2,187 research outputs found

    Multiferroicity in V-doped PbTiO3_{3}

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    We report \emph{ab initio} predictions on the proper multiferroic (ferromagnetic, insulating and ferroelectric) character of PbTiO3_{3} doped with vanadium. V impurities coupled ferromagnetically carry a magnetization of 1 μB\mu_{\rm B} each. The coupling is expected to be strong, since the paramagnetic solution is higher by 150 meV/vanadium, and no stable antiferromagnetic solution was found. The electronic gap in the doped system is about 0.2-0.3 eV in GGA, hence the system is properly multiferroic. V doping increases the spontaneous polarization in PbTiO3_{3}, with an approximate percentual rate of 0.7 μ\muC/cm2^{2}.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Giant electroresistance and tunable magnetoelectricity in a multiferroic junction

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    First-principles density functional calculations show that the SrRuO3/PbTiO3/SrRuO3\textrm{SrRuO}_{3}/\textrm{PbTiO}_{3}/\textrm{SrRuO}_{3} multiferroic junction with asymmetric (RuO2_{2}/PbO and TiO2_{2}/SrO) interfaces has a large ferroelectric depolarizing field, whose switching changes the interface transmission probabilities for tunneling electrons, leading to electroresistance modulation over several orders of magnitude. The switching further affects the interface spin density, naturally driving magnetoresistance as well as modulated spin-dependent in-plane resistivity, which may be exploited in field-effect devices.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, 1 table; extended upon revie

    Low In solubility and band offsets in the small-xx β\beta-Ga2_2O3_3/(Ga1x_{1-x}Inx_x)2_2O3_3 system

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    Based on first-principles calculations, we show that the maximum reachable concentration xx in the (Ga1x_{1-x}Inx_x)2_2O3_3 alloy in the low-xx regime (i.e. In solubility in β\beta-Ga2_2O3_3) is around 10%. We then calculate the band alignment at the (100) interface between β\beta-Ga2_2O3_3 and (Ga1x_{1-x}Inx_x)2_2O3_3 at 12%, the nearest computationally treatable concentration. The alignment is strongly strain-dependent: it is of type-B staggered when the alloy is epitaxial on Ga2_2O3_3, and type-A straddling in a free-standing superlattice. Our results suggest a limited range of applicability of low-In-content GaInO alloys.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Stress, lutto e modificazione dei parametri immunitari

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    Gli autori in questo articolo riportano un’estesa panoramica in tema di stress, lutto e sistema immunitario. Oltre a citare importanti studi che dimostrano la correlazione tra di essi, vengono altresì esplorati campi pionieristici (ipnosi e cancro – la teoria di Hamer) di un certo interesse che prometterebbero sviluppi futuri. Peraltro, lo studio affronta le possibilità di monitoraggio delle modificazioni immunitarie in caso di danno biologico psichico indiretto permanente, risarcibile in caso di morte di un congiunto (Corte Costituzionale Sent. 24-27 Ott. 1994 n° 372). Les auteurs font référence à une vaste littérature sur le stress, le deuil et le système immunitaire. Ils mentionnent non seulement les études les plus importantes qui montrent une corrélation parmi ces aspects, mais explorent aussi d’intéressantes filières pionnières (hypnose et cancer – la théorie de Hamer) promettant des développements futurs. D’autre part, l’étude aborde la question du monitorage des modifications immunitaires dans le cas du dommage biologique psychique indirect permanent, indemnisé suite à la mort d’un conjoint (Cour Constitutionnelle, jugement du 24-27 Octobre 1994, n°372). The authors of this article refer a large survey about stress, mourning and immune system. Besides mentioning important studies proving a correlation among these elements they also refer about an interesting survey about some pioneering fields (hypnosis and cancer, Hamer's theory) which could be particularly important for future developments. Furthermore, this study faces the possibility of monitoring immune modification in case of indirect permanent psychic biological damage repayable in case of a relative 's death (Corte Costituzionale Sent.24-27 ott. 1994 n.372)

    Experimental tests of solar collectors prototypes systems

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    Solar thermal collectors represent one of the most widely used technologies for heat production from renewable energy sources. To increase efficiency and to not increase too much cost different type of solar collectors, and in particular of evacuated tube collectors have been realized. In order to compare performance, tests at different conditions and in different configurations have to be performed. The aim of this paper is to establish the performance of a new prototype via an experimental evaluation of the performance in different conditions and configurations of three collectors. The prototype is particular owing to his new head configuration that permits an innovative parallel configuration way. Therefore, parallel and series configurations have been analyzed applying the UNI-EN 12975, in a steady-state regime. The efficiencies of the two configurations have been tested for different flow rates and different inflow water temperatures. The experimental results show that, with the same input flow rate to the single collector, the parallel configuration has higher performance than the series one, reaching 15% higher level of efficiency. Thus, it seems that these prototypes in optimized configuration can lead to a systems improvement, thereby increasing the overall energy production or giving the same energy production with smaller collector area. © 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Delirio omicidiario condiviso nelle coppie di serial killer

