilbert space are also established and compared with random matrix theory predictions.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, revised versio

    Entanglement of localized states

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    We derive exact expressions for the mean value of Meyer-Wallach entanglement Q for localized random vectors drawn from various ensembles corresponding to different physical situations. For vectors localized on a randomly chosen subset of the basis, tends for large system sizes to a constant which depends on the participation ratio, whereas for vectors localized on adjacent basis states it goes to zero as a constant over the number of qubits. Applications to many-body systems and Anderson localization are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure