17 research outputs found

    Carving out new business models in a small company through contextual ambidexterity: the case of a sustainable company

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    Business model innovation (BMI) and organizational ambidexterity have been pointed out as mechanisms for companies achieving sustainability. However, especially considering small and medium enterprises (SMEs), there is a lack of studies demonstrating how to combine these mechanisms. Tackling such a gap, this study seeks to understand how SMEs can ambidextrously manage BMI. Our aim is to provide a practical artifact, accessible to SMEs, to operationalize BMI through organizational ambidexterity. To this end, we conducted our study under the design science research to, first, build an artifact for operationalizing contextual ambidexterity for business model innovation. Then, we used an in-depth case study with a vegan fashion small e-commerce to evaluate the practical outcomes of the artifact. Our findings show that the company improves its business model while, at the same time, designs a new business model and monetizes it. Thus, our approach was able to take the first steps in the direction of operationalizing contextual ambidexterity for business model innovation in small and medium enterprises, democratizing the concept. We contribute to theory by connecting different literature strands and to practice by creating an artifact to assist managemen

    Analysis of long-term impact of maintenance policy on maintenance capacity using a time-driven activity-based life-cycle costing

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    In capital-intensive industries, physical assets and maintenance activities play a relevant and strategic role in terms of providing operational continuity and business sustainability. As a result, maintenance support structures are highly complex and sophisticated. Therefore, maintenance capacity planning must be addressed using reliable techniques to assure the adequate service levels and availabilities of critical assets at the minimum opportunity cost. There has been relatively limited research on how to determine and optimize the maintenance support structure (human resources) in such organizations. This paper proposes a novel technique for dimensioning and optimizing maintenance capacity that combines Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing and Life-Cycle Costing with the Weibull function-based reliability model. Following the main principles of the Design Science Research we propose a sophisticated but simple artifact. Through this model, it is possible to compute maintenance costs and assess both used and idle capacities, considering the behavior over time of the failure rates and the reliability of critical assets within a plant. To demonstrate how the proposed methodology addresses the problem, the model was applied in a real medium-sized Chilean comminution plant and a sensitivity analysis was performed, particularly, to evaluate the relevance of appropriate maintenance workforce planning.- (undefined

    Proposal for a method for business model performance assessment : toward an experimentation tool for business model innovation

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    The representation of business models has been recently widespread, especially in the pursuit of innovation. However, defining a company’s business model is sometimes limited to discussion and debates. This study observes the need for performance measurement so that business models can be data-driven. To meet this goal, the work proposed as a hypothesis the creation of a method that combines the practices of the Balanced Scorecard with a method of business models representation – the Business Model Canvas. Such a combination was based on study of conceptual adaptation, resulting in an application roadmap. A case study application was performed to check the functionality of the proposition, focusing on startup organizations. It was concluded that based on the performance assessment of the business model it is possible to propose the search for change through experimentation, a path that can lead to business model innovation121617

    Proposal for a Method for Business Model Performance Assessment: Toward an Experimentation Tool for Business Model Innovation

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    The representation of business models has been recently widespread, especially in the pursuit of innovation. However, defining a company’s business model is sometimes limited to discussion and debates. This study observes the need for performance measurement so that business models can be data-driven. To meet this goal, the work proposed as a hypothesis the creation of a method that combines the practices of the Balanced Scorecard with a method of business models representation – the Business Model Canvas. Such a combination was based on study of conceptual adaptation, resulting in an application roadmap. A case study application was performed to check the functionality of the proposition, focusing on startup organizations. It was concluded that based on the performance assessment of the business model it is possible to propose the search for change through experimentation, a path that can lead to business model innovation

    Business model innovation influencing factors : an integrative literature review

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    Proposal to integrate the Business Model Innovation (BMI) influencing factors in a single framework. Twelve BMI influencing factors found through an integrative literature review. Factors grouped through an affinity diagram to design the framework architecture, containing four categories. The study highlights the importance for companies to consider the interrelationship between the influence factors to be successful in their BMI initiatives. This paper aims to provide an integrated framework that comprises influence factors for business model innovation, and describe them by exploring the linkages between different factors. An integrative literature review was conducted using PRISMA work flow to manage this kind of methodology. This work finds 12 main potential influence factors for business model innovation. All factors have been grouped into four different categories, using the affinity diagram approach. Business model innovation is a recent research topic, and not all its influence factors are agreed upon. Despite the importance of grouping, those already described in a single framework, there may be other relevant factors not mapped. Despite the existence of bibliographic material on specific influencing factors, there is, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, no study that integrates all the explored factors. This work contributes to literature by integrating the diverse factors into a single framework. It contributes to practice, enticing managers to reflect on their own environment, and on the possible paths to follow for succeeding with its business model innovations efforts15461061

    Towards systematic sustainable business model innovation: what can we learn from business model innovation

