972 research outputs found
On Augmented Stochastic Submodular Optimization: Adaptivity, Multi-Rounds, Budgeted, and Robustness
In this work we consider the problem of Stochastic Submodular Maximization, in which we would like to maximize the value of a monotone and submodular objective function, subject to the fact that the values of this function depend on the realization of stochastic events. This problem has applications in several areas, and in particular it well models basic problems such as influence maximization and stochastic probing. In this work, we advocate the necessity to extend the study of this problem in order to include several different features such as a budget constraint on the number of observations, the chance of adaptively choosing what we observe or the presence of multiple rounds. We here speculate on the possible directions that this line of research can take. In particular, we will discuss about interesting open problems mainly in the settings of robust optimization and online learning
Pengaruh Penggunaan Antibiotik Eritromisin Dengan Terapi Calcium-channel Blocker Terhadap Gagal Ginjal Akut
Calsium-Channel Blocker (CCB) seperti amlodipin, felodipin, nifedipin, diltiazem, dan verapamil dimetabolisme oleh enzim CYP3A4. Kadar CCB dalam darah dapat meningkat ke level yang berbahaya jika enzim tersebut dihambat. Eritromisin (antibiotik makrolida) merupakan inhibitor CYP3A4, penggunaan bersamaan CCB dan makrolida diasosiasikan dengan peningkatan risiko rawat inap akibat gagal ginjal akut. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh yang ditimbulkan oleh penggunaan CCB dan eritromisin terhadap fungsi ginjal pada pasien rawat inap poliklinik penyakit dalam RS Dr. Moewardi. Penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan pendekatan pengambilan data secara retrospektif. Data diperoleh dari hasil observasi catatan rekam medik pasien selama menjalani perawatan di rumah sakit (rawat inap). Hasil dari 4 pasien diketahui masing-masing pasien mengalami peningkatan kadar kreatinin dan ureum dengan rata-rata kenaikan kreatinin 34,8% dan ureum 36,6%. Hal ini kemungkinan disebabkan adanya interaksi makrolida dan CCB yang mengakibatkan kenaikan kadar CCB dalam darah sehingga menyebabkan hipotensi. Keadaan hipotensi dapat menyebabkan hipoperfusi ginjal yang berpotensi terjadinya gagal ginjal akut, dimana ditandai dengan meningkatnya kadar ureum dan kreatinin
Role of disorder in the size-scaling of material strength
We study the sample size dependence of the strength of disordered materials
with a flaw, by numerical simulations of lattice models for fracture. We find a
crossover between a regime controlled by the fluctuations due to disorder and
another controlled by stress-concentrations, ruled by continuum fracture
mechanics. The results are formulated in terms of a scaling law involving a
statistical fracture process zone. Its existence and scaling properties are
only revealed by sampling over many configurations of the disorder. The scaling
law is in good agreement with experimental results obtained from notched paper
samples.Comment: 4 pages 5 figure
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Nilai Pelayanan Administrasi Akademik Terhadap Kepuasan Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Mulawarman
The purpose of this study was conducted to determine and analyze the Influence of Service Quality And Value Satisfaction Services Academic Administration Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mulawarman. This study uses Partial Least Square (PLS) which can be used on any kind of scale of data (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio) and assuming a more flexible terms. PLS is one of the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) capable of analyzing latent variables, indicator variables and measurement error directly, the samples are 98 students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mulawarman. he results showed the influence of service quality on student satisfaction through value generated path coefficient value of 0.244 and t p value of 2.155 and 0.032. While the influence of the value of service to satisfaction of students through path coefficient value of 0.442 and t p value of 3.726 and 0.000. And impact of service quality and value of service to satisfaction of students simultaneously generated value Fh of 6126 with R square of 0338, so it can be concluded that the quality of service and the value of service has a significant influence on student satisfaction either partially or simultaneously
Sensitive and quantitative method to evaluate DNA methylation of the positive regulatory domains (PRDI, PRDII) and cAMP response element (CRE) in human endothelial nitric oxide synthase promote
