13 research outputs found

    Post stroke depression: clinics, etiopathogenesis and therapeutics

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    Background Stroke is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Neuropsychiatric disorders are often associated with stroke and, among them, depression is the most prevalent. Post-stroke Depression (PSD) is related to disability, failure in returning to work, impairment in interpersonal functioning and mortality. Its etiopathogenesis is still uncertain, as well as its treatment. In Brazil, there are few data on the impact of PSD. Objective This work is dedicated to conduct a comprehensive review of the concept of PSD, its pathophysiology, morbidity and treatment. Methods PubMed, Medline and Lilacs searches of relevant terms yielded 3,265 papers in the last 10 years. We selected original studies and reviews that addressed the aspects mentioned above. Results We present the history of the notion of PSD and describe its epidemiology, looking to highlight Brazilian studies. Diagnostic criteria and clinical presentation were detailed, with emphasis on cognitive aspects. The four main pathophysiological theories proposed to PSD are presented and we discuss the various treatment strategies, involving psychopharmacologic options, brain stimulation techniques and psychotherapy. Discussion This work provides comprehensive information on PSD, of great utility for clinical practice and research in this topic

    Huntington’s disease presenting as mixed state episode

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    Post stroke depression: clinics, etiopathogenesis and therapeutics

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    Background Stroke is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Neuropsychiatric disorders are often associated with stroke and, among them, depression is the most prevalent. Post-stroke Depression (PSD) is related to disability, failure in returning to work, impairment in interpersonal functioning and mortality. Its etiopathogenesis is still uncertain, as well as its treatment. In Brazil, there are few data on the impact of PSD. Objective This work is dedicated to conduct a comprehensive review of the concept of PSD, its pathophysiology, morbidity and treatment. Methods PubMed, Medline and Lilacs searches of relevant terms yielded 3,265 papers in the last 10 years. We selected original studies and reviews that addressed the aspects mentioned above. Results We present the history of the notion of PSD and describe its epidemiology, looking to highlight Brazilian studies. Diagnostic criteria and clinical presentation were detailed, with emphasis on cognitive aspects. The four main pathophysiological theories proposed to PSD are presented and we discuss the various treatment strategies, involving psychopharmacologic options, brain stimulation techniques and psychotherapy. Discussion This work provides comprehensive information on PSD, of great utility for clinical practice and research in this topic

    Paracoccidioidomicose com comprometimento do sistema nervoso central: revisão sistemática da literatura

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    Este trabalho é o primeiro a realizar uma revisão sistemática dos casos de neuroparacoccidioidomicose disponíveis na literatura. Foram encontrados 257 casos em 81 trabalhos pesquisados pelo MEDLINE e LILACS, com maior número de publicações após as décadas de 1970-1980. Aproximadamente, 93% dos pacientes eram homens, principalmente lavradores, com idade média de 43 anos. O quadro caracterizou-se por sintomatologia motora ou de hipertensão intracraniana. A forma crônica pseudotumoral predominou. O período médio de evolução foi de 4,9 meses. As lesões foram principalmente supratentoriais (66,8%), localizando-se nos lobos frontais e parietais. A biópsia determinou o diagnóstico em 57,2% dos casos e utilizaram-se métodos de neuroimagem em 64,6% deles. Houve grande associação com a forma pulmonar da doença (59,1%). A mortalidade foi de 44,1% e 50,1% dos sobreviventes evoluíram com sequelas, principalmente motoras. Assim, deve-se considerar a neuroparacoccidioidomicose no diagnóstico diferencial dos processos expansivos e meningoencefalíticos do sistema nervoso central para se estabelecer tratamento precoce e evitar seqüelas incapacitantes

    Characterization of neurological soft signs in a Brazilian sample of stable patients with schizophrenia