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    Riassunto I serial killer che agiscono in coppia rappresentano un’eventualità statisticamente molto rara. Frequentemente fra i due membri della coppia si va strutturando progressivamente un delirio comune che porta i soggetti a reiterare insieme le azioni omicidiarie. Questo quadro clinico prevede che un soggetto definito dominante, denominato “Induttore” o “Caso primario”, influenzi un soggetto più debole, denominato “Indotto”, arrivando ad imporgli il suo sistema delirante. Il soggetto debole della coppia sovente non proviene da una sottocultura criminale, né è portatore di alcuna patologia psichiatrica che giustifichi la sua adesione alle azioni del soggetto dominante. La sindrome è stata descritta per la prima volta alla fine dell’800 da Lasègue e Falret e denominata “Folie à deux”; nel DSM IV-TR è nota come Disturbo Psicotico Condiviso. Le coppie di serial killer maggiormente rappresentate statisticamente sono quelle formate da due uomini, seguono le coppie miste e infine le coppie femminili. Il legame esistente tra i due membri può essere amicale, amoroso o di parentela. Nonostante il “Caso primario” risulti dominante all’interno della coppia, non bisogna trascurare l’apporto del soggetto debole al delirio omicidiario condiviso: infatti, secondo la logica peculiare di una relazione complementare patologica, entrambi gli agenti hanno un ruolo necessario e funzionale al perdurare della relazione stessa. Anche l’individuo apparentemente più passivo e sottomesso ha un ruolo attivo nella costituzione del delirio omicidiario condiviso. Les tueurs en série qui agissent en couple sont très rares d’un point de vue statistique. Le plus souvent, entre les deux membres du couple, un délire commun apparaît progressivement, conduisant ces sujets à réitérer ensemble les passages à l’acte homicidaire. Ce cadre clinique prévoit qu’un individu, défini comme dominant et nommé « Inducteur » ou « Cas primaire », influence un individu plus faible, nommé « Induit », en lui imposant son système délirant. Le plus souvent, le membre du couple le plus faible ne provient pas d’une sous-culture criminelle et ne souffre d’aucun trouble psychiatrique qui justifierait son adhésion aux actions de l’individu dominant. Le syndrome a été décrit pour la première fois par Lasègue et Falret à la fin du XIXème siècle et nommé « folie à deux » ; le DSM-IV TR parle de « trouble psychotique partagé ». Les couples de tueurs en série les plus représentés d’un point de vue statistique sont composées de deux hommes, puis par un homme et une femme et, enfin, par deux femmes. Le lien entre les deux membres de ces couples peut être de type amical, sentimental ou de parenté. Bien que le « Cas primaire » soit dominant dans le couple, il ne faut pas négliger la contribution de l’individu faible au délire homicidaire partagé : en effet, sur la base de la logique particulière d’une relation complémentaire pathologique, les deux acteurs jouent un rôle majeur et fonctionnel à la continuité de la relation. Même l’individu apparemment le plus passif et soumis joue un rôle actif dans la formation du délire homicidaire partagé. Serial killers acting in pair represent an event which is statistically very rare. A sort of common delirium gradually structured between the two members of the pair, brings them to reiterate their homicidal actions. This clinical situation provides that a person described as dominant and called “inducer” or “primary” or “principal” imposes on another person knows as “the secondary”, “acceptor” or “associate” who gets to share the delirium of the “inducer”. The secondary person does not often come from a criminal subculture and does not have any psychiatric pathology which can justify his/her compliance to the actions of the “inducer”. This syndrome described for the first time at the end of the 19th century by Lasègue and Falret was called “Folie à deux”. In the DSM-IV-TR is known as Shared Psychotic Disorder. These pairs of serial killers statistically more representative are those made up of two men, or a man and a woman or two women. Between the two members there may be a friendly, loving or relationship tie. Even if the “inducer” is dominant within the pair, the contribution given by the “acceptor” to the shared homicidal delirium must not be neglected. In fact, according to the peculiar logic of a relationship completely pathological , both members of the pair have a functional and necessary role in the persistence of the relationship itself. Also the person seemingly more passive and subjected has an active role in the structure of the shared homicidal delirium