26 research outputs found

    Lymphocyte activation after a high-intensity street dance class

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    Intense dance training leads to inflammation, which may impair the health and performance of the practitioners. Herein, we evaluate the effect of a single street dancing class on the profile of muscle enzymes, lymphocyte activation, and cell surface CD62L expression. We also investigated the correlation between muscle enzymes, adhesion molecules, and lymphocyte activation in dancers. Fifteen male participants (mean ± standard error: age 22.4 ± 1.08 years, body mass index 24.8 ± 0.69 kg/m2, body fat 12.3 ± 1.52%), who were amateur dancers, had blood samples collected previously and subsequent to a high-intensity street dance class. After the class, dancers showed an increase in total lymphocyte count (2.0-fold), creatine kinase (CK)-NAC (4.87%), and CK-MB (3.36%). We also observed a decrease (2.5-fold) in reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by lymphocytes, under phorbol myristate acetate-stimulated environments. Following the dance class, CD62L expression in lymphocytes decreased (51.42%), while there was a negative correlation between the intensity of the exercise and CD62L expression (r = -0.73; p = 0.01). Lymphocytes were less responsive to stimuli after a single bout of street dancing, indicating transient immunosuppression

    Apoptosis signaling pathway study in the neutrophils of marathon runners supplemented or not supplemented with fish oil.