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    This research aims to understand how sustainable business model innovation (SBMI) can learn from business model innovation. For this, first, we conducted a bibliometric analysis to evaluate the relationships between business model innovation and SBMI literature. After this, we performed a systematic literature review to create a comprehensive framework for managing SBMI. The bibliometric analysis showed that the SBMI stream grew quickly and significantly in recent years, evolving into a separated new research stream, which does not leverage recent business model innovation advancements. Through the performed analyses, we were able to discuss critical gaps in the SBMI literature and shed light on possible pathways to solve these gaps through lessons learned from business model innovation. We depicted five critical gaps for managing SBMI; (1) the need to understand the sustainable business model as a wicked problem, in which SBMI leads to “better than before” solutions calling for systematic SBMI, (2) the poor definition of distinctive dimensions of dynamic capabilities for SBMI, (3) the lack of studies exploring the role of open innovation for improving the SBMI process, (4) the lack of tools supporting SBMI implementation and (5) the need to explore game-changing, competitive advantages of SBMI. The findings of this study contribute to guiding future research on SBMI, which can be a basis for further efforts towards sustainable development

    Sincronização do conhecimento no desenvolvimento de produto e modelo de negócio: o caso da impressora 3D / Product and business model development knowledge synchronization: the 3D printer case

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    O desenvolvimento de produtos, por vezes, é cercado de incertezas. Especialmente por seu sucesso estar atrelado não apenas a desafios técnicos, porém, também mercadológicos. Com a evolução da ciência de desenvolvimento de produtos e da competitividade empresarial, hodiernamente enxerga-se o mercado além das fronteiras da parte final de uma cadeia de suprimentos, não apenas como simples receptor de resultados. Isto é, o desenvolvimento de produtos passa pelo entendimento e compreensão das necessidades dos consumidores. Em investigação bibliográfica é possível verificar vasto arcabouço literário referente ao desenvolvimento de produtos, bem como de sua relação intrínseca com o mercado. Todavia, não é notória a presença de estudos que demonstram como ocorre a gestão do conhecimento, no intercâmbio de informações entre a criação do novo produto e o aprendizado sobre as necessidades do mercado. Desta forma, o presente trabalho procurou realizar simultaneamente o desenvolvimento de uma impressora 3D como produto, alinhado com informações do mercado e amparado por modelos de gestão do conhecimento. Como resultado observou-se informações mercadológicas influenciando nas decisões relacionadas ao desenvolvimento da impressora, e desafios técnicos alterando o desenvolvimento do modelo de negócio do produto, num contexto de gestão do conhecimento

    Towards Systematic Sustainable Business Model Innovation: What Can We Learn from Business Model Innovation

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    This research aims to understand how sustainable business model innovation (SBMI) can learn from business model innovation. For this, first, we conducted a bibliometric analysis to evaluate the relationships between business model innovation and SBMI literature. After this, we performed a systematic literature review to create a comprehensive framework for managing SBMI. The bibliometric analysis showed that the SBMI stream grew quickly and significantly in recent years, evolving into a separated new research stream, which does not leverage recent business model innovation advancements. Through the performed analyses, we were able to discuss critical gaps in the SBMI literature and shed light on possible pathways to solve these gaps through lessons learned from business model innovation. We depicted five critical gaps for managing SBMI; (1) the need to understand the sustainable business model as a wicked problem, in which SBMI leads to “better than before” solutions calling for systematic SBMI, (2) the poor definition of distinctive dimensions of dynamic capabilities for SBMI, (3) the lack of studies exploring the role of open innovation for improving the SBMI process, (4) the lack of tools supporting SBMI implementation and (5) the need to explore game-changing, competitive advantages of SBMI. The findings of this study contribute to guiding future research on SBMI, which can be a basis for further efforts towards sustainable development

    Study and adaptation of a business model's performance evaluation method in a startup firm

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    Orientador: Antonio BatocchioDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecânicaResumo: Organizações startup, por vezes, apresentarão a necessidade do estudo de modelos de negócios. Isso se deve, em suma, para que seja possível definir apropriadamente a maneira pela qual essas empresas propõem, distribuem e capturam valor. Todavia, ainda que desenvolvido um modelo de negócio, não é claro na literatura um método para que organizações startup possam gerenciar o desempenho desses arquétipos. A dissertação terá como intuito adaptar em organizações startup um método de avaliação de desempenho de modelos de negócios. Para tal o trabalho se valerá das práticas do Balanced Scorecard, combinadas a um método de representação de modelos de negócios, o Business Model Canvas. Sob o ponto de vista de metodologia científica será realizada uma pesquisa de natureza aplicada, de objetivo exploratório e de abordagem qualitativa. Compreendendo como procedimentos técnicos pesquisa bibliográfica e estudo de caso. A adaptação do método proposto, e a consequente análise de dados, pode fornecer a gestores de organizações startup uma ferramenta que permita a aferição constante do desempenho de modelos de negóciosAbstract: Startups firms will demand the necessity of business models studies, ocasionaly. This is due, in a nutshell, to make possible to define properly the way in which these firms will offer, distribute and capture value. However, after the construction of a business model, it is not clear in the literature a method for assist startup firms on managing the performance of their business model. This work will aim to adapt, for Startups firms, a method of performance management of business models. For this purpose, this dissertation will make use of the Balanced Scorecard practices, combined with a method for represent business model logic, the Business Model Canvas. About the scientific methodology, this research is going to be of applied nature, exploratory objectives and qualitative approach. As technical procedures this work is going to use bibliographical research and case studies. The adaptation of the proposed method, and the resulting data analysis, may provide to managers of startup firms, a tool that provides the constant measurement of business model performanceMestradoMateriais e Processos de FabricaçãoMestre em Engenharia Mecânic