7,475 research outputs found

    Low-temperature specific heat of real crystals: Possibility of leading contribution of optical and short-wavelength acoustical vibrations

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    We point out that the repeatedly reported glass-like properties of crystalline materials are not necessarily associated with localized (or quasilocalized) excitations. In real crystals, optical and short-wavelength acoustical vibrations remain damped due to defects down to zero temperature. If such a damping is frequency-independent, e.g. due to planar defects or charged defects, these optical and short-wavelength acoustical vibrations yield a linear-in-TT contribution to the low-temperature specific heat of the crystal lattices. At low enough temperatures such a contribution will prevail over that of the long-wavelength acoustical vibrations (Debye contribution). The crossover between the linear and the Debye regime takes place at TNT^* \propto \sqrt N, where NN is the concentration of the defects responsible for the damping. Estimates show that this crossover could be observable.Comment: 5 pages. v4: Error in Appendix corrected, which does not change the main results of the pape

    Cognitive Impairments in Schizophrenia as Assessed Through Activation and Connectivity Measures of Magnetoencephalography (MEG) Data

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    The cognitive dysfunction present in patients with schizophrenia is thought to be driven in part by disorganized connections between higher-order cortical fields. Although studies utilizing electroencephalography (EEG), PET and fMRI have contributed significantly to our understanding of these mechanisms, magnetoencephalography (MEG) possesses great potential to answer long-standing questions linking brain interactions to cognitive operations in the disorder. Many experimental paradigms employed in EEG and fMRI are readily extendible to MEG and have expanded our understanding of the neurophysiological architecture present in schizophrenia. Source reconstruction techniques, such as adaptive spatial filtering, take advantage of the spatial localization abilities of MEG, allowing us to evaluate which specific structures contribute to atypical cognition in schizophrenia. Finally, both bivariate and multivariate functional connectivity metrics of MEG data are useful for understanding how these interactions in the brain are impaired in schizophrenia, and how cognitive and clinical outcomes are affected as a result. We also present here data from our own laboratory that illustrates how some of these novel functional connectivity measures, specifically imaginary coherence (IC), are quite powerful in relating disconnectivity in the brain to characteristic behavioral findings in the disorder

    Inverse Borrmann effect in photonic crystals

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    The Borrmann effect, which is related to the microscopic distribution of the electromagnetic field inside the primitive cell, is studied in photonic and magnetophotonic crystals. This effect, well-known in x-ray spectroscopy, is responsible for the enhancement or suppression of various linear and nonlinear optical effects when the incidence angle and/or the frequency change. It is shown that by design of the primitive cell this effect can be suppressed and even inverted

    Corrections to the Central Limit Theorem for Heavy-Tailed Probability Densities

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    Classical Edgeworth expansions provide asymptotic correction terms to the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) up to an order that depends on the number of moments available. In this paper, we provide subsequent correction terms beyond those given by a standard Edgeworth expansion in the general case of regularly varying distributions with diverging moments (beyond the second). The subsequent terms can be expressed in a simple closed form in terms of certain special functions (Dawson's integral and parabolic cylinder functions), and there are qualitative differences depending on whether the number of moments available is even, odd or not an integer, and whether the distributions are symmetric or not. If the increments have an even number of moments, then additional logarithmic corrections must also be incorporated in the expansion parameter. An interesting feature of our correction terms for the CLT is that they become dominant outside the central region and blend naturally with known large-deviation asymptotics when these are applied formally to the spatial scales of the CLT

    Modelisation of transition and noble metal vicinal surfaces: energetics, vibrations and stability

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    The energetics of transition and noble metal (Rh, Pd, Cu) vicinal surfaces, i.e., surface energy, step energy, kink energy and electronic interactions between steps, is studied at 0K from electronic structure calculations in the tight-binding approximation using a {\it s, p} and {\it d} valence orbital basis set. Then, the surface phonon spectra of copper are investigated in the harmonic approximation with the help of a semi-empirical inter-atomic potential. This allows to derive the contribution of phonons at finite temperatures to the step free energy and to the interactions between steps. The last part is devoted to the stability of vicinal surfaces relative to faceting with special attention to the domain of orientations (100)-(111). Semi-empirical potentials are shown to be not realistic enough to give a reliable answer to this problem. The results derived from electronic structure calculations predict a variety of behaviors and, in particular, a possible faceting into two other vicinal orientations. Finally, temperature effects are discussed. Comparisons are made with other theoretical works and available experiments

    A unified approach to computation of integrable structures

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    We expose (without proofs) a unified computational approach to integrable structures (including recursion, Hamiltonian, and symplectic operators) based on geometrical theory of partial differential equations. We adopt a coordinate based approach and aim to provide a tutorial to the computations.Comment: 19 pages, based on a talk on the SPT 2011 conference, http://www.sptspt.it/spt2011/ ; v2, v3: minor correction

    Crystallization of Hemoglobins II and III of the Symbiont-Harboring Clam Lucina pectinata

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    Diffraction data to 2.7 A resolution were measured on crystals of the homotetramers of components II and III of the cytoplacmic hemoglobin of the symbiont-harboring clam Lucina pectinata. Even though the crystallization conditions are different and the sequence homology of the two hemoglobins is only 63%, the crystals are isomorphous to each other and to the heterotetramer Hb II/III, implying that the residues primarily involved in the intermolecular interactions and responsible for crystal cohesion may be invariant