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    O exercício físico intenso está associado à mudanças na quantidade, na função e na morte de neutrófilos. Tem sido proposto que a suplementação com óleo de peixe minimiza os efeitos imunossupressivos do exercício físico e que a fosfatidilcolina também poderia exercer importantes efeitos sobre a função de leucócitos. O objetivo do estudo foi o de investigar os efeitos da meia maratona e da suplementação com lecitina de soja ou óleos de peixe ricos em EPA ou DHA na apoptose de neutrófilos de atletas amadores. Quarenta e seis atletas amadores, foram avaliados antes e após duas competições de meia maratona. Na primeira meia maratona, os atletas não foram suplementados. As coletas de sangue dos atletas foram realizadas nas seguintes condições: Em repouso e imediatamente após a competição. No primeiro dia, após a primeira meia maratona, iniciou-se a suplementação. Os indivíduos foram suplementados diariamente com 3g de óleo de peixe ou lecitina de soja, por 60 dias, e divididos em 3 grupos: 1) Lecitina, 2) DHA e 3) EPA. Os atletas foram reavaliados 8 semanas após o início da suplementação. Já na segunda meia maratona, com todos os atletas suplementados, as coletas de sangue foram realizadas nas mesmas condições da primeira corrida. Neste estudo avaliamos os receptores da apoptose de neutrófilos (Fas e TRAIL), as moléculas de adesão (L-selectina e ICAM-1), a fragmentação de DNA e a externalização de fosfatidilserina. Além disso, foi avaliada a concentração plasmática das citocinas TNF-alfa, IL-8, IL-6, IL-4, IL-10 e IL-1beta. As enzimas creatina quinase e lactato desidrogenase, a concentração de mioglobina, proteína C reativa e o número de leucócitos e neutrófilos também foi determinada. A meia maratona aumentou a atividade das enzimas CK e LDH e a concentração de mioglobina em todos os grupos estudados, sendo que a suplementação não apresentou nenhum efeito sobre estes parâmetros. Já o número de neutrófilos e leucócitos, aumentaram após a meia maratona em todos os grupos, e a suplementação provocou este aumento somente nos grupos EPA e Lecitina. Em neutrófilos de atletas, a meia maratona diminuiu a expressão dos receptores Fas e TRAIL e das móleculas de adesão ICAM-1 e L-selectina em todos os grupos, por outro lado, aumentou a fragmentação de DNA (somente no grupo DHA) e a externalização de FS (DHA, EPA e Lectina). A meia maratona também elevou a concentração das citocinas IL-8, IL-6 e IL-10 em todos os grupos. Já a suplementação (DHA, EPA ou lecitina de soja) diminuiu a fragmentação de DNA e a expressão do receptor Fas em neutrófilos. Além disso, aumentou a expressão de TRAIL, ICAM-1, L-selectina e a externalização de fosfatidilserina. Em relação a concentração plasmática de citocinas a suplementação reduziu a concentração de TNF-alfa e aumentou a de IL-10 em todos os grupos. Enquanto que, a concentração de IL-4 aumentou somente nos grupos DHA e EPA. Concluímos que a suplementação com lecitina de soja apresenta efeitos semelhantes aos dos óleos de peixe ricos em EPA ou DHA sobre a função de leucócitos em atletas amadores.Intense physical exercise is associated with changes in the number, function and death of neutrophils. It has been proposed that supplementation with fish oil rich minimizes the immunosuppressive effects induced by intense physical exercise and phosphatidylcholine could also have significant effects on leukocytes function. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a half-marathon and fish oil suplemmentation rich in EPA or DHA or soy lecithin suplemmentation on neutrophils apoptosis of amateur athletes. Forty-six recreational athletes were evaluated before and after two half marathons. In the first competition the athletes did not receive supplementation. Blood samples were collected in the following conditions: In rest and immediately after competition. On the first day, after the first half-marathon, supplementation began. The subjects were supplemented with 3 g of fish oil or soy lecithin daily for 60 days and divided into 3 groups: 1) Lecithin 2) DHA 3) EPA. The athletes were assessed 8 weeks after the start of supplementation. In the second half-marathon, with all the supplemented athletes, blood samples were collected under the same conditions of the first competition. In this study were evaluated the receptors of neutrophils apoptosis (Fas and TRAIL), adhesion molecules (L-selectin and ICAM-1), DNA fragmentation and phosphatidylserine externalization. Moreover, the plasma concentration of TNF-alpha, IL-8, IL-6, IL-4, IL-10 and IL-1beta cytokines was evaluated. The enzymatic activity of creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase, plasma concentration of myoglobin, and C-reactive protein and blood counts was also determined. The half-marathon increased the enzymatic activity of CK and LDH and the myoglobin concentration in all groups studied, and the supplementation had no effect on these parameters. The number of neutrophils and leucocytes increased in all groups after half marathon, and the supplementation caused this increase only in the EPA and Lecithin groups. In athletes neutrophils, the half-marathon decreased the expression of Fas and TRAIL receptors and of ICAM-1 and L-selectin adhesion molecules. On the other hand, it increased DNA fragmentation (only in the DHA group) and phosphatidylserine externalization (DHA, EPA and Lecithin groups). The half-marathon also increased concentrations of IL-8, IL-6 and IL-10 cytokines in all groups. The Supplementation (DHA or EPA or soy lecithin) decreased DNA fragmentation and Fas receptor expression in neutrophils. Moreover, increased expression of TRAIL, ICAM-1, L-selectin and phosphatidylserine externalization. In relation to cytokines plasma concentration the supplementation decreased TNF-alfa and increased the concentration of IL-10 in all groups. Whereas, IL-4 concentration increased only DHA and EPA groups. In conclusion, supplementation with soy lecithin has similar effects to the fish oils rich in EPA or DHA on leukocyte function amateur athletes

    Benefits of Regular Exercise on Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Risk Markers in Normal Weight, Overweight and Obese Adults.

