249 research outputs found

    Can invasive plant species "differentiate" colonized ecotopes?

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    The article presents the analysis and results of the application of traditional research methods for the distribution of model alien plant species in various habitats, as well as new visualization approaches to data used for these purpose

    The Trans-Siberian Flora at the border of continents (section Perm - Kungur)

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    The Trans-Siberian Railway connects Europe and Asia making the flora at this intersection of particular interes

    Quaternionic factorization of the Schroedinger operator and its applications to some first order systems of mathematical physics

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    We consider the following first order systems of mathematical physics. 1.The Dirac equation with scalar potential. 2.The Dirac equation with electric potential. 3.The Dirac equation with pseudoscalar potential. 4.The system describing non-linear force free magnetic fields or Beltrami fields with nonconstant proportionality factor. 5.The Maxwell equations for slowly changing media. 6.The static Maxwell system. We show that all this variety of first order systems reduces to a single quaternionic equation the analysis of which in its turn reduces to the solution of a Schroedinger equation with biquaternionic potential. In some important situations the biquaternionic potential can be diagonalized and converted into scalar potentials

    Recent results of studies of magnetic field distribution and neutron scaling on PF-1000 and PF-3 facilities

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    The recent results of studies of the magnetic field distribution and the neutron yield scaling in two largest plasma focus facilities, PF-3 and PF-1000 is done. The power-law dependence of the neutron yield on the current in the imploding plasma sheath has been demonstrated experimentally. For the first time the presence of the Вz magnetic field components is experimentally shown. In the compression stage, the axial component of the magnetic field reaches several kG that comprises ~10 % of the azimuthal component. The presence of the Bz field is a powerful argument in favor of the existence of closed magnetic configurations, which play an important role in the generating of neutrons.Представлены результаты последних исследований распределения магнитного поля и скейлинга нейтронного выхода на двух крупнейших плазмофокусных установках ПФ-3 и ПФ-1000. Экспериментально показана степенная зависимость нейтронного выхода от величины тока в сжимающейся плазменной оболочке. Впервые экспериментально показано наличие Вz-компоненты магнитного поля. В стадии сжатия величина аксиальной компоненты магнитного поля достигает нескольких килограмм-сил, что составляет ~ 10% от величины азимутальной компоненты. Наличие Bz-поля является весомым аргументом в пользу существования замкнутых магнитных конфигураций, играющих важную роль в механизме генерации нейтронов.Представлено результати останніх досліджень розподілу магнітного поля і скейлінга нейтронного вихoдy на двох найбільших плазмофокусних установках ПФ-3 та ПФ-1000. Експериментально показана ступенева залежність нейтронного виходу від величини струму в плазмовїй оболонці, що стикається. Вперше експериментально показано наявність Вz-компоненти магнітного поля. У стадії стиснення величина аксіальної компоненти магнітного поля досягає декількох кілограм-сил, що складає ~ 10 % від величини азимутальної компоненти. Наявність Вz-поля є вагомим аргументом на користь існування замкнутих магнітних конфігурацій, що мають неаби яку роль у механізмі генерації нейтронів

    Analysis of the structure incidence of acute purulent mediastinitis in Ekaterinburg for the 2011-2014 years

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    The article describes the structure ot the incidence of acute purulent mediastinitis, we investigated the causes of the disease, the analysis of outcomes.В статье отражены структура заболеваемости острым гнойным медиастинитом, исследованы причины заболевания, проведен анализ исходов

    Pathogenetic role of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) for the development of peritoneal tuberculosis in an experiment

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    Currently tuberculosis is considered as a group of diseases united by one etiological factor. The pathogenesis of certain localizations of tuberculous inflammation, in particular peritoneum tuberculosis, hasn’t been sufficiently studied. The role of cytokine mechanisms in the development of the disease and the elaboration of non-sterile immunity requires further experimental studies, in particular the creation of a reproducible model on laboratory animals.The aim: to study the effect of TNF-α on the development of tuberculosis of the serous coat of the abdominal cavity, as well as to evaluate the possibility of modeling tuberculous peritonitis in laboratory animals using infliximab.Materials and methods. The studies were conducted on 18 male rabbits, which were simulated peritoneal tuberculosis by intra-abdominal administration of a suspension of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 10 rabbits of the experimental group were intravenously injected with an infliximab solution and an iron (III) hydroxide sucrose complex intraperitoneally a day before infection.Results. In the control group of animals, tuberculosis either didn’t develop, or in a third of cases it affected only the pulmonary parenchyma, while proliferative processes prevailed. On the contrary, in animals with inactivated TNF-α, in 100 % of observations, tuberculous peritonitis was detected with associated lung damage and the predominance of alterative caseous processes.Conclusion. The created model of tuberculous peritonitis shows the leading role of TNF-α in the activation of macrophages, as well as in attracting cells to the site of infection. This is the primary signal necessary for the formation and stability of granulomas since the neutralization of this cytokine leads to a loss of control over the infection and the destruction of the granuloma with the development of destructive tuberculosis in the serous coat of the abdominal cavity

    Modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment of urethral strictures: literature review and own experience

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    This article presents a literature review of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment for urethral strictures. In addition, the own results of a pilot study on the use of synthetic tissue-engineering structures as a material for urethroplasty substitution are presented as well

    Final NOMAD results on nu_mu->nu_tau and nu_e->nu_tau oscillations including a new search for nu_tau appearance using hadronic tau decays

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    Results from the nu_tau appearance search in a neutrino beam using the full NOMAD data sample are reported. A new analysis unifies all the hadronic tau decays, significantly improving the overall sensitivity of the experiment to oscillations. The "blind analysis" of all topologies yields no evidence for an oscillation signal. In the two-family oscillation scenario, this sets a 90% C.L. allowed region in the sin^2(2theta)-Delta m^2 plane which includes sin^2(2theta)<3.3 x 10^{-4} at large Delta m^2 and Delta m^2 < 0.7 eV^2/c^4 at sin^2(2theta)=1. The corresponding contour in the nu_e->nu_tau oscillation hypothesis results in sin^2(2theta)<1.5 x 10^{-2} at large Delta m^2 and Delta m^2 < 5.9 eV^2/c^4 at sin^2(2theta)=1. We also derive limits on effective couplings of the tau lepton to nu_mu or nu_e.Comment: 46 pages, 16 figures, Latex, to appear on Nucl. Phys.