4 research outputs found

    Decrease Of Repeated Contamination Of Packed Deli-cious Meat Products

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    The study considers a problem of repeated contamination of delicious products, ready for consumption. The aim of the work is to study the repeated thermal processing of a ready vacuum-packed whole-muscular meat product for inhibiting a surface microbiota.Today it is urgent for the meat industry, because it influences safety and quality, and also limits a storage term of a product.After bringing a meat product to culinary readiness by thermal processing, it has an unessential amount of microbiota. Microorganisms, including pathogenic and conventionally pathogenic ones, fall on a product after its cooking at cutting, preparation to package and at the package stage itself. Microbiological contamination of a ready meat product results in fast spoilage and is a serious problem for producers, because the microbiota growth shortens its storage life. In its turn, it results in a refuse of a consumer to buy this product and great economic losses for producers.The study is directed on a possibility of solving a problem of contamination of a whole-muscular delicious meat product. The solution is in package of a ready product under vacuum and short-term heating at a high temperature.The work is devoted to the complex study of an influence of repeated pasteurization on safety and quality of a product. There was studied an influence of the repeated thermal processing (post-pasteurization) on microbiological, physical-chemical and also organoleptic parameters of a delicious meat product.The special attention is paid to an influence of post-pasteurization regimes on a microbiological condition of studied samples. Studies of a total amount of microbiota and also the presence of sanitary-representative microorganisms were conducted.It has been proven, that the use of post-pasteurization essentially inhibits a number of microorganisms, and also doesn't influence physical-chemical parameters outlook of a product and organoleptic characteristics.Based on studying an influence of post-pasteurization, it has been established, that inhibition of a microbiota essentially influences safety and prolongs the storage term of a product

    Investigation of the Role of Plasticizers in Film-forming Coats for Protecting Cooled Meat

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    As a result of theoretical studies on problems of protection and prolongation of storage terms of meat, it was revealed, that one of promising directions is to use protecting coats, based on natural biopolymers.The topicality of this study is in studying film-forming coats, based on natural polysaccharides, because they have high mechanical indices, absence of a smell, taste and are subjected to biological destruction. For regulating mechanical properties, the composition of film-creating coats is added with plasticizers of different origins.The aim of this work is in describing characteristics of food films, based on carrageenan, sodium alginate and plasticizers of different origins.There were mechanical, rheological properties of protecting coats. The comparative characteristic of these properties, depending on an added plasticizer, was realized. The type and mechanisms of interaction of components of the film-forming coat and plasticizers were completely described. The viscosity of the film-forming coat with a plasticizer has less values comparing with other solutions. Adding plasticizers resulted in increasing the film elasticity, but at the same time some increase of the firmness was observed.Film-forming coats with adding a plasticizer had a higher limit of fluidity, so they were firmer than complex film-forming coats without a plasticizer. From the other side, deformation values of film-forming coats without adding a plasticizer were higher than ones of complex film-forming coats with adding a plasticizer, because they were firmer.The study of physical properties of developed film-forming coats, based on hydrocolloids, demonstrated that coats with a plasticizer have more gas permeability.According to the results, obtained at experiments it was established, that the film-forming coat, based on sodium alginate, carrageenan and glycerin, has best mechanical, physical and rheological indices

    Establishing Temperature and TIME Factors for the Post-pasteurization of Gourmet Meat Products

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    Conditions of post-pasteurization of whole-muscle gourmet meat products have been developed. They make it possible to extend shelf life of the product without change of its organoleptic characteristics.Effect of short-term thermal treatment of the ready-to-eat gourmet meat product on microbiological, physicochemical, and organoleptic parameters was investigated.Based on modeling the processing temperature and time, rational post-pasteurization conditions have been developed that maximize the product shelf life while maintaining its high quality.Dependences of influence of post-pasteurization on microbiological characteristics were obtained and it was proved that the developed conditions effectively suppress the surface microbiota.Studies on determining rational conditions of post-pasteurization were performed in a temperature range of 75‒90 °C at a duration of 1‒4 minutes.Post-pasteurization at 90 °C for 1‒2 min. and at 75‒85 °C for 3 min. reduces the degree of bacterial contamination, however, the product shelf life does not increase. Treatment at 90 °C for 4 min. significantly reduces the amount of microorganisms, extends shelf life but a change of the product appearance was observed.It was found that the temperature of 90 °C and duration of 3 min. are the rational conditions of post-pasteurization. Study of bacteriological effects achieved by the use of post-pasteurization under these conditions was presented.Influence of post-pasteurization conditions on the key qualitative characteristics of the ready-to-eat product has been investigated. It was established that the above method of thermal treatment does not cause syneresis of free moisture which is important for vacuum packaging of meat products.Considering the fact that pH influences microbiota growth, hydrogen ion concentration studies were performed immediately after post-pasteurization and during storage.It was proved that the use of the developed post-pasteurization conditions makes it possible to extend shelf life of whole-muscle gourmet meat products in vacuum packaging by 10 day