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    Obesity is a worldwide epidemic that increases the risk of several well-known co-morbidities. There is a complicated relationship between adipokines and low-grade inflammation in obesity and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Physical activity practices have beneficial health effects on obesity and related disorders such as hypertension and dyslipidemia. We investigated the effects of 6 and 12 months of moderate physical training on the levels of adipokines and CVD markers in normal weight, overweight and obese volunteers. The 143 participants were followed up at baseline and after six and twelfth months of moderate regular exercise, 2 times a week, for 12 months. The volunteers were distributed into 3 groups: Normal Weight Group (NWG,), Overweight Group (OVG) and Obese Group (OBG). We evaluated blood pressure, resting heart rate, anthropometric parameters, body composition, fitness capacity (VO2max and isometric back strength), cardiovascular markers (CRP, total cholesterol, LDL-c, HDL-c, homocysteine) and adipokine levels (leptin, adiponectin, resistin, IL-6 and TNF-alpha). There were no significant changes in anthropometric parameters and body composition in any of the groups following 6 and 12 months of exercise training. Leptin, IL-6 levels and systolic blood pressure were significantly elevated in OBG before the training. Regular exercise decreased HDL-c, leptin, adiponectin and resistin levels and diastolic blood pressure in OVG. In OBG, exercise diminished HDL-c, homocysteine, leptin, resistin, IL-6, adiponectin. Moderate exercise had no effect on the body composition; however, exercise did promote beneficial effects on the low-grade inflammatory state and CVD clinical markers in overweight and obese individuals

    Chronic Inflammation and Neutrophil Activation as Possible Causes of Joint Diseases in Ballet Dancers

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    Herein, we investigated the effects of a ballet class on the kinetic profiles of creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities, cytokines, complement component 3 (C3), and the concentrations of immunoglobulin (Ig), IgA and IgM, in ballerinas. We also verified neutrophil death and ROS release. Blood samples were taken from 13 dancers before, immediately after, and 18 hours after a ballet class. The ballet class increased the plasma activities of CK-total (2.0-fold) immediately after class, while the activities of CK-cardiac muscle (1.0-fold) and LDH (3.0-fold) were observed to increase 18 hours after the class. Levels of the TNF-α, IL-1β, IgG, and IgA were not affected under the study conditions. The exercise was found to induce neutrophil apoptosis (6.0-fold) 18 hours after the ballet class. Additionally, immediately after the ballet class, the neutrophils from the ballerinas were found to be less responsive to PMA stimulus. Conclusion. Ballet class was found to result in inflammation in dancers. The inflammation caused by the ballet class remained for 18 hours after the exercise. These findings are important in preventing the development of chronic lesions that are commonly observed in dancers, such as those with arthritis and synovitis

    Effect of exercise on anthropometric parameters of normal weight (NWG), overweight (OVG) and obese (OBG) groups.

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    <p>The values presented are the mean ± standard error of mean for 32 normal weight, 59 overweight and 52 obese.</p><p><sup>a</sup> comparison to NWG</p><p><sup>b</sup> comparison to OVG.</p><p>Effect of exercise on anthropometric parameters of normal weight (NWG), overweight (OVG) and obese (OBG) groups.</p

    Effect of exercise on fitness capacity in normal weight (NWG), overweight (OVG) and obese (OBG) groups.

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    <p>Aerobic capacity and isometric back strength were evaluated before (T0), after 6 months (T6) and 12 months (T12) of the exercise training program. The values presented are the mean ± standard error of mean. <sup>c</sup> comparison to before training.</p

    Effect of exercise on adipokines in normal weight (NWG), overweight (OVG) and obese (OBG) groups.

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    <p>Plasma and serum was separated immediately after blood collection before (T0), after 6 months (T6) and 12 months (T12) of the exercise training program. The plasma or serum concentrations of leptin, adiponectin, IL-6 and resistin were determined using an Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. The values presented are the mean ± standard error of mean. <sup>a</sup> comparison to normal weight group; <sup>b</sup> comparison to overweight group; <sup>c</sup> comparison to before program training (T0); <sup>d</sup> comparison to after 6 months of program training.</p

    General characteristic of the participants prior to training.

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    <p>The values presented are the mean ± standard error of mean for 32 normal weight (NWG), 59 overweight (OVG) and 52 obese (OBG) individuals.</p><p><sup>a</sup> comparison to NWG</p><p><sup>b</sup> comparison to OVG.</p><p>General characteristic of the participants prior to training.</p