Nitric oxide plays a prominent role in the cardiovascular system and much attention has been devoted in the last years on deciphering the regulation of human endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression. Epigenetic-based mechanisms have a key role in the eNOS expression and their pathologic perturbations may have profound effects on the steady state RNA levels in the endothelium. The human eNOS promoter lacks a canonical TATA box and it does not contain a proximal CpG island. A differentially DNA methylated region (DMR) in the native eNOS proximal promoter is involved in gene expression regulation. Here we describe a quantitative, sensitive and cost-effective method that, relying on a novel normalization strategy, allows the quantification of DNA methylation status of the positive regulatory domains (PRDI, PRDII) and cAMP response element (CRE) in human eNOS promoter. This technique will enable to explore the functional relevance of DNA methylation perturbations of eNOS promoter both under pathological and physiological conditions
La formazione dellâinsegnante attraverso la ricerca. Un modello interpretativo a partire dalla didattica dellâimplicito
Didactics of the implicit is a research frontier opened ten years ago to explore the knowledge of teaching practice from which to build a theory of teaching practice useful also for the design of avant-garde training models. The model of collaborative research-training, based on the analysis of educational practices and descending from the paradigm of didactics of the implicit, allows to re-theorise teaching by enhancing the knowledge of practitioners and to question the current models of training, today built âin alternationâ between theory and practice, with a clear predominance of theory over practice. Teacher training through research makes it possible to overcome the historical hierarchical distinction between researchers in didactics and teachers in schools. It is a frontier of University-School work in which the teacher takes on the role of an active research partner. The paper presents a paradigmatic example of an approach to teacher professional development: the DidaSco Project, active since 2010 at the University of Bari Aldo Moro.La didattica dellâimplicito è una frontiera della ricerca aperta dieci anni fa per esplorare i saperi della pratica insegnante a partire dai quali costruire una teoria della pratica insegnante utile anche per il disegno di modellistiche formative di avanguardia. Il modello della ricerca-formazione collaborativa, basato sullâanalisi delle pratiche educative e discendente dal paradigma della didattica dellâimplicito, consente di ri-teorizzare lâinsegnamento valorizzando il sapere dei pratici e di mettere in discussione i modelli attuali di formazione, oggi costruiti âin alternanzaâ fra teoria e pratica, con una predominanza netta della teoria sulla pratica. La formazione insegnante attraverso la ricerca consente di superare la storica distinzione gerarchica fra ricercatori di Didattica e insegnanti delle Scuole. Si tratta di una frontiera di lavoro UniversitĂ -Scuola in cui l'insegnante assumere il ruolo di partner attivo della ricerca. Il contributo presenta un esempio paradigmatico di approccio per lo sviluppo professionale dell'insegnante: il DidaSco Project, attivo dal 2010 presso l'UniversitĂ degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
Videovalutare lâagire competente dello studente.
Video analysis is a field of study with a long well-established tradition. As a multi-methodological practice and an area of interdisciplinary study, it responds to several cognitive problems posed by the complexity of educational phenomena to be investigated and offers tools and technologies that have a very high potential to describe, reproduce and understand phenomena. The video analysis of an authentic task constitutes a âsupportâ device to carry out the assessment of the student's competent action: a prototype able to detect the focus on actions that structure the competence to be assessed, in order to identify its dimensions, indicators and levels. A research-training itinerary is described, which involved 30 teachers from 11 schools in the region of Apulia. The outcome of the project is the description of the video assessment prototype, which supports the teachers in the construction of the assessment rubric and the final judgement. The reflective activity stimulated in the teachers, through the use of the proposed device, had the aim of accompanying them to critically reconsider their actions, encouraging the development and consolidation of their professionalism. The research has therefore made it possible to promote in teachers â through the systematic use of a video-evaluation device â a habitus of reflection on their own âdoing schoolâ and, more specifically, on their assessment strategies, on the way in which they manage the mediation between learners, disciplinary contents, methodologies, strategies and devices adopted.La videoanalisi è un oggetto di studio che vanta una consolidata tradizione. Pratica multimetodologica e area di studio interdisciplinare, essa risponde a numerosi