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    Abstract Introduction: Neurological soft signs (NSS) have been considered one of the target features and a potential endophenotype for schizophrenia. The present study aimed to characterize NSS in a sample of patients with chronic schizophrenia and to compare them with healthy control individuals. Methods: In this study, we evaluated the presence of NSS in a sample of stable patients (n = 24) diagnosed with schizophrenia according to DSM-IV criteria, recruited at the Schizophrenia Outpatient Clinic of Instituto Raul Soares, Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Assessment was made with the Brief Motor Scale (BMS), and extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) were evaluated with the Simpson-Angus Scale (SAS) and the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS). A control group (n = 21) was also submitted to the same battery of tests. Results: We observed a significant difference in relation to BMS and SAS scores (p < 0.0001), revealing that individuals with schizophrenia present more NSS and EPS than healthy ones. BMS total scores correlated positively with SAS scores (r = 0.495, p = 0.014), but not with AIMS scores, indicating that NSS could be influenced by the intensity of EPS. Nevertheless, we observed that this relationship remained only for motor coordination tasks (r = 0.550, p = 0.005), while motor sequencing tasks were not influenced by EPS (r = 0.313, p = 0.136). Conclusion: The results suggest that NSS are more frequent in patients with schizophrenia and that motor sequencing tasks could be more specific to the syndrome

    Síndromes neuropsiquiátricas associadas a acidentes vasculares encefálicos: revisão de literatura

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    Objetivo Revisar as principais síndromes neuropsiquiátricas associadas ao acidente vascular encefálico (AVE), suas características clínicas, impacto sobre a recuperação dos pacientes, tratamento, suas possíveis relações com a fisiopatologia dos AVE e, quando possível, contextualizá-las à realidade brasileira. Métodos Foram realizadas buscas nas bases de dados PubMed/MedLine e SciELO/Lilacs com os termos “stroke” e “cerebrovascular disease” em combinações com “neuropsychiatry”, “neuropsychiatric disorders”, “psychiatry”, “psychiatric disorders”, “depression”, “anxiety” e “dementia”, com ênfase nos últimos dez anos. Resultados Foram revisadas as síndromes neuropsiquiátricas pós-AVE, incluindo depressão, ansiedade, transtorno da expressão emocional involuntária, labilidade emocional, irritabilidade, raiva, reação catastrófica, apatia, demência, mania e psicose, de acordo com os objetivos propostos. Conclusão É notória a escassez de informações sobre o manejo terapêutico das complicações neuropsiquiátricas secundárias aos AVE, especialmente diante do impacto em saúde pública representado pelas doenças cerebrovasculares. Com a evolução da abordagem precoce a esses pacientes e o consequente aumento de sua sobrevida, o aprofundamento do conhecimento sobre o desenvolvimento e o tratamento dos transtornos neuropsiquiátricos parece ter maior potencial para melhorar o desfecho e a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos que sofreram AVE

    Paracoccidioidomycosis case series with and without central nervous system involvement

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    INTRODUCTION: Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is the most important systemic mycosis in South America. Central nervous system involvement is potentially fatal and can occur in 12.5% of cases. This paper aims to contribute to the literature describing eight cases of neuroparacoccidioidomycosis (NPMC) and compare their characteristics with patients without neurological involvement, to identify unique characteristics of NPCM. METHODS: A cohort of 213 PCM cases was evaluated at the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the University Hospital, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, from October 1976 to August 2008. Epidemiological, clinical, laboratory, therapeutic and follow-up data were registered. RESULTS: Eight patients presented NPCM. The observed NPCM prevalence was 3.8%. One patient presented the subacute form of PCM and the other seven presented the chronic form of the disease. The parenchymatous form of NPCM occurred in all patients. 60% of the patients who proceeded from the north/ northeast region of Minas Gerais State developed NPCM. The neurological involvement of a mother and her son was observed. NPCM patients exhibited demographical and clinical profiles similar to what is described in the literature. When NPCM cases were compared to PCM patients, there were differences in relation to origin and positive PCM family history. CONCLUSIONS: The results corroborate the clinical view that the neurological findings are extremely important in the evaluation of PCM patients. Despite the limitations of this study, the differences in relation to patient's origins and family history point to the need of further studies to determine the susceptibility factors involved in the neurological compromise