611 research outputs found

    Medida de la presión arterial en el diabético.

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    Las características generales de la medida de la presión arterial (PA) en el paciente diabético no difieren de las condiciones estandarizadas del resto de pacientes hipertensos en la consulta. Sin embargo, la diabetes se asocia a condicionantes que requieren una evaluación distinta en determinados casos

    Traces of The Destitute among The Papers of the Hospital of Barcelona

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    Aquest text, que té el seu origen en la ponència que vam presentar al simposi internacional Fonts gràfiques i documentals per a l’estudi històric dels hospitals (abril 2013), pretén oferir un petit mostrari de la informació que es pot extreure i les conclusions que se’n deriven, de la consulta directa de les fonts documentals de l’antic hospital de la Santa Creu de Barcelona. El punt de partida de la nostra recerca s’emmarca en els mateixos orígens històrics d’aquesta centenària institució, és a dir, l’albada del segle xv. En aquest sentit, bàsicament hem fet servir els llibres d’entrades de malalts i d’expòsits, un minutari comptable i uns manuals notarials del quatre-cents i d’èpoques posteriors, conservats a la Biblioteca de Catalunya i a l’Arxiu Històric de la Fundació de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. El nostre propòsit no és fer-ne un estat de la qüestió, ni esbossar una història de la pobresa barcelonina, ni tampoc plantejar una visió comparativa de les institucions hospitalàries, senzillament, després de reflexionar sobre el tema, mirarem de dialogar amb les fonts i que siguin elles les que parlin. Procurarem, en el possible, sentir la veu dels pobres del passat, però sense oblidar que la pobresa no és propietat exclusiva dels temps medievals.This essay is based on the paper presented at the International Symposium Documentary and visual sources for the historical study of hospitals (April 2013), and it aims to offer a small sample of the information that can be extracted from the direct consultation of the documentary sources of the old Hospital de la Santa Creu in Barcelona, and the conclusions that can be derived from it. Our research begins with the birth of this centuries-old institution, that is, at the dawn of the fifteenth century. In this sense, we have basically used the books of admission of patients and foundlings, a minute book and several notarial manuals from fifteenth-century and later, preserved in the Library of Catalonia and the Historical Archive of the Foundation of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. Our purpose is not to overview the history of poverty in Barcelona or to establish a comparison between its hospitals, but rather to reflect upon the sources, enter into a dialogue with them and let them speak for themselves. When possible, we will try to listen to the voices of the poor of the past, without forgetting that poverty is not exclusive to the medieval period


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    Teaching history ¡, learning history: a three-way dialogue

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    Unes notes sobre les marginades a Barcelona als segles XIV i XV

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    Hi han molts tipus de marginació a la societat urbana medieval, a vegades manifesta fins i tot en símbols externs, com ara els distintius que havien de portar els qui eren considerats diferents dels altres: els jueus, els sarraïns, els pobres captaires. Ostensible era també el rebuig social vers certes minories que eren obligades a viure a barris especialment reservats per a elles: calls pels jueus, bordells per les prostitutes

    Unes cartes de dones del segle XV. Notes sobre la crisi feudal

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    Our work deals with the contents of some letters received form Sança Ximenis de Fox i de Cabrera and some of her rough drafts and copies of letters sent by her and now kept in the Archive of Barcelona Cathedral. Their contents has undoubtedly disclosed to us her behaviour and state of mind during the feudal crisis she had to endure and more specifically during her stay in the Osor Valley (Girona). Most of these letters make reference to an incident that took place in a country house in the course of the Catalonia country corkers uprising of 15th century. From their contents, it may be clearly seen the damage caused to the system, on which base the daily life was supported, by way of the existing fragmented vision of authorities, the resistance offered by feudal lords, the violence resorted against their representatives, the ambushes laid by crossbowmen which fact forced the country people to take up arms and the attempts on the family institution. In the meantime, the punishing right, the direct liability and the dominium utile were in the hands of women

    Bernat Vidal, rellotger i 'enginyer' barceloní del segle XV

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    This work is and has been dedicated to a very honest man, born in Barcelona, but certainly unknown to the common world: he was either a man or an artisan or an engineer who worked hard in that town during the second half of the 15th century. His name was Bernat Vidal. As seen from this work, this personage enables us to go back to the Barcelona life of his time through the inventions he devised to improve the existing living conditions of the town. There were, amongst others, his ability to advance technically in making clocks and bells, patrol pumps, gunpowder, bombards and other war devices. He was also able to make devices to drain the Montjuic marshy region and build better water mills. Throughout this work, it may also be seen quite clearly his stubbornness and steadfastness to succeed in getting that such devices were fully applied for the intended uses and in overcoming the then existing lack of confidence of the town councils in their application
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