problemi conoscitivi posti dalla complessitĂ dei fenomeni didattici da indagare e propone strumenti e tecnologie che hanno un potenziale di descrizione, riproduzione e comprensione dei fenomeni molto alto. Lâanalisi video di un compito autentico costituisce un dispositivo di âsupportoâ per realizzare la valutazione dellâagire competente dello studente: un prototipo in grado di sup-portare la focalizzazione delle azioni che strutturano la competenza da valutare, per identificarne dimensioni, indicatori e livelli. Si descrive un percorso di ricerca-formazione che ha coinvolto 30 insegnanti di 11 Istituti scolastici della regione Puglia. Esito del progetto la descrizione del prototipo di videovalutazione che supporta gli insegnanti nella costruzione della rubrica valutativa e lâespressione del giudizio finale per livelli. LâattivitĂ riflessiva sollecitata attraverso lâuso del dispositivo proposto, ha avuto lâobiettivo di accompagnare gli insegnanti a riconsiderare criticamente il proprio lâagire, sollecitando lo sviluppo e il consolidamento della propria professionalitĂ . La ricerca ha consentito di promuovere negli insegnanti un habitus di riflessione sul proprio âfare scuolaâ e sulle proprie strategie valutative, sul modo in cui si gestisce la media-zione tra soggetti in apprendimento, contenuti disciplinari, metodologie, strategie e dispositivi adottati
Modellistiche co-epistemologiche per la formazione del docente universitario: il progetto Prodid Uniba
The academic professional development represents a strategic way to improve studentsâ learning outcomes and contribute to social progress. Universities are responsible to support teaching innovation and teaching qualification processes through Faculty Development actions. One of the key skills to be fostered in university training courses is teaching and syllabus design. It is the careful syllabus drafting that assures the alignment and internal consistency between objectives, learning outcomes and assessment strategies. The results of a comparative analysis between syllabi in the pedagogical area and subjectspecific area (N: 94) are presented, specifically from four degree courses of the University of Bari: two in the pedagogical area (L19, LM85); two in subjectspecific areas (LMG/01, L30). The comparative analysis was carried out to understand the degree of clarity, consistency and heterogeneity in the
University documents and to identify critical elements and areas for possible improvement. The analysis revealed some results useful to guide future improvement strategies both at research level as well as in staff development
initiatives: among all, the strategy of structuring, within the Teaching and Learning Centers, interdisciplinary teams composed of by teachers belonging to different epistemological perspectives who can cooperate in syllabus design
and in peer learning practices.Lo sviluppo professionale della docenza universitaria rappresenta una leva strategica per migliorare i risultati di apprendimento degli studenti e contribuire al progresso sociale. Le istituzioni universitarie hanno la responsabilitĂ di sostenere â attraverso azioni di Faculty Development â processi di innovazione didattica e di qualificazione della docenza. Una delle competenze chiave da implementare nei percorsi di formazione universitari è quella relativa alla progettazione dellâinsegnamento. Ă la stesura attenta del Syllabus che permette un lavoro di allineamento e di coerenza interna fra obiettivi formativi, risultati di apprendimento e strategie di valutazione. Si presentano i risultati di unâanalisi comparativa fra Syllabi di insegnamento di area pedagogica e disciplinare (N: 94), specificatamente di quattro corsi di laurea dellâUniversitĂ di Bari: due di area pedagogica (L19, LM85); due di aree disciplinari (LMG/01, L30). Lâanalisi comparativa dei Syllabi è stata condotta per comprendere il grado di chiarezza, coerenza e di eterogeneitĂ nella strutturazione documentale di Ateneo e individuare elementi di criticitĂ e aree di possibile miglioramento. Lâanalisi ha reso evidenti alcune risultanze capaci di orientare future prospettive di sviluppo sia a livello di indagine, che nellâambito della formazione della docenza universitaria: fra tutte, quella di strutturare, allâinterno dei Teaching and Learning Center, team interdisciplinari composti da docenti di prospettive epistemologiche differenti che possano cooperare alla redazione del Syllabus e nelle pratiche di peer learning
Faculty Development and Digital Scholarship: questioni di ricerca nellâistruzione superiore riprende ed estende il dibattito del Convegno ASDUNI Didattica, riconoscimento professionale e innovazione in UniversitĂ , svoltosi a Bari il 24 e 25 giugno 2020, con lâobiettivo di accogliere ricerche svolte specificatamente sul tema posto a oggetto del Convegno ovvero teorie, metodi e pratiche di qualificazione della didattica universitari
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